THE MStHIIIAN DAILY _ Cutting, TABE.SCA7LE AGEClTeS, : You will find PETER' MILK INEVY AT Hatters and Fur- cious confection but a nourish- rhliecrtized 0 ltr cl eeoara nshrs ing and sustaining food. asily antyflIat which is Mi tiatisfactory. oI U9-I iEast Wsigo t digested. Does not create thirst.'Wsigo Insist upon Nr fM wf N * The imitations are disappointing r h NT C HL r Pmotg rather iCollegemen 'find a grateful degree of comfort and service: in thei Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near- ly two million men. DON D. WIIIA"r1S, oS LAW - ST iN OsloA P St --_1 OFFIE: tNo. .) Law tBuildinsg lous:t4)it1), i., xc",''tt Sa tuiay :10 t .1:a. es.. Saiersiat. Phonse 715-L CASH POSITIVELY CASH No orders for cabs for parties or entertain ments will be taken this ieason unless cash accompanies the order. RATES: Ou ' aitilo1:-I a tiI-as at- a- i -ii .- twlui tttc us oti rr - - :1< Coup .eai'- at -title:' Rsbisan & Co. Hoimes' Livery Walker's Livery W. H. Stark U.lispti BARB ER SHOP ?S adBATH ROOMS. J. . Trojanoski, 322 South State St. DARLING & iVALLEAUX.... flichigan Pillows, Pennants and Room Decorations. ..226 Sosth State Street (Conutiuetd fromiageiionttu) THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA iv11 c~f 4 iinIi 11, a 1 1 calo a''1 1 Adidress .>.a It1 the eram-ctot i."t 'till': IeMl-. Bewitching pictures at Foster's Art tl -ti;1ttt t,1it i1i- all Id 1 1 e1 Latest novelties in suitings at Fat- ,:tler:tn 4)~fee~to t-tttrtitttte tIFthiltetr & OConuor's, 619 E. Wiiiiami St. \itttit l-( i t ii (tcd t tttl s ecule ).ti re ii __aclss 121______ t~i I I- iI'iik-i ii12iiiIN -iti- t lt r1ttttltt t ,I I a 3 i i i i i i 1 { Arkansas, Texas, Mexico: ~ CALIFORNIA +. Art Best Reached via ±St, Lois, World's [air City, * ANSI THE Iron Mountain Route +H. D. Armstrong, T. P. A. i -Itis tcl hilVC . ATTENTION .OYSTER BAY XX I lie up:-:: for the accout-+ t+ oti-tiot: o f t ittlocse whosek :btai-stg lioiteecitcloe drioing+ Thanksgiving Vacation + Get c-our Chairs 3115 S. State St. University Academy, 336 Stale Street St)CirtV Will "WO at 7 ()'t-l()(-k ,,harp 1 this vtc"r big i invad of Ow regular hour, on accmint crf Sousa'-, band. The folhnvimg' program will be rendered: Parli h ts - e~lv('d hl, lit it 1 i1111Catiii itt, i sNetsafar D corating. N1-1.pnt iv. i Kett erutit" 1.1w1908 ttIi lS. -- _______ N -ti t ~t-i l l l i i : l i i i . j _ 6 0 0 m m F NIN N N i " I- iit-i i li It - tilt esstitis t-rx i aNtiI li: t it: lii hit A it 'SI,-ituti I II t 0 itti ii 1 F I 't iii hui e ttlcilg ii tfth o - tih II\ ,il l ":ft~it t l le"i i lit e llb tis e c i, t0:- 'ltck 0i(n1)V te it ii I it w NOTICE!to a] t~~iddili h-forii lt- a cesl hetitri t ii t'I1V :+tV ;115. 117 k~ b()tr tiStt F i i: ii -OHIO CENTRAL LINES aDIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Parlor Carsaon ait Trais I). k .. STANDARD I. LXIM X P, i i s...,aa at5f w..'sri H alt 15,3 \.5.111\. l:l 1. A 1,. X A N I) F; R tlrtiet t)Itmtorepler Extr,.. Firne Oyster Cocktails Pennrycook, the Confectionier PkIOM 266 310 S. Stnt, St. I $3.50 PURITAN -S'HOES $4.00 littic-youtiseenI tlt: Tan Grain and Black Elk Waterproof Shoes at $4.00 ? Ciatinot he dtiplictated ti.sewhttit'it:'less ihan i6.ill.liiit it'r seec' sur unew litiealbeforte ttti uy ::oit won't r'art atii, South flab St. IE TICKETS 1'RII fot' ahineasiii outuew mut chine, with evety pait ifshot. ME'An ?ot~ter Turkish Cigarette can be made COI RK TIPS PLAIN Lootkfor of S. ANAR GYIO 0 0- 0 0-0 0 0. & 0 - 0-- 0 0.-.-4-.-.a.-4-0 0 0 I 10 i Always Ahead in Styles. MILWRTHE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring"