The Michigan Daily Ivot,. x~ ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, 012 0EMNBER _ ' 1904. No. .)3 IDIEALS IN JOURNALISM, intersting and Instructiv e Lee te--eie in atUniversitv lidu-I cation for Newspaper Men. Ii It 1111II i t t r'tor ( i li0 ct.t ,\ lln) c\ rc~fk' ,;I-M arch(1b H Ittgli f 0 i fl \ Ii l' 11 c 1 ( )1 I l ( ) 1 11 ' } ) ' )t1 11( ) 11 1 t til l I i I 1 1 k a l 1 ) ~ ' -1 " , I1 aI 10 1 1 . }III :1 1111 11 111111 ii11) 1(d1t1 ~ltI ) 1 11"a1 1: It' a)i'11:1 1; i I111 l.~ ~ 1 11() )1. i ')~l1 l' 1111 tt1 ))() 1,051n1t. 1Itilo l ivll that t t100 1 10 t,11 ()Tlt 11111 11 - 1C, l t ii tll 1 .111 II~I 1 .11.1 I ? ii() SOEUSA TONIGHT. lung and His Eamous B~and at University ill on S. L. A. Course. Popular Pro= gram. Something for E~veryone 11;11 \ ll dilo'ool lcdi' t()-, t). I( SoI; ap as i 11 Ils c (11 li ..... .... . ..... l .ta rt 11 iii it its i 1' byilA11.IMarshll 1-111, 1 Irfl " 1111 '~ s >i 1'g Jo I riji li ii 11110 Ifotmoiar hnd fomt )hilip pit criti) c. famei cot' Sot11 ' 1goreat organ-011 ria butij iis 11we11l o etablished in l 1111 . as 111111. iii E 1lish c itic "sI 11"Th 1lates1 imortaionfr rica hs provd ;on i . rdi 1 11suc Anti 011111 ito 11111111 1an1 a11Ameican1 ould b11 iffult t of1111er 111mers iitc1111that Hols i in the le st.iiliIts iilo. i riginl i tspayn i rin0 ;he11 t 11) 11 - 111 1 1t il)1'1 t) REVIEW THE FORESTS. Professor Roth, State Warden, Will Ask Next Legislature to Utilize i ore Barren Land for Reforestra- tion. 1111 l'ede1 evening,0Pro. rlii- 11001 111111. 1101f000l10 oifforsry gave :t3c1 i i n the M1 uc01111111lcio tur s01. befre h 11111rsi oi'isii'i'club. It ,, he voie w ih the late 11 forest 11110111.1 liith 10pa1t o ii1Prot. Roth saiilugiin01 dart011 lime alienist 1 ls s iidedlt1otbhard- ' t, 1,11 'rblt and ii ne.111 Its agriol- lhc n~n'Ic ii hae 100hwev1r Oiesutedoo in alos o tt 11111ppIrl 110ofhu ti iti in f iber in ich\loiganis1 the . lnntii 111llLry' 1s a1secoiii-grade intioo i and1 ililhough iiti till1cotinIIue as suh forsome earsiistoslowly loinig 1hol1.1One-hliio1 the capital inve1101ted inlumbellr 1t.11years ago ha lef 1111 oth111101ectionso oifthe contry. Wthat is nottoMiciga', grat farm- ing oitrict, 111111chomprjissoton te- Ii Iaf te stdte oas formterly hard- wood f110oret TheItoohr half was the 110110goowth and the grear part has betenicut aid bunted clean, ut re- min 1110 l1mot ontirely iiisettld-ini ft, ot pe1110ent of this laier half is "Ti ra rc of prstO nimt1111- prove 1oland isio tootilt) r for agriul- 11110e iind toill 1n0otlemandl eoen afair 11110e fori oiici 110.,'As5 11resol, whien tile lumbiero m11011w101re trogicuttingf, it lay waste' and11in many cases110hataorer veto d tiootheiistate for tax claims aantit. Fully l,oo,ao acres hae 11me1in1osat1e1posssininIlien of tax 1)0011110te the riticulotsly lowt 1111c10 at 00hicobit has tteoenooffered,the 111101rpar of this great 010111 still remainsiit to helostte. Itded te 111te 0110101nt 1.1,000 inide tpast fee yer, n averisinig bailbook- 1111111 11111110oiisp111 oe of it. The auiiiitts foel thati the taxes 11105,ooo,- IXI0010cres 011111ot ffordl to b t. I 1 soyearthte state opedltttca o new po0ls'of 1lointg asie ot otali 111101of toe In a afotesotresrve. At tres eni tt the oresoveinvolvesstat1110landIit three0 townships.1 By0lIt toohle state tr- raion11 fur thitorserve. It gives tie power11 tthIltoforestro'comttmtsstont to selliexthago0,ottyor rntttany state lan toand rotsides farther tat the to0011111nlsh tioirsedlfor te tax losduo too tetoow policy." 1 tiler 1P1ofessor 1Roth1, the state's 1100esttwardeot, 'ndot firester, swho is a "Mtichiant tman, ad two forest rang- ers, this roserve Ias een oanaged. \Iore ohan 5oon trees ae betn set outta0111 a nursery of over 5,00,000 tree, established.l At first the state antl minyi'eople trouhtlot te state 00110etoppousdl to this patn, so0ewto1) Michoi111101utowitutanytople ithle statetakean ato'e1111e0s1 ittit and Ithe 10e11111ers are advtocating atex- te0s111ofthlet tpolicy. The teople of toe isitrict 10nowlicht the eterimtet is hungtr101d1 0101satisfiedth riband frind- Iy towaitd1it rnduering all assistance COMEDYI) CLUB TRY-OUTI. Nl editesday evning there was a pre- 11im1n11r01 10y-out for the Comtety Cub. Nothlitng deftnite twas deeided, tt at- itter meeting was called for tonigiht whlicho is intentded to be tie faal try- 11 'p l( s ci i1 ( tt, f~ l 'I'latt lat,:2c tr t I 1,1' 1 - 1 l b tt l t :11(10 1111 cIl All th 11111 1 to fsI the lx~l t 1110 th 1eotdit-ltt T11 1 11 cI i11 ttl till t Ittlottip l It c p ~2t .rl a h111100 itt mi- :11 we I ltli t - tj 11vcr 1 1 ,r21 ttll t i lt 0}11111c0. i 0'ttolt. i h(ittobotit I t~itil 111 1tN 2' t e ~ w 2 r d .( til I 1' ti 1 11 1 1 W ' 11 00 0all It11C 1 1a 110 al 4 1s are toe p 1 si1 111 1 1. N a ch J c1 I:r 'tuc'k o itit 1 to 11' tl 111 11111 o 21 1(Cn ?tinued n Page : 4})ClC l) . rlt tl, 2kiS 2 '~ii I, 11c lirary 00110 s t.'t( oO'oilvton ha te Anurm4 te ('ivesil%- of bnicli, to Nvitt I I lu b t nd 0resnted latt lom 100011o 1 111111 t vt - oll e olibrtary li ot1 1.11101 Itr A. .lilol O s l i too as ibee Veil ri ve . I coii ~ isc ott45 Itoluso very 11,111 00 rane an the hIistotyI of fai Gern 11111111jt i 1101of 011 mst 1111r valIabIt1n011111 n i lotv 000r10etoe bytheillway SOVSA'S BAND TONIGHT 8 O'clock