THE MICH tIAN DAILY f.AO d l e Ai SVO N NN KEEPII O YOU TABLE. You willFOsPTE',ML CHOCOATE ot oiy adeli ason colecton ot aoousoh ing nd notanin foo. Eoil digeted.Doeonotcreae throt Youwllegid EE'SfId grHOatE Not onldegrelo- coscomfiont adnserish- ing n utaiBightodEail Flait ClspGate ST iNoh AP il in ts'dssBri hone i- NoodrNorwcbswornpartie r-etrti mintswoMe taen ti esornless Lt)Ie: O-5 -a lusOi menison ill& eto. n hissaonm ess vr aiknerts Livery W.H .:ar * , x i~kssaira sit learcltths Hiai ' Ir lyts (Ia ris sitD oat' deter aisy ii, srclrecuofiCharge, \551lt i i , t hstisfactcry. MAY FESTIVAL SEATS. The .sale'iofi'sresrieses alasitor lthe ,M\iy Fe"slis ii iegais yesteirday at he Scoslol of Msicii. A Ilarge slim- beri ofspeeavailesd tliemselv'es oft sials. )aiiig hiss'hole ofi'this week 'Ishe b lesi seats imay lie' tadi for $3.5o. Next iris h 5le r.'sainisg seals ittiS'lbe'rese-rvedifoi' $ 3.00, ains duinig lie salseqtuesntss'ehks, $2.50, $2.00ssandil$1.00irspeiely ii wsiltliibe siharged . 'Thesupeiri'ior'ity ofithIis pilani ss ovr 1th51of tormss's'years seeiis now tsrbeiai estaislishtesilate ansite msansagemnt.sslfeels juostifiesiforsirlii its ilsussin techsansge. SMALLPOX DEVELOPMENTS. nii ic, siix -excitemtis of iia sieis iweeiks agoi ias almoisst tbloswnsover. T11Citsewis isi wsere' disrcoveredi duringtiessist wsek listsa statter's- tig sass sir sis is isoIi's'extected consssding-isstie sisumbtes-sf ptsns'xs e.xpiosedi tithe first fess'casses. Six tatiensstsis'a teeesrelieasesd truts qutarasntis' si thsialtiily St''fit' liiih early ipatient5s sirs stlliltliicionin~e- mo St r. (iole~y ssiistlliterviewedi statedithalit a siw' suie easesisas' potssilily itdeveltp sits beyondttha5sst liste eissoidatger' s'iat sev'r'o' fur' it'i- s's, spsrisadtofi theiiiseatse. FORESTER'S CLUB. i,'srstrrs (listsits\'est Bali, this s-s iitt as t 5ticlockls(Iitite suject of ' "isest p iWorirliiihigan:trsIits Ptsl, tPre'sit andi iFutuitrs.-'' h ln~ i is ierstsoi sllxwhosssesit'seisi etdintshIissusbtject. NOTICE-MUSICAL CLUBS. .Combinrd musicat ctubs wiilmret so Room 24, University Hall tonight at S o'clock. KUSTERER. Cutinl Arkansas, Texas, Mexico *. CALIFORNIA fn + & P Ar Best Reaced via IIUJer UU.:~ St. Louis, World's air City, SOEfGNT.ADtTHE SOLE GENTS Iron Mountain Route 4~ Two Daily Trains to California Leadig Clthies, a Thlree Daily Trss to Mxico Leadng Cothirs, ourDaily Trains to Texas Hatters and Fur- : our Daily Trains to Hot Springs nishers. Six Daily Trains to Little Rok tog-1I11 east Washington St.: The BEST of Everything WRITE ME, 1233 Wastenaw Ave. cstsisr. ANN ARBiOR, MICH. BASKET BALL AllIfr'sh mansss gits ls i' sted l ins ii''aikts'ssis lissi-4 AT'TENTI'ION itis Isiisst sttssla ,Cv I istss ,_i0I)Ii . - IU Aitt'lic i itin i'i' in t ' ani I goo1 siss toisgi ut~iss~ia.ssIlxI 5 OYSTEIR BAY' 7::;o anduit rtheasssorer.ol . ...__..__._l'ibeoe ol-t'sr te acoiss LOST. 4a isisistioss ofI thosxe whoe Dls s lassississ sit; siartsanc'hotr. 4bosardisg lItiseas close durisg t'iiis l es'liase' iesusnst l ta s a tls t he l isa tiuse. Rt'eward. 5 ____________ i- Thanksgiving Vacation Anss s iss tis of st' $500,000til hlst ttss's gh' e i t it 'ivsi A of Comie Esrly'Is' si tPennsylvansias tisInvrssurrs'ss ixGet Yotur Chairs DANCING CLASSES. . 315 S. State St. if you crts't lissrnststdansce' be- fsrs' tsheh lidays, jointheliiclassis aisf-* - - Glrasnger's Aalii ss.ti Dii T.a~,-si~ ff class roims groundsstftoor, It May- D arsd striet. Phoines'241. P5-51, 1U C'hew Biod Berry Gumsandsgit Univerrity Academy, 336 State Street asin l brieati. Only 'ntsit ic gumsisi *. .- ' is i te world. All sealers 4411 - ........ BAILEY & EDMUNDS Inian Moccauiis'isss $1.00tos ii$1.85.iieaslrs".its 'T'he sit'y tbsst , ImadeI 'it'sfsl s' ass tskiss'si eadiessdli. Hasrrinsgtoni. Il1s (inns -=Fishing 'Tackle - Ammuniton E, Cttherines. Fish Nets ior iecorating. 505 Est iLierty i. AnssAor. Mu'5' Face massage and steaming a spe -______ ________ ciatty. St. Trojy's. 22tf 0"0etlIm86880 Try a vibrassage at Trojys t jsREMOVED ui' ,bidigAnst o great. "2211 ' ;Hi , is tforI nrth ofiipa st- THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA 0 THE ATES PRESS, Printers. Address1. 1. Bates. maage~srr 8o8____- ---N S. Fourts avenue. Phones-Bol, 1 E T A IE 106;Hm,2809tRed. .4tt HOC N RA1 IE GeieIti'isliass bithbas at n ssoes DIRECT LIE Str sals' cheaps. ierects itsdition, TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS exhiitedt'slat I319 . tathasris'eltre'.. Pacor Cars on alt Trains ~ALEXAN1D. Yn A. A. E+ .J. Railway I isr)'ivisi..hlfsilsorly frI t is . i. an BMrtist ]Vbotograpbe li :5u n. hn71.St15.8:4si foa 'ttn '4)r xslai isii tin y.s, l 4 t. :45 ssi:153 ss'ssu'r rs. N.tiiti'Renn i i lt '3 t. ) .:15. Ii. Isis'.tssssossloly frms 0 i15 a. n) ni ;:t1); teins61:15 ad ii t:5 . 50 ,. ~~,,,,Waielisisisst.l iots is5..wesrstlitsii is Bewitching pictures at Foster's Art Bosoms. tf. "++44 .i5.1 +4 + 4o + 40.+4,.4.4.4, + 4nII l 4 +0 b I 44 14it pOl We Leave Soonv CesJlsgho.xi tuCo. NBargains in Law Books N4 $ 3.50 PURITAN SHOES $4.00 Tan Girain and Black [lk Waterproof Shoes at $4.007 Cass not he daplicated i'lswii It'sfortless than $650. lii lets'e' see sur ties' Sins'e iib isef oi lists u tsouwon'st rer'et ut. 119 South Plain St. rMV TICKETS [Rt for sinetissuit oatusnw nsa chine, with evesy pairs of shos. 4 ~Extre Fine P erizxt2enycook, the Confectioner Phonme 266 310 S. Stt St. EGYPTIAN 1 ln 'Hotter Turkish Cigarette can be made CORK TIPS Look for- SignnatI'"r* OR. PLAIN of' S. ANAR.GY F.O Always Ahead The Best Always Ahead Q Styles, Lu Stles.of EvrythngEInTaIlrOfl The Best of Everything In Tailor'