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September 30, 1904 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-09-30

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[HE-i MCAWAN LDAILY. Y. A.------------...m
, l Six h~~~~~lt' i v e s ti(, ttndd h See Here, Fellows!(,i . W VU " 7C hue i15 II 1ttr te nn.C.A t0 I
A*f r .t.i I liy I I . Itses".sl IsIs o sl At as vnig ( t la Ii swas informahl wtss s Itlt bt''r, Ioneof ty best
y, f I.0 ,I Il I~r 'I lii s si l ,ssls'1 hs n<. sin I - plote in the city tossb ty
" iI 1 . 11 II lSitigsiEdioirI. STANLEYX BAthS . h1a1111- tli i ieslle t I AII"Ill ite I'llPrUo-iersty Text-Books
OUR NEW STO E sires.x S:i eat, stAt 1W A. 't'ttesoN . ts i55a. 5atsii wr rldo istill n nth-4 U iest
® thj S si Netrl~s Pstet' llt I' si i ii s ____R______
ll, I I.SLWttsljsI1,,_* - tsis ls'. '5 t, 555'n C. IA Inrd t sdlPr1 sid nt1 An111, 'ti
3 1Suh State Street ,yII l's t ll C ot 5 tttsitsss I 1151 s.Law and Medical Books 11
- - * IrItWtho;'.11111 ettt at t is-i tdrsis judge.111
Lanaof he avisry bardalsospo e.Langae Text-Books
0 si y ttthe 1 svynii.Sst''t' IaIt s t i'istlyno Thro ghou the e tei tt sran ler's Drawin Instruments
+lt Is - N ii' 11 s 5 tIsiss .y su 1 ''' 5 I. 111 55csI tI l l. Itt Orciesra cla Ied l lt i t r Draughting Spplies
e4 ' l tIt o I N i v for 0 'i a5t55 $1 s ir yi.5 i sy iaiii . l Igh 1' ,si
th4 o stlectios55. tFar bol\s'1l A rsstsiing stt'ss
rul weitstteis - 12.f1all30t ssls l s t sisstraissistrcLawStIl~ent
ftssnow I 'II . *(/ 1.t.f i rm n n l i a u l A il rs s aki i ght.s bo ts'rferof$rte$1hs- 'ss
tI ~u, N I ss w te s1 I iservd. A w.provinnglyonobo
a - n en . "'voln"'spo rADR ES.ss'it
ilen 5 or ,' lten A" 'des:(,us' . HaitN B snss A ote rcpto ilssetensills w ' m rnteeyoR asavn
® dtgrT331 syC EOrdS., A. epol0RN 6.tefeh e (lse teS. A.it.'frm5$5to$1I(IliyuroItit
1. G. FL.I WILL.'land AJ.par
.i*.1.1.1 Asttilty al s's-ousrsfreely ns'cios's. BOO llithIou o e r
31"Sot tae-tee. tt.li't'PsRIlES1 tIt LL'S OPEIG 'aaealts
CALENDAR. s'sADDESil Ss I~' s~
Editorri-i -l lts 1
G. Hsiyit~~ ILDsis'511. sll oiCOI .( .rc.'pint Sunda(itila'fternoostsattioictocki.
* 'AILOss bsFr ry ete br3,hail.i drssi ei rc ndr:i
CALENDAR.ssia tin, se l rlsraliothebeit UNVESIT HADQARER
NOTE t pesIsosue ruI "ifsil idtsi .Ntirligadt vs. tt n ew sud ns.'s3-0lN ai t
f tswbrrys- ll. I err teld is' s"is' ... s-il' AN Siosi
All I Is sis s's. Alisissit.Folli ng 'issl' Firri a a sisi ar-lil'
lisito 2 Pr. siFo stlAichig'san s ra ngied:t''IlsiliP'5 2 '.t~s~ii
('U.IETP.Y~Irn( (S aseIS)ctioss lI iit.'erry01 ier t Pylte .... il.rSlut. WStl eytt'"
U A L D PAR MEN S tll'ssr~s. Earl aidlI'rsled ilsi.
A L D POs lisiis i 2 . liiisre IE. Harris sit 'Ira sr.. ..-Re. L. S. itise
I ssl tillsa Mcs'iillant Hall A idrss..Pres s:Jams'sI. Aigs'11 .1.
OctobeEi.1-ootalssia, iehltian vs iisedtsiiin'i ......IPeo'.M. L(D2. g
Oi ohenUiersity atAnte I
FOUJNTAIN PENS : Ot.obers b -Iiiltll Mieigat vs AND MARSHALL.
fro $ P Octobesssr 12.-FIssilhal, Mitiehigain v.T he' olu mbdsaiia I' sitiy fsotb al
All quara nteed. li tin tdStgota.A tn dtefiseaesi Irailint at.nd arhall
-IOctber I19-tirst leture ona te Stu ot- N 'sI tillnhales15an 1
deinits s -ecu'Assciattitn Cttortt tinutels' lssog ('o'hiAsiss'i '9of ('I
I iss ltissssiylRus I IC('snwell. Ittiia usetshirty menls'Ithe itgaitti. GiO0 0 D S p E E 1D & SO0N
~'IA1'U1[frIAIICA[ Ni e1 1. i chis igani ('lsb Ilslithe I eSSstert.' sratait ise l umb'I sttiia's
RAWING banqetit t Wi Naermatn g'itia' ss'wrk tees highly._______________
i ul lc I' ''5 ullS' jurn'lilism"l' tre 'I'le'fitst coustems'Insrt.'esl-
* i s I ii Isl it Iin nes 55sent11 5t illI'lo- on Isull ans et'titit'. ( sl's51. still lie
ATII [TIC GOODS t3 siisilii st' yis' i'iives'sssl'C'''gil-s-it s11 o t 'Is ,Til. l'lst'stit 1 i n I
p I gi t s ThuIr,'-lappsarittisty s uchtit it ui A, lel B ilin.ilastsl
i '1111' li IsI 1111'11111 . 0 1tts' i t e s-l itis iep t l is'b le. Thet me't>11 r1tillS s S t lec. tr i 1t h s-litl
II Ia -. s soul t lpih hoss an th iler isresquiretoisil i ti l htscoiliest.
Itid lrslts siollls Iof distp ills)val tii 0 _____to____________
-- 51 itp, i ittl(.d I the 'real evlsof yellowt' I THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA
S HEEHIAN & CO. JotIrn sismii'tti- M Sihigani. %7Vililt tll
hits M t ti. v ni s ets i olist Itt' ts ith1 s ll Da' nce'ss-t sis tastt s ii all sAd 'e-ssst..
125 15 sttss'she* tttsti-s ''i's'(-Ihdsi t is a l s ; nl ii I), Bles i n'itisi SO islet'urt ' ..
I in I of iitie s' ill Ii ihe, tma tt , te __________________
11111 " ,illsI illslstsill appear PreInti SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE DAILY.
['ist Jain t'. (It Akht o -es- 115 lt l)l. 'iTh eily beli st r -
li'le fss - es is 55 itti .gds reIm's i sft's tlist' h t Sub i55t'i1111 to11 eits l y s- e a
iatita-l--t.en dosAktat.I... ill tistd It i sttiI ssIllslitbiuIt thllse ('C .itiu'n t's g ';tt an t D on)o ' t }
115luy 'ile l i r- Pssslus. mois liclive wi' w, tis I lt uld stemIs15N's Sandlstiaes s$2.5 e er.o 0 1 l .1 Lrl]re
soynr.A1n ok it ht fIsiligih nndF ftcI ''0ifpi i dvne- 'i orface wthpOr ~l' l
sa~te 's-I hitlrti e ness t ii Ist t 15ilsg il ls' titi i is '..ss i so i ilt iit.''.j y u t. r s t-s'g
Its', .ts riisy Itsl itisti a slittl ioldylslit-i a isliles usit-ita
Tk n ialt ali 'Ialte iasl(t y'ltt.it~iii~t.ltNTC.sa.Avoid irritations and
Atisiti t ite. Iill oi'se'sstisis't ll55 dai e sites' d ouil 1 1 d KIl'ileenitenois the Me l t' hodi'slt: lShave Nwithl ease. Insist on
n 50111 r . F or - Mn ryTria' I iosttisistutionttat21 Igatlls. 24. W IL.Lv~IA M S sH -r cK
Wno.AI(NOLD, te$ol(2 1050Jeweler
W~I WIL, 1B1-7IN (Ot'llNEW s tiOlsSIiXI2ISN'i 1511 Ni NO Ii) 111ISLASIII .01111SOPND HATStILL OiiI NT. YNW N FL
BENRIY & KYER, Tailors, Furnishers and Hatters,
7119-7 1it Northl University Avenue11.
.01 .03THE VARSITY ! 1.0
I~le tn ~rAlwaysFrs-u Own Roasting frI'1i125ltts e idbok
Gode ti, e lb. - - 15Sc Ntiteabta, Ipehi. - - 18c ,adon gth Oy er aon rabu te
Pedang.Jatto, ptr lb 284c Atabiati Stocba, per lb. - 28cajintgtleOstrBaoo raou+h
ODeanOtt o(is sBllentdIteIii.. 20c 10th of October, witlIa full lteof
.DeFRIES' ART STORE, Artistie Framing, 2.17 s. Fourth Ave.

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