THE MIUHICIAN DAILY MILK CHOCOLATE r. atefu~il degreeion of omfoart n "lan service in Lhe Brighton Now wornby near 200 . WAMINU ONLT u 1 w y Parkger ontin Pen cmaort'sdugstrie F1lat ClaGrter ,I A1-.t rc "S PRESS , Pintr. j _ Cutting, ,r Royer&Co. ; IN1( EVERY HAT. 212 . °C 1, \zY I 4'ar of 11113 fiatare R 2 .1~ol.ear dca~erl 2f1..t2cttrefCl2323t, is a 0 1 31 .211ot atisfaclory. j SOLE AGENTS. Leading Clothiers, Hatters and Fur- nishers. 109-111 East Washington St. !, f., S Z!', O CHR~ISTeMAS 1904 N[W Y[ARS 19054 Gioing Home? West or Southwest? secu-lre 'tickets via tMissouri Pacific Ry. tOR Iron Mountain Routea FINEST SERVICE QU ICKEST TIMIE ]Free chailn1c11s. 11111111211512s1eep- 4 n;cars-, dining calrs. semil- tt sleepers>1131. '1Ihil *J)ard,21s. c., *lls' 11 ,,.s hil!1 Towooooo00000000000000000o ooosooooo0000oooooeooeo 14 MR.. RENTSCHLER ANNOUNCES H. D. Armstrong, T. P. A. siuJade'libr . P~ete moena rintng. Meyend r'u215 flaio ot. L O31' 2M1.)1OINT '1TICKETI' ()lICF1. 2121 Micigan Central11112a2d12A111 Ar- 12ho 3t- 12 2112 wlli nstlla 11221tike 221ce i2 n die trea2sur1111s 1r2pn11 at 1112 1. mst 222212b21ding,2t12he 1op21 I 12' 22 102to 24. 1212112122e1.1Inf1orma1ti21 &H there b12122' 1 gard21 rater. 2o is connections.2 re..2and2t 1cket 2211 be 1 ld2 o suden121c. 2,22 and 2, 23, at2 such21reduced1 rates 1and1to such 2points as 2are 12221oized,212o)1 sur-1 2222121 2of 12221221 22222'2l'212 certlifica1te. >. . W22232 2li . 22 . 1. .. l t 11 C. 1 . R.2(6-70 121a12221.o11op lar cigars,'. suit- 2321r22211 2221sat '?in211222l 1 1 ttlp~o ',12-720 ,,ri22221222 1 22t 211212 front2 th1121' 2 2 (of110"022\12ind1he l1e22o2 21.222 at22 12222.22 la21t 22211. 1The 1121- 2ail 2222222 2222122 II 2 12211122 o22 2222222 1 1222'2.22212 .2and1 t1e professo2221 Old cl 2. 2 2222hei22 a1221t2222 ts Saulth. Phone:81 . e zft.r~l fr,.+'r:*+s4 r+..'.-w-.y' 1sIDAYll AT228 11212 C' ,R1S11.1 STEAK AND OYSTER HOUSE 2222k 2' 212 2171 1;s. l',213'1'2rc u 121112 11121 + W2ill 1take1' 112222' s22 2222221. 21T1il 122 211112; *-a" 4 Suits lprensed, 25e; trousers, toe. E"Lero o anl Phu111 ol ' t 'Fuller & O'Connor, 6t9 E William St.4 Qulality inl 111u2it 2' 1ca 011e 21121112 our____spec_____a___ty._____________ 5911 udI M OYSTER BAY Michiganensians $1.00 each at, Sheehan's.. 315 S. State St. Latest enovelties insuiinsa111115'' ''' 2n 22 2'.n of2 122-22 22 It 221 1. .1 .211 12221 lc) 2222 2 232 I 212222.21 2 a2 lI 2222.2. 222 ' 22 211',II '122t 1111cr c' )ll' atl 22 c 222222 2or 1222221 (io111 22 2.23 '111' '1vI 111 112')r c )- )1~ - f22e 2211222 12(2II21125i~ tIIa -l:;l~t iIiIt 1222121 12'c } i'!1tt > i))1' 1 2 anln 22 2 8 fu 21 22, .2 at8 the11 Col- Iry some of Cashing's Fine Chowo ! '; A II' X A N 1)I? ER 32 rltit l1)hstoijrapber 2 (1 ' LA - 8E t. N . e11 i' ig k ler & O'Connor's, 619 E. Weilliam St. Go to Cushing's for Hersheys & Cailler's Mil1k Chocolate. If Steam Sod French dry cleaning and repairing at Fuller & O'Connor's, 619 E. William St. our1 plrices 3o11 su11t3c1222. "Allen, 2211111 street. 52.11 cal-1nd211ien re0-w11h every pulrchlase of100 oor ovcr. 5011 Foster Art Rooms. Chew Blood Berry Gum and get a pinlk breath. Only antiseptic gum in the world. All dealers. 44tf Get your Gym nappuis at Cushing's. 222212-11you're tlhroulgh lookinlg for- u211 cases2, you1111 011111here to huy. 5911 Allen, 2M1i111St. Co'petelinle of 1212213 smlokinlg 121- bacco,2. 312213rs 11n1 cigarettes for Xm11a1 gi112s. a11Slimlllsoll& Stimpyson's. 162-701 GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST ChoiceeCutlFlowers aand University Atademy, 336 State Streetl s Pickwick s ]BOWLING ALLEN Str-intly Vp-to-dat. S. ROTTENSTEIN. Pn'oP- 707 N. Vn'. A'v. OHIO CENTRAL L1100 DIRECT 1tE TOLEDO TO COLL'M3U.T Parlor tars on nal1 t Mandolin and Gsuitar successfully D)., ..A.A & 1 R L A' taught by Mat. C. Fischer, studio at s'5I111111H'r12121' Ann Arbor Music Co. 44tf For Detroi,2t, haf in 2202 3 12.22 11153J'. 21l Tr _ It. sM. 11'rY11p si 1112' '22 ''21 212 Tlry dilem ll1, ald then look lhere for 12~ 31'1.22l. 1113 311 '1,11)2.2 2.2 stil caes. Alln, ain St. 11t m.until x:135p. Sm.; then14,15 all l11:1:512111 2111t32122. AdI, ain t. 51f -WaitingitRom. Huron sSt..1w1s1t1of MIl." $.PURITAN SHOESI$40 Tan Grain and Black Elk Waterproof Shoes at $4.00 ?x Call lot he 111111it~t ic; hr est han2 1 2 $12. 11 16i.5.221 1121221 see our new12'1112'2tine 13 I 1 1 12211 21121-1you 1t ''G r t it. SouthYN 7f9 Mrain St. FIVE TICKETLS FREE1for1shines1 on1Iour1 1ew11111 cehinc, with every pair11of 2s11oes. Christm-as candies Puire, Home, Delicious Take a Soszverintr Candy Box Home Permycook, the Confectionver Phaone 266 310 S.-Stat to St- vav v." caa.+v I .. .. J AT, Ratter Turkish Cigarette can he made CORK TIPS Look for Slj"* OR. PLAIN 0 .AA ('L __.--- Always Ahead In Sty les. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything In Talor"