el Tllf MICHIIGAN DAILY f HAVE THE IMICHIGAN DAILY. f W E WOULD H VE F1nee sscn-ls atri h n IV YOU TO KNOW. , o driW10 * :1 : tt7aily Monda exceteg}lorinth IThat we are doing business at Matnaging Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. BusinesManager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. OUR NEW STORE f EDITOR(S1 311 South State Street * Athlics----------------Ct.yo L. 1)0w " ~ ~ ~ ~ *News------------ AKtorn (. 0OUND * Is-hango:.............TJosephY. Ker f j* Wome ..............Ida M. iBrownrigg SEIlTOIAL STAFF: That our New Woolens for A. NI. lrvr !arry 10. Andrewm the coming fall trade are 1. Waite Jayne flow ready.I ASSOCIATES 1Roy Peebles 2. Earle Ogle. Allf. Otmeyer Sidney It.Miller That we make superb gar- Hugh Alien Will 0. Sanford ususfrChas.1W.Ambrose Louis Stichney metsfo gntemn. Ches. E. Winstead Jerome Wleadockh f ~ItUiNE S S STAFF :f That we appreciate your trade J. E, Peoer A. 10. !tous and espetfuly soicita lRTES: V.51 peroyear, or $2.00 if paid in, f continuance of the same. advance. SOffice Hours 12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 T G. H. WILD CO. . AdaiuslyA. ATllP5NB~O rAILORS * Olanoger, 331 Packard St., Telephone 461. a 3i1 South State Street. NOTE-Those of our fiends wtho hav c. n ot bhoc our:pa:tsw oud0r + dimly inito'c:omelNOW.- N 9****9*9o S'NIAVY. J\l\ RN'If 1t0115. '-III' "ut and d":1.1his hs. .ihia i Nl' tife asNis I n th in M l'11 t 1)e r m o1 he1 )I O jI ol d1 Dairies and Calendars For 1905 The "Excelsior" Diary 25c up. Art Calendar o1 Events The beginning of the New Year finds tils U. of M. SO0' venir more poptlar than ever The only frst class U. of 1' soulventir cale2dar obtaiuable A few hudred copies, Nvlbile they last 50c Each ! ha 1 it-i :11' sItled.', 111 the 111.. II I II11,11 (I EaIl1. 11111.1 111.11C( ce.'Therecent ,11 h l: w t1 1 1t t>11 : 1111trt1111 ill I I I 01; 11 i "' 1111o 11111 at : t f * '0 ,0 POPULAR $1.50 XMAS FICTION $1.08 Thec Masllueradlor. The Prodigal So111. The Sea W\olf. Bleverly (of Graumstark. The Villa Claudia. Sir Mortimoer. The Mermoirs of a Biaby. Christias Fivc ozl I ,1111000Ie. Black Friday. The Filrgree Rall. Jewel's Sto:ry 1Book. A Ladler of Swol:. Lady Rose's lDattglooor. T1n 'The hishop's C(arriag;e. SHEEHAN & CO Vrlersity Booksellers 3120 S. State 3t. Michigan Pins Michigan Fobs Michigan Calendars Win. Arnold, College jeweler Editor Today-J. EARL OGLE, .JR. CALENDAR. .f:'2-;3 S ries of :addlresses Iby Prof:. eorgeiFoote \Mooroe,(If lar-1 I'll .Jrt.t, :30 . 11.121 . 1V1Akinon, 11M1ilan1Hll, :,h 11t t11 1The Ch it: (1n 1 IYgetar. 1 : 11101, t 111Il 11 t ~t1111 h us ae h spo t 'f ithe studen 111 d1' ,11if1 Milt:ittlul is1to1111ak0 <1 creclita1111 sor ing11:1 I 1111e ' atiolt;-: Este :00track inect 0110 111111 10 11111 ro tan log::1 sow hat1 he W ina 1101t Cork sbu uthlllaigacre 10t~fsulime. '11:11111:0 I . 111 Wi11 tc1in ci mir'' 50 igo:': 1': a 11111 f::: I C IW a hi r' s BookstoreS STLUDENT'S READQUARTERS 103-105 St. Malt 51. 306 S. StateSt' SPA[DI N6'S Sweaters This week ++4+4. ,.. i Nill he relti 11111 for111111 t 11 s ne rs t necess:oart h'1o 1I::fernsItinalitesools 14. aco r. 'Ch ti K th: e 1 )ill11 kin1d' of Kind Words a will not soothe an irritate a~ but it is quickly soothed b the lather of WILLIAMS'Mc HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY _ BESONGn DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE TheStdns Lecture Associationg 0 F L 2 . S u e '1904 - jtf iret !eaoon - 1905 Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting Golden Rio, per lb. - - lSc SMariacaba, per lb. - -18 -Pedang Java, per lb - - 28c Arabian Mocha, per lb. - 2$C Dean & Co.'s BllendI,11cr lb.. 20c RusseiliN. Conwell Henry Van Dyke CO f ( Henry Watterson Leland T. Powers 214 South Main St. 'JEA ' d John T. McCutcheon Champ Clark m i-ou'.o,- .'.. . . ',;oor~t i eFn m" ^Jfi-ir' ir ..ow"' SOU SA'S BAND Hamilton W. Mabie _____________ (Joy. LaFoliette Oratorical Contest ~I~*~Io 't~ '*I*+ .Edward Bok Open Number B........ 1ilia rds a Getltlemaii's Gamy, is always an en~joyab~le pastitme SEASONATICK(ETS $1.00 wespae SING LE ADMISSION SOc at the Varsity Billiard Room whicha has the finest equlipmnent inl the city. 313 S. STATE . PHoONE 951 ISOO@O@OO@OOOO~@O@e@e@OO@@@@@@@@4 +4o4+0ohi.+toil ++++++44o..Hiot Art Store EW STORE Nave, your Pictures frained at De friesArSt e Corner Main and Liberty j .