The Michigan D aily
No. 62
(raver, H'alf-Back on 1903 Team, Next Number on Students' Lecture j iss Leaycraft, of Barnard College, Walter Camp Proposes Making Ten
has Successful Coaching Season at Course Comes Next Thursday Columbia University, Gives a Sun. Yards in Four Dowers-Coach Yost
rlarietta College, Ohio. Evening-Price of Tickets Reduced; day Talk to Michigan Girls, and Coach Kernan, of Harvard, Op.
pose the Change.
Afe wSna feno tfu 'lcosasonstof Coaclhing tin- iAltougis since his election Govern- Sudyatron tfurolck
lieltsrt ravr atd ill (oe Ior bal ollette has bet so lusy that he asas trtsgo ~etsiest o
tis~css 'tItsrof1li ct sa iss osclall ec treena estanwas Iseld its Newberry (Hall. The Coaect Yost, Matnager Baird and
swecar iii,\licigats.T'Fslat se.~asn titteS. b. A.toattagetsenst ast-mttttnttg wsaidedby Miss bray- Traittcr Fitzpatrick tave all remarked
osasonetcofttihe'toststtcccssfutl tltry stncs that lhc sill .lecture its Atncat 1 fBrat clee Clmsaon tte lack of ettdlrttts its the big
hit d ~iforsoic yeairs. As thte col- Antsotasiassned..lie is to speak itn Unive rsity. attd by Presidett Astgell, footitall garnetitn the east. Peunsyl-
icee s 'iittts sali - stall sote, sattttL tttt s t lH1all Thussrsday evetning, attd T teastsameetinsg was to the wo-
ttg It n tsttlte stttrt ies xtcciitti rl egets ietto f tte tttiversity touchtwiant the t'attia was practically theotnly teant
'it as~llesfs ttltlntterihutdretthccitis ertttdtcat iisuewl e Mreed ttmettciitgs savebeett to the men, titat attemapted attythting outside of
1st lictttg foth iamleia s csastdr tctrtbil tottt ttteandttthie sutbject ofMiss TLeaycraft' byacowt oue assplaysA a result, the spectar-
a £S frsubtstittts. 'Tetraitsat-eragedtrislyirknowntts a alectturer atdll- adidress was totchs ste same, tts aestievotidrbenopli
i~ti liouiels, th heavies roan weghing ticiltrtodistctstGoAtngrelioaduiressresidensengirlsadtesseishatticlstortett aleyttiteoycttettntett.To
- f gnerllygivn frs icH ststske of the diffiesslties retmetdy this condtitions if affairs, Wal-
--- --- , credit fosribeintg te primsessov'er in siee iljss rss iesstsro ee Canisp, whso acktnowledges himself
tilorltl- eegrsdusty o h setro
bil its' lie as as ssesssier osf te(if te' dec of teisresens day to has isroketsitsto pritt with a proposi-
- tssttista t easscommisstteinthetlow-t hakite sosd faiths of chsidhoo.s otst~itosn to chsatsge thserules so that the
- ~ r o s o 'sCongre'ss. Inthetscrecn tst ssts' trte ossmesscomes isee to 'asssits possessors sf te sail mast gain
I~eullicn atina coiviitoi hewa stenthe teirow chr laesuts tessyasrds intsfousr downrss, istead of
onesfthe stsleadters andt adt uh ti'si ic 'ssb stsossidocsis fivcas e yarsiths iree,sasste law now
- ' . ''nsecrinig tthe notireitnationtot Chtarle t thesr ansdsithsers' is itoabetter s'r"'sssa - sassl.
tion tsi~tbs istisss,,' c fttr dintisghis, frotss tseCi&rstsian iee atMscigsst, te gesseral sets-
its st ti t.poi t iews, tssn the Y.W.C. r.sinintseesmss s e e isisosed to te
itt]n\tts etser lie wass for tse tirdsi \itss Learcrsfstsoke'slotsg sssschsrssle, assuseestecessisy fsor a ch'ange i
-. 'tig' ssrst i tsctsthe uscamsse ussr. Sitetoisd fsrsstsof thecnst apasarent. Nt spsectator as Ferry
ani.teshiste trertosothsestronsg stark ibeingsd'neibste W. NtC.A.Fielsd sdsring te sast seasestswas
crtdid tcs on sints' ieic' ti 'tc tic-
all55occrte swotrldinonssgss thsit entcs esedto tomsplasitnsofenusi.
sieitse s ieResit (tsst -is gstlHfoisOtts sd ltwever, at Chsicasgosshere seemss to
botsti ciet. in'Swttstst 5thits Staltiii te couns tricts of te waestsesosldise conssiderabsle setimnstssitsfuror of
tt Swar tssl ndeomsed oi'ifsalste partyThe tatstistsite gass ercce soofcots-te chanssgs', stisdCoachaStagg says that
isetdcr;it Whiscssst 'ttsi ts1 dd siteluivetos sste site'dsiof Chistatsnisty teeass tis iiseedi'of somessrchsange in
a<s';rssswithis l,asslltsis'ss, Its sitescoftsis ssi s is sgssosiss sssss ie ,c i
fi euusRss'rS. GRAVE'Rs.
Ig tttttttit sad sixtof te tesatreight-
itg less itatn 545 ipoussd
Altougih thse sslleges MNariettas psay-
1'c its and stssitss'igised tihe'msfrttss
tc'5s5totsr ve puststo ts e sitesst, tes
stOl r e gamenss, tietdosse gamets'.ai
usthe's' ittvtr scceeded litt itt'
lit 'rltcfolloinstssg are te setters of
Nlarsstts Sitslusnaso.
Mariet,3 hoUiesto
fariesa,,:I I Wsleain Unisit y
far ita i ;i:eistt'ny(College, o.
is 'tt, ;Wsitg nsssasssiJef-
'rictta 22 ,Otterinsiso.
Miaretao;W t Virgissias, 2.
sarets'16,Muskissgusms, 6.
Fros55 a finansciali standpit t h ie sea-
s wus e so sf te hstsitsrecestsyeasrs.
At tn of te seasssss shey wtrsed
0 alrtoSgns a contract so essacha
thcx5 "tyear, ibut at prersent hIe is
atttr asii 5 ts whtere iwill coachs
aal ltnsf'll, sslise is notws'engaged
eninern concserns itsChsicago.
te l .agoff5nsustsiisutethal-bsack ott
fr lichiguan trusthlis year, sails
Mui tarietta twhere h l asyedi a star
'a2e 11ttder Cole, Hit isbrothser Ralph,
Maciicligass is at pretests teaciisg as
r'.etanasd omansaginag teathsletics
I wheopstolie was elcectedlbysy'oungspeol estsisof the it-irld. ItsI'ss
issi ti-ttsissti lusrality, tricscliselsionssMiss beaycraft sisoke of te
Itsts ispouariutitny its istsistiv c'life' 'f tsi ots s'ssssast essllege. Mist
stte Aisi' ndi st n sotiny isilie eleteds, "iris iuip ts the site swhens siey comse
litsts,'ovsrnore,lie liss fur te tinstso sollege tirentutuaccstoesatesotiisk
tiei VinyYasconis itroofthe fon tu esee. Tihey ge toite churscha
fistces in h Wsss eiteatr stiswhichth ieir pasrensts gos,just ibecause
SentsosinSpoonsser ndstSensator Quarieca they sate always dtissto. Wisestthey
bt "stalwrtns,'' stillihardily itsrcc comess tcoltege their tinstsevere test
slectedsin'tcs' SenatorSpoonessssrc lasrcc beginisus. eretey' stand or fal.
signsedi'SuitSesissossQiurles'termcetx Atetre csslege life issiosse, te sh-
litics ITisisletess' tsobsaFoltlcttetesorpitioisnsrcestssousiltsrovr, asid
naing of assccssosr, andilmanythinttk it is te wosrk of evry trite Chisinis
tsa it is probabliesii'thast tar say rersignt wossanst give us neil as to receire.
te ginvernship andsuihavet' timscit Dr.i-iciest Brooks, director of Bar -
etied ts iit\cossis%,stenastors. Doubitlce sesseurgymnatsiumt, astuadrsed te
suasses moviemsiesnt wouldssi isake it mei sris. Deats Jordans, whio was to sure
posssiibetsohuush isis fav'oritestscoriessapsikensa, sprevetefrfisosenugprers-
onit ar issis 'refosrma. ests
sinsredtGovrnorseLbFollees be-K SONGS OF THE SOUTHWEST.
tng stal saf in cosanectioss wslsitsh__he__
Re pistlitsn ssnominations foe presidenst bust sighst Charles F. busnais, of
its igoy.andus just nssr seemis to be as bLos Asigeles, Calif., dielivered a most
l ikerysi canidaiiisteastastsy'that sure issterestisag lecturse ontthsid"Primitive
ticee ess nt'sionsesd. Sessgs(if ite Soutwest,"unuder-stae
Vithth ue baFolletensusssber isictuid- asices (if the Usiversity mussical so-
edci, teprice (if seaisoss tickets fiorte cirsy ands te Archsaeological Inistitute
1lectssre assosciatiosa course has sects r- of Amearica. MN-I. bumnmis is a mem-
dusedito setsi dollar. Tue remnisder of tirif te Royal Geographsical Society
1itsectsusrse inclueis HlansiltossnVW.NMa- if bLsndona, a writer of ste asidua
ic, Ll~eandsT'I. Posters, Edward Biak, ausority isasiodirnssansd prehistoric
-Chssimst Clssrk, Hesary Vast Dyke, ora- Isidiass life.
soiniesi cuistest asad the opess nunaber. Thae lectisrr sad- beets scheduled to
X1ir. Mlter, te corresposadisagbkcre- take plitter in Sarah Catwell Asagell
itsny, triest intervietred lay she Daily, Hl-tl, lists tas later transferred to Uni-
sail yesterdsay thus efforts were beisng versity Hall to accommodate she
tisse iii haste Secretssry Hay, Secretary croiwd. Its spite of the inclement
'Isft, Gets. Nelsons A. Miles or F. yHop- weathser and she little advertising stsal
kinsontsSmsith ill thiii(slestnussiber, and sail tess dosse, a fair sized crowd
it ttas hoed t a adefisite asisounsce- turesottito ihearethe speaker,
issesis cssultie niade witiis a few days. Presidesat Asigell isstroduced Mr.
bssssssis, whso begans lis address by a
history if she Archaeological society
ROCKYN' MOUNTAIN SMOKER. antd is aisssHr stated what laud been
accompiiisedduinsg the past year and
'ile Rsck Motttab chb hld tsthe sosulosik for the future.
firt soke oftheyea atNicols Mr. busaussis thess took up the func-
tnssite ofteyrsra Ncostioss of mssic speakisag as follows : "The
Hail Saturdayt'evessisng. About sixty fuioniss of music is to express all
maess were prerset.i Durtng the even- thoise nunarosiss feelings sisal all peo-
isig att twety freshmen were re- Ile feel in thsemselves. There is osne
ceivd ito he lub.Thepropecsomsisal instuent sthat is used more
ceissi sslos~t clu, Te prspe thlanassy oilier, terd more and abused
tsis year look better than ever before. msore-nsamsely, ltar human voice."
Flaseare siscusse for the annual The lecturer sliest traced the devel-
danee so lie held after Christmas. Er- opmtoe of music from the ancient folk
ery westrnsstsate was represessted at songs of ste troubhadours its the mod-
themeeing Coorao, aliorna ad rs sosigs, and characterized real mu-
tuesiuelitg.Colrao, aliorna aidsic. To aid hint in his presentation of
M-osntaa swerer most itsevideuce and the Inidians songs, a phonograph had:
dusrisngte evessisagtook advantage of seen placed on the stage and this dis-
ass opportunity to gel a little practice coursed Indian melodies to the and-
onsitslate sosigs and yells. ience.
th :;lin nssuesecessity dsses nost exist its
the wrest, yet it will nosthamste gae
seriosusly, andsitherefore hr furors te
CsisscshNWiliamis, uif Minntesota, asid
Coach Huff~, of Illinosis, save pro-
stounsced theseslves its favor of the
proed rl te, whlae Couch Kernasn, of
Harvardl, Assistantt Couch Sheldon, of
Chsicagos, sandsCoaches Lowethls and
Maltthiews. of Iliits, are opposesd to
CosachsN'sst expresseslhimsself supott
this subtjectastfollosws:
"I conssidier te rule imspracticable,"
lie sail, "andti believe that if it were
asdoptred it twsould elimiasiste all chtances
for inar work its footbaull. Teamus have
harnsesoisgh work 1o gaits five yards,
ande if she requiremesst were doubled,
it wossldlie absolsuely imspossible for
evenly snatched eievens sso score a
touchdoswn, except ott a fluke or a
"Where usnevessly matched teams
played together, us is te case in the
majority of games, slur weaker aggre-
gationt would hate no chace so make
a score by straight football, The coach
wousld lie forced to devise tick plays
if lie hoped so advance the ball any
appreciable distance by a russner. The
mesa twould lose heart because of the
hopelessness of their task, and the ball
would chaunge hands at every third
down, either bsy going over on downs
or by reusoss of a pusnt.
"The ptractical result would be that
kickisng would be ste whole ting.
Punters of ability, who would now he
considered marvelous, would be de-
velopedl, asid thur game would be a bat-
tle baetween tse rival booters. Kick-
ing usid fake plays would be the whole
feaure of the play, and the spectators
wouldshbh decidedly wearied, and would
heave ait she close of the game with a
very usisatisfactory memsory of the
"Of course, in what I have said I
have presupposed shut the otlier rules
remsain the same, If the game were
made over frosm the foundation, to
adapt othaer cosiditiosst10the sen-yard
rule, it would be possible to counter-
act te effect. Thus, however, would
be defeating the purpose of the pro-
posed chanige, so it must be disre-
"Moss decidedly I say that I do not
enadorse Mr. Camp's suggestion."