THdE MICHIGANl DAILY - Ae yeu aware of howKLL UI STAR [RS~lilzNRIGT ~ dirA $12,00 SUIT OR OVERCOAT, (''1i>T. wrltil ,1 r I iit . . I. I, L . 1 1 N 11 1 ;11 11 >mtt 11.1hn .. .R.... !,(er.ll~ill'Id..C. I.. . I ctle. lote ..... I. A.., i ii I I I i. Btewitching Ipictulres at FosterlIs Alt i .SHJJ ~~tr lmi C Ii, c. . S7t-it. Mictiganennians $t.00 each at Wah r's. tf. Iletetii ie d .,.1o ioneed ttSuplplies Gas and [ctric Portables,t=,: il h141 i I lil tttee Stem-s il aw Iflot WtVt-- l~it-tel CASHf POSITIVELY CASHEIto No orders for cabs for partia- or entertain- tl.Iste . I 1 ecitit mntds will be taken this season unless tIrle311e cash accompanies thoe order. SRte i-i tlill IS pli RAtS iee t cte de tiee t ()fec.ctec ---- tee ) I- lin. t)IiC1e tiIIIIti - - Is ~leiteclilel i. ly-e llciecel3 c - te c se o, ctt e iil e - -eS.1 - - o ... P frc e-e), a l. Umpitee- RIycact Robison & Co. Holmes' Livery I'ttem -- c l Ileliwlt ciend Post Walker's Livry W. a. Stark 'Ti first rehetarsal ofthttle 6Choral Itlleti ccl lts b e el Ted a e vltenting;' Oc.4,a h;ocock, it thle- Scool if %VAd,&51 . ASe4Ai 11usi it eiileg. (ld memboters arere io rpl tiecrniptly as it is IIW AND POIWE.It CO. deirledi ic toeake tipte i ceitis as 201) E WA H OTO Sticv emer INstilltte lie-letfromIn 1tee 20I1 iS.I)ASm.NatOt sE. Schle o f teL itisir, anic st hal ttite htclond y, fOci. :1. TT e's a Tenors ar t i-atic-tltarly dcsirie-clas lhe ('iliice t m l h rets,1-2 BARGAINS. l v . 'nanngn su The Saturday Earning Poolt R -' $1.00-i-tt June 24-117 WtI's $1 to ( o eC s _- L fudry P~er Year, $1.25. I The Ladies' Home Journal I Thomas Kowe, Proprietor. She--iiicltiiig Ntcvembeter, '01,anid 326 N. Ififth Avc. idlyc'05-75c0cw 1 ~I,4 1l Phnet.)''-1 P~er yeaor, $1.0)) tBargtains ii in 1tcr Miagazes. .McEldiitlitY SMichigan'se llagaziniBAILEY & EI)JM U ND5 S~~an. lsreit) 559 Williams St. Il-:l ______________ (uns = Fishing Tackle =Ammunition We cgive ts-eIttst 'Cothineg valtiseNsiirIlanalic tio-n. Allen lie Clothlier, Maein i-ilFast 1lit ert oSt. Anncii lt ecr. Michl. Street. 5-ti S. L. A. TICKETS. OHIO CENTRAL LINES Studitent s desirinigtt sell Situentlis DIRECT lINE Lerture Asiriation ticksets i-antsr- TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS. caire tictet s by~ calling at Skeininer's Parlor Cars an all Trains any afternocon ihisa-eelstetweeni 4 andt G. If._ D. Y. A. A. 4f- J. Railway NOTICE, C. C. C. MEN. STe cscce i. ci ci -- - let )oot al f ie iec ir c-eccerotml6: . ) ccn.un tit eile) ).I. : t-itt 'c-It e :e5ct 9:47)eet ():4.7) F~irst, rnt Mtonday, leasing tIeegymi. tc. cIlfleeVr 5psetiieee s- )tle t:4.) teettl tei tot 5110. All iddcllle andeoiil1ng-disteanc c e . ce-It). 1' ,ttlelceeeei. Icel i cc attl runners sliotilci ~ ~ ~ tn taen1. Sto el)- ceeetit Ole;:' ) . : eetnlecce :, ttdc1ice 1:itI.e ). e 1'II~e's sh ud ur o t. ho t as l tlci leeceete. 1i ot Sec ., list occ iiu . rtins at first, a-itt spcial attetiote riven to inew.meni. (Colmpar ie outit$1()1.00 anhd $15.It)j Stits atidiOvtercoats withe othlers antd ~-____- -PITERS we tiill maeali-a sale. Alcalic te 2ndeaFlier, tles hey~ne cuilding Allegrettis, anid Lownes Peters& Hlershlley's StillsCtorcolates at Qitar-Ilarys ru Stre 1t;Funeral ry'sDrugStcre. -0 ..~.1!3 WU!!I! Dircccc-r You need a Fountain lcn, such as Ofr ie- ztucS-. fh le -. l1Iorlc 9S. Quarry sells. Tte Parkeer Lucltck 1 i-eeItI 5 ete 1,te'. Otet19. Curve. 1-5 r Acoaiii,ae on Lail. SEY'MOUR'S STUDIO, 316 teolShStaic St. rsto inewitleacdclins fccr sale. In- qluire' at 1111Pac-kard street. I-tr. DON'T BUY YOUR -1' A EW or SI;CUNI) tHANDi UNTLIL YOU GET OUR PRICES jCee *OSSS&5D: CALLA iIAN & COfrPANY, i e m fswt Arbo.Brach,[*++++-AE1 Whipped Credni fi, -O--Y-...''..'p." r" --".'1 " '.-1"r-1Ti -+F-".hf - "-."."QM -"ell "yourT'stewTelldouOnsserveto s rve mt e ata dinner. - $.0Puritan Shoes $4.00 Pnyok~ 1 o tt t 1Haiveillore style thantan1111$6.to0 s @Q ara t , *~los I t eve i ii n l it iels ite OR SPLAINEXCLUSIVE OG IA Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everytbing in Tailoring