The Michigan Daily o1. XV MCALLISTER IS BASEBALL COACH Anercas (Greatest Utility Player "1as Been Signed by Manager Baird: --will clay e Full Charge of Team. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 904. DEBATERS ARE, THE SCANSION OF WORKING HARD PROSE RHYTHM The Society Preliminaries to be Held Professor Scott Reads a Patper Before Next Week-Finals for Wisconsin Philological Society-Will be Read Debate After Christmas. at Brown After Vacation. No. 67 { lse pon the ahels of Friaysa T Ihis week saesatebeitntnittg.oatthe gloious a. ttting; fllowsr the joyoustt asecond racet o r atdea tang hni ;. 111( 3teita th a lattte aehallcoatch tar next jConteteants tar sometttt yatnor sattain s t i tt..has ibeent -electeti andtt tit t ,t n umbttnt t heh attt rtl bin \1Idialit.e ianontalleart111- e isaatr t atarc l teso ty rt 1thoetttta imalte t bct.. asealliiplayer tie game iaaa giant aaint 1 s in.l, te sujc Cev httt catiag t \ ttet kI i -ttttatt Ra- . . fttrti atn.. laabut Mc~llisiter Ims etar I ot tto at hre ee s t tt.hellihave. t an. rolstidee inolothre (st a-atbtttatteIptieadigil eo tne sa e a- as the ltt erlasn i de esre ytei ta tescat tt-oahta oisnrtorv lna o- i(~ean a c lub.itNtt .ta 'taird tt-ta.. ttaa ul l eso pehs rprn hnsl