GAN DAILY GOSSIP OF OTHER COLLEGES ontai THE MICHII """"""""""" THE MICH IGAN DAILY. W E ~ 5 WOULD HAVE: Enterd seoodasb materat teAns VIYOU TO KNOWT.i : l --isclgrsst'ssts~tS f " ols ea.a 1 ssd s ~i' iitsteet.-S *That we are doing business at* Managing [ditor, J. S'TANLEY HALEY. * OU NE STOE :Business Manager. CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. h,'Fbi'S cite 311 South State Street : Atlsilies------------Ctr .It I:c ne.......... oseph Y. Kerr 4 Womsens ........Miss Ida M. IBrownrigg I , PEDITORiIAL. STAFF: That our New Woolens for A.i.lty IIHrr f. Andrew., the coming fall trade are 1. ait Jyne now ready. ASSIrs ATisiE ''Sg Rosy Peebles J. E arle Ogle, ir. A. 13. Or'tmeyer aSiny it. Miller Tht±emaesuer la-Hgh Allien till C. Sanford Tha wemae speb gr. Claws.t. Asmbrose Lous Sticknsey ments for gentlemen. ±Cihas. E. Winstead Jerome Weadocks B 0USJNFSS STAFF 'W It. lans E. N. I'use That we appreciate your trade .I..Feltzice A. amss and respectfully slii iaRTSi: 12.51 per year, or $z.00 if 11ai1 n Z continuance of the same. :z sadvance. j9A$ ~OffieHs: 1~; 2:30to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 G~ H WIL CO* Address: CLAUD3E A. TlIi'lPSON, Business TAILORS 'lanager, 331 Packard St., Telephone 461. 311 South State Street. .- '5"' *notll"e'list eatrs wettosldor diSally lnviSe tsoace NW. j______________ '1tLtttiA Y5D.Cito. i.511((). SWEATERS CALENDAR. eris at N icholts11:111.111 1115 Slsl At a Sacrifice. Dc J{atCogea _______ l l--H s's me eing ci tiisi'c-e'stiy WIe have a few baoken sizNes ii''Ital5 o'lo k . ml. SPAI.DING'S Dec I . r li--hlrig F. 1 iiiiiiis. sit Sairaih R- iC swe i l.i ell1,1. IN 1t Corniiiells iltestuideiiis are furnished gymratoels 'flee byth le The 'girls lat 5Wells college'onilla loii'elhdi a enhusastciplitca r1t. The girls iplayedsthillp'aIts ' pit iical l55sl 'slieader sis a il l j l's', 111d 111a1' tile ssccchs oil cm- renti lilestionl s. ton mu11st lhe w'ortkiiig eery-i well shown by itihe stir whuich aniii ltlioni ofit oiiccaisis.s Aire tishmii i is is- '555' eltd iltinlg iits rules 1114-ai m1- Coachsti dson, i.of Chiicagsi Uniiier- Iiyhssreceivedt a cthaltenge' fromth 1p11e Siminig assoicisitunto i com-511 taceraes tad luge flir'itance.1' Ile"Slsi ikelyacutilas heicsi i'dii 'tlle' fth le hig easterntiesials. The Student' Souvenir iii it Ai T E I Y II S I5i. i pF Art Calendar of [vents ls the fine'st sotu'stnicr furthe tirice thtaitthe tiii:cay' stock of catcii- dar's lhasto tffer. Hundreds of Them Have Been Sold D~urinig rthe sho'ttuite thleys Iave Ibeen oil sale. A Year's Events for 50 cents II I _ Atconel ni esiya v Ier r<)f W alhr' s Bookstores liguaeu bythe Clitia soito, STUDENT'S HEADQUARTERS ith tii ilie prp ste of iiing m r 1353 NS.SMain St. 316 a. Stateih cls en foSt.prp scol to eaistd Coitell, fier; iii thit grprtr oreTet 1 i iiitei iSUITABLE GIFTS FOR isuner t thalist cssli ltic LAWXY ERS, eraI t.PHYSICIANS 4 1$5.00 V \ESTi'COIAhl.Wtt swi I 'lS. (Cittors Nzi'vy, Whitie and (tray,) Which iwe titer at I$3.00 'turnsearty. as the supply islsIitt- ted. SHEEHAN & CO VUniversity Booksellers 320 S. State' St. It is ,seneraIts s kast t..tid- tht th Flet11 an.F id besF t tckof CIGARS BROn'SheDRUGystOR IRWNS UG SiTOR ikt i tadcit a it 'itilil/. IDec. 15-tics'. tal'clleiic, ion S. IL. A.. Dec.i'' is tli lias social it Neitsbesr'ry Issitiit Isii i knowntti tY . '. S . srgsstiser. il is .Stto 'lisg'i stiia i n tis theiii wish stridient iin ith i to'5 li'sssla'i' hatlisit '-I' shss ti i . age a dene i ills siitio s t blillre1 f r t'eire- 'li tiou s lf f a leei s ju s s ill pott sa1y11 fller phastieiofigstiudint gewtm i aloe nededtoirsim;a]i n "cdr n eiius swcrk a're' iantieds .1ot. t s sad.wiltill Im cs'olle'ge' men can ii'stome intere1st ssltin tis'c' icati Beaustyt r'ssi's hciiframels. Fisndit 611-6 ts Mrs i. Kal5R. Coder t s)l11111 ii is toii et twoiwi sti r Gitler. 'st'snager C. \.S tiil. ioi ts' t' 'shut ii i I inst sits ltssks'i sill Iem, hss arranitgs'dt chliiluh sills matcheilis withsits S ise itis andtis Stistu - is' , io takeplaceins iiNi it orSin i Chmli/i's gi lull 1 Th11irs ante ill ''siltr jaits.17 iiitiltheliii ' is- nit'hc.hi 'Min'estaigameis yea h}rit i sltthii toisecr ~m wit ii ilnslits'stl but witithot i stisisas. Itis titt'tst'sitestodo t' use'lthatsth ii' ills ini tlls'stistit arit's' tism adeilis si of 'itS slait's. is Stii'iigsstt's bsketsiss t it'.m s ib ti is limiitedtoits e mel IIpae)ftie'eeighs'tts'grtt sitridi every utug' tue iminyiyisrsit's' isirssI iisubst SiitutIiai"ayiiftpif- i'ia'ti'l."iTheceeonteigaiitgh tns.tissth ihieltocls I inits itthits' hans andi knees. i'uring- ie y hi'swetititi p lcwihwstbilt ill fronttofu"isthe ms~ei all wte "tsick'ciotied ses,.iiii passed ilisinly si'ispesies and.iS siltsi ills .t t'ss by theis 70'8-Illell.1 1(5 forsd isgamethi'Sslve a' teti'ids'to s'ihe's'he ill. iThsetoal ecipt'wee30,08 and STUDENT "st'oo s .e all new 5and latis t i r 1ii ists's ()fiets'' oyis i' gesst, I \Vsssit''s'Amisst'i Lawii. sI o.. 'Isti -ti' . Isintlt 's .55lo5'c''55 s. 1y''ils o. ' is's 1 -- -- -- ---5 -- isge . eSi o 511 0e*5ad h tol tisi t Maitand. ''55is sir ss E lsh ts L t vos ..i 5~ _ _ -- - - BaksioestCommssi li'ss rsst lssi ssh itarers "i' t'en Thstt t s t'si I;tt'leanti" vlss. , cloisths ts Sssl's i'ts''5 323 r'.9. St -a Sto., Ann rbr, t--~ Bon' your fandeumand Becyanur alays. feelolsoftloth. silot if ou unds eia i-inty nee..~ I l..l IA M S'--- .._------- HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE Ihe Stu 1004 - Russell N. Con Henry Watt r John T. A idents' Lecture Association IfiftI 41vlt!eason*' - 1905 swelll terson MIc~utcheon SA'S BAND Gov. LaFollette Edward Bok Henry Van Dyke Leland T. Powers Champ Clark Hamilton W. Mabie Oratorical Contest Open Number II I ANOTHER LOT OF BUCKSKIN GAUJNTLETT GLOVES JUST ARRIVED WAGNER & CO. STATE STREET SEASON TICKETS $1.00 SINGLE ADMISSION 50c Next Number--GOW" LaFOLLETTEs=Dec. 15 *000000000000000@@@@@@0000000000 ' i 1-1 STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING LINDENSCILMIDT & APFEL YOUNG'S HATS.