The Michiga _a
The 'teeutive cmiathtee tor a -i ain liheat few yaraseveral of
I lI~rsct yOf Michigan Unitont com- I Manager Baird Arranges For Cheap theicsbjects ithle ILaw Departmenet
plaints to te Daly (liat the cartds Annual Reception to the Women Ecrint oubs pca tttttt irtrytetdi c
Ilacedl lby tiscommtrtitteetre being Bgn Fia.Train For Michigan Rooters- Itite', itrt e 1('inodte itotxt- ibok
stle y tart ait misgttideid sttdents Arrangements for . . U. cotttre.Tisi.vetsscheullte sw
todeor ir rootttsit. 'T e nimit- (OnitFridaty tf this ceek sill iegi a e Pretd cto''stl laiis t i'lrI
t htts preparetd antI tistribtttedth le series of receptitons givettaittntal- (creuut lsIhchwsale
abotttttotie thousaintlcirculars. it is ly it Barbotr gnmnasiunt by DeanitDirectr Bairi was in Toledolo Mtntrcs ettis It tyear, is ittotgiven tttt
cr- gatifyiing that all tese have Jordlan. Next Fritday'afternoton Dean fay afterntoio itt onutnlta ttstiitl r ltebais t.ot t tex-ittttk attticase-
beei t tiletbits tdetts as it shtows'Jordlantwill aestall te girls tof te V. HIODavid,tGradutatte Ditetrof1iwmk.I tescoitnd yer a text-fool
the interest thitic Imov-mnt htas 4irst-year class n ta vers- itfrtittl E t ic t t a IniO.S 1'. 'ITey w rstir and sit case-r:itt iare subttituttet it
tioseid. Howc ee, t ts' vmitititee ir- jway, int Ilteargs' Siti egu, ggein' dtt istussittg titilpreplarinequtytjuisrluenetfetcutres antt
qtustscthtstits eatsy be I ts'iitreitotieid roonscof list gym. Onithils'follttw ig'I ats frttt' e Ib'igt Itoat tittligtitte lto es tie cs-o ktttw sotk. Tismakues all
fttt'atfewsd'sitt a t liact,-Fritday a recept iotis sill Its'givnttO l ayeidit 't SCilttttbttt'. Ohiot, tttiOtttter h iuI IIlt i' ii es tic a'
coititm ut'tt-stlug. otnthe tweny-eighthl t' sititor gir v l it D v itepo s great l in t'est i -rill given titti etu cure
NOnexI'A i[ t't Fri-tday-atterittottiit i tmailtpost Coslubus iiii ari a eisi s i1 qity s rlithefrtttscn
Reserves Keeping Under Cover-Mis' siblelotevery list inl sudt cia t teortisgmeTer i sitrec
up Promised for Today Si Ne l-iit-rsi i It tilt IIattd litotte Itit t ens' inthli'cottv lttest throghotthe iv________________
Men Taken to Tritning Table. sittisactitiinted i athltheliswomanstat itti ofOiti nda a it . 1rtidSits s ANNUIAL ~A DDR[SS.
____dean. Here as at ni tetpltai ce hlisurd
A large Inumbtleri'fith le faithiftul as- ess gils Ih'itt'at opt unittityti5 f, Mr.litItaidiitis arratitiedl Ior it utx President James B. Angell Addresses
huntigering for sit-iveycrimt- matteirs ciiclass'plicytt sill b lked rh~tig Va ltyiRiroais fromtAnit Arbor Sudn odUn day Attertaoc.
in ,hot tgait i's -'tv' re forcuedto ovser, andilsm it leisoriganzation Siuand ti ttutittosidtu rnlltitadilhas 50inUseeiy al
lie saute Od sor - reserves cl-itt.,twill lte instiltd.rou ditip.t A seltri iait t w i l ass' grlsen r u d y tru nv~
Thirit-thtree ittit1 stwre ott, aiti wshen Thegtrisofititheuoldertic lasss wili tnn itboI tti 7:40ia.iti. Saturdi as, ai - 'itn ttts i.Asii l vri
- wnyooo teV riy hnh hare ani toppoirtuty sat this' recspiioniI rti'''it 5 tlititilisi3atnit elhodet'tverti
lie ritsuttgIa-tisColiebuaisatittii:I0. Re surn titi iti l ailsressto ii Itt, 51 Itti
wteres stltrst'er stas iot a cttn- of mtietig uofd classmteis antd o intg t s taiu ll i tlia-ic i (ilittii tiit ody. t1it si' A gllw s -go
pliteeloam tleft, ow vetheirie still naoittifind. Atte'',oi . l. n rrv-liniAbr rv ice n s tt ih i tuor s homeitto i
le tdinigs thils af-trnouit as C'oaeh ing piasi wsill bei'discued oft chessii I :iv l .ti t . adecewtIalhswelkow .i
Yst syth t t liwsill hatitssimes rtsuntiton amongg le girls s niltit ii 'hec'baniiiwill hei'takalteg nd ahIi si es un ttit it eif arli , t f a ci eeri
tf a scrinmmlage elin if ticshas to scid il5ile tnamiedto ilooii atr fts' littl ag rod xetic'dto ntthis svtsis. hstlutI
this Vaesoiity mnt 1 ehi Oihisi.IHuis intertaisimts andtplays.5 li ye hi Ibu xr tgetiuuneupni
eevI, tilepraciclolt ses stonsielsetihii clii uf..os1, ansi to pois i tis Ivandi -litarc-toespc-i-alc- siceti s is le
of ifs raise wshen theltwfc-lteamnhtowsoniniyofr tic:iasii tll games.'5 MEDICS HANDICAP. frtiitv e r iiotirusari-rsr . 'The
eachtth iher's signals. D to ft hisfctithat this'ecri-u sin a -ri- -arisstness '.a (sit his oft'-ir-r his emi-
'Iheri-wsunIothiing tnutsual ahoatiOftnicImleo ht, andthalit manytitf01mrovement in Old Medical Building pihaicltisryits geiher iththis
yetrays -rat xepfits lengh hestientshiavesnotiIrgular ced-sits. imperative-Regents Must Deal 1sroaitnicosits I ilet'srIendofii
''hie.itauhiki'piithie'ituert at cc oilasinsvitastis to tlirethionutofithis With a Perplexing Situation, alitr55ss, ipiodusd a imtrtked seelig
long s they uiouldl see, w iinginii wrong class ins- be'ilstif tol sie.itfi I rtus .amo he tens-ilstudienits
the afternooun's uerforancesyui inand tuscine gibls'y ntofrecsivessnin-to Althouugh i 5t iiiits nnuciiiastfor lithe igtuualtohs bers esitu ii'ialitl
ftse me lu ptitfacitug echelothiti t w olii itaftion. If suiehiis thle cais ith yi ii' itat tis' rgnts atviseds oilc hs iaiui.c
iigirtlt yii ai a 111Dean Jordian i sihe t t-te s-ex nsivss iii rite nutsin thei o tis-edngsirtiniii gns -lii
this- char u~ge-echli thin. deusrtoud that echub tus'es t t'ititnii. ,lic l u ititfu Isildn" t-i s bti-- em ii-oeitng pat1f I'retsden'tt An-
The potuor oldiitaceksing shinny has ssleheir isgisered as 'special"''r ineiittuhas a.tyappoitu iatisotnat c sbeenci Ii
hit reducis i to iia wreisks by the ill 'riegulris 5invited lt by' preseith at mael'foithis puroe easstuu eiu II'situ iI11r11
Ire-ctment tfluwhicuhtIts'hiss beet stus- Ikereceptin ouf er ownticlass. I'mese-nt conti os caued lit'alter '''iil u :.tint- isput ainiouuthisi'Ulii-
jbuttdvii he sawuisfu sst as iuoeid ot __ ...__ ....____ .....____ationutu intthis c titlst', 11j1u s ' trequiIe v sit is mnot nly hadsv lt c-strs.
ftroughi aini~g stliouds tintili he ii l th Usite cu angeshim fitss cular la oahuih 13hioucii ondiiucssuSt u 1'cc s -tu il tll
a shadow'of ic fomer sell, and llast IUSICAL..C[LUBS. suit course in hiltma co'tt'lo ciilsiae ufithi ionitin reg 'ard t
night lie V i tyl m ten christeusedl hutsdoub lihe utubeir iof isis initIha ihi 'uati I hiss mptulicit cid tiec
''Io F'oss," itt hotnor of the midget . Elect Arthur E. Kusterer President deprtmet.u o exra rom ot, usil intht'utaucuuiihhht
S. I iU. inat usrissuh. for Ensuing Yea-Vacation Trip isiiusive tbeniprfi) dtutheli'stden tt bs' nhe tmjrity ofiihliga' it vI mudt.
It is lita-s Cosachi Nost'o citoit to Panned-Nem Material. Iei Iicomplilefit iulvie'ttuoldi'to \\'thabutts eiablesti ordiilhislig
pomteohv hut t asiinsgtables'the' mii-'a ____lgitual ilos5wo1Is sitti hutseIcustisnsil
tilt'.i5151 lult'fluethierrysttiiiit ii
it stow -i'wll in ine fisthu eTe ht I '.i1 lii Ii hh-i t t115515 ii ubsihu at Ii' lssa ii'th o i'c iho 'liufirguti ruts scu-Ill r
andshStudayethus'followsinmg were ten lothiiiohnsIlst110"5'tu -I)it utto t is yea -aoratry i''.i ies t is-S tot hut'fori'gthielhuhhatt
alp5110 its shlrkutry lana Ku lst itl th ti\rtur 7.huh IIlph sioogtuha ben o tio al
lii Rtiusuuli. 'usis Ilstmc Ian IIis I r r e''li'' s-ill ioof tis tut u it si lis it' i 1 :iihitnsy o ums ht thertI Ilstil ution ot l tui -i sgu
mouu, Suitulte, .snitth, andilStuarsi.1 1ftut thi s' -uing'c-str. LosuisucQuarlesi0 hatir itoilt tiryI itsnominattitosnami ttullsetill
'h' h asit ui sei'ssoiols' ltslt' o hn I htc-tciu-u'-ih-u hl i u hl i hhsl ut tt~t 111' i
utost situ IMichiit'ms st-hisultill ae flitss aiatte tub-fiIlls'o tn-tu.suit's-y sni t e epo l-bty
Ysar, lust this is unufair- hutsitty I uiui t i-s-lbt thuh uts byihirliii Svesmithitullstunde d h fteesifroim thomus're saint forite irlst
ductthe fortunes f this clubs hi
kart. In flu- firs tlacusii s dithuuit c ths a lt siuti1i3itrht ti melulsillthirt'ifus-.I,itturgtugshea
o araioans but thei f-acilit is' int tuatu ihislutI s e-iht1l- atl tuuhu f tu
hu 1i at' '.sv with t h ei lltititt Ii 5 it 1 t i-tutrr h.n w peie t, '. usi s a an t ' tl vtuf utuhvu . t ittpt hut ism isi limsta rdo i
lions.0 IliitnoistInuianhat Alin, Di loiii laurdittort'ker1'auth 11p1opuar itithe is llealitysthatuhas'tgoverinedhusehmeitegen
Notr I Darns- tutudue-all o1fswhouum I 'l . hs u mu'uus-I s t ish un s odth 1tild gebuts ah Isaluuuust-uhtIsusuai
huv e ien-utout ihuigan' 5shs uhe t M( ~~ teule inImfit'tolalth--h he1111 i f t a 111,shirhiit tuOf isti'ter hlnti iwthih itt ii
Inst iardeliedteisse hiuut T et raerit. f, as-.-aleltorshutst ar 'Nit''to tmtattonli.
hitn hesle, nfpesnp arau prolspecthits dubebivgHuay ' iewssafrutelcfI plsit -I v-l uhtsstifnslsut r thusihret iielviefs andsfhabts in u
haig nolietractionl fore h eam.isfii. u uh n ces 5 titlsI i u is lu itdubiousi. Thits builingisosf grest un s uents.,o ic --~n d i
tat in- utut altrasire itsictal ogan~ia tits. 11111wall hsstosit-ual ilptasut -stngas it ushil-hss'usto'd -sfhK
heitdet , as oa'.h Yots poiitis lt ustaenslit-u thiintg its huliihtys, a-suu- finu-m t acs.oord-itsu- Ch iivanthomesut u gh tt nt tto ibe lolst
Nti Il at Ii'. li hit- ~ th ils ii ng to preusnt prspctsv-ua d thii-e l i sruusnst
a l' uaidei tit i 155 tt ~ ~ . sisagn it isIthe siust. amouius srusture u l ti 'ttiiei it' ii
anyiteaerun iret sih ei, i tshus t Ihitps-tt mNtiu ic uIacniu s aist. fu ot i itstus tt ii 'h1htttt n il 15ho1e151 U'. . edsinetuht esilt
hrgaearbeoeteATe Muhnwmtraisepceoramtomg aluomi iss-strhghs-oppoteditosi iu hssstI t
tat ~ ~h ii atu e'fisns hs i i rI lu hts this eat- andi a successfusi smcl hsue ls iil i n it i tm hto bi tnt r'g Is I i mli'ed1
'tles; isconiisitu Chicagoand o ls utn-s e iasun Icois nure . tarihangeusathttuue wilbsnacitsII -o i ninth- a avestyo -leg:i
lust ablmy 5 ohehsat 'almotiianuctliii'main buildimng lre tsuu'_s ou pui e rso it at at perli o id o sit11lits,
ithueiii s ccwil)t hut- aut-iettuio 1 of IsitC ROSS COUNTRY. es-ht ibuthetieIscure dpis 'uitt alith whenmihisIfutre ifs-tnmyvi'.saitantg
it' fouttandsuit igtfrom111 a ut-s'. i C oss Country Cltb salue i t as ulllt hilt-u'years-u-o.T here T iit tse --hi enIi t hoseotqut-litus'aeben
lugst' S lls-agatttt lniiihs ht t11 at rn u tis seasoni t--eruay f-is otbtful w-iheh r tlie hiaths amte, usii I isI sal scunutuu ht
a.tietli I 1 w sill tatrdcl e slt east-y uttumioo , u lte' the leaidershiputof Cal- srotg s-ntuu ghtto csaurail snyitemrsnal d gre O s sefulnescsills'h It sit huh
nia I livisyaraui Sour. Titu mten cere takeniover chatnge' inthlestructureiAs't istShit
l'imit till habut.itotne reIalic harsh a mitleur unsueat am easyjug. Neter bidiglan hitsdifiultyubItsaapted
gametiwtil - rvrda und ablistavewasthe uchliit nore thrivlig ouuui- toi pracicualwors antIfu theindcldae-t ELECTION SATURDAY
int taou and it it s io exau"'u'm astn to(List. A uthudrtedhandthfour nen lft lartmntitstill be cr iu sy h-nsi- iOn Sturdaysli t obetter ', mu I itsr
sac Iliac stt-hiigassch eulei'this ti-m'rtue gyt, at 5:101,hntdtauong thesis fish unilconituions tite'1), mt, l sityuntil, h till' t ic iuAssoitlion
Citmtittttts fuuvorabluy ailh hat itfSat' aere a gootulyc'lbt of freshmen. Alt will-holduar-u'tuug fr lh urlist'o
Ic-an m ths- h~trt- heottsat- a--reo~sui slngsare U. OF M. AT WORLD'S FAIR. elei-ngtua studentut huatgeruof thit
luoohking vetrcytprophitiouus.'Sith ouch a Alt deptm uenu ctsuf this'IUnivesoity' I si itt andi ttacstIetutmt. Accordt-
MNO 06I NA UGU RATE NEW stuntt husehuibscatnminot hletibitthare cwere cseli repelusoenteduhatthis':St. tatis lunnteouiullu'cosutit uton if this-uuassc-
CUSTOM. a success'fuil 'ear. Cattin Shone olsFithss me.Wlng ti btwomncnrnfrah
Followsimuttie cuto-htsinaugurat euburges all test' nen t h eoust11and i thue ''Minitug(buttshi''oilsesuoul'.see otite''hts-nt--tnt- ts'erefotrefotur cahi-
lireeceaso'u, tfluenftfshutsjuiosr r' the uenls st-ilett-heyare s-soy. alites-at-c ohtu-mit sakn nfon i si h is-hud 'Ts-c'areut-u-
cussuitve returns-ilthithue iistanit Fior thtetextscueek ur stihith umbs o itshe tecN'illtage, slash initheiiui- KIs I Ittit'sit Psulickeytthf- r lutst'-
that's of their bscsoyoo hutnrut'ivitugts' ailithu'bluhhshor an I-y. steials at u fa i'tnst r OtIas ufuust--anlauut5 ut ts
anicientianit honorabsiles'port11'sitots tendiont sill bte giveth s sIhe uig thins'ghuthIt' flimeryca-tdshgaulle IMarshualliM.1I'1]hfttutuctk smanuauger.
pinin. tondayucwato ihiatusbeenuub ftstill earts, ths'ecgym. dily a uftg i i-0'-itmshstoot I' -i-it -candliate'u-.hts is-ensolt
Otuihiningaw xlutahaininug is stimulicsitur the sri'-ss-u uuumuu-u'r uuu'futr utm;- sndhthe
the shate'fort-hue sptting of this ash- 5:ti) utit further tutits. As S. uisiB.uuu lh htsfu i~ sis' uu uus s1t ssi sal
iet IC1110sts'e, hut owaing tsomedbi- ILaubs'106, fish lut re trutoiscuollege mtitof Ireof fi. Ev1111en it flil-,u promAll to11 e ecepthur ionally
Cushy itnssrcuritng the toys tuanty of Ithubscear his upositiout a'.sseretarysfhdist' itttmp foehp-coe l woaeitretdi h
thes lusty genuutleumen'uharenetIth h'es lbschub lt ctthe fittest bycR.Nagelvotot pntuilho "shot ts' chuteus" in biat cur-flame ofsit ttht.'auuatltits shosuul
bjoihuedhe ebotuhuss'ieholods. Sonme until a mueting ean hutscaledtlctufIi No5I i. 12 hissrutsdestit a '06lit. Sitepbus'reusent..Itius uesecially usohis
propeirmtethuoudsofhroucedhure. Huw- tastes to IPresiudentHutes, apai rita-tclitforts hint ahlythuy shuotuld htitseartshusitshare tub the respIonsi-
(Cotntinuoetnt pag'a two) Stone, or A. Nagelvoot. (Continued on page two) bitlity.