jl 3I1iCIIAN DAILYg Lal5ftf *#t# yt ing +Headquart(: ers foatigti lal I adioes anid Gentlermen.... ' - : - . .,-.., Vd : ... r ~ +r Vl vy $11.'v 8 '®'a i ' r aa ' 1%{' S34i Y ' +' S l ., ;" -: .;. p; . . , : Arya wre ofow er' Iousolo QCJI.',R[Y R CO o:strte I"IIOR10u 1v a A $12.00 SUIT OR OVERCOAT, 0 Il A redometer SLeading Clothiers, flatters, [urnishers *4 A~ A odornotoer Owil loregs- e; te~r toe odottance. *o109-111 [ast Washington St. * 1 Olen Day and Night. .+ PHOTOGRAPS SEYMOURtS STUDIO, 316 South Mtain St. + Y ou rait r a t e D u t o . Yon0 cai alsoreplesh il lot51.t .( or lor21101 .0+ "Toilet Articles}. t Soloh a- Tiootllolrlil. o es . 20 t. AS}tiiTN T POST. WALSTATONST R" il a 11 7. 11 CBatkins 4, at f .i }f+ .r~i} i*}f++a~i r} } s 4+t ffi}. Arkansas, Texas, Mexico;+ ANt) };. CALIFORNIA Are Bout Reached via St. Louis, World's [air City, " AND THE ++' Ir(iu MFountain Route To1 Daily Trains to California Threeo Daily Tratos to Mooxico:; Four Daily Trains to Texas : Four- Dotty Traint to Hot Springs«; Six Ilaily Traino to Little Rack 4 t +} The BEST of Everything * 4 WIEME, ;4: 11 Dl. Armstrong,IT. P. A., 4 1233 Washtenaw Ave., 4 ANN ARBOR, MICE, . 4 J Pickwick s4 BowIin.9 Alleys Stritlty Up-to-date. RE jT 5CHLIR Pi Ilo ooo, apoh. . 4 3, .;. .;. ., < .w. , . .;. .,. ._ I INT TERSCH-OLASTIG FOOTBALL.. Sl~uoloo' Iottks atdoll otloioootinocor-I ---1-10 tftat. pp oximt elOy. :,5e lot $100 1 in- fro page1 l 101111 11 on .) 61100tt15.. Photeo. rIt r0i00. 1 c :1 :;, w16inne~lr 110f 1m111ch . 06 thl Ph~ones 40I1 o!'o I 11111 J;0 I t,01 Nvilo r t 3 I 0 0011t1s. tmo o, ou n da sa I* t a V.. r f a cI s.Qury e ls. T )I 11 im ch Itts.wil11101o ;i~irt 1111101,~ttlrollsh}1'tIoltoso11061. 30 ,a111,1-. ll r It 0 .M matcil ou w lobfin 00 matc i vinicr 1 m tch 9li t rilizeoot otoSs ,! in 5 11111111i 1 tr chan-iSIalestreet.o Ao. ., ~ ?;tI 100 111111 00. 1 ninst&, :101 010, I oa Alotisi,ro I Ii 4 i:Il Li cicn v . C lune; , h e ar. 10sDrg ore. E 'o tOtto TO. ) s.oolijtmint; 2;0I1.1Zip Loourot. I-of. I I 0001i Pen, s-tochloas 0 S. ROTTENSTEIN, Pi'op. 101e Paorkeor Luck-Iy 707 N. Vrstio. Ave. I-6i DI ES! firt-lassoooatisepltic tolot. NoBlooooiof0 ot an0yolo oothrsalto rato or shamooi111g01, >Jioosolol:122 Soothl too 591. 2-61. tures at F'ostrosArt JI F. SCHIJI, Sanitary Plumbing, I-lctir ons otr-uc001tiso and oupietllos Gas and Eltectric Portabtes, (aoo anod rc ilxi tes. Stoeaotn ond Hot 207 If. Washtngjton St. Rowe's [aundry Thomas Rowe, Propietor. 126 N. Fith Ave. S $1.00 ecrlo ax No-ew loooo I ' l tt1oootoo 1xn 3;2-I tf. le.Reaod ooliti . 13AILEY & EDMUINDS Chocolates Pato &r tooro1lNS.o3toor 1-17 Woo[c--__$1.00 ear, $1.25. 1, Si - 0 o - - - - - 116000 75c--itoooljong Novroemobor, 04, ando .ooo 6 1001y,.'05-75c :2_2Y______ 0 3,asree(1. ~+Irooioo 013..6islitan'-s.la, oo ite i1LEPTON .AT NEWBERRY HALL. ;213)\VillhtotooSo. 'Ill +~o 01 11 010 'o l'' sl- Twoo neow omandoolins for sale. too- 0 ",,111 o 11ll s i loo-e (m ire at 21 t000.I t reto. I-tit. !1,110 lm1 ? 110105m o :Il (lip0 rlli 6wil 1110Jvl S. LA.TICKETS. 00 :iii 1.0lit0-0 - ,;d jl l oel w o- - v, ill 0 1 1stooootls dei ng,0000to 'l loootu -ents, .tty( 1tl1)e fooooo llo--iby3an10010- Ll n -lr Assoociatioonto ickt-h-s call000 110 110 I (o- ool o bb ol .10. 110.1- tIo-ho 00t oo}' a1-ota ,g 1 1SIoo 000010 0103 00Er00tto1ootO110000 Ii Iio IooMr. otire (ions =-isthtng Tackle =Ammunition Fish Nelo tor or ~aing. 1,1 Faost 1.0be1rt0y1St. AoonoArboor. A0oto, OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS. Parlur Cars an alt Trains D. Y. A. A. & J. Railway t'or )00ri. 1 :t lofoo u7 l 600,1 0 . 0l3 . 000- t01 . 1 .n.:000 e01100 1 000 1. S:15. 9:45. 010003 1 . 00. 0o r boo-I oi l. 61000 :3"1.)oo10 10.o 0. InMd Floor, Athoeus Thea ro Building +:4s V/~+1 .F7 ,it.'i c. _ . :'iI)Ii11!4 an 1f. f1. .'DON 'BUY YOUJR ..S oootndoloirioit() tryoo1r loots It 60 ii Director +A s .s l oSoul o t tthoe-o - 01 lo Sc-hoool (1.. -0... oook o 1100ti0 4,t: ot l us001-i to on Ma 0lSir o 01 001 2 00'tj3.I. 00 . lboiobotooo '.I1002.0 t:} ol lo So . lloo 11 +,4 Fiday~. All oo(00100 01ire 001001- oo t 10. ,taoh . {1 ;NEWEor SECOND) IANI) JN lll, V0( : I'TOUR I1I cE"S ia,,, ....., ,*®. . oo* C~ CA.LOIAN& C IPNY, :ToIPEN NYCOOKthe Confectioner .sAnn Arbor Branch, State Street, OW~ Law Building csad IeCe m W no anyO 001othoroki no? $350 I uritao h o s X4.00 Phoe Delivered to anyi part of the city. Sae Sre Have00000100601 1 thto n tI1o ;.) * : No V~etter Turkish Cigarette can be made +*'( '(tI~ ha 1 ansre CORK TIPS Look fur Sittnntr0t 4 OR PLAIN of S. ANAR~GYJO Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Eve rything in Tailoring