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January 12, 1905 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1905-01-12

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The Michigan Daily
No.; 72
Capain Rebstock Issues Call for all
Track len to (jive Up Pie and
Don Their Shoes fleet=
ig Tonight.
Cd' t it . veh tlk te trc
httl 1 h c11 Iti tl M c ian s l
st til tplacet ti,,Itwhnane
Illi ° t ll c i a t c' fi r t r a ci:' h ain p e e n
111 I ll till i ll?? . espec ll til
11} 11 111 iiil
on 11l till Il e hn ve lgi
It n l t! e i inn r h e (it
l h iqintrnil i aI l ft i n ll
let i t t
lii p te t i c'-t e pr)p c
ti " in I imtll g t ee a
t1ra1 ete1 h nc ir a sn p i
t 11tte en liii att th t IV
1 } "' 1 llt t n a fei - a lg
"'1 en11 -h t1 nike . 1tain
11 iii tl thti( tgcti t%
ii 1111 h1iti tOult ih to M n
Noted Editor and W~riter Addressed
Large Audience in Spite of the
Weather-Something of
Hlis Own Career.
11111 II, i ( o m "11o'
11r. 1o)l:
j >c'ric'llc' ' :Is
j),>rtc'r, he ti
iclc't1t E tttll+
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Flv '21111",'
In Ircl. I
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trs I iap 1111 n ad1 o tl lt- h nd itt I
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o 1111 1\, rs o te itecas c~ ttfl
tlNi tit o ~
ithel otn t i -a o )I c o l
Pete1 ifteeae oepoIIne t 1lnt 1
tike I ~ 1.11111 Ni NI k Nit.!
etc einver Nii il4)tatt~ k o
t1 Ittttk i ms f iot tn, or i I l 11
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11111 1 ttinkitta it o iene thae ti~.I'~ h - fthet iffr111111s1114tertt
Si l i imethe11111 I ill Iuct11 ad1 dae111ac1111f fi1
ti1e 11 111111and iliabtlte 1. 4 l it 1r <
l(t tlile-tt. ne Itt i atpi I I t't (tI ; h s s r e
1)(111P~t- it )l tt ittind Ga lt I l3i lt r. ls ll h
,lit angtct il Ne Yor
leto tl" v t -t er wee itt
1) till I it iii l so tit. It e t(
therpapes y 1111111 i wti
lit l and toldtt hilt f is
i l ill n t rt edtt ulu ()
Ii-ic tirer
.it i tl, 1Ok is licit tt~t idtitI
)iis an ilthe I~ ai on
Ill this position Il ei ves
laa "p it i any eiit't i n
In li tilt Jut d nalyanilt
I re dn' i t r tt I v)m ' it ti lt
'i s OftIl ,l ;it II lt r t r
n()t g t do) rim, t i ttllc
Ia ali it d E elt~l l
IIowa Repreentative in Hamilton Walter Camp Puts H'estoii and Eck
Cluh Contest a Plagarist-Au= ersall on First Eleven-Longman
thorities W~ithdrawe Him Ignored-Caspar Whitney's
from Contest Amusing Selections.
l'nic ii nl lv~ 'Itt i t t i. tt r tlcp lIl ti\\"lltc un ha m t itt.wi'thtIlit,
1 1, t IM11, in the I Ianil~tit clu ora ' .nii hi(lt t i o i t All- ii ~
t a, t i .. Ili f~tctlty ha, tvitlt- it niit iilic lt it. he wcs in
t d atvt l nt t-.itt the c it I ttandIt 111 iits C e t asin t e hI I iii to t c
l~t~,d Rn r)I i, t ic~l, I pt si nc e Im l c idihoo tt. tutu -
Ritnke had on th prclntina, cot-l an I"' it liil h itt. eevn. 'll
i. in the iiuer-v :arsilit tatiiica ter pa~clfr C r~g . . it t
lour d;c ()(it~re te dcetivc Conest l il tit It ciliec'lt i o i wo d
a c i'i i it iii Ev n i d ,it a I theItiik ltituttn itlit t 114 1 nd111t at1, ;
ci!, I 'ii c 7lilet n hi I tth ' h lf ac ttetn i ttll 1ackl- i 1h1i-
i ct ; ~ l tttnl tht Il,. -ong I1att sciiCurtisispt i tilttakeo il
I Ii Ikttioerti 1tilt 1til"'1- if.'1 tint t 11scoralit 111 Fl uta11111a1 s~ttl
fli i t n it ,rtia eietd il p iitilt. eve, - t.tCiptli cIm
tilt luot- t Itillg Nirtutttt it m n I ii l t Ntitt
I }titilt.ttcln wi e dsp "'lto hir elven 11T: n iii :11111 111111111
h:11Iillo hi fro the prog~m Niand t ttt t-it fo titltctl i, till rai.
v-, I\iII,; I.p n i i ttsx i t. tilt ~ ns it cttttt; itt I tntitt
it t llit iI h t te m s , h n o m . ,tl e ts Ia i ti tt lh clitt ilt tut-
'1ccioifill it In, rt tttii itiitheit (Nntttimt hti
iii ttto t.. ,ar a d t.ol ill, ' Cit. viii 111111re a fi It it.
ii k i iid ha te 1 11111) lL:1 ,it. ls Cit ago tacklettigt.' onlil
i~- t t it citi IoilltIri is Itt t u tthitc1it- Print onitiltn itt w , aitta d
liti~i:l It liitittii ts.IY a t cantrTiti it.r, \ s on
f~ct fr.m ;II ,h~ld w of tis t. l ulb c , NitIc n
Ci ic c c1t ItItt'Illlt chtititt i C ts h rA musta d C riM
in l i lic c t .1 ti t u i. 0 .1tt tin n'1g m n r s it ~ltnoreiiti t Il ITTtlt' an
li~ o heet lii i lt.iittittiIttttieShutpp Y licet.eritlunbacktitiYale;i
I fe-tr Trui l oodtitti is asked itst llua ttittRtckweliTattl'; ttittt Rey-
wh liii it lii nia1an1t ii ort orli.~i i ic h lt it Pen.i , lit. Iii it. ii t tt mthtit titi
ci c on. ltgutin pag rle dwo) fullback, it.itltfHIarvard . ilCttk
hfe Michigan Daily
IDeliveredl to your adtdress. for balntetf
college year 1904- for
If paid its advan~ce.
ess Citaode A. Thompson, Mg-i., 3:31 Packard St. Phone 461.
Judgis iast.follitos: EckrsallChi-
it. I in itllback; Tor eyt es.ait
l iev in, 317e 1n s;1-tcy sn alt n

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