THE MICHIGAN DAILY ++1":1 i+si4 r 1' + Fs''T tI. -1---- 4 MOibl j On ceunt of the late season von get OUR PROFIT ar~Jf UL on all OV ECOATS. This includes Hart, Schaffner ., Mcakiiiake, long, loose, stylish garments. All $24.00 xssd $25.00 OVERCOATS nsow $20.0 All $20.00 an~d $22.00 OVERCOATS naow $17.00 All $18.00 OVERCOATS nown $15.00 All $15.00 OVERCOATS now $12.00 All $12.00 OVER.COATS now~ $10.00 DONWT WAIT!I COME NOW I LUTZ, the Cfothier, 217 So. Main St. Scc our natty Iikte of SNECKWEAR Received this week. All the late novelties of the season are now on display and sale. MACK & COMPANY. w ++++ + 44 + * **s.Money Loaned.,,. 01 Oci eh, Da'c0 iamoonds. J1ewelry 4. and 001all 11l.i ('Clanea('hattel * and I I) latecal sonority.I W. J. LOURIM. 1" id,4t1 Ac 'le. Opncitl e lrt louse 4 o doos a, ofnlewn Y. . .A. Ot'( t>cl 1. cceccn}grinnltloo.rM.6 R., a Slccclre'0aISdtreceive ye i, ntrouer tup-LOST. .11 i l .1 c 51cc lc yc cccicg cce gl wa i. Voi.e .114 51(N11. lds waechc on0o713 ramUniverity Ran Fiecirs and522Tonro. n rciv th i Us a sCt yat. a nt anCesofSttltrelSen-rc thy0 West. For ~i oratimor n le.W aea asd gay Agn, Ann rboric, s. Plrasgoern t 13demy, verPho n24 NOTICE. Reading notices, except to Univer- stty organizations, one cent a word per issue, payable strictly in advance to the Business Manager only.. Uni- versity organizations allowed one no- tice free. If. IHaxe youi tried a v irassage at 'lro- jv's' It is greact, acid gives a hlcthy ccdcilexiell. 5c9tf Soils pressed, 25c; trouaers, t0e. Feller & O'Connor, 619 E William St. 75c Neckwear for 39c at the Cut- tincg, Reye & Co. sale. 58-3 If youi buy suit eases lineyearne safe. Allecn, McaiccSt. 59tf Ficceibathi robes for Xmas presencts, $2.98l at the sale of thce Cutting, Reyer & Co. stock. Get your Gym suppoles at Cushing's. Chew Blend Berry Gum and get a pink breath. Only antiaeptic gum in the world. All dealers. 44tf Bocys' all woci s~ts 98c, at vice sale, of the Cuttincg, Reyer & Co. stock. FREE-The Minchigan Football eal- eccdar giveni free with every pccrchcase of $i.oo or over. 56tf Poster Art Rooms. Whecn you're throughc lookicng foe suit cases, yoc'll come here to buy. 59tf Allecn, MainS St. Linenx hacdkerchiefs wvorth 15c, 30 at thce Cuttiicg, Reyer & Co. sale. 58-3 Michiganensians $1.00 each at Sheehan's. Itf. Try some of Cushing's Fine Choco- lates. tf. BAILEY & EDMUNDS Dealers in Guns - Fishing Tackle - Ammunition Fish Nes for Decorating. 121 East Lberty St. Ass Arbor, Minh. I have jast received the arges ad finest line of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever broagttov the city. FINE LUNCHES IN CONNECTION Everything Neat and cleas Agents for B. B. 5B. Pipes. 308 S. Slain St. R. E. JotLY. CjOTTPEAojj& CO. WASI-ITENAW LIGHT & POWER CO 200 1E. WASHINGTON ST. Correct Clodesfri!Ien To neglect your dress, is an affront to all the women you keep com- pany with; as it implies that you do not think them worth that atten- tion which everyhody else doth. --Locrd C/celejied t is on c. Please women and you please the world. One way--wear ap- parel with this label AlIf red Benjamin&(9 MAKERS 5 NEW YORK 41 Equal to fine cudlom-made in allhbut price. 41 The makers" guarantee, and ours, with every garment. 41J We are Exclusive Agents in this city. CUTTING, REYER &C.. 109-Itt E. WASHINGTON ST. I - --tl t ----- --4---I------ 1~1 Save the Walk Down Town tint your Watches and Jewelry Repaired We Whavenirst-clssworhmn niidguacr- ane u wioncinccrh. xvcsniFehs, U. siBM. Pina and Banners at Reduced Pricos. Telephone 310. F. J. SCIIL(I10, 340 5. State Street THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE-Taking effect Dec. 4, 1904. Lv. Na.0'--O8:06 a.m. Lv. No. 5t- 9:45 a.m ''{ -i a55 m. Lv. "Si- 4:5np.m ""4- 8150 p.m. Ar. " 5*-..8:37 n. m *Dalty eseept Sunday between tOwosseocand Toledo. + Through trains dsaiy except Saic- clay. Free chair ears on Nos. I usd 4. W. T. WILLIS, Agt., .3J. KRBY, 0. P. A., Ann Arbor, BAt. Toledo, Ohio. Vttll~i'VContinutes Its Excel- lemnt Train Service. You Will Find Four Trains Daily Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Sleeping Cars on Mighit Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARS. 32 Campus Martins. Detrnit. Rich. ON .oil h+ + Stimpson %( Silmpson 334 So~xth State Streeot I4I~n~oltflt". . . . . . .t?44t4 tii44 5iilt'1dc WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEWAR'S DRUG STORE ..