THuX MICHIGAN DAILY MILK CHIOCOLATE No swetmeat has the charm of PETER'S MILlK tiloCO. LATE, and, despite many attempts at imtattion, its popularity antslearter, on the incea se. FOR . " rEATING ONLY Collegemen find a grateful degree of comfort and service in the Brighton Flat. Clasp Garter. Now worn by near- l y two million men. 2Z I Royor & Co rf SOLE AGENTS. . I -A=;^ N O-E Leading Clothiers, IiN EVERY HAT. Hatters and Fur- t>._ ?ectorand~eroflldaiialare; ALsocit fluaranted. lar dealer nishers. is thoited to reptaceFreciCharge. any flat which isalot atisfactory, 109-111 East Washington St. I I .. CHRISTMAS 1904 NEW YEARS 1905 Going Home? West or Southwest? Secure Tickets via Missouri Pacific Ry. OR Iron Mountain Route FINEST SERVICE QUICKEST TIME Free chair cars, Puilman steep- icars, dining cars, semi- tourist sleepers. Tm-Daeds. e., jfor the asking write or call en H D.Armstrong, -T. P. A. 233 Washtetoaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. T RCNT.5CHfLtIR Pkotog rappier. rr i Std f:e,t:'W...'ec ef1)r P'rice ft os or I~y mail. PIONEER SUSPEN1iDER CO., 19I Ma-ket Stret, 1 5'hludelrhlt. I have just recetved the argest and finest line of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever brought to the city. FINE' LUNCHES IN CONNECTION Everything Neat and clean Agents for B. B. 5. Pipes. 308 S. State St. R. E. JettY. E. DI. Ititne. Pres. Harriton Soule. V. P'res. i.: . Ctarkson, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK - Of Aaa Arbor, Mich. Capo~al, i$0t,000. Surplus and profits, 000,000. a Buy a Parker Fountain Pen at to< Mann's Drug Store 213 S Main St. Q PICILWck .0 BO7WLING ALLEY R ts-iotly Vp-to- date. S. RO4TTENSTEIN. Pr-op. "707 N. VssIlr. Awe. REMOVEDh Frets Athens thea- iN~~Y~ tee buildinsg to No.0 208'N. Mats, first door north of post- office. Phone 301.f ** TEE ATHENS PRESS, Printers. "IES~TON'S LAST VICTORY." To commemnorate the closing game of Captain IHeston's football career, namsely, that sivth Chicago, Me. Fraiak M innis, leader of thse Minnis orchestra, has comoslOedl a tmarchs-twso-steps en- titled "F Ileston's Last Victory." The producetiona has jest been pttbtished, sand is pronounedot ly critics as the; test of its kind that has beect issued in the city this season. On thse cover page is a large tall-tone of the ex- cap~tain, surrouttdedt by a decoratiots of laurel, ptrinted in college blue, making a striking attd suggestive effect. Comn- itig a- it does at thse close of the great half-backs football career, this two- tesholdl enjoy great popuolarity in :innt Arbor musical circles. 'GtEEE, BANJO ANt A H NDOtI N CLUBS - t,,ereymeember nst meet sttecial car at the wsailing room at 6:43 tottighst. lis car swill sot stotp at State street. NOTICE. A steeling of the IHoosier club wilt lie heldt in roomt C, University Hall, today at 4 P. Ius All Indiana men are invitedt to attend. President. NOTICE. All ttersotns desiring to accomtpany Keystone clb east toed in their tames toy Saturday normt. IThose wlto tave already signified their intetttiott of go- tog antd whso wisho to obtaint sleepinsg accomtmtsodationts s, attditsnatmes at Itse sae titme. Gesttosan, 311 Thomptison. Ptarties at Gratngers tsis week o Wedesdsay, Thutrsdtay, Fritay attd Satstrday . Thse acadtettyttrchtestra will futrttishs nmssic for alt. 63 ROOMS TO RENT. D~ootble tarlors, two betts; suitabsle for tssos or Itree ; all ntodcrn conven- ettces, fitte seat. 6to Lawretnce. 63 Ertiet Pboloorapber rOPULAR PncEns. No. 10 Henning 101k Job Printing. Meyers' 215 Main St. nouth. Phone 281. tf. Qutality int suit eases is our specialty. 591f Atlets, Main St. Latest novelties in suitings at Ful- ler & OConnors, 619 E. William St. The folks at home would appreciate a Michiganensian. $1.00 each at Wahr's. tf Go to Cushing's for Htersheys & Cailler's Milk Chocolate. tf Steam and French dry cleaning and repairing at Fulter & OConniors, 619 E. William St. You'l tot feet poor whett you learn our prices ott suit cases. Allent, Main street. 5911 FREE--The Michsigan Football cat- etsdar given free with every purchase of $i.oo or over. 56tf Foster Art Rooms. Mandolin and Guitar successfully taught by Mat. C. Fischer, studio at Ann Arbor Music Co. 44tf Try them all, and theta look here for sutit eases. Allen, Main St. 59tf Stmalt box of popular cigars, suit- ablc for Xmas gifts, at Stitmpson & Stinspsotss. 16e-70 MEL GILESPIE, TEACHER. Of msandolito, banjo and guitar. St.ate street studio, corner Liberty. Telephone 723. 62-3-6-7 Conttlete line of fancy smokitog to- bacco, cigars atsd cigarettes for Xtmas gifts, at Stimpson & Stimpauts's. 62-70 Parties at Grantger's thsis week, Moo- stay, Wedtnesday, Thursday, Friday orchestra will fturnish thse music for allt. 62-3 CHJEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. Office, State street studio; telephotte 313L; office hours 410o 5p. m. 62-3-6-7 i . { i i i i i i V 1 1 ISTEAK AND OSER I HOUSE t Strictly up-to-date j European Plan onlY ~OYSTER' BAY1 315 S. State St. 004 t1 -1 1444* 0444ofGEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice Cut Flowers and IChapin St, between Huron St,. and Miller Ave. Phone 809. Da~ncisnj S3.UU Uisversity Academy, 336 Stale Street Watches, Clocks and JewelY Repaired by expert workme at reasonable prices. Alt worik guaranteed. JI B. EIBLER, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty= OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS 'Parlor Cars on all Traias D., Y., A. A. & J. RAILWA- For D~etrott, hatf hourly frets61a.In" Pt tit 6:t5 p.o.tthen 7:15 st, 81 ,845, 9:4, 10.4 l).m.I Yrsianti onydh6-5,'7:4 , 11 -. ta. until 1:15 p. no.; then s:i5 and 11:1S p. m' Waiting Roo. HuroSt., west of M03lO ii 1 $.PURITAN SHOES $4.00 Have you seen our Tan Grain and Blacu Elk Waterproof Shoes at $4.00? Can not be duplicated elsewhere for less than $6.50. Better see our new line before you btiy-yota won't regret it. South "inlaS#. " f IVE TICKEtTS IEEE for shines on our new ma- chine, with every pair of shoes. SERVED WRITH WHIPPED CREAM Hot Chocolate or Coffee Asad Rolla. Cak. aos- CsaarsPuffs. loco Pennycook, the Confectioner Phoese 266 -310 S.-State St. EGY PTIAN - M I DEITEs 7ern ~11-tter' Turkish Cigarette can be made CORK TIPS Look fos- Sigassntt OR AIN f . ANkis. s- 4- y .:" - .s srv "- _.rr" .-Ol Always ACbeadp ++ MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Evegthiag in TailorW