TH= iCRIQANW DAILY~ s~sHOLIDAY GIFTS Buhsand Brush Sets, Smoking Sets Shaving Sets, Chafing Dishes, Cutlery,. Games, Books, Perfumes, Baskets, Chairs Lamps, Dolls, Skates, Sleds, ToDols in Nt all the new and desirable things that have (.T',A f been placed en the market this year may he had atILOJL S 20c Candies, 10c 40c Candies, 20c ++... +I*5.049 9~.-.-..++ ' 0**.-89N -RS rch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... Tou the nest skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. We always carry a large and oomnplete line of seasonable wool- en. We havye the agency fee Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, G and can she' yen a large, beautiful and exclusive line ef 'shirt- legs-'"perfect ftig Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E Huron .4 .f4 w w « « w « w s ti.,,IIri',.Yt.S, 4. x, dw&.AL.,SY.. -t ,4.:^,.,^,..9'u ,12v$-.. 4u,:ir$u2sd s.d u34t 'Jt ?i{ikt } o o o e 6 0 r, / Fall Fashions are Ripe suits -fTop Coats= Rain Coats Fram the wholesale tailoriag house af L. ADLER BROS. & CO. Rochester, IN. Y. Illustrating the latest impreved destgns, are now ready. We have exclusive sale of L. A. 13. & Ce. clething in this locality. Men who are mere than erdin- arily particular sheet the style and fit of their clethes are es- pecially invited te inspect these products of Rechester's meet up- to-date clething manufactery. Wadhams, Ryan & Reule Money Loaned Leaned en Watches, Diamonds, o~r ether Personal Property witches and Jewelry Repaired Bargains in Watches and t Diamonds. dneAnro~~lus'8 o1. .mt o30 ad7tos 9 p. u.All business Joseph C. Watts IH~ot Lunch As Teastiasa. 338 S. State SBrunswick Tables TEI'5 BILLIARD PARLORS ileOiras dTobaccos. 48_.W. Reid. Prep.. 312 S. State Street GRANGER'S SCHOOL of DANCING LO tuI 5onbMaynard Street. ens bliek ror. We ave us outside aenyd 1euetco eand class reams are coied OrgrsAcademny, Phone, 246 $AILEy & EDMUNDS Decalers in uhs Fishing Tackle - Ammunition i1. Fish Nets for Decorating. uwE t Liberty 51. Ann Arbor.,tMich. 1eJutreceived the argesn and inetl usb ie of Irkish Cigarettes and Pipes FIN .ever bessugiss to she ity. LUCE NCONNECTION Ecerysising Neat and clean 3 Agents for B. B. B. Pipes. Sidtae St. R. E. JettY. LWASH-TENAW 1Q& POWER CO 7f0 B WASlIINQTON ST. '5Th Nigara Falls Route." THE SHORT LIRE A1jo o{CHICAGO dlec NEW YORK L drc connections at Chicago for Qb0 1i, Kansas City, St. Paul and tr as For information and Wtltck~ets call on or write to W. fAgent, Anon Arbor. "4ALLEN'S FOR QUALITY" Our Clothing contributes to a mans self respect while our prtces contribute to his wealth- Don't miss our Clearance Sale. ~- Al$00 uisadOecot 79 4All $1500 Suits and Overcoats - $11.90 ALLEN THE CL OTHIER, >4 ~MANN 8STREET j SENIOR PIIARM IC MARRIES. NOTICE. Cominsg as a surprise to nmany Anns Reading notices, except to Usiver- tArbor friends is the aninounseencit of sity organizations, one, cent a word the marri-ige of Miss Cora Mae Wat- Per isosue, payable strictly in advance lace to Raymonid J. YatiDoreni. Both to thte Business Manager only..- Uni- versity organizations allowed one no. sf the young people are well kntownt tice free. tf. here. The bride is a senior in the high school anid would have graduated thisJ According to statistics, Ness York tine. The groom is a senior pharmie Uniiversity ineurs an average annuisal asndt also one of the best knownt drusg outlay of $140 per iiani for intrution; clerks in the city. At present lie is ini Coliinbia, Barnsard aiid Teachers abosit the employ of L. 0. Cushitig. $300; Harvard, about $300, aiid Yale Mr. aiid Mrs. YanDoreti will be at over $200. htomie after February r at 7i8 South Twelfth street. ROOMS TO RENT. EDWARD BO0K WILL LECTURE. Double parlors, twso beds. suitable This evening Edward Bolk, who is frto or three; a-ellIfirisshedi,msis- genserally cotisidered to he the highest erns house, fine heat 61e Lassretice salaried editor in the world, will de- street. 71 .. F. SCHUHI, Sanitary Plumbing, Electric construction and supplies Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and Electric fixtures, steam and hot water,. heating. 207 F. Washington St. PHOTOGRAPHS Cull at THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, 316 Sout Stole St. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. 326 N. Fifth Ave. New Phonse tot Bell Phone 457-L 03 M, Martin Dreto Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. Ambulance on call. Spalding's Official Intercollegiate -- FOOTBALL lard by All Leading Coleges Foot Bail Fants-Lace frmat, hips and hksees isaddedi with fise crcest isir. ansitisigis withisae stipes. c 5 .0G. SPALDINO & BROS. Inc. New Yerb ChiaoDener Spalinlg's Offidoal Football Gside For 1904 Eatted by Waiter Cams. Price 10. Save the Walk Down Town e 4? WATCHEUS and JEWELRY REPAIRED Wk hC-iave first-classnworkm nsssd gusse- aiteessur wsrk. Weseil Fobs, U ofM. Pinsaand Banners at Reduced Prices. Telephone 310. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. Slate Street r n.----4~IIitIIIe'e.' THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE-Taking effect Dec. 4, 1904. SOUTH NORTHo Lv. Na. is'- Ost06am. Lv. No. 1+- 9:05 . m 2+-11:35 am. Lv. "- 4:50 Op.m "- - 8-:15 p.m. Ar. "l5- 5:37 a. m * Dailiy except Suaday between Owossos and Toledo.±+Thsrougha trains daily exceptS uts- day. Free chair cars us Nos. 1 and 4. W. T. WILLIS. Ag J.3J. KIRBY, 0. P. A., Ann Arbor, Mich. Toledo, Ohio. liser a lerture at 8 oclock ini Univer- sity flail, oni"The Humorous Side of a Editor's Life." Mr. Bok, it Will be remembsleresd, is vice-presidesst of use Curtis Publising romipany aind editor if the Ladies' Homse Joutrnal. His repustation as a witty speaker is weli knowns-itainsliis talk thsis eveiing wil soubitless prove ihighily entertaininig. ILLINOIS' BASEBALL CAPTAIN KILLED. Ralph C. Robserts, raptain of heeIliii- nisi bauseball teasms,wassistantly killed its a railway u-reck while returtnig to Champaisssgnt, sosndasy. Roberts played left fieltlast year and was one of te smssst valuasble uses ontthe Icons. He wsa a brilliasit fielder, a good itter stnd a fast base runner. lie was very pronlineot at ithe university and his seasthscauses unisiversal mourning. FOR RENT. South froist suite-lint and cold wa- ter its roomo; fusrnsaceseat and bath. 802 Soth State sreet. 71-2 FOR RENT. Desirable site of rooms-furnace, satls, all modoern ronvseiniencres. 832 E. University avenuie. 71-2 f LOST. Sessl Skisi Glove-Msosnday nsoon, ott rNorthIn igallos sreet. Susitalerreswurdl s if ittler still kindily returin to 31S Nosrths 1Inugalls street. 71 FREE-The Michsigasn Football cal- esidar givesn free with every purchase otf $1.00 or ever. 56tf Foster Art Roonms. ?Mgfisctletlnew assortmeint of gets- suie Natvajo Issdiass rug-s ands blanskets. Prices witiis reach of all. ifarrintotn, S319 Cathierisie. The folks at home would appreciate a Michiganensian. $1.00 each at Wahr' D ave you tried a vibrassage at Tro- jy's? It is great, anid gives a healthy coiuplexuioni.59tf Mandolin and Guitar successfully taught by Mat. C. Fischer, studio at Ann Arbor Music Co. 44Uf FREE-The Michigan Football cal- endar given free with every purchase of $1.00 or ever. 56tf Foster Art Rooms. 21 et your Gym auppus at Cuahing'. On the square The peer of all sales. Our entire stock of suits and over- coats now on sale at One-foustth off $25 suits or overcoats at $18.75 $15 suits or overcoats at $11.25 $20 suits or overcoats at 15.00 $12 suit or overcoats at 9.00 $18 suits or overcoats at 13.50 $i0 suits or overcoats at 7.50 Every suit and overcoat new and this seasons make, all 6ip to-date styles and at seventy-five cents on the dollar. U. of M1. Calendars given away free with every $8.00 purchase or over. se, NaeFirn "M Wadhams COD&Co.I 1st door norlb of State Savings Bank. 121-3 S. Main iStreet WEARE11NEVE R UNIR8D-GOODtYER'S D RUtG STORE /