I - "'THE MICHIGAN DAILY *****af.T******* THE M~ICH IGAN DAILY. tmemorial cormittee reslititints andI f ° hle ('itistiat asociato moltS teltit : AE WOUuLD HAVE ? jEnted as teod 1assatr a the Ann Professoir \Vilcv cntributedmla very f fb It thorough discussion on the report of f YOU TO KNOW f _se v~ the MLosly corn ssion, and Pofesor ' f coiegeear.at ts Y Wshintonstret.Roth, of the forestry department. des- sitU 1 ribe tie foresters' womrk in a very That we are doing business at Managing Editr, J. STANLEY BALEY. interesting article. The nans columns Business Manager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. arc cotmptosed of well closen articles OUR NEW STORE _-ertainig tom tetstal sujects. The 31 Sut Sat Sret thetcs__ EDITORS iv L.rw cuts are vry good, especially those of 4News ------------ATHUR . POaND the Chicago-Michgan game the lass 3ff Sooth StateanStreet.Es ...t.n.as ... Josnph Y. Kerlmbuildingadthtle heatitg atd lightitg Wmn...........Ida M1.Ilewntg EDITORIAL STAFF: That our New Woolens for A. M. Graer h arry H. Andrew: TIhe editors are to e congratalatetd the coming fall trade are 1. Wit Jayne on kceping iti the standard that they nosy ready. ASSOIATES ae st atd prouiting a mgaite ,.01RoyugA.Obrn AtarT wag slicht is itetrestitg atd ittstructive to A. 11Iee. e Oteteryr Sdney It. gle. ier all1 persons haitg aty itterest in the Ta wemake superb gar- Htugh Allen Will o. 5anford Tht eChtas55W.Ambrew Lus Sttckney univ~ersty. mets for gentlemen. Cas. E. Wintrait Jerte Weadnck_________ * ~~~~~BUSINE'SS STAFFITRST NDEA N. att~ W It ans FEN a'sey ITEES _N_ EBTIG That we appreciate your trade J .ERIFetzer A. B. Innuisreiatuipaeltte tlrs and respectfully solct a RATES: $25.01 per'year or $sass f paid n lien ~kt ndbt li er h continuance of the same. adance. ngtkni eaeti er h ysociety prlimtinries for ti scon- SOff ice lour: 12:30 to 1:301 and 6:30 to 7:30 win eate muilst be off y the 2011, and G. H. WILD CO. p*5tr aily there is giing to: e a fierce conpet- Addeess: LAUDE A.TH1IPPSON, Business i::eet :rpscsea h oit 311 Soth State Street. - t - emts. Tere are settc wettytie Z________ twenty-ire e net tryitg ota it: NOTE-Thomse aofiour frieds whoti havae seeact of the fotr societies. It is tus- 4 no~t beet: sue Iatrons seewould ca- B__________________________ ile tait tiwomiglts of dettig will 2 dally invteto ce NOW505. line necessry it: ech society to settle ______________ it \:51t ssA, mnec. 1,1904. tlaces. ____________________________ ________--'- 'thquestint is "Primary Reform," .~@.O@OO@@O@SOegO* Editor Today-Chas. W. Ambrose. which peraps accouts for a part Of POPU AR 1.5 --the interest taket. It has frequently UCALENDAR. ha:ppened in te past ttat titeossthjects wereraso tehnticl tat a gre t amout XMAS FICTION itDeci.i;3_o-rfesr McLal~oiltn, of reading and collecting of statistics Tappan hIal:lpeteto iidt antything at all were cstn- I e. 14--Vrsivte le'itub coicert. peled tom gve up a: gret dtlftimae $ 1e0 Ypilati.to te wo:rk. ______l1ec. 15--Gov. LaFollette on S. L. A. coulrse. At tie college Csy corner (332 S. The Masquterader. Diec. tt6-Christmas social at Newberry Sate street seond flor) Miss Lo- The Prodigal sotn. Hal. elilhas a great variety of inexpettsive IThe seat Wolf. lic. 17-107 Lit danmcini Barour articles sitblle for Christmas gifts. Z Beverrir f iratttark. gymnasitum. Th Vsill7 Claui.Dc.1-Crisiianm Endleasvor social at \adans & Co. are givig a U. f Th Vll Catdi.tile Presvte rianttchu~rch. M. caledar free witt every $.oo pitt- Sir Mortirner. cha:se or mier. (63 Chtrisftmas I~ve ott ,mitismlle. 'llt elort mf tie itnivesity tres- et your Gym. suppues at ushing's. Black Fridlas. mcvforte pae1st year, svhich ha:s ust Th FlgrcBal l~ i iiadem public shows thefinan:mces of Chew Blood Berry Gum and get lull,tie iisittioni t e i emcelleiim coi- a pink breath. Only antieptic gum jeswels Stairs-.Booik.i111. 'Iieslilllrss'r$2,0 in the world. All dealers. 44tf A Ladder' of Swsordins. ls, tihin:tie itcoie, wh'lile the wo'srk Lamiv Rose's lDaughter. accomlishedl y le tivisersiy has FREE-The Michigan Football cal- tIIITheIishmip s Carriage. bccii greater lhan ever. Schb skillful endaar given free with every purchase tuinn'e'riing is r'miarkabile for the re-of$oorov. pr p, ene VUsn -.'':,oucs ofI lilaschiiol re esceedin~gly 6tf Foster Art Rooms. SHEEHu~fAN & Co l~ted. 'Ihe athiorites mith ni iv lier- Try some of ushn' ie loo is iwicompiaraiisey iiiager fititis Ides.ineCho Uaversty Bookselle~rsa titheirci 1r ltatamm. lave 1y their care 320 S. Stte St. faliina:gem~ent placed M icigan ie the Rare atd dainty Idiat baskets front frms ranikl of Amiercaivisersi- Il theciic eoast-just the thing fr . e @c OOOOO@0q * f i;.itas. lHarrinigton, 319 Catherite street. od-ti iii (EFIIiR ALUMNUS. CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA UNIVE'lita listDeceber issie of the Michigait UNIERSTY OOLS ltnttuins u a mnost interesting utu- Address L. D. Bates, manager, Sf1 lernto lotht und~ergradaltes iand aliim -S. Fourth avenue. Phones-Bell, Michigan Spoons '106S6JI; Home, 29 Red. 24tf Michigan Pins mii. nt.lder Eimt anti]l(ommnettlte _____________ Michigan Fobs etitors diisciss tne ew' Aiusmis at Ticket for four shampoo, one dol- Michigan Calendars Michiga:n, as it is at Yale. te Nmvett- lar. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. bt'ien a'eig if regentis, the Union nd University, near Quarry's. t-ths tf. Wtn. Arnold, College jeweler HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE F I The Studnt I Souve1lif OUR LATELY PUBLSH5ED Art Calendar ot [vents Is the finest souvener for the price that the holday stock of calen- dars Ias to offer. Huudreds. of Them Have Been Sold Dtirintg the short time they Iave been on sale. A Year's Events for 50 cents Walh r' s Bookstores STUDETS IEADQUARTEI5 10310 R. Mai St. 316 S. State $t. _ ----. Sal~ C8.Se S ar..5 .* '* $4 Solid Leather Case $3.15 ' t$6 Sole Leather Case 4.69$ {$8 Sole Leather Case 5.90 $to Sole Leather Case 6.9 I$12 Sole Leather Case 8.9 I. .* The upply is lirs" ited aid yoxs rmilt$ hxrryn S3r V * ...5 {/,Yrre ,Y,a v T yodil.IT S Insure your Face, against irritation. Keep smooth and healthy by always using WILLIAMS' STI I _,,,. Ibe Students' [ecture Association ' 1904 - J't~ft4tt eaeonj - 1905 Always Fresh-O4ur Own Roasting Golden Rio, per lb. - - 1SC Marisaha, per lb. - - 1~ *Pedang Java, per lb - - 28c Arabian Mocha, oar lb. - 2 R7ussell N. Conwell Henry Watterson John T. McCutcheon SOr SA'S BAND Govy. La~olletfe Edward Bok Henry Van Dyke Leland T. Powers Champ Clark Hamilton W. Mabie Oratorical Contest I Open Number Dean & Co.'s Blend, per lb., 20c 214 South M3ain St. DEAN & CO. 'tC IfIt h C"i l'*t"1 "i"t 3'r ^)'C7 CP"lln nn c,"n t cit a Gentleman's Game, is always an enjoyable pastiolf when played at the Varsity Billiard Room SEASON TICKETS $1.00 SINGLE ADMISSION 50c Next Number--GOW" LaFOLLETTE==Dec. 15 r J which h .313 S. STATE gas the finest equipment in the city. PHONE 951 * O4O. . I 1544 *434* I 4t.Illnnial+nnIon4 D.7 eFR IE S' ART STORE, Artistic Frami1.ng, 217 S. Fourth Ave. '' ,