THE MICHIGAN DAILY NN r o~+r THE flICtlIGAN DAILY.! (Continued front page one.) W E MAE OULD HAVE * lx ii , unxiioii l t the 1Ai n in itnttenance.The se eis xii * U- Ci I'. clxici the thirteen l"M" otto the ViYOU TO KNOW :si llxllii 'n i t enquad. Coachies Yost. Cole f y P~~~~i . it 1 x x iii , , Ida n~~cdcurn h ev ttr i i E, ahliix.oix 'ureet. \Will \\eksh, Traittir Fitzpatrick, * ~ iiii li x.Mlt'iiI. iiiiix 'PhoeI-r boarxi oftlltti dirctor, xiii) *Thtat we are doing lbusinles at 'loxgboaird.sAN S AtX xi oiiotriil. Bu*sns .Manager, CLAIIIL A. 1,)I0tPSON. l iiCihiimiiiiii t 14. OUR INEW STORE :,.tin,iiici ti l l i oitl 311 South State Street *Aien rtt i i iii xiSliiiiixiix(IV - Neiit ---------- s--- w nl1ta (,. 'ovN)r il )t s i sc i to l - . A . ( ItxiiV ' ii~n.........1.NiseIda N. lBroiinitg I \ rx .. hit c-lJ rtW .BVDTRASAF htour New Woolenis fotr ' nli Cii larkoll. ( IWid TAatNAuGraver larry H. Atndreiws I the comning fall trade ate (x xI. twi'Tye iu-xxhniuts Ii .1 . 1Cope: nowniad . . I ll x]meii . IRobiion,JaimietsIR. Bat now re dy., ,I 'eA. ltl,n ellthur 1' huge lireitatix --A rthuiii r ownilti . ,AA tR vInt iii its . le (}die, Jr. A. If. )rtnwye sidlw It.,NlIne l. J. Itickl. IThat we make superb gar- (1i W. )');, L i ti~liiiel I' r, rains-;i \\y Niilar. IL meuts for gentlemen. I* lit tI..IWinsteadxul JeroiierWeadock ix ,xiilic, I iie n K cli That we appreciate your trade .KFte A. Ii.I. ta CHICAGO TRACK NEW: + aend respectfully solicit a 11/ 1th; 'ri i elnt ur in xr 2.iiilllpaiditi tt f contiiuance of the sa. e17CF Men Started Training Yesterd; *+ ~ '' Officee linrs: 12:30 to 1:30anod 6:30to 7:30 First (Graduate Coaching ThisVM G GH. WILD CO. p.m. dauiy rAlLORS ltiag r xi3i1IPacklard St., Telephonen461. lxix'. iixinctl trixiiiiloyesterday tool + 311 South State Street. * -xi xxxn lii x s ii nlie Coauchi Fredl NOTE-Thoet'of out' ruenslthoix larve ~'iil ix islitlillitli fxeFriday, rt. nt blleinoter patrons we Wuld oii di' lliitt o cvii in NIO. ostei toI xmak e ai o I i i ni llII ______________________________ lx'l'.I: lll~iJlxf,, litI(}. liliil appearaiI'i~ne t ey ix ()ftlile ___________in:;__________________________iii) n e l'er lighsii 1 i- Re- andx the the Scitt Sc. Jay- dVeek atil ill inl i tir Special Sale Michigan Mwonogramn Stationery At less thtan reguliar piceC "ASK TO SEE IT," Also take at look at oJil Ne oSouvnirtlYhost Cu.'rds. "Thet.hest ever produted." SHEEHAN & CO 120 S. Stati St. It i It to i Ii) cknolln i Cr1 tlhat thlx es.'t lid besxt stocnixof CIGARS intheIIcitly Iiat BROWN'S DRUG STORE Editor today-F. 0C. PARKS. CALENDAR. 1r Dec. N---"Mluic f*xl i 01110 cl-en tries 1 tell)f(ihoai) 1111011enieny. r Dec IO-ohn t. xMot: a conre la rr 1)c cl1;1(11 r 1 li c l4i I I i 1 i lx x :111i r lxCm ( 1;\ 111xi (x xi1 <)f liii far xr 1cc \ 1.t i c lii, lxx ii itiic (icii ii t() '1 x(mxii l i x t. puin.SIilailiIhat 11 1)1e1ekIxC. ealierburl hsxeaxha iiasisa so xsxio.lix 11Idieilloill xpectlal l arge.111 xcliii t reporiill'it this week, and not un-11 til after xxi h lidaysli \ll ii lask .1111 of xxiii athle te tNealy all11the1best )an.' (I on which ali e sieaso wliii llt lndtrgraduatelcxching w1 il hetilege it lilttr(11I'~, uxiati ek liiillll dlgi lv'gin ixtl xii lxxii hasl jst Item-1 xl lxx%011 assum111 eleinSt laership' of thesqad wilie 1th'e l vetensumwl e 11111110 liii IU)timetirt shmen . 11(11lee .1111 lair v011e havel charge ofi thexi spinteh~erLonotChe long-d ilt veterans xxieterilthlequreC il o hlf-m .iil. Mloneyxxii ill 11111 1 ,1 lxlhl chargeofhesl exltmen. lixtlllx edx outxiare i:.Barkexrithe l hitde (111k the Oak Parklspriter; Ship111,11h We Guarantee Our New Art Calendar of Events The finest souvenir con- sisting of original drawings for the price, that has ever heen produced in this city. "A Calendar of University Events for University Stu- dents.' Price 50c. Waher's Bookstores UNIVERSITY HEADQUARTERS 103-05 . Minl St. 36 S. State St. DON'T DEFACE YOUR BOOKS No one shouldllmtilae in boks by writing or scrathintg Ihis name on all sidlen of lthePoeCsor, frequenldy as many do, write their names ondl ~dfferent pages troulghot the botl' The proper anid wis thing to do is toi invest a smal sunt and secure10 on 200 ready gummted name labls' ilese labels tell) last forever as they are madet~ of leter and the bet o gll) leaf. 'hley wll always rewuO brilliantl andilare unafectedl by at' iniospheiric chaiges. In plaing tbese labiels oni thix bats of yourbok they will add materially to the a' pearance of your library and gl reasonable assurance of the returno1 a book loaited. Or if any oie should suddenly become "color blind"an no1 be able to distinguish i boks from those belonging to his frieud or classmates, this permanent a5 never-to-comee-off label will be quite instrumental to the owner in a'l securing his property. No law stu- ent can afford to be without thc5' Nine lawyers out of every ten hale them. They can le secured ata very nominal figure at C. E.Ba tholl's Law Bak Store, 3635S.fSt street, (second floor), Ann Arbr' Michigan. All orders 'will promply filled. A Little Money brings big face comfort makes shaving easy, if inve$"' ed in the famous WILLIAMS' SNTII tl(' rIii i i? i ix 1 ): i i 1i lxxii 1 i t c i i (x1 I :t l lxix xxix tlal i'ii.1, ii xxold il 1c )1i x 1 1i ( i the 1' xx lxil l(Mc ii th (llyi l~ 1 ,iit1 clk~filit]xix '-'' i}2i1. x ~tli' 11f i ll lx :I x xl T i,-c llx c xi cII tIIclTIM HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY _______________ BEST LONG DISTANCE BS OA EVC BEST LOCAL SERVICE 4@OO@O@O@@O@@O@O O@@ @@O@O I Ihe Students' Lecture Association 1004 - fttpcirst season - 1905 Russell N. Conwell Henry Watterson John T. McCutcheon SOUSA'S BAND Uov. LaFollette Edward Bol Henry Van Dyke Leland T. Powers Champ Clark Hamilton W. Mabie Oratorical Contest k Open Number I ANOTHER LOT OF BUCKSKIN GAUNTLETT GLOVES JUST ARRIVED WAGNER & CO. SAESTREET Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra Single Admission $1.00. Yeu an suecure tickets from student sollers or at Wahero Stale street book soroe Next Number-00V" LaFOLLETTB==Dc. 15 ~meeme mmm~m m~m0" STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING LIiDENSCLIMIDT & APFEL YOUNG'VS HATS.