The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SAPU'CRDAVI JANUARY 14, 1905. No. 7 4 'RAKE GETS HESTOiN. richia 'r ga' ireat Hialf has Signed to AT Italch lDrake -Will Meet Mich- HE!A fgan Next Year. B 11n111 clc~ htCp.4 1 11 x1 fti, %:, n td la t 1 -11s tl il 11111 r i ile li'.it{ l ' l l l l 1 1 07 ' a U S f N U - a list ii 1111 liill 1 4 It f11; wI1 tesralii LIBRARY -IMPR( h liiil i tha li 1, 11<1ra li f1b 11 De oraed wittllcne I )llc iln li ia l strn tues rew Caalg dill rcidi iild ~ Isiis li , l11 ld1111Ld iiii iii ' 11 ii il l lit of tlc d i tli 111,1 i 1111lllsrlAadw< ~c11,1 t{iC iir iJdd h e cedivesii iiforiidiiidii 1. cty i f,(t~l Iii i iliii ii iindh llralcli id I d. ill ld11t.i ii dwilive h :11eR fren e C seriGe e a l11 ic h ed i illirmts ,)f t e iii dill ldii ' ill ld lldijiiii i ii i iii ii lepat w) eaid )\lI iilllrUiin i I i i v r iy B lidf.liiiiil lull iiiddiiilddiayer earl dii 1liiid l ldi 1101 I:titeam i1ypll I i i il Ii lr icd1' aainIa ald 1sirt~' ilh ed01FryIfedt 1tc iihll dl di d aebi e lif t scar iii tiii\IIbe le ryd l dll t al 151 11 1 thdill idea dngill 1Drld il illdid hel 1'11i ii 11111i 11111 iiihiiesdltodioll I I'o la l' be il I \101 ii Iiii siiii hei libradll1r 11y i li():10'11 f le d a 1x111 1)aI hddci ntg f dilti abd ence i fl tel tu endlld11 111;:111 t 111 1 de ill il, d iieil utdd tii 1 11,111 fordiddid d ti r flidote d ic~lig iiI ibel~l~dfowad o \ 1 1t1111 ~t P ill -dore. dAl isd md nyiiindsl extnddlidi I liii Ie ib ar Ifalon 1.l ilIl t0lldd' u:X -ddid as s l ve b n f ill d w ih sti ctii l dirfer- :n1, iii dli ld; ldlrdo('}' li-dd 11 iili r .dn; fo cou sesi ll di lii did d it ail II iddildiddiiild ii dlid dli lid ul i.dii1 I1l1e -dpartmentdill i ng11 Spec-111 11 Xii M4dlle dIall liidI.ididpart I if il)dgd\"t;- i d ida i ili lilso ibe Iaccordd space dI It iliiid i dliiil ii lid in dto c. i ll,' th -a d ii i gi e a o ks a il e o 1111 i 1111 di11 4 e cr iite c)_ teod rt n dek w t1 b ,111cases. 111,)1 104) ,.^t11 1 < lii didlid idl t)sc b)l a ee n irl dno'd n he l-fll )VEMENTS. Reading Room=Walls t Professors' Pic- uue Labels for ,ooks. dil fo llm il: the liited Brr. Hensu- iloeio f irpedggi 888-190. 1w left if Irresd.llTappan a lreProf. rd(Iehaof lthellmlatiremat- lip;I dii Ii (188) pintlded iy an n rf erry F. Cocker, ocuidille chir of mlentlal and 1 h loshydromdi186o toii1883 ,capdisdcceedeidlid thdelidleProf. Geo. 111111, ddhoseldiportrait shlold cer- Kann amondd~dg diddle of notable dIr f te fc ly. el 51 dt llcill of tile wral lpce ,.en111) do 111embiers of tile modern dr 1111departmentd; aditile center lid portrait if IisFasquellli, pro- r o m hul riilanigualges (1846-62) diii d diorradit of twio later iheadts I, 11%1111111deparitmenti, tEdwalrd L. dl,,fteklill 11a11 George '1, of ( 11a1 dlpartmledl. 11011 dil)11 1e m1 I li ii deths, tiwe full i li~h orit oi f iDr. JAlbiert 11111 ii ii d dilo of tide chemlical atoy.,proessr f orgnicfc CiICm- dclea oi f 1the ichiool of phar- 'hlontecrrespondldinlg wait 111111 1 dowerisrdltide seatedfuill hliiigIu iiofiGdorge Paimer Wiil- 111111 orof mathliemlaicsfrom 1+1 1,86i, and of ldhysicsi to1875. 111111tt pro 11 fessdodr liotide timteof 11111; Ole demdienI facesiwihicih ap- Chre ( i il eginleer; du- Filio, Abiii lraham1111Lfncoln, tDan- dliter Rufusiidi Choatlde, Ciiais. Dick- Oaiiiii Hulle, Thos- Jefferion, Beni- I iddidllildii'Jas. iladison, John XXs, ii li lli iiarriion, Pres- rlull MXlanidii f Blrdiwn Ui- iii8(2-16,)adProif Henry ii ld lt 11111 itinds in il t here ,dle of11 carbon dii idhodtos, Idnetof ,11 1( w. o olmbia,formeriy C mielm 'le Three.) TRACK WORK BEGINS. Training for the Indoor Fleets Opens t this Afternoon-New Men Es pecially Urged to be Present. fddlfdd, pief, ldiacci ad Laeid1 r are itrfcly ipriblited"i. i lii s dhe order whidchdIwil goit fii c dabuy 1111e1 iller eighity Xifciganddtrldk ahi- iles williigo fiiin raininig f1r lidh iilidi ieaiuii4 idiridillI ldlddlidid ddid itil mdlastliThudirsidr rveiinii,'.whleldhe fr Ihe dopdninfdg tlk b i- lrector Keeie Fiziarick adiitiifslaftdrnoon dlworkil dilii iegininiiernet Tile large cr11wd1wh11ch1 turnedidlii Thulrsidy gives ipromislfid enftdlhuiati 1c1111iionfllfir lesodndiih1e11eand I is strongyredieo-lthatdevery maind 1111 expdects Ill enter track atiletfcs tifs ear. lie ipreentiditidhe gyiiiiasfuiiithiafter- noonlilsomtetimelibeteen ieee aiiilsix olodck, to recefve fludiamtental iiitric- ion aoiigtheeciidlfldinhe ie iopeii to folow. The 011d mcnin i charge of the darfis specfal edints wil allle tre- eu nd aiw ill1 take thiier squladitroug ight doieinfg work Te hifgii jumperi and pleicvalter will prblydlhoiliod the floord earyin th ie afternootn, giig lace 'to the sprinters later in the iay. ihe diistance men will probably take aii easiy journey over their corse it pre- ptarationi for harder wdork later. After today, work in aii departetsoif itdor atilticfs will heeield reglary and t i ihoped that the tmeitwilltrnl 1111 prompitly every afternoon. Thc gymnasintm waii a buy place yeiterdiay afternoon. Tiic len seeneut toi are caught the spirit from Thursday ight's meeting and athotghitil reg- tlar work waii icedled te iig floor wasi crowded witi entisiastic atiietes. The high junipers, poe vaters, and isrfinters al took a tan at tieir respect- ive stntis and seerai of te weight nirit triedionie preifninary mioeenetts with the shot. After the fiir o'clock gytncaii, Di- rector Fitzpatrick caled te Fredhmen around im and gare tiem n extenp- oraneouitilecture. He mnitioned tti Carraw cups awaderiditolinfiiers of iie fnter-caiii reiay raeeiandiaiised titu fit-year nmen lidgel 10 wirk at once. A few wise Iddf'irisrere thrw tiit aiiouttkeepng ockeri ani gnmlufts clean, and tie clasdwasi dismuifsied wti tite orlier foe all ahleic asdirfatis 1o appear today. NAME TO) liECHANGED. The Facutlty Cunmittte on Non-Ath- le organizationsi requested the man- agemtent of te tew Good Govern- mient ciiib 1o change te ame f tihat organizationlihe objection~ of tite comnm~ittee to the new ciiub are baled dili the tie of the name only. Wheni interv-iewed last eveiing, Pro- fesior Aien S. XWhtey said:l "We hare made thisii request merely because we think that a btter namte could e seiected. Last year the odtGod Go- ermiment clb closedtp teir ooks be- cause they thought tiat Ihe organization couildi not exist after the Senate had prohiibited thtetit frodni hoding a lecture cotirs, the reasoni for which are welt konssn They aiiverised fodr candidates for offces hut nod appicatons were re- ceivedi so they decfded to adjourn ine die and trn over al booksnmoneys and papers to the Faculty committee. Uponl recotumendafon of the conmittee hie Sente voted to abolish the organ- ization. For this reason we think that a new name is to be preferred" Te management of the new organ- izaionde whetn seen said : In our or- ganization we considered the name an unimportant part, and we were sur- prised that tlhe faculty should object to a niere technicality, The intents and purposes of ottr new club are entirely different from the general conceptions ' (Continued on page four.) Qiiiiii~ d l -Ii dii dilstr ut i i dn is ei u ii ill Xcii i st udentsli wi1lldavail t diddi,11 11 diid ild I-eui il Xsfur as is nidd tis i heirsdet I fi I rlade ,I ouirec l ilal t oihigani e pfsterin the1U1iesi ydd1idlidl or ridir dln~ii litored, as t1111advrtisinig i, ii sddiiii footiu ll is to he. i nt~iro- 1 }ed tli uhforii inth de lndarfudiure. IC legmei especdiallyd fuiiireduy li e 11111 Coaches111111declare- 1h1a11itisd letuhided fil eelopiig iireatinig t11r ,111uii endiiuranldc it is hiopeih id a o raiicg to imeI w i to su sttue lein oi I ill1'o hid-rt lhangsd the.i prrah c ite tI l I. 1 i 11111i 1111prdsiii idde t dtl i! I iii g).W I£ Che Michigan Daily Delivseed to y outradcdress for baloice of college year 290l4- for If paid im advancee. AddessCilaode A. Thlompison, Mi 1, 31 Paukard St. Phone 4611. r r M h