THIS MICHIGAN DAILY Hoag s Home Supply StoreK Fall Fashions are R ip e Corner Main and Washington Streets x *Fish Nets, Padlocks, Wa.ste Bas'kets, Brushes, Card Racks, : ut TpCat ai ot Purses and Pocketbooks, Knivesi, Scissors, 'racks, Pi(Aures, Ash F, rotmte whose itorinoT'houseaof Trays, Paper \Weights, Stmoking Sets, Soaps, Towels; Strop, and L. ADlLER BROS. & CO. Pipe Racks at popuOlar prices. 'Plis is the p~lace,o ~ 5 E. G. HOA.G. .4 x-J' }Rohester Nl. Y. -1-________________Illustrating the 1atest improved !'x, hate cixetaxix e sate of L.. A. B. -Bu-ehfield's P ne i ofin' a, Co. clothinig iiithis locality. Fine Mexx who are tmere thant ordin- 4 IIIaoily particular about the style -t adtetGtukilalroarttiecic.toand fit of thteitrclothes are es- TradGuranees.. lx' ainyxittevd to inspeet these We atlwayscarty a are axnd comptlete tine of sasnal wol Rt-ate clothittgmnfcoy ands. V ve i'the'ag'ency fttr Btch it Newet's Caxtottirttts,Xadas Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 LI. Huron ,h ,Ra el Money Loanzed inOn WATCHI[S, DIAMrONDS or othetr persnal property 4fevalue. Anti Artbor. H tc ti 3:.0s t.x ll. to s:30t e t o '1 p. iit. x All Iti[e 3NJ3xcplxC. wtti AL L EN' S FO0R QUALITY" Bi \) (j Save the Walk Down Town +Watches and Jewelry Repaired xxccxcurim'. WkccellFobt, U.xoftM. instndBanecrs at ReduocdPrices. Telephone 310. F.ISHED,340 S. State Street FACIULTIY CONCExRT. Frxc c\Mxxxmoril lxilx utixllxxac x'4iixii'. o h lc "u ilxicki wxich "Medcdlas n li's aclty cconcerc.i 'h lxxx t va W 'll rceixvxd, lxii 100 cix'ixixxtit civtcix N-lt'. Iixii- lxixx xx i xixixixxxxllx ixoxod xxiii xxid xx xxx gr' atc'xi 'xllx'.il ii the Axca. and xlojiAl ldfvoics tlxt xcI ;dW v', lvc~c M C. II 1eetoelii's I1-- k ih, , lli clixwas iwell sclcil ilv MlISS1,x i h xccxcxsgrext p x i, i fo herc sill a i t aiii xiii t The voliii xxxtii xlii provedcxlex i' hcauiiIxl, forxMr.Airn xplayedxi ltem i Ins hestx vinii The ICaixrice, oixicofxisi I Spaldint's Official Intercolletiate Yo,"o camnlist 0, F OOTBALL Ho Lu c s UebyAlLeadint Coleges :Ho * Foot Ball Pants -1-tcex I it * At T..xttle's. 338 S. !Stat. . t,. SPAItrl i ! & BO. a'inc.itit New York "Chicago tener Ispaldnos Oicoal Fottait ido Pot t904 C t a i A i~t t i o t f t c L 't~itiof i lo ioa xxxcii I xx xxxc that xr ,'x 1.iht itckle xn the foot athetis. l xx1xi( laxicd colcege lxxxi- hal xi' rarsblxxreIwix Caxx nextox'ix Alix ne xx lx xt ill hlxx i t xxi I ccxxl thait ,'iii'xilli'i'xi '5 liii ixil cxiiier-rush.x x i loty'lx t1 ,cxxxxx lxx lxx hi xxxiii wxih xxli rh cxxxix xx wihtersl that he I(11d in til)1,1v x1 xlithe gamei. It is xl xt i l i teicaxsxnttwxuld lxaii ben Sx i xiii'ii'll wiithxxiiittesi two 11c1 h l earxil ixx i x lyh n i,. tt xxo i tli teami. GRANGER'S SCHOOL of DANCING LocatedxonxMaynidSitret.ixtneibloct FloorWe iave o tsideiagxocy- itt xin cas o ar onfined iranger'sAcadoemy, Phone, 246 New Brullswick Tables REtD'S BILLIARD PARLORS Flue Ciears and Tobaccos. tas. N0'. hlvdtPrxob.. 31i S. State Street GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice Cot Ftowers and Chaptile St,ieicen tHurox St.and Slllier Axe.tPhane O Tilrb'.ch fio'orttec 'ndut insoc tin ctxxiiit l tixixi x, xxxix hilghly aplex__________________asaaaoa-~c an V xx Al Mr t iilx IsIdeedl a xlxvvxxxglx Job Printing. Meyers' 21.5 tain St. evee brought collie city, ttxiit sonth. Phone 2.8t. tt. FINE IluiJNCi'ES IN CONNEaCTION iii _________________Everychinug Neat and clean lxxfartheim st ri stcxic'iclix'cxti'xx itAgfetstifore . B . IPipes. Ofxi x latx ig xxix stie c xxxv lxxcxx,'xfcx NOTICE. 308 S State St., R. E. JOLLY 'xllxxxl xxii l~ xxccclxxi xi Reading notices, except to Univer-IWths lck n eer A~~llo i txicx' t xxi ' iiil 'xx ic xxxv xixxcxc xx xi xxcx sity organizations, one cent a word W ths lcsadJ' lixexxx~~f~~ritci lii x Ixxxixxx xii xii xx xxliiiiiixcillc 'xcper issue, payable strictly in advance Reixaired by expert workmen sty gootix l txxi ii', itdyc"{i'rxvii nen-to the Busns Mngronly.. Uix at reatsxnahic prices, All work ciersgolixixiix. ' li , xicxiicxxixxxxixcx ai Ixmiefliilldhbyversity organizations allowed one' no- gutaranuteed. Allen's H a n d-.T a illo redClothes liv , xxi "'x', i ceI'x xi, xixl xe tce free, tf. J. B. EIBLER, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty. sxee p ( ci ' 'fanor uii al oxxx~l 1111v lac iix'i' ',i' 'xlx'xde al xxxaxxilx'xx cloth'ie ;wx ltn~ lixriiit'' i iiiiii't i txe- ''xi xx iIxlx cxxi xx i w.Sits pressed, 25c; trousers, 1tce,}I anid prtti'niixliriiy t lix ,lxclot,,x o lxx xi 'Fatter & O'Connor, 659 E William St. V ASHTENA'W l, ixg i~ti i, xii xiilxxx xii Ix a lxc t tx'xii,. t-it l-xxii' xxvii lig texd, - 'lee not lw ti t hotxic extix', ltrrxx' l xi l 'ir . yxxt,cx:;r'te'ccxxxxxxi AMandolin atid Guitar sutccssfullyLG T & PO ER C $4and $15 ale ioi gli xxviii xxi, tixcc212 taught hy Mat. C. Fischer, studio at 200 E. WASHINGTON ST. $10 Alix treet.. i ~AitnxArbor Mhusic Co. 44tf AnTry some of Cushing's Fine Choco- Get your Gym osPIJOOCO at Cashing's. tNiOCH DItfEtk"t 'ALLE~N, THE CLOTHIER latos. tf. tlnilolooeandol ~rarsDirector Main Street Steam and French dry leantng and Anmbutance-Call. attended day or night. Go to Cashing's for Hersheys & repairing at Fuller & O'Connor's, 619S.4hAe;Rsdneam Caitler's Milk Chocolate. tf El. William St.l'Phone 404. Aoio Arbor. A W'ORD 270 ST"AUDENTS' You will always find the right thing at the right time at the New Clothing and Haherdashery Stores of EVERY ARTICLE NEW AND THIS SEASON'S STYLES. 121-123 S. Mai St., tnext door to State Bank. I11UIIG AN J.F.SCUH Sanitary Plumbing, Rowe'& [aundry THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD EN "A '.'----e.' Electric construction and supplieos AND TnrAMO$HIP Lennoxa$ "The Niagara Folio Route' Gas and Electric Portables, GnusOand Thomas Rowe, Prolwletor. THE SHORT LIRE ElcrcfxuesemadTo 2 .[fl v.'IME TABLE-Taking effect Sept 25. 190dt ,water heating. New l'hixox'571 leull'Phone 45. oo.-L uIn CHICAGO 207 E. Washngton St. he Noo.5u1amLv o 0-0H at AI i ARBORto BUFFALO;xLv.2No 6l-xi:20antm . Ar. I- 00a1 n. N 0. i.,arti 40 -1Ox8i a.nt. Lv. "5*-12:12 .n BOSTON P OT G AP SFuneral ""t 4- 8x15p.m. L" "tl- 4:53 pnt, NEW YORK POORDirectorti "-12ยง 3:1 ":05am Diecor ! ai y exeptx Sunday between Ann Arbor vit diectconectonsat hicgo fr Cll t ad Tled, tThrugh trains 4 ally excepti tu directsconeasCinSat.ChiagolfraCadOffice 209 S. 4th Avo. Phone 98. Sunday, I Sunday only between Lakeland thr OWet, For information and THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, Residence 31)2 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. adTlo.Fechir. .cWLso Ns.1and ru ticet call on or write tio W. W.T cILIAt. - CA ceetAnAbo.36lstMi t Ambulance on call. I. J. KIRBY, G. P. A., Ann Arbor, Mich. SE gn,AnAro.36SuManSt Toledo, Ohio. WE ARE NEVER UNDE RSOL;D-G O O YEAR'S DRUG >STO 'RE