iRl1C MICH (IAN DAILY CuttIng / fir 1 f y 4F ,. ALIFORNIA flI er VU'IX .UU * t. Louis World's fair City, ...- ~ot ( 'Y,.SOLE AGENTS.ATH Iflll ountahn Route KEEP lION YOUR 'r -~ I~fRIAI.Leading Clothiers, ABEjLVIHA. Hatters and Fur_ ° it) You will find PETERS MILK 7.e Color a1Rd11; 72r tisl ac r nses 5 __ CHOCOLATE Not only a deli- liorized ti"r,0liceFe"IC . zcit e cios confectioii but a nourish- j Y.,n . wt! .N. tsuyr 19- 1EatW sigo S.p =¢T eB T of v r th g ing and iuitaining food. Easily- . PETER'S 11). Armstrong, T. P. A. The imitations are disappointing *ktNT. }Plsotg rappe.k r.,>' \ic\ .0 .1' .0 50 Colleg~nraen find a ~ratefutl degree of ©oc "a.ndservic t in thw Brighton Flat Ciasp CG-, te_-o Now worn by near= !y twoico men. I DON iD. wAII I A"S. !109 1IAW! Il the **fooball1 "ate" It1is a 1ev 11e1t OAK" he coursl. f8th ball urin th 1Ia s 1ad1 t is oprte y1h 111 1111 11111II II 11 8.1 11 l 11 IiE 1111 11 I 11 11 I ull a 1u1 r1g1l1 Iran- posts :Ire111placed1 We yardsapart, ined 1 by1 rig1id1 11wood-1 en1l1r 11hnvlthlq) 11 III r i supede a11 wire111111881118 1118 1111118 each1 uprightpo . 1fo. l'V ards.1 I hi Job Printing. Meyers' 215 Mplin S, ,A##,# I#..; ; #4i#F4#*++~1t+ siouth. Phone 2S18. If.. NOTICE. (YSThIR BAYI Reading notices, except to Univer-.. city organizationa, one cent a word #+alrsIo Lde per issue, payable strictly in advance 'i Palr fo LdesI toteBsns aae ny.Ui' 1adversity organizations allowed one so-. tice free. t.1. ____________________________ .1'i.A. ; . + II;).3 1,:+ 8 i c Ill-S .I t N 11181..Sp cio.ty .0 1911tCh, 1B111od 1111 II x r(;aPnr:tLt nche a World. Only I i , . pelsa y . Seitcpresedpcrs tro e'sArt} I ler & OCon or, 19 1E. Wiliam St h 1111, it'mti.81tt a; 11111kIhI-al.11t111118 11111 181 . The folks at home 0111ou ld 11.1818 .0 + . .0+ + 4s:#+..g... y.. a Michiganensian. $1.11)) ach at - Wahrs. t' a . . . ..a.. . . . . . " illsiiin & SonII" the 8celobral 111f11e I 5 TiEN O uiRA F H lRi''212 S. Main. :3 it1 ii usi--::1 to.) 11. Ill.. t8811111 a11111 10 11118 11111.111 Ira']) to1'it11 111111, I11th118 Ticket for four shanmpoos, one8 (10-3 1' a. a11.. "a 11 rd 1y. Phoe r715-LE 111ItII l:l1111 bur111. i~l~ dlea lu-5 1111 or. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. h-ilk sr illN. S180 -101 1 s t eningc 11111r1 I 1118:t; 111 ' 8 li4~i tI W 281111University, near Quarry's. t-ths tf. __ G 1 11 1-- l1 1 11t1lll 18 .111 1 iii 111 11111111l CASH POSITIVELY CASH I-i1 8 1c lltllilll()iisizei18 f p 9.1818 hh nia's $lu0) eachl a1 No oeders for cabs for panties or enltetasoin 1li 111111 111 11-I ,r111:111,1, i Il 1I)l1llI Steam and French 11ry cleatninlg 11 ments will be taken this season unless x;1111. 11811181' 111111,1> lt~11 repairing at Fuller & O1'Uonnor's, 1129 cash accompanies the order. - E. William St. RATES:811 lIIl.11 tl-1 ____ Dg~x~ci~ S3,OO0 t University Academy, 1336 Stdle Sireet1 * 18 ATHENS PRESS5, Prister0. .0 OHIlO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT tINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS ParlorCars llTrais 11 5 5 5N I T18th\\ ' 1't 1 1r) . I ll-}, rIl 0 .rItI 1, r 1 : 1a. rar l 81 111,:. :; ,1 t1 II. it.t I I ' + .1 1ti : .- , I- 1 ., :a a 1. I II 6:1 M. II I, I II 4. 1 1:01W 1181111 181111. 1 1811 811 r.t,t of5Mail) aill l 1ilnt 11 (111 11 111'- 81 - I Robison & Co. Holmes' Li .Walker's Livery W. H. S 1. 1) .very Stark 11119 a Parker Fountain Pen at Mann's Drug Store "138S. At1atI1I es. C 1fI1l11 71d t IaI .I 51git r i111111118 Ilb 91lloililv - lb-I 8. liI ll- '18.19118 ( 723.II II 811 1 7 8181 8l dly 1.1111 1 HC111 a 8 l 7 taulghlt by9Mat, U. Ficher,.s811111111 Ain Arhor .laolr tCo. 4-111 Get your Gym appilca at Cashing's. Go to Cushings for Hlersheys & Coillier's Milk Chocolate. tf 'Try some of Cashing's Fine Chloo lates. tf. i 4 i tishaleor arsd Vusisral Director Ambulance -Calls attended Say or nightl. r11111111 1it11111 Ir. l')111811 llrlr-lllll1 10 .41.h Xve.: llesidr-ncu-same ilhonu w, -is.Am )11. 8 1118 l C'Eirg t $3.50 PURITAN SHOES $4.00 Have you seen ou8 Tan Grain and Black Elk Waterproof Shoes at $4.00? Can not he dsp]lcated elsewher-e for less than i$11.50. Ileter see oar sea line Ill-flore8 18011bar -71111 won't regi-et it. ~South Mrain St. chine, witheery19pair of shioes Extra. Fi* eC Oyster CocktaIls Perxrycook, the Corifectionver I I Phoxc. 266 310 s. state St. * -- VAn oBtter Turkish Ci a 'cttc- an he made CORK TIPS -Lsook fo in sa r OR. PLAIN of S. AN ARGY1L0 Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything Iii TailorIWi