TheMichigan Daly AVOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1904. No. 54 Y. M. C. A. BANQUET. , A UNIQUE PARTY !SCHOOL OF MUSIC RECORD ENCORES GALORE Eighth Annual Banquet Successful- (iven by Woman's League Yester.. The Best Ever Issued by the nstitu- Marked Last Night's Band Concert- Pres. Jas. B. Angell and Others of Gday Afternoon-Result Very rat- tion-Managing Editor to Resign. Sou ta Given a Hearty Welcome- Note Answer to Toasts. ifying to Promoters-More Parties Cheers Greet the "fen of Yost" to Folow. T h aily noes te apearace of March. Tihe eigitth annual b Iquet ofth the first issue of volumec 3 of the Uni-j Cniv'ersity Y. M. C A. was held Miss Kelly, '0, and Miss Mary EdIvrify School of Music Record. Thej Last night's concert by Susa's band Tilisr5y evening in the auditorium ssatds, 'of, reresestitng a group~ of Rtcordl is te studeits publication of was attetded by a crowd of unusual Mc94illatt1Hall. lstsas one of theite't'Vonit's League, gase an "At the Shols of Music and is a credit- size, ystihere was io ucomfortable mol5sttuccssful affairs of its kitd in Houe''ftrte girlsot f lt.eIUnisierisit sait.e1pape inievery respete. 'Titfornt crowdig. Entusasmt . hig ecnt yias iniatliirespect~tts t.xceptS in yesterdazy afternsson sat harbour gyi ihass be ctsatrigetStsesieosestrsgttss ieeeiig xcss iin attendnce 'tirtissetnumbterttotf menmbers sasstti. .\rs. I lustreiter, Mrs sWitt. \itvitgatn lu s-stsa entre cntveiestte last numbiter uwen thtere was an presenttwst tqusiteso50lirge as us- 'situaMs. Lombasturdi were ptoessit t~iizein every51waisisunitsal aste t get otisfsthe hal. \2a \llit icws fuilsts i i ie c ste girs cameinteachts hd eead t I t.I inigt iartiltiby Johnti Densnis- As us rogramnmauker Sotsa ejoys viil s S srnitshedfr ,st itsesi- iote iassme of Msoe notedi chtarater~t, n ham'is ni "As 'Plea for te Amter- ait eviatle reutation, ad front this 5id5 ls itt i hals heeleirtrendieredl historicaly sr otherwise, pinsesonii ito si 'i hud i v'stell iworths reading.110115 of vies lass night's concert was sevet.ral sols tr ack. Huch girlesuldi read lt.eItis sassarssittest it favosr of 'te isdeed a feat. Sutsa is, furhermsore, M\1 ('sGegse'Tiiiodi, of iDeroi tate 's f t' issers, lists sid o vs vi" its it of\Atteri.ass soloists, cost-oise of those geieross codutors who ti tatmtefitr, wa'sitsridutcedtbyit' owstht ie ame sie hore. Prsn ps er nd. vi irecsltrsi asd pinits oilsgiveimustitlied value for every dollar I i.i. Ro s ee.Ii is fewy stll resmaks weirecsse ly all readsig teteticsdiofiiaitatiunal cosesratry o receied. Each numner, adthere ch~osen resmstiks Ilevsiutintih ie main isunsi t ssist last ailhIsuite gussed siula testttica~l poutisttons iy ia- wereinie on he programs, was fol- Work of lt ' C . Ie said ier soi. 'Teittwas disvtt~it lt t. ehsi inis iAnrile by 51W. A. loted by two and often three res- Siatt, ici' itn tsess sf tilt' srgatstzatuotsechitfamousiss mianiail siis patnrisiandiu Iowsland, Iheathofithill'-socaldetar- poses to ecore. Betweens numbers lies in lte fuestishutit w'orks uponltsie th. s ivis for mtsbsesgan.t Dr aenit'ciltasis somtte vualasehititisstthereswas Io aiting and itno linger- uldt i~ht. i "Te gecatess f lift.asd Vasigtit tter long searchi scveredii ttmuscsairs sislis ads teachers. Te ig, for te seeciois were given itt chauraesr dependts uothli ie citarace M IsVttghts.d od nlyatndtiti )vst.5111, fratetity an utu mntti itests are raitissuccession. sties'f ts' indsitidua. We 'stt a i i sQeen'tof Sots, sitse 011c ie adsi newsy, ad te it atdi- 'The bad nmtbiers erer executed forth indiividualstiefforts forseterts iiimioce sinitedi. morsaddulsieet iteRecor's cii- ihadshtthedSeinrsto e-nsi1ip 'Thet' urathin f a ltist ii st i git refreshmtenits twereseisvsed isi usisss. Jugitig ivistsmts'elsharacterte adiettce to the end of he long ttleilciusie hilts ' struttmoney, u tis inhescwshite diut'iitsiomteruusvv i hsais tuh ss'unst f advierising crried, te iprgram. Seldom is asything heard th fundamna~l mora i lities whichtidi st' gussidaniscedl 'tdh playd vaiiussis'Recrd i s suitsuitretyfim in sascial 5prettiertian te Holstein Overture, Snguish' thenis'istilts ."tc gams un tilssix o'iclc. (hasad parts of he Psrsifal 'selection dis- Prof. C.IH. \J thynt. netxt astwetred 'lilery lvwarussuithe f lt.e tmositI- he excellent aperace of te pa- played real artistic feeig. The es- iso theytoast,' "Vhat eductetd menhave ioy binfoirmtal 5parties eer gvens I per is largely lise t hSe efforts of its cores never failed to please, and cheers dott. for Amri.*st' Isart si dhi shvyVtietoas's League. Anouiter of cultsor--chief. C. Le.wsis Greet. Alvr greeted the "Mets of Yost" march. "T ie tniviersity tduhucattiptu b ~ ut na-lkt.cha~rcer till he gvens isva (Greentwhotruss sseitor lststyear, with 'ie wrok of the bad as sutple- TiOiser s.citsuisi its\'t lau i League grouptet Ftrt isa)ytitsisuesevers Iis consecions iisiseted by seerat solos. Mr. Clarke nt savvy away aalotuf ciecesibuts afteresistsfroins-t t 6o'slot.itts hiv Rcvrd, atdsho''rnssas A. Sis, issnexert corsetis ad Miss Lieh- e gaiss tile tower f studsy lie calls fosirmterly f ue I])aily sta, succeeds lugs aria, swiths flute obligatou, iwas a fec higer stausdards of gusversnmentussMGl"GIN'S SUCCE"SSE '-\L SEAssu hiuPeasisg novety~.. ''he usmssbes y 'andltrtr.lerietstnad Miss Straus displasyedl a wo'ndserful oliteiassre Ieratnsiisgt ha menSN I. IiI FOOTBALL INCIDENT t eciusse adthsie lromsises Suo Ie a Wit coltics du"iiconsssdhosshaSie doneus____ isisise of ste first rask. n these cls o mrcnpltc ollege DustsvMeGugin has reurnedto e XAirssssiseuss Micigans athlete hIs snumbslers te bad was in perfect yi- lif ofSie 'ni~u atsls~vthi hu cted ocussthotake uts Iis late practce after receivedh usletter fron a friesnd des-upity ith te soloists. ainito,5 ass esceeditgly succesful seaont of crbsutg te Norhs Caroina-Virgisia Adhns, JXeffsersJon Qic coachisisg at Vantderbilt University "mieswhichs was played as Richmond, 5117 LAW COMM ITTEES. IS true"lieasadlha auss yRooenit-Nashvile. He swil returtsto Vansder I Thaksgivinglay. With te score Is Oucleg teu atn esdne uchith ulStnext seasons, te athletic assocaitIs itsfavr sof Novels Caolisa, Vir- 'he fuiosisg comtittees wee foeticg butsuwasfosdstsat Jdoss onudstions having givess hma large suscrease ,gi'nisasicdea toucdos'wn st.'en tnly a isamsed by Pre.teit Bowmsas at a fur Alecteriebsit eca us Jaffksons it saslars'insord'r o reainushus s- few tmiuses swere eft o play. -As meeig of tite 107Lastcdas yes- organized5 a politcal lars) wich made vie.thst Virginia goal kicker booted Ue erday aftersnoon:s has eection stuibule; in scciss becamne isVussserlii's recordlfr thest.saon bll a Nworth Caoia mian got close Executive cmtttittee-L. A. XWii- great, usiew itr~t~is s asfolows s enoughtositosuucste all asd deflect sit, J. . Psssisore, X. . Clark, wit5 taugisht. ch.htsfr ' Vandeiltl, (usMississitppi A. M.,0us itsugis so test it siledi qquarely be- it.S. Or,IH. X. Clark. g epel.frtconsittion anuwosdplmaite tVsderbult, f66t Gorigetownv , uset le goulot1ssweheestsif le Scial Icuusitee-L. IB. TMiusufor, ability t Vantderbilt, (sq Mississippi i t tuched ie al, te kick FPA. DIls1,S.IP XWease. su onryy(iinthVnerb os o utis''lt, 2) lMissotri iS fM.l 4 uswsusdi crsuiu)'itave 'gnsie side. tslie Banuuet cositstese-V. C. Atuber- t.ivcusssiitswr hut.L greuS crisis' ofiXVasndhrilt 597; Central, o.f 'na sc testss Virginiait2, NurthsCar- stilt V BXWorthitgon, S HRob- Rv. C .itil sssur Vantdsrbilt 2;Te''nnsessees, u. Iy'lisuss us. ets I.F Nicholos G N.Frbes. K.K ucifstpoke sssoewh'ast X; 1i Wat S usitii,0.X shsngonssDaisconnitttes.Leroy Itlength its responuset.o "T'ieChurch." Vandet.rbilitt, 26Nasvillue, o.-- Tise ceunraliesofhisstalk was whiat Vnebl,6 eane .COMEDY CLUB. Batk .k C. Hertzr, N WV Peters tile chtuurchistut do o becomue ideal. (I-(a sIoloh'r uss unit . I"CCis- htu Ore'od ienhs odi n I N'T'ERNAlIONAL, BASEI'ItLI 5 Laust evening te tir ty-outsufor tliJ. P'PntyrSt.v SBernsti. tehavte itself fromsi sast miyths5, e- --d__irhe kuIn ity Csseyub swsas iheld i Cl asYells scommiustte-. RW.Core, get1s and tut sit'ccfirst, and adoptsisetlf 'lhe LelandsiStanfod Jr,ahic iu siroitus C.atsUivtetrsiy F-ail. 'The (J Vs Mlone',ChartesFennel I(uienes tush presents 'onditiuons ssoluita tiltnrecently rceised a letter f ight for lastwaxe nwarer tian 'h'he assistanst re'sures appointed f Socit.vfrom I 1o Asic.superi'ntendet.ssof lteee1. cs i1s eidet tfromus te igh tre C. S. Bailey, MX. X. Frisbie, S. 1presiientsAngel ad s Iis subje caSlitits depatmrsent of WXXassdaUns it s ssof1mti vitaiale std te it- J. Minsdis, . X. Harter, H. W5. Friensis ."t1 Hle took for iiss t1op ic tyJapansit .uue expressed ais ireto trst sownul Itha t evsetro'ewhtio miakes Priest, T. . Srno. Isllge findshlips, anth itsordero il 'u) rr atg' snints uenationalsai sebat.lltie ltsiu will bhisothyti 'ofte hoor. stvst seus iulhsetce sies lve sutchi betwsuen StainfordindutWa isdaSom itofthuesscanditss havseead cos- A PE:CULIAR OPERATION. tpt555shutstuiutetts in afternlifes heUt. c.situsies. XWausa wtontheisv erssste siexpeitvn uct. on te isnufes- tildi site f Iis uoensexpenunetse'u chi-guue .chinshsitsof Japans audfosd sois s uhisnituss as- Asatssost Unierst wieacleesudn.I ophr srpesne yasrn em i' beacsin oteratiiato. owsper-l uctenit5iteayhe etedi isst usu Juu sfcstsuite usune ake T 'eusanagemuent:uis udoing its 'l'-sTursday afternoon by r. Nanrede. Jls pret.ties game talitebeseiA3.yunsgmunitsaou eighteen yeaso fs own frsetfndshlisits. Isshus ipluseuuu Sushi toFrancscocisco. eottsiderable. mlsts liketsis tshas dtecilds .gbctyiestSontsesalfo huie sidT h ''ese frieindsipis arntestith i s bingisfaroused andthessre stiecu'hsoran hsdcddto geeetycnetoheoptlfr i~ls o yuall. Thse sea of itoh s asstrntg ipossibliity hias Sie gamse will ihodianthertrial nx ts'T ''uesday ee- treatmusent. IHis trouble, shich was IS is tste ruster one. Seize thistsbusarnanged. inthg hieu it s f te succesfu as- oiginatlly a swelig as the kee,tos- loltotutnistt'wicisht sill never____come___to_____ ii s wll ueanounucdh astaslsp ireadtuuo te uppe hportions of his suhi u seser;,, 1,n..e._ (ime. Lmhush. liuisecessitated te removalsiecus'ssgtytSSo tOE'R EXIBF_____________fShsf srbserntiehpjun tsi hhttitc life is te joy of cot- 'f'I ~ilG PK'' in ordier So save te patuent's life. The ec fietttsttuis" If lt.he ichuiganss n forestr y exhibit at'uisasss. shib sexrel rr, nOlirin ai iveny ale mnneSt.n 5 Lous has bsectsguvessto use Usui- s t Newe iHavsenulash Staturday, "2,000 seas successful asid it is thought will ae idnd ho "A~tlletics." ,He gave v entsf' of Micisigas. 'Fhsere weve a Istuduents atitsIheir Iviieids stood sup in resultis inte consplete recovery of the bere history sif college athletics numubers nof sapuplicants for it, isuludisu tct tttu uus sih brd iedlaius ofeit-%Jichigasn anudrelated incidients shut. Agricuturantl col'ge, a Grnsd Rap-!I santg 'Fair IHarvard.' It mattered not She usit ty.letiu tk fd uueut uhsrlohthansudsto thinitShat Yale sashdrugged te DR. CROOK 'R'S SERMONS. cit e itse puposes of gamses isutitutions, bitt it was Ste wish of te crimsnuscolorus of fair Harvard intshie ll d ha fpluyiug onlyS conissisout that it should come here. Iwodust y us scone iif 12 t0 o. Their As she Uniarian church for she fort Auithsie ipresents sea of playinug FT.etexiiit is ass esecially valsu- jhearts wstru e , ndt uus, chokitig buick is'xtStwo'uuSiunday nsings Dec. 4 ituin' the iprt, Stecxe'rcise, anud t be ti.onue.ihavinug bsenawarsded te tetieshaivruwsicht camue seithidefeat, anth ii1 Dr. Crosokerswill iesemn u'"whiichs it gives, gold sedi a st e expositions. Is con- thecystusgonltuh ie louder, ansdswaved wiches sill treat of present sediamons Vinse aslpakrwsiny sts of numterouis specinsens, showinig alftilhe crisonu pennuanits its brave of iprogress its religion, suggested by 'h who resipondsed to te "A5malgam-thes1s character of te tinmber of north- deiancsue of te sitoissing whirl of blue twootnotahle books recently published, H.~A 4e tracedths ie history of thisen s csXhliganu.'Te imtstrancde of te whetichs fairly swamsped the opposite oust. by Canons Hensen, of XWestmin- an .fromu its founudations in 184, oldpel tu ands is very strntgly hroughti standiu." The abovuse clipiingsteeds sunsthen Abbey, on the Bible, and one out -poke of She various ceelbrities out. A large collections of phsoto- jfunrther comm hnsuss lm te statement, the Atonemsent by she leaduig Baptist (Coitinued on page three) graphs s included in the display. "This is trite college spirit." theologian of Great Britain.