THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..N .HNTHE 11ICH IGAN DAILY.i CONSOLIDATEf SOCIEITI ES W E OU D H VE Entre asset~n-cassnitle a th An ES.C.A. and Y. M. C. A. Will Prob ® IN ON IIIR S! E O L A E v e rir foviohee at ably Join Their Efforts i W YOU -TO III4fKNOW aO.td1 ii~ ieii~art University Christian 0 Wo re0 t i Secilt _ [r iih ti ly ('lat ,- vF. ttiiioin striet. Work. I X 1 i -its - -v, ie i -sie -ais Concerning the tproposedl consolia rd lg That we are doing business at MaaitEio,3.TNE lA imof the S. C. A. and Y Al.CA 0 A OUR NEW STORE Bsinoss Manaer, CL AUDE: A. THOMPSON. thre have beeii many cotadictions~ I ~ ru e t AiiiOUR NEW-tSTORE 1,Utw ale, however, that this consolidationCrn 311 South State Street *Nws - -- iviiTHUi c. 'Cii wiitill go through sooner or later. De-____ 1 _* ASSOI t tl i5 aity are exceedingly difictlt to get, W ielii 22A.1. iravier,. larry f. Adewsv as the main issues rest oit ite te- iOt-]iilude', tevaious 4A 16)y 1el,I- t 1t1 t T n. Jh ksaf h t ior L ,A. to CO .t.1v.eli cisiois of the officers of the two so-ttil t ti That otir Nesw \oolenis for Ia v[1. itanag A. IiuOvrtmyro cieties. "Should this plan go Keuffe e- Esser the coning fall tratde are titrs ricear$.0Iptiii thrtttgh" vid one of the Y. M. C. A. Instrmetst it$4 to $22 n ow ready. ilttiiie. fies i vpohhvta h oig Kern's - t $11 o $18 22men of toth asociations will b or~ Richter's" - at $20 A ,ttF Offic livur:230 to 1:30 and L5:30 to 730 ganizedl tnder the Y. Mt. C. A The* F Tht.eitk in.ehg daily S. C. A. yotng laies would e takeit 3 Fine Second Hand Sets, That e mak. speb ar Addrs CLAUL) A.TlIOrIPSON,Bluinos cae ot it the Y. X. C. A. We are 1 I5 In 20 Per Cent iei o etee.faae,31PcadS. eehn 6.Off ileitSfo enleen'ing 31 akad t. Tlphn_46.wtrking hard to effect the consolida-31 lion, and exiect that it witlle pt A . ) through sooner or later; hosv soon itt * ce ourtoe yourhi vqi i *That we al Ppvreci Cte youri tratlea *s O is hard to say." 9 trtnSfor all yiour spstttt.o aitlreetrlysoiia*_______________________ From present indications the asso C iittit e".sil t t ontaieoftese. Sunday, Otober 2, 1904. ci1o1wl aeammes t il iilsotiie.i i ~tt~~gt~t eutal to, if not greater, than that itt t icr * u s~oers ~the lot college year. Up to dae G. H~. VMIL COt. Editor Today-HUGH ALLEN. the nembersiti of the S C A isS OO FO 311 at LStateStreet. CALENDAR. iot have good reason to btelieve that 40 n h fieso h soi- 1 1i1 0 STORES, s___ eve or eight hundredl sill eventual UIVERSITY HAQATR O NI IThorse oa tr terlditwhitbitt aly e enrolled. The Y. in1. C. A. now105HE aDQURtER. tnto tetitir patonts ae woulviii-ir-. October 2-President Angells address ha three hundreidad twenty-fve f 1315i.Ml iall for the entire college year was out N 01 Octoher 2-Dr. Elmore E. Harris of hitnded, and the tilicert are in hioites -l ortinto at McMilan Hall. ot douling that numer hit year. d 00@ Octoer 5.-Foothall, Michigan vs. F Ohio Northern niverity at Ann LOTThrdyttt.2,til Octoer t-FoblMcia s in, star saped set with snall rayx A EA.TET Kalamazoo College at Ann Aror. anti pears. Finder tlease retirit t "~Octoer 12.-Football, Michigan v. 44 Wahtenaw Ave.> Physicians and Surgeons, at Ann Arbor. LOST WATCH. H C Octoer 19.-First lecture on the Stu- tvllhitv-aewthhtet , IFO.JNII tNSdns etr AacainCuv Calkins and Ferry lfell. Lieral re- U1 by hyRussell H. Conwell. . from$J 4) ovelte itMiciga Clh Huseward. Call 25 E. Jefferson. Phoie anquet at Waterman gymna- 5,1L. X-\3 41Jquaanled.viua.Stdents' ooks atd clothing insur-Q+ ' - ed at approximately 3c for $10 in QS0. If ysterdaty's fotbiall tametiC asci t surane. Phonetr srite. klv.. can b[IAIC e i taenti as a crierion, this year W. H. DCTLER, t imlciig.iifoshal tamwil h Ot'Both Phones 41. 200 E Hiroit 'a ily. Ilhc showing maicy h i l V___________ < V RIY H T INSTIfrENTh veritis was gratifying. Old aidil ie Several days ago Prof. A. . Pre- 0 layers alike diditl ceteitl work for tt, Cott, head of the chenistry coure, z Te Typical a firsitittle itt lihe-seasontt, ad gve ii delivered a lecture ii Detroit efore C otlege Sans Hat dceoproiingii material. 'Fur tati' the Society of Chemical Industry.' n ATI-IlEIIC GOODS ilas slow ut this was ot srrisinig Hi audience included many famoat cosidlerig the fesw scritottages pres foreign and American chemists. v to f to thtt Igame. 'h'e maifact th _________________2 makeils-.XMiiga's otlisk Ibrighti ita 1 LECTURES ON INSURANCE. Q"+ - 3e ery tmtu inithe clcven sustittec:___Wh., For ae ony at CA it otilt tiklue. XWittwoiso trthree mtu ntte o Instrance, Ctturse 5, will te GO O SPE trel imitnary gameis, toleitvrie: given on Ttesday Thursday, at I., in 150C ( oug t t e fast enoughi atd easy Room A, Law uilding. Class will Q[ pLiHlANA & CO.ll tenugi.h tetciuttter aty loponnctt ii meet for the first lecture ott Thus- l)EHN U test.IThcelDaily prophesis a srie^ day, Ocoer )6. HATTERSHABERDASERS * 5 is required to enter this course. A ~ xb k$RW 4 ®LECTURES. IJAMES X. LOVER. _ Thet attention of vtutents i called __________ - to hic lecture corsese antounced tn THE HARMONhC ORCHESTRA 1titJi fv lhetcso aget 29 and It, especialy to course IFtrishes mnusic for all occasions___________________ Firs Juri he thlticAss.. 1 and the cotretofferedt fr the firt hDane music a secialty. Adtress L. citiart-Thart GotAhease... time, on 'The Religion of the Sem- . tBate, manager 8tt S. Fourth av- The Only Soa Atr ytil uii Ntr Iliileaninsi, itet" These corset are open to al nute. New Phone, 2589 Re. t1 ',ltairs MAarlnotit, iu stuttents. A knowledge of Semitet that won't smart or dry on the rtact. trcrtitiiin yas uein -t cu 5- iiitri is nottnecessary. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE DAILY. fc Thu Mat that Ma1d tk,, Suscritions o the Daily taet at Th ny sop ta Ac etvt Butoits. College pilows and alh kinds oh Ctshing't Drug Store anI at Myers makes shaving easy. collerge stiuveir at Siss Lvlls .33 New-v Stanid.Sates, $2.501 per yearo- A iitsii.'ceitivitii tCA iEARiTMET oIN S.Mtate, second floor. l-i $2.tt0 if tpaid In advatce. tf W LL AM S SHAVING CHARGisetO ESPEtAias. ~S TICK wmAi20oI hecoee ewle OME[TELEPHTONE COMrPANY - *BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE SPE1!;CIAL COMM40 UNICA TION WE WLL tEItN OtR NEW STORES THS WE.FsK. OUR STOCK OF MEN'S FURNSHINGS5 ANt)IATS WILL lE ENTIRELY NEW AND)IFUL OPIIXCLUSIVE STY4F.S WE WOULD.BE PLEASED TO SEE YOU AT OUR OPENtNG. j BENR & K-YER, Tailors, Furnishers and Hatters, 709-711 North University, Avettue. COF9 L.. ~THE VARSITY Q Alwys res-Or On RastngCIGAR STORE AND BILLIARD PARLORS i.lden Rtio, per lb. - - Isec Mariacaha, per lb. - -18c , Will be equipped with Bruttswick-Balke Pedangl; ava, pser lh - - 28c Arabian Mocha, per lb. -2$c Colender Co.'s stuperfine, regulation size, Dean, & Co.'s Bllend, per lb., 20c iU+ 5x10 billiard tables, atid cues with per- Ifectiottbtutts, eltoiny splice ctie poitnts, 214 South Main St. DEAN C QL ( I.eI,.F ivory tips, assorted wveighats. DeFRIES' ART" STORE, Artistic Framing, 2-1 S. Fourth Ave.