HOLIDAY GIFTS Fall Fashions are Ripe
Brushes and Brush Sets, Smoking Sets
Shaving Sets, Chafing Dishes, Cutler ut =TpCat 4ai ot
Lamps, Dolls, Skates, Sleds, Tools Froma iitinihoestale tailoring house at
ifact all the nGwades abslre tsthtBakes hairs BOS &CO
been placedon te ndrdetsir amthings had t as FOAGtS , kL DE RS O
ontetore hi er°i o bd IRnchester, IN. Y.
20c Candies, 10c 40c Candies, 20c
~. I J,,x ,,lg. II tt OIllI ~ tustrating the latent improved
tI / designs, are now ready. We
/+ have exlusive sale of L. A. B.
R-uteh fiel d's FneTailoring .x C.chn nti euy
Fine C. , nMenseho tire snore thslanlrin-.
Trade G aa te ..4 arily particular about the style
pecially invited to inspect these
You the most skillful and artistic service to he had anywhere. products of Rtochester's moot ap-
We always carry a large and complete line of seasonable wens- , to-date clothing manufactory. 4
ens. We hare the agency for Beach & Newel' Custom Shirts,
* and can show you a large, beautiful and exclusive line of ohirt- .4
ins"erfect fitting.I
Burchfield's [ine Tailoring Trade, 106 IE. Huron } Wadhams, Ryan & Reule
________________________ 55
-% S aldig's OfficialInterrcollrgiatr
Money Loaned -1 rOOTBALLh Wl Dw Tw
' s Urd by All Lrading Collrges let your
Lned on Watces. l)iatttoitdaAl-.nnot Bali Pants lace fronmt, 4'WathsadJw
Or other Personal Pioperty lt strind l . n pdet ith tsY
Watches and hoetelry okdharaddih
Bgains in Watches and sRiepetaired~s
Diamods.A.6G. SPALDING & BiOS, Inc. R p ir
- , New York Chicago Denver WX ve o f irst-clttss ttrknmtntand;gstar-
Ulc atresidentce. 31. .OLiertyS i - -- -- -- atei se o t..rk e sellFobs, U. nf M.
ttsf tAnn Abor ttous. 5sto ll1:w) t. to. + Pinsand Banesr at Redueced Prices.
toto. tt3Al.Vaito Spaldiog's Official Football Guide
eonu~dld .i.Al uies For 1904 Telephone 310.
- ~ Joseph C. Watts .c.j IEdited bty 55alter Ctamp. Pise l10. F SCHlL[ED[, 340 S. Siale Street
,+*x-Jg -oxG~xxx
!.t Youfreeio,.nt Thte Soars tttihsr te
thneYi 'll see IClothies sthtotly differrtfromi
"wkii sli ttar in thit do ws of mottt
eqshand-Tailored Clothes
'Irc notO itf tss rltt-tt-.itS t
h Irs opel rmstaedant'ifffsilost
5ssj'edit tltrtv centers of a eotlttysatoie, tot
tlt,er ready-for-utse Clothtes are uielk
$10 and $15
Main Sireed
'111 . \\S ()I"ENCOUSET. NOTICE.
thle ptie court of lie loss idetpartl Reading notices, except to Univer-
mentis ~ m-it1scsitS ndit Vis ro- ally organizations, one cent a word
I;h titoworik this Semseir will per isue, payable strictly in advance
so it tersosl itsistres i~ to the Businese Manager only.. Uni-
hc°I'l evry rarasIntresingas iiversity organizations allowed one no-
pas rearslice free. tf.
I' ittncou t'as estttlishtedl ittn____order___________
s itve itttietl'tsisci titt n led-NO'iICE.
i adpatee toto expteriencee in
tta ts1 lead ttring ctses. l(lleiltillhs Ratfic t thetit ichit cit Billiatrd Par-
of htts arc conidtered dutritng te intst orvIili e Iheld Ilec. 15,h8 p. sit. 707
seier erandjur caesinvotloinsgNtitrit lstioest enet.
qutitsofsfaStsare Iris-ti before-tte
trnt otttIl inttilieseondsiemetetr. (Ois LO0S1.
sess io te courtris'dLooted lttile
tcisi o ofiqusitions eof pieastinsg, tand alphatoClii (Omtegatpintits itti I. S.
literth eere iitottdof.questos ofit bttck. Rtusrni to 3t1; . Liberty
hers ofIttesclty sit ts judsges as
ths trlsiI. Tu1e sttuentstdotohue RO OMS TO PEN'S.
xir oatllornesi.witnsses tansi tsr-
ors. iThe proce edsti air econdstuctedl leitii sie otet sosc io
liltiththe-tat i dignit atdlde orum as 1outstide enltrancse..Issqtuire
ar lh:ss in; of alst ulti ouitrt. 5.13 1. tio rl'ilt r vesc. hi-3
St~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~isr puPitcie ssss etst e ttt itsupli sttel tboxes, suit-
Ioalofisi phtoiligrapicstud'its to ktaiseStir Ntittgufs, t, sSistitinss &T
319) 1?. Huron uro street ,opoi'svitetlahes' 051tilhson. (0-70
tmetiand.ound f tloo srieriteage- Michiganensians $t.00 each at
lbtlSesic eie heehan's. tf.
trl .13 Htvetou ilstrietd aviirtassagc at Tro-
j''It ts gretat, andi gives a hcaltthy
tis xof tis cite toe straighisegatt rscittiexiots. 5Mtf
Soli Smtith RPiti ort maeist tttstislitt. for _________I________
$tLoo at Stimsoniiit & Stinltitso'. I Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, 10c.
Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E William SL.
titles toul're ttrotughstooktisngfor
stit csesn, you'l l e heee 5to boy. If ytintulis itsesooshereyou're
59sf Allen, Maii SL. 'tife. Alien, Moist St. 59tf
Souvenier Ash or Pin Tray
Given away with every 50c peur.
chase or over at
i. of 01MQTJ
Antiseptic BARBER .SHOPJ
isJ. R. Trojanowski, 322 Soeth State St.
Yo," n$1% lit 0.
tHot Lunxch
f At Tssttle's, 338 S. State
lFnm~iner end I'uneral Director
Ambulance-Calls attened day or night.
2111 S. 0th Ave.; residence wine
ltlttneS404. Anni Arbotr.
New Brunlswick Tablas
Flee Cigars and Tobaccos.
Jtas. 5W. Reid. 1Prop., 32S. ,Scale Streent
Lo-.ateti on :Maynard Street, one block
wtest of StsteStreet Sitires--Ground
i-lios. teitave stno usides agency-
sornoieand class rsocs ae confined
tGranger's Academsy, Pisone, 246
On the square
The peer of all sales. Our exutire stock of suits anld over-
coats nmoweuii sale at One-fourth off
$25 suits or overcoats at $1$.75 $15 suits or overcoats at $11.25
$20 stilts or overcoats at 15.00 $12 suits or overcoats at 9.00
X18 anita or overcoats at 13.50 $io suits or overcoats at 7.50
Every stilt anxd overcoat nxew axnd this season's make, all
up-to-date styles and at seventy-five censsb on time dollar.
U. of M. Calendars given away free with
every $1.00 purchase or over.
r ZeNw 'rnWadhamns jamCo.
1st dsoor north ptStiyte Savings Bank, 12t-3 S5 Main Street
_. IC1I6AN C i J. F. SCHUNi, Sanitary Plumbing, Rowe 's La undry THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
Electric construction and suppliesY AND eSEASHI ieeNen.
"The Niagara Falls Route." Gas and Electric Portables, Gae anid Thomas Rowe, Proprietor.
THE SHORT LINE Electric fixtures, steam and hot 326 N. Fifth Ave.
water heating. New Phlone 57 ellPhone 47L CTIHE TABLE-Taking effect Dec. 4,1904.
CHICAGO 207 F. Washington St.,_________________
Lv. No. V-8:06s a.m. Lv. No. 1t- 9:05 am
BOSTON P O O R P S0 .Iatl Funeral i2-11.315a.m. Lv 593- 4:50 poem
With NWYR PHOTOGR P S .M Matn t connections at Chicago for *cia Daily except Sunda~ between Owosso and
lte 1'll.1 Kansas CitySB. Paul anadCalt Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Toledo. t Thsroogh tranis daity except Son-
w tOO For information and THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, Renidence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314.Sa.lrecirrsoNs.1ad.
VTWU1 tickets call on or write to W. W. T. WILLIS, Agt.,
AmbulacAonntl. .3J. KIRBOY, 0. P. A., Ann Arbor, Mtich.
Agnt Ann Arbor. 316 Sot Min a St I Ablnc cl. Toledo, Ohio.