_ THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOLIDAY GIFTS Fall Fashions Brushes.,antid Brutsh Sets, Smoking Sets S Shavinuo Sets, Chafing Dishes. Cutlery, - ante:, Boak, 'erfuimes, Baskets, Chairs Sis=TpCot Eanaps, Dulls, Skates, Sleds, Tools aFo Whoeal o o t fat a31llI a newandml S 'itabi,' hings that havea. HOAGf 'S °o,'L.. ADL.ER BROS. S20c Candies, 14c 40c Candies, 20co --------....-.* - - - .no. Ileustrating the latest are Ripe =Rain Coats i& Co. y 'ad. W a of .. A'. II. , t ocatity. [tanl ordin- utthestytle ies nare e f Itect thnts.e s mfot up JRinchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... 'You tits' tost skttlfaul and artistic service to he had ans'where WVe alaas caret- a large and complete line of seasonable woot- et::. We haaae the agneyc for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, adcanaashow youa large. beatutiful and exetusive line of shirt- fin. , t ti ngta . Burchfield's [ine Tailoring Trade, 106 Ei. Huron I , ; (4 designs, are non' ta havesecusnive nale a & Co. clothaingn in ti! Men who are tmore tl arily particular ahou and lit of their cloth( pecially invited to ins prodacts of Roectester' tat-aate claithaitng ana Wadharns, Ryan & Reule I J :ris 3 ..tir_ .. .. " . .; Jr.. J, . a..as .a,. L.'ss _______________-3{-.,L____ MoenLae Save the Walk Down Town >aant, It~ at c 2V.hes, tatad a= I W atches and Jewelry tat ttalaa '"ISo a talia~rt ;1'a'nta [a 'aandaal ta' alas I 1aiaaat cl ttal j R paired..e rcs aDiaTeephnes.0 Jo seph C Watts - C .J. SCNLU[DE, 340 S. State Street LA I l1 { f e\I\"J"". "'11 a\ t "1 'a, I t'AlIta i '. . ii.iI.. 'att,.Pt l11 1 A LL EN' S FO0R QUALITY " r '"" see r"' 1 a aa'aaaaallla ookilnga :a1,rc ;ataaaa o s' lsaaa'aeavig A11t1aArborltaa - tcrdav n caaamaa It c italofCaoacha 'a at, 'l'traaastr Fitzpaatrick, Ilein Ncr- Toma'.'laal.atta~aa IanodantaL oatg- 111,1 11,11 T e oah ay war''tiantga:1 aalk a, lookiag'asambrerotandaalalt er tnedtoahlateeth.lA tll sats tofal wildl rlrorswc, alotan as tan'eabiact taf ala, expeditioa,btt as f inaally Inarneda t atlh anntadI coantpatedtttattackitng th a bbsatlit I i stt ir tt "' I al. t.taNQt'E.T FRID AYs N tItH1I'. Spaldtng's Official intercollegiate Yon'scarte hegt a.. COOBA« otLLt h Used by All Leading Colleges *" o L i c Foot BolFat- L ae frot, a A utes 3 .Sa tipsand kneeas,,adtded wtht : A sno~.38S tt fane curted haitr. anad tlttgias witscane s~tps. A.6G. SPALDING & BROS. Inc. New York Chicago Denser Bauy a Sgaodtog's Official Football Giode Parker Fountain Pen For 1904 Edited by Waltetampnt Pri'e tca'.a Mann's Drug Store 'at. Nt a t . NOTICE. anp** an ' Reading notates, except to Unaver- Ant. of M BA AtispticBABER SHOP. oily organizations, one tent a word d and BATH ROOMS. per issue, payable strictly in advante 7~-li to the Business Manager only.. Uni- FACE .t5 assAt~:A. na'~ttt a ?a versity organizations allowed one no-.i J. R. Trojooowslci, 322SouthoState St. lt tice free. If. la"55"""tllliltilllity'yyl ltaaaaal +TO 'Ill ,' iN'l' Souvenier Ash or Pin Tray Dsirabtlesptes ~,tsodarn tas. atr. Given away witha every 50c poe- atoo wass itha otttide'etancet.t' Itttiia' chase or over at 33I. tL-iacsat avsenueatas 1aa DARLING & MALLEAUX Itv sasou attriedal vnibrassage at 'Ira' a as It in greaatai gate' a aealthay ENOCH ItT kLt copeio.;titi Cosnino rn4 Funeral Director Ambolance--Calls attended day or night. Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, 10c. 'Step,,dta Anvs.; Rtestda'nc'santo Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E William St. lhnc404, Anan Arbo~r. Ii sat, latan satas.c essreyo'sreaIc haveejusteeivted tae argest and fiest Saf. Alen Man S. ;tf ine of at. taat St5~'Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Get your Gym tsuppigies at Cushing's. I evea'r brougtahttthe caty. ___________FINE__LUtNCH'IES IN CONNEfCTION Chew Blood Berry Gent and get t a aaytiatt aeatatdalean a pink breath. Only antisepatac gunm ta Ag'att fr'at . PR.I1leus s in the world. All dealers. 44ttf 33S.Sae t_._-Jz ~ FRFFI-Ej,;tt ician FooI ttall cIl-New Brullswick Tables oaf a.0o ora ovcr. ;tf l Foster .Art Rooms. REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS -- Floe Clgars and Tobaccos. 'a''tiaanyotate throughlokinaatg lar Jas. 5W. lReid. 'Prot.. at's S. State Street suiat cases.,, tou'll conicachare atoaeuy. 5tt Alleat, Malta St. GRANGER'S SCHOOL Michiganenoians $1.00 each at o A CN Sheehan's. t. Loatedsi1aaeynaard Street. tatnibloctk wsttfState':Street States-' Grounad Flace. ttshae,'ototalde'ageacy-- Try some of Cushing's Fine Choco- ataratthca'nasaclasas eroma are contained laer ro hnger's Academny, Phone, 246 I At a taltalatag ofs th alas' ns lta'ia rlem s at r stan,, t for i tile ' t'tatttt ta l> at's) Pavn in' ln ltto ath fota lln nlght aat, a~ aln ttaheaast~a iaatel'rom.o AiieYou iyi ant 'rl sa rt Clisorthes l.'sttt \'tIlnti, Coali Cosat, tt ai ne B r Il ~, ~~,t a, in tst vr'tt stttl oft l o lntiat na i ll ri ' , t he hal' a r of cttata. t oal, illur nit'ittlaeaa Adns fa d ' a 'tatlrae da''t lat.es alga'n I 'atoir a N'nksCastil tarn, ta1tla lIE CLB O'lC ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER VAST LI CBNOC. R in Street Reharssal 'A-latat ni gh tt, la ococ,1 roomtl C,' U.anvesaty Hlall. I attn W rORD TO0 S TUDE Von will always find the right New Clothing and B jEVERY ARTICLE NEW AND THIS SEASON'S STYLES. (NTS ithing at the right time at the laberdashery Storeo of ADII3AMS & COMPANY. 121-123 S. Main St., next door to State Bank. CXIC6AN CE~NA "Th~e Niagara Falls Rote." THE SHORT LIR fCHICAGO ARBOR to . BUFFALO With NEW YORK wit direct connections at Chicago for th "t, Kansas City, St. Pant and hrW ~Ct.Ficketso call on or write toaW. + ASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. J. F. SCIIUI, Sanitary Plumbing, Rowe's Laundry Electricceonstruction and supplies Toa oe rpitr Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and Toa oe rpitr Electric fixtures, steam and hot 326 N. Fifth Ave. water heating. New Phbonae t45t Beltl'Phone d45t-L 207 E. Washington St.___ __________ PHOTGRAHS . 14 MatinFuneral Call at Office 209 B. 4th Ave. Phone 98. THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. 316 Soot MainSst. I Ambulance on call. THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE-flaking effect Dec. d, 1904. lie. No. 6'- 80alalan. Lv. No. I- 9os .m ss t 35l sila. In. Lv. " 3t- 4:50 pom i t- 8:15 ptm. Ar. " 50....3sla.asm *Da~ily except Suoday between tOwossoaand Toledo. S Tharociatrains daily except Sun-a alay. tree nctatr catrs 00Nos. 1antod 4. W. T. WILLIS, A ., J.3J. KIRBY, G. 1'. A.. Ann Arbor. licb. Toledo, Ohio. WiE ARE NEVER UJNDERSOL;D-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE