444114 , o RCAI 11 ab LUTZ, the Clothier, 217' So. f t it Mdain St. .. 4. + !4 ateour natt lie of " # NECKWEAR * Received this week. All the late novelties of * the seasoni are now on display and sale. ~MACK & COMPANY. .c.ss.:.. sss s. +4+ w *.e++4.++++4.+*+*444+ .i~'i'w'i"e'ti ,- *snl4oney Loaned,, W. J. LOU.RIMv ' 1'4 11 A t*1',rt l i! t c ' t~ ti441 ttt y, I >44. 1 4 . t 4 Lt . e~15144 4 Sn 4t ni.ii1. 4, 1 . . r Xe' A .111 411on14 2-1 I uarry s Bronchl, d LTablts I Ok Greatfor4 oar4 nc14 QuARRY' - 11> YOU' RE Perfectly satiflied with Stilts whlichli men of 404and 50 wear, 4.oti S. (W. Clothes They' re oily meant for'-gingery" yUoungi ~ 'N cli 101 . Uncomplromiisinglyswag0d>4.er. Madle of eloths owiii decided views 011 o11 thle patterni quiestioni. The miakers Laebitperlect figures right in the ('1141coats-takiig no chanices with y'our own. t Iixtrcinr 4411 over except ini the price. 1- 41s 114444144444. 1)444444,ts 4lit till le- t rte, L".r (44[t 14411444i.4. 4 Staebler(ft W'uei-h 44> 4 ,14 W' 1V 4'V1) 51il44fr orer).Charles A. Sink, +[ y t< tc te> r; loid v1.44 14441114 creta y. OLUETT. PEABODY & CO., WASI1T[NAW [16111 AND. POWER CO. 200 E. WASHINGTON ST. CornctlaC/odes#-/ee IAfnesuit ill-made, and slatternly orsifyworn, far from adorning, onyepresses the awkwardness oftewearer.I -ord Chelserfield to his son. A fire 444 41f.Il >4sal. Noven44414.1 4444444 410 lhe4 nll.441444' 4, ofa4ea i" f' Busill~s lllel 4.41of d'l':.i141usi cal1 C'1414s '41 444.1444 N 44 444 ,miler :)'0, 444 1441111t4 1 ,S o'lock4(14_4i4Room 2. 1 114i vorsityIHall. 4444 S'444444Iit. Pres. c ', f1, oaI !i '3 ' ( , M1 i it j ii :; G4(LEEL CLUB NOTICE. 444vc lwe n 44 t()1ad l 4t tir114rese 14Room 4, 1 1414414.4 Ball 44il ()f4 4 4441 414414441 ,illorde 1 to 441ss- 444444 44444 44l4wh ih 1a4 1 114 }144tai-4 1411n11l1in a1141 gu1itar1 successfu1lly ii 1).lc tl 0w ti e 4)f 'rv4441i4 1040411 4y 14'414. 1C. 4Fisch1er,>444410o .1t 4~il; 44> 4'4 us 14144'l'ithero i AnniIArbohr' 4u1s1c ('o. 4 ;is 4444444 44114 141'______for___________wishing.__ 444roc re4444' salsto stand il444 114, .1444114144 O)c11stra1, h1144o0e4 444' >4 41or "-14'v urs in r41r o4tldeh 4ufird ices 1 1141mu 41in tose 4c 14 44 choi.o.'This4b% a 444444111ro-r 1id 41f1om. 4The 11test4. ,Irefu 1 r444 a . 41of'I4ic 4 44th 11O- 44,k ' "'-144i1es and41 1i1ses",4 will 4he 441.d, I 1p. to,4444', 't 4 ' all c 41414 414 14414duced 41this 44441..5 Be iiwik ables ki4 REID'5 BILLIARD PARLORS Carsan Tbaccos. 4tAsT~atti0'11,338tS. St.,tc 0 THE SHORT LINE CHICAGO0 ANARBOR tot BUFFALO With II NEWYORK 14 41O', Kails' '144, 4>4 4 4444 Nest1 .4Forai 0 arn4'd40 I _ AgE Agent4, Ann Arbor. t 4 441 4to 44 4a4l te vr\ coicet4( LOST WATCH CHARM. 4 to do 4444h\ 4144'4>14(111 4014.44 Ln haeo {rei rs ith itue :11111 i; 444 fist f th1 gal.4on fac . iLiberalrew'ardifi ' returned' 4444414 144h, secod4441441 f t14to It. 0414114, 72414Monroe. 49-50-1-, of 444he 44444441 44444 4144114.41 Job Printing. Meyers' 215 Main St. 4 14444 14c, 141411o41$:,.444 4xt441 sends. Phone 281. tf. 1)tti 11t, fllown- 1dys, eember1 M 4124to1 4;4in4u4ivo 41h4ic 1 411n41e-NOTICE. 4 I44 144n44444444444 44444144lecetn Reading notices, except to Univer- g4l41444 I.t o 41lck, 44441444411t~ sity organizations, one cent a word will4ho1:,l.t44c41 44n sal14at1th144 per issoe, payable strictly in advance 44444 >4e4x441 4 a44 to the Business Manager only.. Uni- 4 44444 44 44versity organizations allowed one no- 4.4tice free. tf. 44,:ll e 4 la that4 4 1 he4 4 Su144.1pressed, 25e; trousers, 14c. 444. 444 44 414144 4season 11ch 14 has oiler & O'Connor, G19 E William St. '4 l~i 4. 44 e o oe r 1>41l1444'41 Get your Gym cupplies at Cushing's., t 1 ;goe 44444 $or 1.0044 extra 10i,' 44r. .44 444444441 hey4 wih41o4Havy Underwear, 38 cents apiece. fil fta tc livle;g offis 41h i.414 e. C1ut1ilg, lReyer & Co.'s window. .4 41'i aas f r s rv d s i s will 4be' -ill l4'o~tlI4 1t 114clol 4n114e Hainan & Son," 'the celebrated fine 4 04b0atth414t 141tyScoo o Shoes. Sold only by Gee. B. Miller, t.:t ur1i4. .. 212 5. Miain. 37tf 1 I hai o'er.;414il 41all 4(1ed to in 14theorder10* r 41i4t. 44se 1414.- Ticket for four shampoos, one del- 44' ' .order4 b 41mail wi1l pleaselar. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. 14444144 44414 114441ch'ice llnd 'll- University, near Quary's. t-th-stf Your suit can't be better made, or adorn your person more handsomely, if it bears this label AIf red JBenjamin &Co MAKERS 8* NEW YORK 41 Equal to fine cudlom-made in all but price.gQ The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. Q We are Exclusive Agents in this city. CUTTING, REYER & CO. 109-111 E. WASHINGTON ST. Save the Walk own Town Watches and Jewelry. Repaired Wte hiave irst-i ass workmen and guar- ante ou11r ork4. We sellIFobs, U. of M. 4,Pins and Banners at Reduced Pricen. Telephone 310. f.I'J SCIILEEDE, 340 S. State Street I argains inLawBoks_ 1fhI11I~1VCoisttines Its Excel- i lent Traits Service. [our Trains Daily [ronm Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains UNION DELPOTS IN; TOLE/DO AND COLUMBUS.j S.=CA K,3 Cmps atisDeriltich,.. Shehans 10 ec t THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Try some of Cushing's Fine Choco- lates. if. 'fIMtE TABLE-Takinge 1ffect Sept 25, 1904 Go to Cushings for Hersheys & L OUTH740 m. L ORT-H10 'Cailler's Milk Chocolate. tt . ±L-i1:35 am. Ar. '5*-12:12 m. ________"_____41'- 8:15 p.m. Lv. 3t5- 4153 p.mo. The folks at home would appreciate 1042- 1414 p.m. 1014- 9:~005 am. a Msichiganensian. $1.84 each at * Daiily exicept Sunday betweeo Ann Arbor Vsahr's.t andlTledo. 8 Through trains dally except _____________ Sunday. §iSsnday nly between Lakeland and Toledo. Free chair cars on Nos. 1 and 4. Latest novelties in suitings at Ful- W. T. WILItSAAt., oer & O'Connor's, 619 E. William St. J. J.KiRBY. G. F. A., Ann Arbor, 1 ich. Toledo, Ohio. Stim~son 'Stimpson 334 S. State St. F . . .. . . . . . . . . Ift T 1f a..a a.. a. a.. a. a a. a. i.. a. a..a..a a..l. t a .a. t. .....a !. . a.. a..a a ._.a. ARE NE VER UN DERSOLID-- GO OD YEA.RS DRUG STORE ill