The Michigan Daily
No. 60
Mihgan's Fencers Will Probably
Cmpete in Efastern Intercollegiate
Tlournamet - President Zolner
has Received Invitation.
xxxhiit' iie thecx'at. Ilha is
theit ' ioilt ma l v by xiir /xv'l ir,
yeserayi5 r. \ nr ec ii a
'd6r eatin the I ineircolleg'iiatefcic-
xii l cty onth Fiday'i'
1liiia'lv'_"1~taiiCornelli. i nnaiuiiis.
fV't i o and i ii i a w i ll xx a ll ciii-
Pee l1,i ti atiii i w xi lie ace td
e5 1 0 ti e ci on o th xxoa d o
t~ho. _.t ci, xnoiaippiientx reasili
1 ii xth ei hani s x arii ri ghitiiv tviiati
Aliii iiv ,iii iix i mc l xv xof ilexi f ilwilli.
11aiv a ich a nc e iit o xii b atl e i thix th exx
ivilivix ach iroaniiiivxixxxxx i is r txxvlam
xiix xxxri ia c fxhx t e ty oe.e
fxxvi x i6's xiircen a xg e' onix rli m i narlii i
st lxre
as o l, o t e i e t a hi c v e ntii s ofii
ixvl iv tlxiieicasxti. li lxi wl
iG\'i1 lEAM, fROxxSPxiiCTS. li
fviivlais alreadyii xiioinvthixxslookoutix
f°ax 1ivi I lxvii ath ite: t ixike xx is~i
bylxx n,ixlxta hswitr he
of a v t Y e a ' uI a e b c t i e
ci xxiv xvii x iIlt t e ret o h l ubic i llr
iie to h lxiikiedi fronxisiaimoxngx iave
slightly 'cxix''vl-e fromxxthliveffecs of
avcai Iis xx' xxiirobaleiithati
liccix l i s xxib ii'ixxxxiv iited at t
iaimelbtitixs cusxomarv fvxv
ixixix xxxixiatleteixs t ispla5~ixy thirx
tlteua easideip xviirxtxwo. Tieve
i a blxxixi xix'vfoxi' xew xmexxniihis
Searithan x'evr lbeforev xxnd ii is exect-
fused to I iifi xlixe xxvii'freshmaixni ligi-
l Ii1 xiv xxxiid vvgaxrdlvss iof x'ihat xlh v
('Qxitiv1x1i) lxvforexv the'v'con ferxc fori' v-
xxxideraioiiiiThe'xv'nevttxxme'v'ig f xliv
R11 b x'fxxe'. tli intex'rcxllxgixxtv' x'xxc l
veit, li iii iilvxx lt re o bc m ininiig t liv
1ile ust vave t xiv'ts, f six f tliv
iile1thr f xliv'x'ionfecev. Mi-
exxviiixi I xxiiv',thaxtxwiithxtlix'aidiioifMivi-
iiscons~inxndIxowaix, thxlevii
wiii he defea."xv
I'K lxi E'S hlhiiE'i'i N.
lo li xi sitysixixivxis rs pndedli io
viiicalxxvorlliniiois menii yesierdayx,xxxii
of cviermaent-Iii llino xiis clxxixxaiong liie
iatv. if thex Nxvw'iork 'xxxdiPixsy-
iiiSiiivt vclbs.
A iiiilxx f thoxs ixres'nt xisie
xalv xleiatexi xvxs vieciviedltin ihiow
(lvi 1es ipi ixpenx iiiall Ilinois six-xlv xxi'vsx'
Aothxri meixigci is tiii ld xviixtx
Wex v xii '.1 ip'r'manxex't iclubixis itolbe
xxxiii dandplans madexcfoxr tliv yexx's
No Developments in Proposed Mer-
ger-Student Opinion Unfavorable
to Change.
Nothixxg fxuvthevrixas xbvii ieavd from
tlie ivniposiiitx iin to xxiitexlieDetroxix
Coixlege of Xicivi ithixxthe Uxix'ev
Isity. 'i'ixpripsitioxx hias notxbeei act-
edl uxpoxnxbly'thlv xoarvd xf vrsxeevsof ihe.
Detitxischool xnxiiitiitii iis, itheve is
noein ixxite xxcxixoxtiiiby' takenx. Deaxx
Vxxughnxxhas Inot yeitvrexxvxed tox tli
cliy, soIxxs xopixxioxxxoxxithevxxatx'r canx-
notii be' obtainied.
Joxav R. lxO xT'.
Address Tonight Will Appeal Espec- Octagonal Building on North Uni-
ially to University Students- versity Avenue Torn Down-Built
Meeting Open to All University, by Professor Winchell-Since Used
Men. as Art School and Fraternity
--- House.
'ThxveGreatevsiHaixxiciap to Suxcess
ini Studxenti life" is tliv xxxiic xxilxx'hichx 'i'iis xx'v'lxsees xliv passixig of a
Joh R.x 1lxitii11xiii texrest xiniversityi'ldinix g xvhich fxor fortvyxxars has bieen
xxxei this evvenig xxx7 :30. 'ThevMcxix- xoxie iof thlanixdmarxvls of thelivtcu of
ixiisi chuxrchx lixs xcvii subistixxutedfor cAxxixArbxor. Theicoldl icixgoxial build-
tlie Cxongregatiionial as tliv ilace for thlinxg oixnxxorthx .'xivevsity axvexue, ox-
xxddxress xxxnxxc'couxntiof is larger sexxt- plitesiithlivdenxialbuiildinxg, isxbinxg dis-
ixig capxxcityandii those. arrxxxgiog for xxxxiivtd xxxii tliv mxxxirixxl carried away.
tlie xmeetinxg xook for a lxrgeattexxdaxxce. Alexaxxder ' iixinhllixas oxie of the
'lhexre haxs lbeenx consideraleadlvertis- earliesxtixid ibestof lMxichigaxn's istxof
ixig of thils evexx, sox thaix thxrevisgreat texxchers. Comxxixxgto AxnxiArbor
scarcely'axmn in thelv'uxxivrsiiy whio iii 18i s iprofessoxr of engixnvvrixng axnd
dioes xliitlkxiiw wvho JoxhnxR. Mxiiiis.xiihysics.,lhe xxxixcoxnxxctid withx xliv xni-
A lxrge xnuxmbexr if fellowxxs lhxvlheardvixvi ly almxxxiticoninuxoixsly uixil 1iii
liii before xxiiiarc unaimous n theiir deathxiii 1 i891. Du~xrixng itheyears 873-
ixrxisvs of is grv'txailitiy. Professoxr 1879 le a ctedl as chaliclor of Syra-
Trueblxoxovihas xcviiaaxisiixg hisllsa sses curev Uniiv'rsiiy, retuxrninxgio Michigaxi
in oirxxtxry xxx atitxnl xlivxmeetinxg xvwihouxtxx to vxbecmex]xead if tliv departxxntxof
fxail, meirelvyxxioihear xagrexat xvraixr. geology andii pxxxxentoloigy. It is as a
\ir. 1Iox iiilxviiiegu oxxxiofxhis mostgeoloigist thixt lhv islbesxtixnowni. Ile
suxccessfuxl lectxres. liv hixispxiokenoi nix d convxxsidevraxlelcoblserx'xxnxaxxiiigeo-
this themxcuixu x xvrsities axid colleges lgic xsurv'ingv x'orix: xi hestx~axivan
noxi xnlyiin iiAxmericxx axid Euiroipv, lxxxisitliv xxiithor ofsevx'rxlxt x-bxooks on
inx ChinaxJxpaixIx niaix, Auistraliailge'xlxxgy. Iliexvxspaxrticxlxrly ixnteresi-
fxxcx ,inipiobaxlyxxepvx'rpylargeiveii'rsiti'ed inxreccxxiling xliv facts of geology
ill thev entire x'xrlxd. xxiii liv xxcinixgs of Gexnesis, axid
__________________wrote__twoxxrixx xii th iree' lbooks onl the sub-
FRESHMAN SPREAD. jvvt xwhichx verexvxiely read.
________The Vixicle h ou xiise, xxfxxmiliaxr sighxt
Thy freshmxxan spread, forx mn i f xti studenits, residenxts andv aluxmxni for
xliv freshx man girls, thlivecxiiiof xliv maxxxiv ars,'lxvx xxxix li the xivoctagoxial
y'exr.,ioccuired lxxxievxnxinxg'. Thevspireadxstxlei.thiatlxxixixpxpuxlxr at that tixme. In
is xxiiia baxinx'et, as xitsxnxxeii ouxx x iliii c111crxxiwa sixsiral stair-vase winid-
suxggesxtlxxiut axacixng ipaitis Thyeiiig upiitox lihe roof, whilec tlevoddly
hace'was axxfxull-dress xffxirxxxvidlivei shapedxiroomsx xg'roiupiedithexmselves about
sce'xxv'fromixithei.galervysx'xs ax vex ry vi -lt fter ixrofxessor 'XVixnchell's death,
ii' onei. Somxxeprxfv'essed v xito xi xv xiisst h l xxhousexv's usvid'xa xxan tschxool
reliefixhichx anxinxfiusionxxof iblaxvk coaxts forx axxlxi inxdI lterxxas afraterxxixy
iightx xxxv brouxghtiuix eprywa s, lxxbuivtxvihxas lxiixvlxi eni lxvunoxcxupiedl for xliv
strictly a wxxomxan's paryi ndi o mn.lxxxiiiyars xxviyerxxxvxous
xx'vre'ixx'vi. Dxiii'college' xxmenxv nd xx d iilxxi werv'bohilt xxix by thxe board
aluina dxxxe axnce'xblxixthlivgalleri xxixof Irvgents.
tilil xvithispectxxtors. There i IIiviixiis'nliitntin xxxxxunver-
'hue receptix ionbgxxnixxi 8xo'clxkaxtxii xiautxoriiv's ltoxmaxlxexxxy xxsvof the
8:30 xlivxxmusic coxxxxxx'ncedi andi tixvgroundsiatlpresiv t.'xIt 1is xlivcanmpus
xdxxxcixng lstxediuxiil x12 x'cilxk. fille v ha re dxingx-xx thelivworlx of dv-
______________________ mliion.xxItiwas iscus',ixsedl a coxxple of
E.NGI NEER MxxEETlING. x'yxrs ago 1tolcate tlie xew dental
bldiiig intxelvtxxiaxd thieve has beexn
'lhexvjuxnior vnginee'rs mixixicsomxxe somei'txallx of ax MichxiganixUxilon build-
chanixges iin their coxistitutionxiax thlinlg lucre.lxiii all thevse thixngs are in
class xmvvtixxg xast xnighxx. Certaixithelivrxi.
amxxendmxentis were ixntrodhuced n NEW YORK STATE CLUB.
last wxeek' lxxxeetinxg pertiing to the______
collecioxi of dues. Theiexetixxg last Then. will lbe a uxieeting of the New
Mightx adopxited these xamendxmentxxs ixid YoirlxSiate clxxix-at 1:30 p. m. to-
arraxuged toholdiu a banxquxet ax Oyster diay' inirooxx C, Uxilversity Hail. The
Dxxv soe dole x inte xnear futuxxe. xuripose vif xlvheheeixig is to arvamnge
forxa spxecial car for tliv home trip at
Try thexm all, axxd then look ere for Churisxmaxs tixme. Ix is desired that
sxit casex. Allen, Main St. 59tf every man be present.
[heix' nxxxionx oni xlevcmxpius is gxn-
erxillv speakixng, noxxt x'ry favorabxle.
(if courxs lure are advantahges ixx
iihe way 'Of iiprovxxexdclixica oippovrunu-
ities onxemiergenuuccxses and this eads
xoxmevsuxdexts to favor tilsem'ie.
Butx xxuchu morxe conmxonx are statexmets
lile thiiif a senixr, who said:x "The
matxtxer i't eixg talxexxvery seriously
byi the sxudents. We have heard the
cry of iwof so ofien that i dos't
startle xxs anynmore. The oxly 'advaix'
tage xliv Derloix school has is its loa-
tionx. Dxxv laboxratorivs and ifailiie
here ixx Anni Arbor are very mxxciibt
er thxan those of Detroit, epecialy
since the competionx of our inw hos-
pitas. 'The seniors amd juiors hree
have all they want to do." Anoter
sal: "I have heard scarcely a word
about it. It does mot sem to have at-
tractedi muxchx attventiomn amuong livxtu-
dents. It has conic up before ad liv
gen'ieral seintiment doesn't seem t o fa-
vor it. 'Wei would have to mooe a lot
of xxxi facilities downmthiee adh are
pretty xcvii satisfied with thecim as te'
Students recognize tlhv advantags of
locationm in a large city, but do not
tinxk xlhv matter is very practical uder
present conditions.
Tieiseondu of tliv Friday afternoonm
rcceptionms givenx imp tlivWomai's
Leagui, was hlvd Friday aftcrnxoomi in
Barbour gymniasixumi. The gneral di-
rectionu of tliv reception was uder the
charge of Miss Eliaet' Dxxxi, '05
Missxx Mary Danni, '5, lau charge of
tliv refrcshxments; MiiislHannouck, '0,
haxd chargv of tliveontrtaimentvx. This
tiok xliv formx of a vry unique zo-
ological exiitiion. Miss Mdrii Johnm-
soni, who nade aix excelcint showmoan,'
dispayed thy animals, amd tie guests
made guesses as to what they were.
Tie piciure of a mam, wihx a piece of
canvas pasted across li back, repre-
svted a canuvas-back duck, and a large
blhue bottle represented a blue-bottle
Aix original story was written for the
occasionx im Miss Mary Farmusworth, '5,
and Miss Elizabeth armal, and the
guests supplied tliv composers with ad'
jectivcs where they were lacking.
Aftr xliv enrtainxment, light re-
freshxments w'erc served. A damce fol-
lowcd swhich ended at six o'clock.
The annmual Southern club damce was
hlvd last night at Granger's dancing
academy. Ix was a distimcive south-
ern affair throughout. Numerous tlags
decorated tliv hal and everywhere the
"slrs and bars" were prominent. The
mxemi wore the sothern sash, blue and
white, with tie red and white star.
The programs were handsome sou-
venirs bound in leather. Refreshments
wre served durimng the eveming. Rex
Woodl was the chairman of the general
arrangementi conimitee.
Presidemt Smitz, of the Rocky Moun-
taimi clib, wishes to announce that the
club smoker at Nichols Hall tonight
will not begin till 9 o'clock, in order
to let the men hear Mot.