THR MICHIGAN DAILY IfhtiOn account of the late sason you get OUR PROFIT lOTIIU[ on all OVJ RCO.ATS. This inciudies Hart, Schaffner Nl ark make. long, loose, stylish garments. All $24.00 an~d $23.00 OVERCOATS no $20.00 All $2o.00 mL~d $22.00 OVERCOATS rsow' $17.00 All $18.00 OVERCOATS riow, $13.00 All $15.00 OVERCOATS n~ow $12.00 All $12.00 OVERLCOATS nsow $10.00 D~ON'T WAIT!I COME NOW!I LUTZ, the Clothier, 217' So. Main St. 'I F ~ Sce our natty Ik-ue of NECKWEAR Received this week. All the late novelties of the season are now on display and sale. MACK & COMPANY. "I It mt t mf of 41 * 44 . . . ot ot + q 0 o 0 0 "'"Money Loaned.. Op W9atches. Diamonds, Jewelry and all High Class Chattel and C~ollateral security. W. J. LOURIM. il1045 te poite Court tisse T"VO(1O SO~t11o 1( Y . M.C.A. $5sitntss Strictly Csnfiideatial. Quarry S Bronchial Tablets lOc Great for Hearseness. i E I i ,; w 'ti'he ly part of 5& W. Clothes t , fancte feteelt litill'tthes e tti'~ysts i th r tieirhereeleaishoiuldiered'over-cull cots- )tit s the ' steiittyistttfchs-tliestt's;te'sl .:tei littlceste-" f te alt. 'ill. Bollstriin;;cloth wit stm ,, t'e ss co - ' y I :' ~trsets. tig. fall tiegged atits. ''olly lern ' = frsts "men's stilts." ytuest Immense line of Holiday Neckwear ,' Mufflers, Giloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, j* Rath Robes, House Jackets, Fancy + = ;I Waistcoats, Suit Cases, etc. t .4s STAEBLER &-_ WUER------ .--- r r t t t r .t Ji++++*irw+-r *atir*+rwi+t+++iiJ++4r+++a++ +++ +s ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ rr +r "+' +r+eO++'" +J++rrs4J+J+r4+f+s+irr++++r4J++ trrt+4+*+P+sri+ Oa* s *+" f " t"+* " a ++f " *+ "++" "+++++"" ++" "+ f"+*++ i is Ii.'ott w st ill d r, Mlichisigan iceioitSaturidaynittofi tit weeki ia ian sof ntilsitedl ex peittc in I' oseaking 'toucolle etse Q u a r y la l tge i v ef it it wld.i it h asi mad tw tou eron thewol. l~ Ii i li'firigt t ill S) o ~~,udths. l it' lati six t'.eilt tl t tt i ftl- . Il 'tilt cestj5 tttiiii forii tigipt, uhetuhast 55 alc madet apc t ries is the t ltfe- 1h shiet joftt ltttirtugei UtoESIDENT tutu hstvistd' So'institi tlls o ihe ight11, 1itI , I s Sjj~fl fmost I xene iseitst ati Oxfor'd au he brdgeh~di u tilt is. 1, 1 11 Fa u t pelael geritin, Y l, ararj itt j6' 1 "on111v Pek ii : l it o e st, 5 ESi ti tti N MFC cadet Sti," ditidieeiltt, i re alit sit Iu ''tI,..G se' lets the gitilts Iittelj(;,4~lit it~tttt1 s iti lio i iiv1t1r $21(l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Iai 1'1p o-ie reo, C ller ' goiics lit' thei Subjetittes ___________________ _ icuion tic th ftisrts t oi t mting ott i j m g t th ital;t tla Sudenfts' aesis her o t I ., zi i i usiato liet ight. st I e org AsU e dens5 Fo lea8 S.e meeting ties.e hr til: nl C e lt s int olget)l "etrlttatea3 a allssR ute." !tus. Fh in t acklstone n fa Ammu io it T HE SHOR a ~ l ttpeh~e N ci s . Til eate sllua, t o. ais,, 'T e ~lts ia'tilcit'i l) )f tili ii ;Itl wich tuu i toc ]t(I I i o ilte l )rill; 'he h istisig sutit lilt, i l (tci iiiile')a i( l b i e 1ar1Gym.suppe ;1at(Cahing's< tiew Bl (1"ito Berry.GuMVandgt atile beat tetei. Onl nisptic guts it it .r 1