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January 11, 1905 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1905-01-11

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The Michigan Daily
rat Athlete will Never Again Rep- Memorial Hall a Certainty of Near Athletic Outlook Unchanged Pur-
esent ilichigan- Board of Con- Future-Ezra Rust Pledges $1 0,- due Promises to Prove a Worthy
trol Takes Formal Action 000-Over $50,000 Already Opponent-New Dates for
TonightProf. Patten- Subscribed. Baseball Schedule.
gill's Statement. -
iTs.' oitsiiils'rce s his st Oall i- No nt est vtelopmens't ts ae c ttte to}
Rap0 Rose, hioler of te %ot'(1crea5s'of abut $ 1,000ill tie sbiseti5- light il Ihlstrack Stataiotsdurinthe515
reodfr ts.' twel.six.' teolens dt si ts.' s towas~ rsl te Semotra Hall. Pro- p st tw1 weeks Siveal 1ul tmets~
'fu ou d I s ot tt, andhoais tils sstie IsssstDI'Ooge intsps~ekig of ten w v e etst nt s. prospo )sdl sitstotinglsas
tfn e e tttack tteet lastt Jsnests. ootsu'blscrttitsst sisi tsth t te commtitte svettsstt ttsdit eits ittts fo ttttsf csittt
lhirte tt Po tts sid iprctiaiiy te slot tIltsts.ee 'ear onishipromtise.s fsr trcIs. I i ci sassep~ets to mett t-~~ s
t 1 t11ltig,5n1 iha: repsresentets he nits. (an ssam sssntI aggregting is in xes o su n h its.s R" 'eimettt ofistChitcgo.s
Ve fysr telst isfslitte. th sre isttno st 000 N sAir its.eo i hi nsits at t t srsir
th itist doub tt tlist 55ts. lir~i'Ofthesitsyoooso recetls' seured, 'andi ihurslriis oachsssinttg Pttrde tnd
wia ef on.sttrss ding ss.tourhtss Roiise hm iorprssof it comses frostsone shouitldtirIiducssisnss xcellen' t s tii amtaI. sl't
osil ~ ~ ~ ~ st lIchgedt sisst tel tteissforiisie strisre sstotsa 1111 Sit. iiers lof No fssrtYorkliv of s. isnd tsee allysofsrwsis.isit ra.I S sost
itne]ps o fsredsiosari te buiding f te tre spla si tt ihis.C ofsrnc.is
Ju 5 st fsre. te Christmassv'as.atissis ll isosi oo000. sr amstiss onse-fifth of ts. lhists eettshouldssstsitry M si igan s III al.
Rns ' w sssssa.skd th Ch <o tl o a ess.tissst ow ssson te sbsit oniits I llinoss s sisi h\i scsats re bohsilool-
ltc rlush ofw ic hei a in et l S is t. 5r. 5uesstntriiutio s a most tsing o eetsasditis tpssiile tiatssonse
else '2s.ustsa ss o gsnisatsion a ns -mass 1 55 si 5gislsess ose aidiassiithe tnors so trith sf tie . 1 s e sdisesito i jei-
pem et gvens o Des.. 31 isysth its. it its.lesrns ltha tsi ate y ew ias sit due
dsieAtiseic cSusslMais i Y ske is not41a55 iieiigssssman.it Sr iiDunn~ te Ciristimastsoidais~sys Nlan-
tnae Ga~rdens ow Yok. Rose5sslist iss s ntagdesiniesor een a fsr'sger isird has sadides tssos more gsmies
5ss ti Pesser. Pftten ii forpri s i crs. tudensi.ti sf te univiersity o isaso ithue isseisiseal s essse. Tiese are as
or to So t, ts ii s was rf1usst hiissits Is. ai sosi n5 ssthtere. Sr. 1Ru5s a i olw : Klasazooss a t ss Kssisasm asss,
crlook ; tos Prsfessr Ptt slt iiRo s. i itsitcd nAn rior, hosswever adis Aprilsi s )ier i t AntsAriorSisy
too ts. refusal plcIss. snstyti nsdssi this sssot 'sitsgetier untfamtiia is thus teusitu 24
tiee Proi't5t sed tisa ts.e twsulisiotscsin-ass vsersilyuonisswhtiici lie ias ibestoed Iis(i i iR i
set t Ile ssa s oon its irsstsrFisz iteis a its imasssste fried of Sr I t
c ' anasger Bairsd,.CsschsYit hh iii sitsAS. isrown, of this cit,,sits1 it ON(I RlSHISAN NC I I
did CaisitaI estosit asll of wotri 111 lesi ibeens thssirsssthilSr. Brownrthialte
o t to sgatoNets'Fosrk asd Ro s. emoiaIHalestommsittee is its reeiptsION IGIis'
I all of them sia i l d o siss ss . ss sttissritpioi."
professor Pstteugili iassadvisesd. IHisst Of)Ills.remassiig $ooo sscsribes At te tmeetig of te setari sof ssss
ev 5 le left AnsitsArbssr sassi tenttoI ssrit"g sie sast tOo ees, seeral rossi s tgtt fiasliactios sill isse tkent
'elfe atnsdapspsrety al~oes ists t 000 sbscsriiosts collesie rot tie- sitsthe freshmsansiscligiilstrtll. Ai
ef ts lie 55ertsrsslssssi by' te ie tt isisli Oiters are it smsialer amut st hie l st mseeig, essisiseion osssf tes.
31 othe Chsteiceagso lb, fsr o e.andoiscssssfromsssgetemen tits differsnt rsle rssspo~sstebutis thetm
1he IPere tste mseet is a isnssss s ois sf tes.csssuntry. Memtorissl H al limitisfsr cssnsierstion sss nis arlys exi-s
tiare Carsent .weearing te esslors of hisssbesscomse.withs te sstisatia ss - ires, sivotse tilillitsall irsaility its
e ttago Atitetie lublssandi irsssesds srpi onisiislist salreadybeinitissiI.a ios- isakess tsnigit ads teitsattrfialy
of to establisht a tnetv world~'s rssordI sisity sf tie ery ear future. settes."
Po fest, a 3- icehes for tse .4-____
eeit w'ssscosly gIloyfo UU ic ig n ai y
ra intthesis.exiectesd atit f ts.
Petfo Dssi sl t l oi iiiyIeliered to your address for balance of
tt oii fotisagaist par5ticiptingsutcollege year 19045 for
P e asilteics.3
St~ d s.estsrsday, tadeisest.fooi g
trl do o e o hebado o-If paid ir advXy~tc.
hi Res ito tibltitigeoriontosirueisr Address Clude A Thompson, Mg., 31taskard S. Phone 4(1.
encs ts' s ssipts.d iby ts. Cosfsr N* . N N N 4*4*4 1N N
tItlast sis eii ss f..sts '5_"" _______________________
Il' sitl bin seligiblse ssreprssents DISAT OUCS 1FIRE. SiT INGC OFCTRAhCK SitN Tof
C55iisge i isathetic s.'ntestswso css-s MORiROhhN iIGIT.
tv s uisch s sontests 's a r ree ' 'oses t 5 hs ss Otie Auuui Arhot hg ___
o rf an ahltic.osrganitatiosintssi s l itsIsiDfecs.'mtisr 31 s's ttit itis-
1. th his5 colls.gse sshthier inusISatr Isse fle fire ibroe out at 'led h rc e r on
4imtiiu o f aits. n,1151s.cepftbyspec- aotsfouroclock intemosrning. The little light worktin tie gymtifrearatory
tIvtti permissiontrvosyt as a o ytbe on ot obni ngsacitriig for tileft-
he f othe properthle.tic sutor sits thsere.is a ssisi utat ste sdssr uslils. h. upreliiry mseetig
tis A 5"R se hiato ii uily 5vi Is.ed shootl wass set out fire, fle u ild- t uli h esns w r r1b
s111is rue 'anal cos' eqentlyiie lie iu i n 'ws etiriel',. sestoyesd, lut sssmuehol ssite '''i mttfss oor Tssrs'dss'say
e it ma s nh isssfe~rense wh' hersfi te sutentst wtere s ed. Prss siit o i t 0loc.iss Trains.'r tFit-
thits.Sushi itsbharsusof c stil s i ssr Chue, wihi u sich fprsence sstrics sesir.s Iiat sesv it'ytmanisW'osshao
uIcl 'so Hintiso, for te sshessr sonfe' of m ssin,'een t it ite bsuiinhi -esutak abltug'l e rsn
15ns Thes1 lys wa tt t ha frt tet coiuld he may '' te ' ' eorsbtparsset hascne t e t ots wriit e nti ari tise stilt-
l ti Oumyin'sg iuaplitheslhtisrtscitssithis.astion r fososhu ahar
i l tt stuuworl ie Isy a tote sof thi tsht misu ovatssdestroyes.st A fire hrigade tuDaiuy suT h.he risle s w ti u sr hiss.'-
takn eli te ste um s.'mbesrshavse ntie's. f ss.'versal hsuissresddstilet s wa s sfornedi fal' hs usIs o i is"r o
t iiehr sactn andthI haoSot tinksu it d v'ry'efetve twssrk. ft wsmao srrwsss issut.
I 'is aut o ~sillity' tat they iswaud is li esi.bri'ad''tht sited tevau-
1profei5 . Rose's esse." aIsisholssl itraryCLR01511) I'sRN IT'Y.
Ysrciiie fortisglirhas saituiseerefl u~iaeSo
hoa'pse t sr Ii rfutl is e i t. s t ta St lacfes, issdii ie Fiftesenu colosrssistuesntssof fle Ui-
iCiY15sruu55 ssI s s.sscompee for this. SisthoisutPresbyia.n, sCogregstiot-versiy sof 'icshiguaepe tsorganuice
his o=athleictctu, ut hli e nd l n B pist cshur hes sa tsh 'Baris si (,, s.'s'lestsr frteritSsy Ii a short tite
Poiin as fols:ii sh'll.II Thus.lstrary ill it.e i inte Cots uiti ut t usfsst.ste suihty
1 o 0n itti pasprv ucesulte
s uhd not eliee thai 55t sssma u'rs."'istinlcshurct tsilusiotesr arranuge- sill scosntt hiss.Bauer prptert' so t
nit' h rspresetiatsits hlueie cli thr iistmee i ts . i isis.de.'sashingtot street io a frtser.nity'
is lgccre, ys osing, PaInstsris.alreadys eng fornmed for hsuse.
Ths Prteicall i ase a professiona's, isuidinus a neswshiths htool atd ork ~ g sissst hs. rsssrsu so
setita hirtes itusiduireetly' o reprs.- sill bein itas son as possblse. fle prct s ill bithisewa~s rIof fle frsst-
uh ,bo es.s as ie]dhaeer ts.t a tiuiding is tobCOt er teoretgrosnuly srity. is. hisatooilSntot asstefro-teodi prymnoedadhesoclea
them ile sius fsr teprivileges of tostosires iltdhf.ri sus~uis tu ek
a o 'jttif h. iese athletieceflths are fueshaorgisifststuotgso eo
ta ouirce of ansnoyattce, ntiltos WSANTED. the ecoloredst iudens fromsthue sosutht.
Of the nip11055. Early' intshle hiistry ____If te unsdertsinug is pitt through, Annt
11 Ota COt'itsrenieeit waosieidedilustS A set f dsrsintg instrumtents. Ad-eArbors ts'ill sate tile only Greek fetter
drue olgesusi la ssi ess 214 South Fiftht avetue;te fee- fraterntsiy its the world that it COSO-
(Continued on page two) tphne 749L. 71 posed of colored studenits.
No. 7
The University Glee, Banjo and rlan-
S dolin Clubs Score Notable Hon-
ors During Extended Holi-
day Trip-Comments
of the Press.
'hue trips ifluhe Uiersity'ntsia
Ictbtasa radss fs. uThes i oay-
sop, nttot lonil itte ss.'gesbut.aso
sosiasly asssthetrt.wss t.ise iuts itts.
cosedis ofsti Metsrs. DrrKilen
Campel fta.nd Parkssidts1 tifaufits
reciv fie ucoes ini'511)coce~rt.
fTs.esclubt s s .er itsnupropfesr and sen-
tuis it. treatentt al heis.stis.s
fTsewrtits Sit ants.'s5t t'rtingtwso
amiasoitonus, one- at Ctsinnnti
sandithi ts.ali.r atfuusfauaols fist
wokis nt ilthits musiscasilists.b itt
neethlss 5aelts to theissssoerts
The iss 111tstwsatCincinsnasisheouec
tilt'y'hadsithe Ia'sest'o auiens. ~ he
Cinint ussssInutirert is.esithemta goods
Strills.p, pa551rt t hiIcsis as folios
"Ar. -siale lsconscert wsth11thgveei
Iyt hiss C it i fI MitchSga stgiitudnts
Sothlee ,is anjiosiands 51andsoln cuss
of thast insttustion1,it siclot.lftiflast
nig'ht usdescthits.aspfics of iets.hiis
Courisse soifte YAflCA. ft refre-
seisted tuors. streusoss tus s sli its'sle
ehris snging withuissiuerty' of cot-
vitshossthais suatitly ee fsisd at tits
seaso sofssthhiss.eis.byithe'strveeflig uti-
v'srstys''duchlete eus.sTihier isWas
ischofhthatsw itus ansdelsticty' of
tnewSthichibetokts carefts~uli fprsefara-
liosiansotsallsdegree ost.musisocssn-
Shsip. 'sLihimss aos dssnuss.icl quality
tw'ouldi lssis'Stemtft hits tesiss.thititthesy
its.ldsbefaddto thess.MSyFestivsat
rakifthisat isesrs.possils.-tisy itoud
ccrtutin fl pro.ve ian tacquisition. fle
Glses.csutisaso hesare inusalsorts of
souls-usncsllege gieesscslass choruiss,
,OI sfthemsusas~uintu Iandut tutoous,
stts.es siou1515 t ash fletc, . 3 s. ci
fes sisitittos tss. and graspu of oul=
ceptioitweOtis. 5struott'evienctce fit
te tendehr negesa iulayiof tishelbr
Ns.esv inte co ehs as a's istedi by te.
supferbi slstsIiing of this e'ssader of the
clubIs;. 1'1 sParkea aritonue, iWhoiu
its.'utifltSiqfualitys 5 tirpssdI any thntg
thhai oss eenof'fsrsdiby' sismiluiar eet
intic.Itis a ice thassfwills its
ease 'tushnstsutrsluesof umthiodhseemsus
to it.e iilstsp is ilthe sdistinsctionsltha
it ssumtsseitioig
"hits Sitndoslinub badI 11Sfmany 5'strong
feasstres 5ofiprecsis. rythmsustushg'Ill
nun iht its est rcommendats.ttftinitlsy
lit awellsttainesdssingig tnse. T'isi
was1partilaItsyisvidsceced i inte haid-
Isis. marcitsasi sev s~er'al ecorses. (St
thets lattrtheis.hutwtere liiberstandtuh ue
sis. isistseIfhupont lthren sit tisueof
thes fter eaIch numbttlitier.fTe idiii-
ual tiu's.rsty' songsswere gvess withit
its usthusiatsmand hshthe eat-
tifsil s suitshothitue bosysias a se-
lightsfsul s.eture. B1l twitseriouss cos- 0
tribinssshitses.isas muuchsofthe ro-
lcoeo suandut rolluiking st ndathsmeu
nwsetsuswere gvnu tah pletsed s
much siao ss t it surpised. Amontug these
in's achirterizastionis s o fomeo, Jo-
it tushdcouerssiwhic, as a pasrdyt,
wass escesediigy' drolliIand luugtec-
provo'skisng. Thue stage harster sere
takieni Iy'M. Salsgier Sr Zelec
an1111hiss'osller smembshes of ue Glee
file sistie artile is suificient en-
dence iof totete cubsswere receied
15511 of oss they were cosiseres. fle
wrnite'-ups1 of oiler ities weere wry
mssuchi tesse usinste andthfle prise
betsowedt'.' Iuspttun te muebierstioI.fle
clubs.The lastotdaste tas Iat fSaginaw
swhee sa gands fisale tas tedered to
the tostsedi, fested anth extolledh emtsuo-
Meet its trophy roomt of gym tonsight
at 7 o'clock sharp. BIRn.

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