-! THE MICHIGAN DAILY ****e~eee*.."... .. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. EWOULD HAVE Entered as seond-classmate at the Ann YOU TO KNOWAro osoie Published daily (' otia~excepted during the callege yerat 1 .tt, ashinton street, Old Phone 8923; new Phone 71. That we are doing business at Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. Business Manager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. OUR NEW STORE oos 311 South State Street Z Athleticst----e---- s YDvL. 11cm . News-----------ARTHenC'. POUND :Exchanges............lJoseph YKerr JISSWomen .............Ida M. iBrownrig EDITORIAL STAFF: That our New Woolens for A. Mt Graver Harry H. Andrew' the coming fall trade are 1. Waite Jayne nwready. Oo . ASSOCIATES nowrgeA Oshorn Arthur T. Hug *Roy Poehlea J. Earl: Ogle, Jr. 9A. H. Ortmeye Sidney It. Miller Thtw aesperb gar. Chas. Wo. Anmhrose Louts Stichney tnets or enteme. Ohas. E. Winstead Jerome Weadock i~jejeBUSINESS STAFF W. It. Hans E. N. Pusey That we appreciate your trade J. E. F'etner A. B. ious and respectfully solicit a HATES: $2.51 perr near, or $2.00 if -paid in continuance of the same. advance. Office laura: 12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 G.H. WILD CO. p. m. daily. G. Address: CLAUDE A. TH-OIIPSON, Business TAlLORS nanager, 331 Packard St., Telephone 461. 3lt louth State Street. :NOTE-Those of our friends who have Snot bhennaurpatronswe would cor- dially invit to come NOW. - - _ _____________________ FRIDA -Y. I)ECEM SE 16.,194. ~@Oe @eeeeeeeeeeeOE* Editor Today-Louis D. Stickney. POPULAR $1.6OCAENAR XMAS FICTION De.t-oFcfssn f agln .. l T he2 Fede ral Cccpitti ii ,. te Dec 11. 1 1Ch ritt et ion atr 1: ____ __ __ Coach Moloney, o Ci:cago. held1al itnform~al try-outifr sf reslot htanit ira:ck canduidaes OinlBarlet vm o a::::011 Statiurday. The rstv-o weor a fol- Forty-y ard1 dah-Eckersal, firti Templen, c:od ; -Mc X v tird-i timly. 0:05 4-5. Foirity-yardi high iirdlics-IBrwn. irt ; IMc.Xso, scod; Mcict::id third-1tim, 0 :07 4--. Foor hoodted an:d fory yatd rn- 'Potopkin, fit: ;Grec, scod.; Bec- ton, third-tIie. 0 :5. Eight thund:red aid eigltoy trdrol -Tom~pkios,firt ; SiAr:. asccindi Browsnt, third-titme, 2 :25 -. (Oemiebun ii-Pitmtan, it;I Kit- lyr. scon:d; Fetguoni, ti:r-ime, 5 36: Sht ut-111Nol, fit;i ditance, 31 feet, oe inch; Rossell, secondtis 1tac 33 fev, 9 inchcs; Meigg, third, di- tan1c, 21: fect, 3 iches'. George.7cSihiley, the 'cracka cadidat ietechaing rleft hel l Miiiay ch adgms casot to tlarii011111,I ii. iv i:: liny tcei.iiarionjcoachesliilivedtha Muorti Cahill iin tihis Beniii.Shipeyowis iiocac qailivr.aindihalf-iero lily Oa:k Park ihigii coolt:amla ,ccri,1111 woi::ii event ciiiliibiotiiithe: WvOMsAN'S L.EAGU;E "A'' ip il. 'he:tirdofthi i day fteroon- it::Ion:: cive cbythe1o t: (Laue wllae l aceithis afterioon beiili i il t ief irm vtiauCiistmas:Party. the Juiors ad sovimole' dats fr te feshan leeduhtaryv 1110(1 lRNOTIC. C.iUiivesity 11111. Brng iourmusc. ot O RENT. Un i-co :ity iHall. Silli i:1 ::ii 1t0Miss Lrll':C lleiierCo')4 ,:-Cirner 33cr4_it: lttliitv et. v 1:4-lou.: The Student! Souvenir O'R t, Alt?1 LY PULSHE9D Art Calendar of [vents Is tlte fitest sotvener for the price that the ItoI~das' stock of calen- cdas has to offer. Hundreds of Them Have Been Sold Dttritng the short time they have been ott sale. A Year's Events for 50 cents W a hi r' s Bookstores I STUIDEINT'S EADQUARTERS to03-105 N. Main St. 316 S. Stte t ~Suit Ca ,..s e S 1.le +S S$4 Soli Le tlict Case $3.15 S$6 Sole Leather Case 4.69 k .$8 Sole ILeathter Case 590 S$io Sole Leather Case 6.98 ' $rt2 Sole Leather Case 8.98 k *1* S The spplyis Um l 3 ite and ov i sf ha Th rightppto hsalhrand unes he insits.upo WILAS*TC' T rhe Masqueradler. The Prodigal Son. *The Sea Wolf. hIeverlyi of Gratustark. The Villa Claudia. j The' Memoirs of a Baby. Christmas Eve ott Iotttrotttc. Black Friday.' The Filrgrcv' Ball. jewel's Story Book. A Ladder of Sxv-ords. Lady Rose's Dattghtert. In Thte Bishop's Carriage. SHEEHAN & CO Unlverslty Booksellers 320 S. State St.- CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN UNIVERSIT YjrOOR Michigan Spoons Michigan Pins Michigan Fobs Michigan Calendars Win. Arnold, College Jeweler llec. i6--Christtiasscia1 at New-berry Balll. 1llcc. 17 -1i907 Liiilciit dc:i iBrbou:r gV1otnasaitti - iec. 17-Clit-,t n ~deaior:soa::l alt thec'Ptcalvctctian chitichi. 'Pileswho:le'unon-ersity n-ill tbc pleased toi no hitha111t':ioaclt Yost hlsll-11 none iin tenii:1(1t'ton liremaiig at MXichtiganttfior anoiltheea. Noibtter ifootball coacht litvea, acciirditgto I:: .\liiij galleas. antth iis fact :alone lmeansaa shiptattforligr~o5. Coach't ''Yotc- ceivedil atteritig offera frcmttth:1ev 11111- ceraitic., btthelt:'tiea at Xit ol .AnXrbor Wl'ESi'TCO liE '111ERE. 'lThe firat if the announ:tlca'et: re-i' garingl7tlieyannuiiaI re':llay c-ieet o lth Untivrst 'it ti aennylaiaon :Apilii22 lit rel:v ay teami foriftilt' wt' mile which il l pabailyt coist of s1 ixth-1 HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Students' Lecture Association I! 1904 - -'ititlyrst seasoni - 1005 Russell N. Conweil Henry Watterson John T. McCuteheon SOr S A'S BAND Gov. LaFollette Edward Bole lienrylVan Dyke Leland T. Powers champ Clnrk Hlamilton W. Mahie oratorical Contest c lopen Nedmber O F F E1w4 .w.a}.t, ~a~., ~ a.s a+ r . r..~ a.a.ro~~c... a.ww t.ww ,4,0, . .} 'hnM C'i~k?'7 S'C FA C'rlw na F rsh-Out C^r'n R o7 Ct'rating C}f'C7 +"Cr~ *. .G odnRopeih - lc Maaahpr1. ' c PeagJvprth72cAainMchpr11C 8 ren&C.sHed i't. 0 a Aenlma's Gae, sh. alr wysatngejybep a t 4oth e MaV a rs ityD EBillia rd R o omd which has the fintest equipment iln the city. 313 S.STATE -PHON E 951 5SEASON TICKETS $1.00 = I SINGLE ADMISSION 50c Next Number--GOW" LaFOLLETTE-=Dec. 151 STE[NaBLOCH CLOTHING LINDENSCHMIDT & APFEL YOUNG'OS HATS.