THE MICIH (IAN DAILY' b444444444444444444OO6----------*~*~ ,w ORIGINAL MILK CHOCOLATE No wetineathasithe charmn of PETERSit MILK ("C11000. LATE:,itndesApite mnny pplarnity anit lear e ; i on itheineas i FOR t EATING ON LY at GoiM comfeti aRB ervSHOP i.TrnoheBig SohtateSt Reyor&Con A-IMPERIAL GUARANTFEE IN EVERY HAT. ThteColr andWear of ths atare Absolutely iGtaratnteed. Toar dealer ittthorized t repta cetieoCharg, any flat wich isNottifactoruci SOLE AGENTS. jjArkasas, Texs, Mexico S CALIFOR~NIA Are Neat Reached via St. Louis, World's [air City, AND THE Iron Mountain Route 2 Datly Trains to California. 3 lDaily 'r.aits to Mexico. 4 tDailv Trains to Texan. 4 Dily Trains to Hot Sprinigs.. (6 Daily Tlrainis to Little Rock. The, BEST of Everything \VrRITE Mr. H. . Armstrong, T. P. A. 133 Wa titetiaw Ave., Attn Arbor, Micli. Leading Clothiers, Hatters..and. Fur- nishers. 109-111 Eiast Washington St. fN i *N N 4N NNIO _ - _ -A 1RENT.5CH Lt1R Phoetogapere. * , t 1 I211S11\l X SPOFAt. T1 i imdfreshmiiian spireadlgiveti lby the.. s)p1 iiiia irlspe I11i1the fresmni siii. \li....Vioilet Nict area is tit(- ellii era] charmnan flloinguii are thI Finace, 'ell 1lrinl.X invi itili eradrefreshmiienit Cara Flm i:Star: E. :'indersoni:; r~eiiptin.1. \gies X\ atkilS. of the.\iiii:Arboir Ntric Coi-, :oo . \V'asthitigtia st(ed. at 33 ceii (iIt tile dollar, anditptopoe toiselllie etr stc7o ino ~ini ill), abt ii 2-51 stria]] imusical itiitri ine:: i, gauitars, an alshe msc, ii inte Inextiii we~eks, cimmiienlciig Dec. it. 'Ill(- pric esthtytiar nt lar(itse ir hiltliare ireats.ndlavei liIiea he Iiin cah hs iranexclentioti iht ini r aiity$o soy laborte. :a1laiisiipreseniafrI a ormal rts iitahe isl Cedalltile tre avey ieantti walthincorpor-a. I ationand lie 'tiei dte csbutthi :5: i ev fdr thougd the uiingckais ilsellt youi aioianf l8.astnd i iipians tworth qiiii. Tk t in lu an t afrths elec t friiiiiall comic Operas* aa 7c'.In faci, all the latest hpiopulhaar ia 55 at7c.1 Guta~rs,.oS,$3.98it, $4.981, tap ito $12.08. 7ilandtnllti,,$i.i 1, $2.98, $.; 02, $4.9i andi , ili. A L EX AN DE R Brtist Pbotoorapher Job Printing. Meyers' 215 Main St. soath. Phone 281. tf. ; ilt' ll iwoolt ptntas eiic tthe stile ; if the: Cuttittg',tRe; ee & tCo.stitck. nih ihe tiiic for'thte isseiilyeat lit C tturul tall, ipsilai .tis evii- Quaitill isit cases is iiir specialty. 51it f Allen, M~ain St. Latest novelties in nuttings at Ful- ler & O'Connor'a, 619 E. William St. The folks at home would appreciate aMichiganensian. $1.00 each at Wahren. tf "Hanan & Soat," the celebrated fine Shoes. Sold only by Geo. H. Miller, 212 S. Main. 37th Michiganensians $1.00 each at Sheehan's. tf. $3.00l fats, latesi stiles, $1.48 atithe Cuitting, Reyer & Coi. sale. Go to Gushing's for Hersheys & Caillers Milk Chocolate. tf Alllipitilar tt-sic at 7c-Boistont Cediit to, ur itchitser of Aciii Arbor 1=1iiSIC li.Oiii00Puaslitgtoitustreet. S9 Steam and French dry cleaning anu repairing at Fuller & O'Connor's, 6197 E. William St. Godsuits iworithili to $17.00, $2.48 ltite tttiig, tReyer & Co. sale. You'11llinotfeel pior iwhuctiyouilearti ourt prices on suit. iases. iAllenI, Main street. pgtf FREE-The Michtigati Football cal- cendar guseti free weithi esery purchase if $t.oo or over. 56tf Foister Art Rooms. Mandolin and Guitar successfully tautght by Mat. C. Fischer, studio at Ann Arbor Music Co. 44tf Swell silk muifflers at half pirice at the Catting;, Never & Co. sale. OYSTER BAVI Dining Parlors for Ladies and (Gentlemen Dmntce Party Lunch"S ft Specialtty 315 S. State St. + *V l~l4.++.++ 4 +4' GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice CutFlowersand~ C thapin 9t., between Burn t. and Miller Ave. Phone 808. University Academy,-336 Stale Street Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repajired by expert workmen at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. J. B. EWlER, Jeweler, 109 W. Uberty 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Parlor Cars an all Tralis D., Y., A. A. & J. RAILWAY- Foe Detroit, half hourly freom 6:15 a. m. OUn- til 6:15p. nit then 7:15. 8:15, 8:45. 8:46,104 m.. Foue Ysilanti only, 0:45, 7:45,10:15 S; d 14p. ni. For Jacksn, hourly from 5:115 m. until 7:15 p. mi.; then 0:15 and 11:15 p. W. Waiting Rooni. Huose8t.. west of Maln. __... . irr PURTA SHES$4.00 Have you seen o1ur Tan Grain and Black Elk Waterproof Shoes at $4.00? Can not be duplicated elsewhere for less than $6l.0. etier see our new line before you bqy-you won't regret it. 119 South M1ain S#+-,N ravIe TICKItT$ IfRE for shines on our now" ma= chine, With every pair of shoes. SERVE.D WITH WHIPPOD CRLEAM Hot Chocolate or Coffee And Rolls. Cakes or Cream "Peaffe. loc. Pormnycook, the Counfectioner Phone 266 3105U. state St. E GYPTIAN I ATn Wlletter Turkish Cigarette can be made CORK TIPS Look for R1lsawtes OR. ,AIM qf S. ANAt3Y3R.0 } t . w v Always Ahead in styles* MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everythftin nTallorbt