THE MICHIG&N DAILT . ..N...NTHE MIICHIGAN DAILY. "vICI1HiAN 61R W E W~OULD HAV E tee se 5 s dclssmt ter at th Atn Excellent Poster in November In- Arbor t o______t __________ lander-Football Number of 2 u'lised d5 ey ('II eda1'exepteid) rI u itthe Merit. YOU TO KNOWe - rt i17..W siitgua:street __ f ' ' * : t to [n~It xrsde etrancse) PonIs::3 The inlander for November, which Thlat we re de i- bs~ness at Mnagng Edor, J. STANLEY BALEY. has jst ben placed on sale at the Buines Mnagr, LAUD A.THOP SN.ooktore, aptar in, new attire OUR NEW' STORE BniosMogr the entire contents of the maganite 31tSothStte tret Atletcs---------------- C icin l, g giventtiltt o footall. Fromt 3NSuhSaeSre ews. -.-.._. ATaHU . POUsDcover tocoeterit it filled w ith short, Esotisges ............ t osephi1'. tKerr cittp articles by Michigan's present SWnen....e.....Miss Ida M. 3owrigg athletic offlers ait old players who F'DITORIOAL STAFF: were start on the gridiron. That our New Woolens for ' A. M, Graeree harry H. Adrews The magaine is alo very well it- the coutitng fall trade are IL Wte Jye Itstrted, containing as a frontis- nlow reeeA.Otesdryi. .oag piece a large Ihaftone of the coach tiny eebeson .u Earle T. le, Jr. with "Te smile that made htlhi- A. i. ortiieyer Sdsey It. Min ee gpnfamos." That we make superb gar- Chugh AAnmose Xiii u. Sanford Thtwleyasofoblltre mets for gettlemen. Cas. E. XWistead Jerome Weadoct between Chicago and Michigan since BUSINESS STAFF they net for the first time in 892 WItMas E. N. Pasy are weltod in an article enitled, That we appreciate your trade J. . Feter A. B.I. tis The Mtichign-Chicago Gaies tast aud respectfully solicit a RAFS: $2.50 erearin, or 2.00 if tiaid in and present. "Pitret of Yost's continuntce of the satme. advanee. fotr campionhip teams are used p. i. illstrate this article. .4.4A Ofice Hour: 12:30 to 1:30 and 6:301o730 p. m. dily. ' A fuliae idrawing of the foot- G. H. WILD CO. Address: CLAGIE A.TIInOIIPSON, Busaines ball warrior etitled "Oh hw he PALR ianoage, .31 Packard 3t., Telephone 41. ra," which has just lately aper- I-ALO-------___-____--______ed in oter fiorm, ser'e admirably 311 Soth State Street. in the story, "The Fllack." t '5 ots,. Butitthe cutitwhich list attracted NOrE-Thtse of or friens o i: have_ the mtost attenion antI which promi- diotStsorailely sai ietto beeta "seller" for the itaga- t nieooe~V Wednesday November 16, 1904. ine is the ful tage halftone of the NNN N NO"Michigan Gir," wearig an "M" Editor Today-Chas. W. Ambrose. sweater,ter hair somewhat 11shv * M teled. She is in alt resects the ideal .Xti1chigan girl. ETBOS \fcwi d r n I ommm::::c :ol A glance at he ctntent shows the pearE EX-BO KSiteDl htnqhyp prexceltlce of Iihe tagaine for this IALLDE neb i h'Ili:sarigth isti moiinnh:i"'A Wot fromi the Coach,'' DEPARTM4ENTS : 1tli re:i ertilig of alloitig Fielding H. Yost; "The Player Mo the i nme'of the siner to be usedl fo tivs," Won. C. Utole; Poem-"The Fever" F. Mlonalt Lowe; "The pubicaionina Dtrot ewsape. tMiciganChicgo Game-at and is 'oly jut to sathla te Daily diditPrsent," L. . Hull, I.; ''Michi- ifO JNTAUN P[NS nit bletak..faitl:andtd:iilnottivegutthel ga's Fotbal Traiing," Keene from $1 u sittlit~ snutt ftt ptltliai n 4'i' Fitpatrick;: "Why It Is Diffcltleto from$1 u tucnf' nae fo pubicaion.TheScre a asterni Game" harles All guaranteed. L Da ialwayi~s edelaor' t fotl-IBaird; Poe-The Tackle," F. Se Io tte wises of otylody :ho Donaldt1owe; 'Is Footall Enthus- ttt:tiaitnatltecltrsiasmi Dying?" i. H. Montgomery; wtesacmmnctonade(tos "Sy Most Strentots Fooball exe- M7A'1I NIrAT 'CAL iobsrve t the letter the newisapie eti ience," Neil W. Sow; Faculty Snail' quete hatreqirs sch ouresytoshots' Te Foolbacl," Harlan P. DRAW'INO i6 sl R e irs ieic~lrt0 i owe; Al-Michigan Tean; "The pat rtons The tDaily Ineer divlges a _Right 'Tackle" Becta M. Sherwood; ('NS'1'IMr1N1'S neto ano- lltlscr tpaper, welaskedto litoem-"Tee aSkull," T. S. Sar. shall' A Letter front John F. M- lkssp it scret. I sice to Cil( Ginl~oy Leat; Michigan's Scoring Ability; staf, itsentis nicessary t state tat it At the Sign of the Ass's Heai; AT"ILETIC GOD098 sl ottibreak faith i: the instance c- Among the Boos; Michigan Yells and Sons. (erred:1t. The iformatitniwitslb- J. Stanley Baley, who is at prs rin:ith lrough sm tue he r siturce. et managing editor of the Michigan Daily has been added to The It- Coei e a rcsContinued from first page. ander staff and will look after the tires as 'soon11as necessary and untilideartmnt of exchanges, lit toe they masy rest assured tat J. LeRoy Mibrn has been ap this'd1atger is so slight as to be a- pointed one of the assistants on the SHEEHaAN & .iU ICO most infiniesima" satixwsbsiness staff. it 1 "ow un you inksalo a The mnaaging editor soil business 320 S. State St. brought In Ann Arbor," le was ask- manaoger announce that there are ed.sllt places to be filei on the eitor- -G"p " I amtii.llsre" said lie, "bittIiatsoul busnes staff and that the _ hinki some studet brotght it here complettive system of merit will be _______________________ after at visit to his honie. There sre adopted in the selection of the men. y rsallytplaces in the state where the Your Eyes Wo't Tire disease has tade its aplerance, ETSCHER VEREIN notablty at Battle Creeks. to general ut they are fitted with the pi'o- hioweverthe paters say the diseae Meeting Friday Nov 1 at S. p. in., per glasaes. Studying is ms'de ain omC .H. NGLOT pleaure if you weal' Arnold's ithIleetlace is of a mild type RoiCUH NGLOT as .Hsseilyi ys I In not belive it was brotght bak President. and eye glasses-it busiines, to iy tutdents who went home to vote fit the one to the other. bease, the time that has elapsed Studiy Ntv 1- InterDeartmnt sie, has been almost too short for dubht-G(enerli Rsel A Agr the development of the disease." presidng offlr Emil Ii. Arnold, I"gene T[[ITO U C fr1AN With Wi. A sold, oslege Jeweier O t T L P Otl a" AN BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE Have you. seen them? THEY'RE GREAT! W~e have sonme of tie origin- al drawvings for our new ART CALENDAR Of. EVENTS ont display in our State street store windowvs. The calendar, will be on sale in a fewv days. Watch for it! BOOKSTORES UNIVERSITY HE-ADQUAP TERS 103-1015IN. Halo St. 316 S. Stale St. .*c Yr I . r i f M I f I I, Ii M' !, !' f' M t I C VARSITY DERBY EF~l:'itive', otigie, estirely distinct frtomt ellttolirs, sonl combiines ini a gre'ater digretht:ansayoilier liat cor,':slt'styli' antI seroleeshiesess 01 a sioderate cost. !1160. IA/74/NT WAdHYfVGTON .5C Don't Fool with your face. You CalW0t afford to take bhance's. Al" ways insist on WILLIA M% S C, .-0' The Students' Lecture Association V904 - Jfftpofirst %ea on - t O5 SCOFFEE.." Alwalrs Fresh-Our Own Roasting Golden Rlo, per lb. - - 15C Mariacaba, per lb. -184 Pedang Java, per lb - - 28c Arabian Mocha, per lb. - 280 Dean & Co.'s Mlend, per lb., 20c S2fh'{Shhmain St. DEAN & CO; H hd**toHH **I 1--,-r ,~.-' -h--s ... 3 c'' F 3c h'Fmi ' Itussell N. Con-well,1 H'.enr'y Wotterson, John T. MtCutcheoin SOUSA'S BAND Gov. LaFollette Edward Bok Henry Van Dyke 1 Leland T. Powers Chomp Clark Hamilton W. Mable Oratorical Contest Open Number i P a F Y Y h M P P t M 'r i Y Tr 4. ibe Varsity Cigar Store J#*4 III 4k 444* 44101HJ44W a a Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra Single Admission $1.00.- 1910 cun'eedretleket. ffrom tudep.t seflbts'or at W rs Stte-treet hok sc ttreI Next Number.-John T. MCCutCheon==Nova 16 Will Remain Opien on Sondayjs.{ Billiard Room will lbe Closed on that Day.: 11WFt.YARMItsu CIAR ST { /' x. Iin. W~~ 6 U O~ @ ~ f ~~ I ?fh'I~'1 S 54*.::T .DeFRI ES' ART STORE, Artistic Framing, 217 S. Fourth Ave. --l a . .