TheMichigan1Dail ,,TeVpL XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBE R1, 1904. No. 59 W CHESS TOURNAMENT. Michigan Chess Club Representatives to Meet Hawkeyes -Plays to be SMade by Mail-First Move Last Night. y estrdi a ateroonciithe Uniersity Chssad Checker clbield a preli- inarx cottst at eitbe rr Hflal for ¢the Ipuros oiseictigplayers to re ~re-resent thte lb it a ciess tram ent i, with the Il}atkeyr Chess cli of the. f State lieireritc ofIoia. fhe trntaite-nt twill ibe p ef li mall and rierr ancerwtill b otdi !Ib closely folowted by bott cittiteie- r.ti, ers ttd tie sttdets iwo te itter- + eted ithie game. Six boards ae ' b~leett arraged for. 'Ille Whites are Lathers an Lyot, Siltfett attifBis, ra. + i ighee and Cotler ite 'Blacks are l~ ~ aker tttdI Gcidit,Giliaetattufkett- o 7mteerr, Moiariy attti iatttrette. Sr. 8 raC.I C. arttiiski of tie etgiteeritg Satyit-hlis feett chsett to referee tie lays htre. tSiteo game lbegat tigt t tiitet- ttely tter tie sttccessftl players ad bett efoseit, arragemtets tere uae to forwarde first ttoe so tat the g itle istnott ont Tis is toe of te Sfrt forgtt cottest of te otg -tiza- ittatd the rottotets ioe to iritg ou ial te strotg flters t i ntthe ttun - :A tc etngf te senitot sltinietr' cas testerda fit ttitooon, ithe oll- - ii imm ttteeete apifned: ea Genjetl ari igetift-t1.itt Brown. fI rpi, 11, E. Olesit R. . od-- ing; s tior recpttiot-A.N P Ktstrier, chaimatiF i-K. (St t,' iS J.-Sterett. --'nrls filal , i i ii t J.S. fnltiii soti if R i khtt amttil c artmattiI 1.Chse(it . ayr _THE SMILE IS ONCE MORE WITH US. ivtttt ilti-R. A Stowt cirimtan 1)- YUST IBACK FROM 1"THE LAST OF DETROIT MOVE IS tiittttlcirip etiiR S.Giain R if THE EAST ! THE LUTE PLAYERS." AGAIN URGED Chrttiilrmnitt toVtlS ,ItJ.l chir Eastern Football --Col. A Delightful Concert (iven by Ar- Detroit Colleg of Medicine flay Do. rt,- IFlckr3,A ecer Ni C. eAll Finl To Mi-higan-- nold Dolmetsch--A Program of nate Buildings and Equipment to Nchol,,ciltouvttir--J.iH.ottehar tSllght Prospect for an Easiern Charming Music Given. on Archaic the State - Official Expressions mmtaniSifT. tiardig, W.C fetliiig ti e Instruments Withheld Pending Developments. liitaital-C. iE.fHaes ctairtat,NW. - --K . NW ilsI . ii-J. adield. iS. A. -mait iie)' casktr wl fnI im N oiiittit l:,t I i caltic,,ether likel tat tD etroit W iite. fotal iittras i-era ar- yeseray. NN est itterietc l .- IEt einerti it ne Cole t f Nch ci i l iiile- tmergei ifteerftt aln m rlsw r a a t i ct ift it rcnliri- ci r ii i i C n ta ale tetithc ~ i Ni f ih iattttc-le d t tiis meting. it ewas also repor- e ils iib exlrctAi iime tci fool il t is, nd lea c iai-cti t le tiesrttt lait e i tatatesfiotiter tatler to lte-erectei ciiliie~tli ti tt it i an etcti ltcw cn ties ciietplte itti m;I t ttt uttietts tke te tittmemtor- of te ate Professor C. E. t iP tt I5 tith Iit ittt te i c ti tt tite wt tll.oft Ihr lrts t ic iytrs t AnitA- Greee by te engiteeigdeirtmttett, i1tienjofed mtit fcri eryIlltmu c it IDu i- lilt l tt~ itc cd intot hei i per-seitf i-i ti teiiereef ef say n f~ th liii- ctttine11 tic i till ~f11 th t hr11111 - iolir. hei Il tl c l -tti i-I iiistil o, teri rolltot rll itll fu hrn i t til eg 1 11it lott ser er t t-a n- Isfin g am s plcd i heiye I uc ,in he1ut, illrit>i-,l' tucre.tyNi t I t ake i nitDil troi toit ci o e e tiAt a litesifihorffyeste oltyitwa e- i mo te tip e ln :Iinltci 11treIle .i l i-ilt it tltIhn itle itharpcttst iielt li icciie i t -ts afit ,th reor, 1or n 1-' 1 111 ptilurpoli -- r n s ite itie cst ti holdi the tt.A are-titint Still chintillaltduafifrcxiiiirctierUit tier iiiiNi icstiiltit ns-itftreehat cide1 Meb t~t i rctid I itt id tlrlits ,c~er"ttt ielo;r o eet;3 lo iitelargerut stingk cipcitie. A iii tgeseuntire e, i e ante 111 ltt It 5.lIllicit ii t niec Iier tilt - ;r c ¢~lrt ofi ei s tt cnc -.s itidi i i als itietp harde toh ettdtIft itcihe lir ltl i filen1 wNstic tllll 1 n r "il c he1iii it1andt Scotll ttidacs "ns isthNeI i iii ci t cinws t h t omes iiidl liiwfrki i i egh rd t iet thir lniit I II 1111 1111 chlii t iic ilic hue f tieriil itiatyesleifa- sud utuiandt ' iliilieatitt'imil o i l ik t _lc iti 1 ,"11e1 s n i enif id 11t 11111iflin 1, i Ittiig t a il iefit- lst tortehe lie alesrf Motet tter speak- b rtt t ltoileic. iitleniheitif itiisttittat ierci; hatesrfee ttic. tilllc gantl iaiSs s tolive tli i en i li ll n ":it I nd ll 1 11111 [ei fI-lr itt tue iite trit e t t 10 titic adi liteei attentiv-e-ly-foe it- pe" file tes tltbll nor ,"f1 the tI lt i d de tt I itcm th itt Ill tieitttter s iftl ther ho r.Thte is semls to be a eoi - fiel tllrit efi ots fe c hi 111bi'an aitif 111tris ityne."ili- I rtilct Ill Nti ls i l : "I idon't be- Flue mteetitng n-ill ibegitn at 730 pto $e thaft th v lern r iot Ai at gy lcr cir o eat ce-lesit c 11st Inite iltli:to s a t eythinig (fie Y. M-. C. A. quarfette itilllie fires- 1,- ,tt-eetilgIailiiiit'as ccli i fl llt t ltltciprpo tti hant 1eli it fassedltflee ncttto giv-i-a cuple cif itumtiers. Sir. pet o i e t ti t n ofti et I i ill I t s trnsd i te - tt] fI rut l f SeD trhoit Iciii- uttmit, 'o4 renginteer, of the Sigmia Phi i$ e tirN rt l ti ii tI it SN 1 ll i 111111n f O tellt, wiicit1et ic. st sul litci-titt r lie plani rtfe rniity, i- i s is ice- stafe studtit ogh interes n te<-ttt lit it t- I ii etec Iill te forti ottll itt 11111 I ± I l ttcn be the piace of secretary of file Y. M. C. A.,trill be peto of onehded11 i itiitthouanl 1 asi-i-eltre Iot.te ead f r'-ns t itosider the tick in is o lii flatter as5seondtibats. tel icwife nan Ple- 11 c1 1 Nt othetr so at ih~ tatc ttern tmeetlig clinft- #;.Mcign iit 1 ii~itn-eit 1 111 ctlattl t i c- 7.1.I d 1 b i Itneedto ts sal - IIlINOIS CLUB. 1Pfre -tle of platyp sitltttt p 1)en11 noliitt i 1 .h to ttolitersc~ct. ,eic1.the-i ,iyltitiaii t iitll t." Q)e onto in lthe- fetltselvanitsCurnt -w, te - tlc itt t tas teelid oeteand lie! itarrisonft he Fr-Detroit schootl, Tcicihe lilittis scleb erill iteet itt roomt speed as g o(].1 'hetitS lit I ll ciii cit e riti- ci-li llri-li a-stuc b i5 qoeti td tis sa\ n thtat te Uttivr- B, fLw lebuifling, at p oclock itteedi dy anld isalppy l in ctltti tttes iii iiit()I.1tt(1i(iL cl Niirte tutu oate-l sit} e l~tIitt Ic- icrtuett- hea ded by iii it 3, is formeely annunice-d. ANll (Continued on page two.) - icr alulii-utie- va rese-nt. (Cnine fo page Iwo.) j Illinois men turnaoui. Comicitee.