TCHE MICHIGAN DAILY fffffff ff THE MIICHIGAN DAILY. Continued from page one. HAVE __ __-- yies which caused the adotion of W E WOULD HA E 0Entered .assod t iii atte aibe nnthis rieasurevyet I do iot helieve it * Arbrsut u'suhse. should have heen adopted uithout VIYOU TO KNOW #' drig is the co-operation or the eastern uni- f ulshed 5diy ( undu~v oxcepteduing heversittes. It musirnecessarily result *f ii ile ear ti h. 'ira assintonsree~t. sihs touveririg ofthyt~rtiralty ofthie f bsmn losd etac)Ihn -8 footbatt teases iot tie 'trigninle~ as That we are doing business at: Managing Edito, J. STANLEY BALEY. cionitared withtiiorse otftie eass aid Busness Manager, CLAUJDE A. THOMPSON. the far' west.' Captain Rebstock. OUR W 0 EJitS i 'I'is rule stilt aufffecstrioosblI ir i 311 South State Street Athltricss ---------- CLYDEs L iw tore' tranatiysssiti'r classas o nly Exchiarnges_ .........tuosephi Y. Herr a icorrarlI 't'fitrelne Womien........Miss Ira is. tBrownrigg seotts'.ss in Febsruary. I hirdlity sees Et'1'5iliAJ 5'S'AFF: this necessity for such a rule. As Thator New Woolensx for A. fIt. Gtaver' HarryIH. Arrdr'ewsft'ar s It know, itisrs' sas riot bhenra the coming fall trade are r. Warite Jaynreiran who has rmadethesis'vaursitysdl-i no ed.ASSOCIATES irsIris treslrtrati ys'rr wsolsiii no ed.George A.iOshuorn Arthu T ugg lieen'satborrahtsfidesterisanunite(iris A. It. Ortmneyer Sidney 5R.ille5r 5siigiigalss' HuhogrAlletn Wii'. Satnfurd ''Tresli ts r'les'willt ' owr s th~e That we make superh gar- Cuss. W5. Ambrosese Loisi S ey nubrfyesastdtcnco- ments for genstlemen. Chars. F. Wistead J ere (Weadocuk iiiits ryasaosssr uinn BUIESkS.STAt'F" petes' oii t'efotbtalltesamris issires (VA . It. las E. N. Pusey yi-uss atdssthe iicsass'osith lawde That we appreciate your trade ..FFte A ms pri iitstoas-si r's s 1ssf'ost'sie," and respectfully solrcit a R ATES- ,$'55Uipersyarur . 12)if paid titCpairid continuance of tire same. advanceri. captain Bird. h bsbl Office Hlours: 12:30 t :0ad :0t :0 tfarsasermed Iii toiif'vorbls'yof p. nm. daily. isthes 630 ne7w0 rulis e.siis G. H. WILD CO. Address: CLAUDE A.THIIPSON,tBusiness *Itsensr' to mer srs," the'saidt, "thut z 1'.ALORS 'anager, 331 Packard St., Telephoner 461. the sc'he'mer' silt g'ratly lesses'thlu 311 South State Street. '- - rislititig fist' prep55 schollss i iliis ss. As hel ii'srs tirs'ist stilltrs ousis n jNOTE-Thirst ufSoua r tisessruhae sr iii'sts tr i-ss it nis no tisbeen cue putruns as'wsuslid's'or-Ii sro smanyi ostf5these5 wiltinewrs + il nieto custy NOW. Wednesday, November 30, 1904. liters. No iati' ster s'hr5.a ri iep tsh-i le_____________________________tess enrtess i'r s 'gs' lisot'sre is alwsays a try of grt a nit tir' schlssis ac- Editor Today-Chas. W. Ambrose. esrsesl sit oferissg isrsctsesrss. tsr u.O O.OSO OS~ee~ irany casstits is fits'rtnis thr CALENDAR,.truth arid tie unis'e'rsity'ishtltuusitou _________ cesusire t'r' ousisghi a lisotfsesinalri Special Sale li . 5 s A jounismhsi. Tenwrl ils -it____Mclsillans Halt. 7::'oalit tn.ilsi ta tte ies-sit r I ris' i ng Yru hec.sI-,tanieusE. Scrippls' letsr eaues nsirse'tleisi per-'rrtssr' shap'sissno, isso tlea' as theinia isni'. Iih "a applani Halt. 'As I unrst'sandstit sers'e'iois' tr' Dir'.2 Sousa's Outsi-S. I.. A.sis' grstaesIssii l'' courisse. stsis nsiiiteri'foriiposti grautue MontoiiQgrI.amll ecIts o-iJoshiniIt.dliiit5ast('osr's ia- scolorkstbu Wiois sieees'' i''to res'en tho riots. i'hurch'l. comers'f 'rn tihehighscola nstacait It IIBoats iomA1! OUR NEW Art Calendar Iof EVENTS IS NOW ON SALE losst m tiss ths isopoui tyiu to51 siry Sirs Iinst Sosusvsnir that Ira evlustsenprodurceditnriAnn Ar- bor. A Calitndasr consisting i sigreat Itsis trots.Innuer" sits Litfe iiby ilt. lHenry 13 WANHIS BO9OKSTORES UNIVERSITY HEADQUARTERS 503-1toils Main St. 3t65S State St. - OVER-I COATINGS ICRAIN ' COATINGS~ II ts Inrbla'ks, gres'y, brows and stirs: Islainrind fats- ey miateriails: exclusivs' In wseav'.'. design asid stile.I . i A 7y§ I' r K' : IAt less tlhansi reguslar price "ASK TO SEE IT." FAlso take a look at outr Next Sottverir Post Cards. "Thse Iest ever producedl.' FSHEEHAN & CO 31201 . State St. CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN UNIVERSITY COOI3S Michigan Spoons Michigan Pins Michigan Fobs Michigan Calendars Win. Arnold, College Jeweler .Now thattruss sirs allpotiiix si'ar'e'is osv'r'it is lhopeds att hes lUnIsiversity~ m5ay-s'r'stinrspears' siltlihusmias. Tlihe si''st' srecnty iigl~rrtti'd cusstosm sit win5'tg (Michigans sistr'smrslist hasrisi is to bei'commireirsdedtsfIss' the' isias'ervesusIsoinre'saserolle'ges'psis' it. 'The' ian ishis sixes hits insti's's- orsstheini'tutsrionanste-s-his nitw tfiasionsis uons' that sshsudi be pes' pt'srris'thsamerisi'as thi'ecstossiosi weaing)- ft reshssman capls. SCRIPPS LECTURE. 'The ion hs. Jamsi'sI. Scrips.ptr- lie'torn' si Dt roI'ssiisEvisriigNews, Ill.Hi s subjtsj'swssi li''"Ideals ins Joussraism,-.'' dli'. Scrippts' long andi (iss-it s'rcrers's'rroa joursnraiist speial- ly qualuifies u ssh ispeakr0n slits Subj t n-Theleciture 55promise's ito be imrsitig is wsll" as isnstsrctive", rund u'stlsl n wotihe'rrisrg. ('onsider- rules-tertu'wsi asmnifeihstesitswls'n theus-.nnisi- uii wa firIsst muadei' ri,' alar-ge- atisendance'ris anticipiat- sit. Althuighsthus'li'c'tures'is iven toi connection wssr ithtithus-ciusesits NewsparWr i '' tx'in rg, i-veryoine' is its- v'itedu. STUDENTS TURNED OUT. On Xdluruay evensinrg a lireosuivriit ints e srs-essidenrce occi-uedt by- x. Ss. Ssnasul ts' 41-)isS.Diviseion sins'ses, wshrichI mnighstruss-es-assed-ssuits' a tunss trust issnus Iens--rsschcked in simius. Sonseusrits-sir'siun this'f's-nit suits-urn this Secondsrtflooir, us tutuh is socupieds byi sevseral pyoung lunits' udnts caugtifr5o555;0Iiimatchi inushinia li-w mntssthus-isnteirsu'sealtliblauze. dMosirut thus-clething oithstir ouung lashes wussavedsiut rsmnar-nu fthi tiosuir strutalt of theus- r'niishings soi tier' o sNure'sn'-u'iineds. 'This- ssis estimartdrut $201)ibusitisis udr sstod truattlits is etrl oee ub' innsura'inice'. ELECTRICALS CiHOOSEOFFICERS of tir' AnmeriscasnInsstituesit Eli'ctrni- eat Eniginee'rrs Ihslitjuist:ibeftore-v"a- tothin'folilowusinn oficeri''is i'r's's's' i-- Pre'istideti---IR. Stowss. C'misrtti's- -,.'. C'ollo'r. Corr''e'sondting Se.atru'reausurr- -J. II. Iint. Ifesuln'sitg St's.--G5. xx. Laleri. Ch'insnranMenu. Cfrunisis's'-.1. . I //7J.0 /7A/N S WS.N757 5 When a Man uses poor soap, his f acd rebels-becomes sore a irritated. Soothe it with WILLIAMS' SHTC E i 4. flo"Ul[TELEPHON[ C+f1PANY BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE .-° Ibe Students' Lecture Association 1904 - Iifty~lWt tseaonl - 1905 Russell N. Conwell Henry Van Dyke Henry Watterson Leland T. Powers John T. McCutcheon Champ Clark SOUSA'S BAND Hamilton W. Mabie Ghov. LaFollette Oratorical Contest Edward Bok Open Number Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra Single Admission $1.00. Yarn can necure tickets fromn student nellers or at Wahr's State street book store Next Number--John T. McCutcheon-=Nov. 16 Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting Golden Rio, per lb. - - Ise Mariacaba, per lb. - - 18C5 Pedang Java, per lb - - 28c Arabian Mocha, per lb. - 28C Dean & Co.'s Blend per lb., 20cC O 21 4 Sousih Main St. D EAN &...: Co." u.. am ... .{ . Ithe Varsity Cigar store Will Remain Open on Sundayjs. Billiard Room will be Closed on that Day. _____VARSITYCIGAR___ 0046 110* P 44 4oj11Mei + ofr ofIn US 41 SI t~ 4rnriansrltnl + 44 4+4-01nnn~rrnci ' .DeFRIES' ART STORE, Artistic -Framing, 217 S. Fourth Ave. --"