THE MICHIGAN DAILY Onii F~ accout, f helate season tyou fret (IL t 'Ft )?I ' 'on ll0%L1 S )Al1'S. This includes Hue tSchaffnter . & Natrk stake2. Ion-,loose..stylish li esnuo. + All $24.00 ansd $23.00 OVERCOATS nsow $20.00 All $20.00 ansd 522.00 OVERCOATS uow' $17.00+ All $18.00 OVERCOATS nsow $ 15.00* All 615.00 OVERCOATS n~ow $12.00 + All $12.00 OVER.COATSenow" 510.00 .1. D~ON'T WAIT!i COME NOW!i LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. ;ie stoti atty' itte of * Receivedl this week. All the lute tto-veities of * tthe srasottate 00WOtt on isplue utnd sale. 4 t MACK & COMPANY. 'u.M(oney Loaned..1 'V Watehes0 Diattontds, Jewelry and all High Class Chattel and Collatetralosecurity. 10tt W. J. LOURIM. , O tetu ~sutis f ten )-.t.tlE.A. ' ;:00 t 8t;3 tto0. il Basiness Strictly Confidential. riot Luntch At TntI',. 338 S. State QuLarry's Bronchial Tablets 10C Great tor Hoarseness. Quarry's w . r r ; w ' " '', r t i " ', r r r f 4 r r 1 1 i{{ / i / t / 1 1 '' I / 3 1 C- ,y yf a rs rf' ' ,yrr +tiir+r fr ri+ti r tt«ra+rsri- +ritfa srtt +«r Jrrrr+4: +rt+4f«ttr+!rrrrJt trtaawf tltr + 'r + " f'T t fr"? t tff tf+i t ff tf t a t t t tf t t t t t t t t t ff t t +' ' r S :"& W. Clothes 1 -* h t s 'tt bo i a t i . file tite i~ ist coai1t' t, Suit l Cses 11 c''l M trSIABfulLEziR & WUEsR''~.{!1tI9YRet 5~~9~. 5,55,n . . S 5 i w ,t :. , F f i176 CENTS EACH ; 2 FOR 25 CENTS CETT, PtAttOD' & CO. WASHITENAW LIGHTr & POWER CO t'1 l"l) t RI t ,t' l 0;>NOTICE, R lit r.lCC'dIt el stivsecdil -4t1' Reading notcen, except to Untver- it 1 i ~.tslsiss sity organizations, one cent a word te\ IcI t(,ilt 1 Itt, ;Is ftill II penr nse, payable strictly in advance to the Business Manager only.. Uni- versity organizations allowed one no- "Niodelttit llttrlirtcstiti' c If 1lits.' iclll ice free. It. cit 5 Itti lt'.'.sstt fl ttttt tht u iil f te to Itilswich lt otrrtc-s th e clttiltOTHE HARMON IC ORCHESTRA hr.l c l i utcl II kecarti tind Adres tL. I). Bates.,tttutstgi , 5118 { ttst ult ssttti t e ti l itzst S .' Fouthit vnctute. Phont s-tc BIell, th t \as :'atllg. li ; Idth t thc I 06lhJ; I Istttt, 219 Red. 24tf rcadhl of the Sr tilttlc b e the srIlt tttttt~' t t11Isroll.t i ~_ttititir i ii . 4 ~ tic h. Cslothlt ;3t1this tube Is. f st i' re tte l~ tss e t ttit' t il lf sal sac lstllc Ilia ii'IoI its ~ ~ ~ 1 stss tttttt~~ SONNEIS O[ Al 200 El. WASHINGTON ST. Correcc 67o1$es rku You mast nit tneglect younr dres neithler,loot take care to be Hien -o rdli t' hI f ie ld s ts Ir/ istI. The French way of saying well-groomed. You'll certainly be if you wear clothes hearing this label A Ifred jenjamin&~9 MAKERS 5 NEW YORK k~ Equal to fine cuftomomade j in all but price. 4 The makers ' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. 41 We are Exclusiv e Agcots in this city. CUTTING, REYER & Co. 09-111 E. WASHINGTON ST. Save the Walk Do' n Town Watches and Jewelry ! Repaired * I e tIetisto-ilaso s; itorkts ciiandtslgiti- ants istotisssto Xtscl Fnh.U.ocifM. Pinsod Banners otRerdcedPrices. teleIphone 310. F. J. SCIILIIBE, 340 S. State Street The FIR2SLE ClI"Ap I. Faculty 111ld"faisr ale ciseapt. J. C. la.011ysltcefts. gosituaitie are 5p ial itltltotse.(ih tI~ i garsput il) itlspetscial bosxes, cst- ctiuss to btstsns ,tall 0ic055abe 0orXmsgifts, sit Stiuisioot duetth)te i tttdustailo I~rkta - ties. cstsjtoass Smalbxofplitlor cigars, sit- p ESIDEN T.1 al o inscsifts, st Stistittoit i timpsn~s1t2-70t 'or tse 5 cot ts I Fl< RI NI' Id 1alctlticc r srotit lstll isci sssss tl atistdr s s tti'ttclct. isole l. s of n issews llfcll. UOartisteed c.iiotaet iont sie , ll 1t1itus c ti e iztet. or mtoteyctael.tPriceaic rett t"ttuutte cet . 'Thsaye. itS 75 THEt C. A. EDGROtN MFG. Ct.,Th Box 2u1, Shirtsy, Mass. sot tf / ~cNiligotololoi took ettilr giv essfrees iitthtecverce Of $i ott tsr tier. 6tit Fositer sArt Rois. FISIMAN I IHis Triumphs and Trials I Told in 28 funny sonnets, with 28 clver full page * drawings.I I Price, Cloth, 50c j ABlu Book" Paper, 25c AtWahr's or at Sheehan's Book *Stores ANifty SouvenlirGodif _________ N leW Brluswick TablesBgAILEY & EDMUNI),S THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD a The Niagara Fallo Route." AT' Guns.o Fishing Tackle.- Ammunition- THE SHORT LIREREDSBLIDPAOS Fish Nets for Dccorating. rM AL-a~getc e.a 94 Fine Cigars and Tobaccos.TM AL-aigefc e.4 94 CHCA OJas. W. Reid. Prso.. 3125. State Street ttEs lsris. st ettMss _____________________ t1 I UFAL -- S~to htit A\3RBOR ,tIhave lustecettedthle trgess andtitntest Lc. Noi.*-S:06sa.m. I~e. Ni. t+-O9:4 a~m BOSTON GRANGER'S SCHOOLLinsit 1 -11 s. An ."t+ 5' p0 with (NEW YORK of DANCING Turkish Cigarettes and PipesI St. .d i e ucnnections at Chicago for eer srsoughtitotitle cicy. l)Ittle to S ucntdaty lset ces tttsssi and Iocatetd uss Maynarcd Streettitnt blots ~, Ioledos. tlt _ju ti n ssi daity eceptlt sits s~. , Kansas City, St. Paul and west of state Stret Stores-ondss FINE I.I.'NClIIS IN (CIJNNIQltNsa.'e lte sesoNs sS4 t WOOL. For information and Plone.oWt' htoe sits outsttde agettoyt'verythtittsng aais leii0' 1' ILII, g. Htroti ticetscall on or write to soraffice tind citass roosststart' conftistserAti getoe and. I.lles. ..n (IttY .I . .. Ast Aehor. Ato., CSAgent, Ann Arbor. ogrsAae Phone,t240 3oS.'. Stile St. .CJts. ToilsUtst Granger's Academy,+4..5 . Toledo, Ohio.1111-3 RC I AIII'V Continues Its Excel- IJHIyI~ R. lent Train Service., You Will Find Four Trains Daily , St"ir pso n C M Stimpson Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on ight Trains t 334 South State street UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. ' S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martins, Detroit. Sick. WEj ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRULG* STORE +-i.