The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1904. N6. 44 NO DANGER T0 STUJD[NTS OST FOR 1905 President Angell (lives His Assur- Coach Says He Will Probably BeI ance That There Is No Danger Back-Baird and Fitzpatrick Go of a Smallpox Epidemic East Today Chicago Stories Amuse Yost llest develomiens ini the small- pox sitation, which has arosetd b'eryoseaeems to think I'll e suet, grave eoser, ssowt that there ack net year and I guess maybe I1 is htt ground frt eif that'ilth- will gan is (lt. itefo alit emiclof tat 11tha0 as te leerigInewss'whieltI dradl disease IReassuing l wodst its(ch Yi Xost ltft bttthind ittwen are spokileniby th Ptttrielidnt An heel AniAor-heyesterday fori te Bel] antd Detint \attttait oftthe iedtt st Te coct was very- rettceti tal (deptrtiewi.iBothlteieve th at Slit -tieti'reetedciutrgig to make a the stiationt lias tjet'tgossy- text-gstatettenti flor-te Diy, ie ga-eott erted,1andtthilat teie is tltotccasthlitabotte. 101n toe the groi ng -larmt. I ittsioreintg osichiligai'stfot- closed ito allowsi laiiithoouh I tiiga jto 'seestmle eastentiotbttall ad< lion Maitage-i Baitdisait last nigti,ti osit itendstslitake tetitlst of i.i Wes ds not oiswthia I t thlgynas ie IIsiiill atittdIncteYale-Iarvari, tUin ts responiblie lfor an Sotfthe I'ettisy Is ati-(:oelt tind At-ty- cases, btitii iwa-ts totghti est 10p Nay gaties atndtapearet as happy close iit itder s a atseioobtoy sthets at the pos- wille reoened iis mtonisingas 'it, ees ofseettitgther ig easterIt hao been fttonigaled itnI the 0101ostto- itte olgh mtanner.-']'is tjs lirtoilil Direcor Bair aid Ohs wardl of -tle reglar hsital leese itz-opaicki Ialso leae to at- has been restesed for the areotitit-tonlethlital-riatsard -'stie. Tei datlio of he osudneilsslo ae nowiitterijIaso sem-titeitttaed at he .ownt With the idiseass. So frtieret I11 tiiiittustl tn~etIlecl are' litte ase--otis-law sitd eigticometsf litclih tas nt i alter of engiee n~g sudets All lisetheiftiltdideithits him. sti nmidest ases of smaillpotx kntwitot I eer sass-utllone gameitthat thieOtdiclsisencie. i'hiiy watre se- itttisiijs-ue hoi,' i grted wheen tute disese wa5 i sid i"ndthat'awas tlist iiseaon the 01ost incipient siages, andthe ga1111iibetwseen Wisc~eosn satd Chi- hybsieiatns do not believe ayut 11Cesag inits13-l5." ases swthlidevelop. DietotBaid sal thai'a-ile lie Howev-einopecautlions are binwitt ts Wigoilg east wit his eyes anti oeloked. lBoh Pesident Al I art ope suitdswotul luc acessibe ~5d entsVaitbao ilsie' sas tti i it a pjiolsitio sti fur ati easerit game lion strongly. Deant Vaulghaniihas is15 111111ext yea-he'hail 111 deitc sted a stalemttolhe tilec-ittlhal plais i i-ess. all stdiets ithle' meicaljetat-I toachiYost seeed highly aused meat susi e ainatedl befoe vethliltosiries rots Chiagi ttie Thursdiay tielsie be'liable 1to expul tilet hat le Muaoonts soud hae sn It no0othle delartmetihwuts n f hey ladntha hl ldctik. ev'er, has it been ueeeid nicessary D 'u ou kow hose mttih. grond to adopt such strintgen~ttmesasures lt ey aidiiactual srimimtage" le Presilent Agel'aas poitivelitt aid.set Just about sixty-ive shile there as iiw eegained orceO-chudrd. We wbr assthe least idangre ofialiOeiigailit more gondtli iilast. Sar- deiiic, Iseitwiould aedt ic Inas- day' Iae hal iiany iif'the last lee Wiliiotii'l'i' I le i iilo urliig'attis wi t Chicago. 'luy who have ibe idisease arc allcted laims se seere outpaye btt beng wtt only a miildotri, in act tie ottaeti like that smiit wwtt us verty mtlies toiiioiflsmtalpox-Tie '-mitsrigtt alog. stdnts oi the' engieriing undass And 1s frtit hart ]uc ittilisa- dodriet eefocdt neg n tile irt 'reultirs ptnt.111of tle a'xiid sexaminuaton. 1). Coleti, lidi'egtyQauiasi City's health oficler, tells m h etil'ii touchdwei adetill'leihung whileand notl onsnl iisierciomiipulisry at- reglas ee ii te gane anii wse imtin ecessaty. As a mater tiiit ISihntaieofisitbg~ ,ev iiii issetI tui toil si msae sbsituiitiois. For ImyJ'part, ytdnetrto le acinaiesi 'fists ish ttie regulars haiI stayed i" wold'Idutliess chiecis thecdisese ______________ insltatly if all the ass listceitot CARD OF THANKS. yetlen segregated. lit hesscnnletiot, it is inereistingT he Dalytwisies to akledtsge h O'Ott haituuthe eimantgus-etr1111ntt hiideit.sitgati tie 'aitheititowen has ratieally stampiled out simall toithis Wstt-tass'Ho-ete 'lpone pox Whtin i~ile boiuiidaies oifle sill Co Al las Saturday's gamue, lbs its by a rigid enforeenct tof icimpanys gratuitously sreteed a comtpulsory svacinationt. a--uttils seteialwit rite thuni plelisosani 10 teason, IswouldI adise eety stdetitheilsDaly titfice sahitprovisded ait p- two has not been vaciiatsdswthumn I hi " 'IT this kindniiess 'aas idui the t~n eatsto io soat oici a t, Iatthe lDaiy 'als ahle to ils thoughI 1have nit featiif an cieiii theisuvitscut'extaemso s on iaficirthe gameitini spits' of tie lou' delay at Wthen asltedlabout tI l ie on111 0 ii'iofiigiico 'id n totie nighbiohood oiTh 'iantls tre also thin to tie Ci- teYltultiin ee ti~g liilittcs igol'Maonifortoe uloalof teet at lbegains, 'ahicehtwithlte stitfirsittthis thicago stilttdtantI to W. R. lbe detentin of flrtheltttailns fGrgratletieditor of te Chi- Pty tpear thne Presidenut said: cgo aon, wshose assitncenin "The fears o1 AnnitAt-tinereients sndig ittpti-ills of thin gaite iimade t~leati basles. 'ltee ist10 possible fit thin Daily to pblih ange of contagon froitalhost'lntacerunttiof thi cnest swhichi 00 Which1 Is carefully garded-. Thitat itoutsidei paert'ciusli equlal for acetir- fair was tiil h nydmg cons riilthnotly' ttahi ati.'. ingt '-~of lbroketiwindiows satu it ______________ histrlieh thin igiorant feat us thu MARCH IN HONOR OF HESTON Cuc in gar-itoiiismalpox.tiS Ii____ t - awhere the idiseae toslpreva I Cach Yost soil his oach and wit Filrha5'5Iesui ~ ne[ ; Las ontugman antithin hngman h o;uphla1 tslpox'ailtieena i gar will Itno le foecdito taisa thdeght osonagion. Alittgh coil licst-'etat ot a new 'march antI tis5 iione lit hin moe teaif t 11 rtatvulofii Iuottr o ali hita ss it is far less contagious int iestuuti silisiuun mate is appe- e.i lattre thano manyyuothirs fi'ntw sarch 'ill he 00 tatOuls Wituse tueuusaeitaiuitsalt ii a shur ittlme anu hr is sal saeycotratt. Again lhr-Ine-til' ot ha''ir'tle "Mets of Yost" beaten h stuents satu towsole byl ivseveral blcks. bhat fl ptecauitios hate 1(111 wil ____________ lb alen ci preventicottagion. ur-tYNMNASI1CM DOIl-\r. Wtiore I 'aill takeidrastcte tas iishet'tiiuasi'it is ous-aut s ualagi Continued on second page. Idy TflANKSOIVIN6 6AH1[ NORKY IS CAPTAIN Interscholastic Championship to be Quatterbak Was Unanimously Determined That Day-Hard Elected Captain of Nest Year's Game Expected Team-His Election Popular. IExtlsuupr'prat'ion lsh s re jeijig llads' 13vya unanuuimuuss-tl eedh S.Not- for tihe ier schlst-itcIfotball gamte scrosst11t06t i-, of .MenomineeltenMMch., bteentlIl i the lcjampions of thise uperst-as yesterdaly elecntd ushcapti of jn vr-einstlts. Ilca s\'11hiugsui's 1I listbi ailisealit tkplac's' I til sgivitiji 'fiDe hets'isalitmeti let'thin Inst timse 1'cdiand proise t le m 5o -il, tohave ttthe loi-uiltituret- akent. (Jiltsellssike t,'rt'ui llsi-ltre sanud tardtought games seen''jilts'is onesu st ilsunitul'santhten jt-uIhut'elec- tir.ti. f ttt55ttc5itli 'ti li hegiint- is i f ills-custin si-hlnt.ILong- is' \jIllI, lis heteellteas l ic uh aitt1- iant, 'teuoi aintiutiutandh 'orreoss mo,,si ti to 'iii sili stundad.'ere noiateds btthue fourmter 'Awo 'extst jjjlit l's ettu liharbot jlay -stiwitruet'asuitNorkly wss'selected by diy's Pleaisisii satt- ii' Cttu li-.1 liteits ill -isiteshman yeartheitucapitaint- tccapos i of lit Iojutirjut 'ttutttt iii t'sryfuoirte suhhili. He juln1t(Slt fori tle AllI-]Fretshtbitt was sl.''lt tsameijday ii Is iii uliajutinjured-uanituas lt-tihiwa ssuonti o hue Menomjtineett itill sttiltetcjilijjjsn js'il aiusiie teetsck isail, Tri'usune Flez- till uper pr lilft'estile. All iof lts's' tailm ts s arc iltmtosd o' neS igli shtotls and aritfariabsit ttti sua' standrd choioluiteamjs. tOil fo m i.ltotoks is tilistuigli teittl Iaro, i ts besit liceto itlhutin~t bu t s'e w ill1 iis l listto aceaintch sitrmt tcttgtlut'-- silthan ii list iear. Alre-ditai- greanl tseil of intere51lst hs ittsetentrutslit jul uiiiuiutl}-s'alyartge itnb roffob ll estitsilists itill tillnil- w it o sec:tileiinautliters holatict glutse. jIliluli meetrll tilts illISsiilllie pitib-ytbtll. in thin sprintg, Nuorcrouss sias thise liiti sit jofl,'hicis lttgstAilutceAs gisvut his A. iK. A. liinuthue't-act sietillt i undertt tiiilutist ta us sice s'eguutus teau, diis uiti ts itui' it'ieihi' I,, totbits eld. I 'lilt Assoiaiton liscom stirtlln;i rai nes. This gaites il s he at itr title uatdl tughs t t itsetiell att lit bythe shutetlils ti-lhotremauinu jut-i-i'oruethe Thtitnk~siinug iholiys. CLASS GAME TODAY. lisafternoo atuu :I5 15 itSouthili et'- u'-V husld tile si Laulsandliiilhe-'05ht' titt meeh i theiflush of thitseifinaljt guallies tf tilt. lntistlass selles. B t fatshdjilt o lse ' gtueis expecjted.s LaI st s't'sitit' teI bitsjroteissedtihue eli blt ouf lriii's and TiIurnet wo wree- pectedto playsottuuhtsIwjteamj and thetptotes t wis allowd.ti bswek ens the attr ta liiiewh ttuits Illcs a1rets tei5iligoohis therje1il ise pits lefi tileacantilThetrussleiitlull gS et-firjtst olusIt he il seiesuu ofriil''u untusujall-yItarge numbuuetuof51stueenisar WORK ON FERRY FIELD. Wih the cluise of thin fooutball -sesonsuu the anntual shiftitug srountu of Itutu bleachers at Ferry Fieldl toipre- pare thurfielul for Olin basebtall gameus nxt strinug huts bergun.'This uinon- tag ibe- procue-ss tof tiling thureu'e hehl'aill he begunt. '03 LAW ELECTED PROSE- CUTING ATTORNEY. John hi. Beans, 'ahit gradutud fromu the lain depuartmuent, last Jiunei, 'aas electiujd prosecuutinug atturny of DeKalb couutuy, Mli., last swees. Mil. Means had a maojority- of 229 lto thouughi irunnli ilgonthue udemocraic ticket, whilie the re-publicanu utajority it th iiucounty 'as shout 2501. t07 LIT MEETING. A omeetinug of thue 07 Lit classnwill tabeueld'Thuirsdhay at -:15 in Room It of lUniversity hail. M-at teres rtmin- tog to claiss ptolicy, social and1th jler- swise toill btsruicussedl. Evseryone is uredutoiituu-utoutusouldtmalse the mtniga a success. SCHIILTIS, President. NOTICE. Class nunejig of 107 Engineers this of teroonit. DOANE, Pre-sident. hash yeait Norcurtss won iuhts hoot-- this hulnt-ucollegiaute cettiu ishttii, lash t sititsheals itha trsetcl 1 itu hyts ifootbiall uphayingulast year watstiti nlh sd tto nstirbechili- uismutandi it wa s ouly ntutrial lust wth i hits limited xers tincerthue shoiuuulhis' deficient: il soueuu f ohei titus poittssioftIhue gaule. Bitt a man s otju Nut t tss's sirti, crit icios onlytjshtis outljt addiitionual 'effor't, aut huti utts imprvemettthis yeah- was susuhtriil'ttarn shuts. tCoacuh Yosst sat-iii tht-t Nouse-rutss teas as gosodta quter a15 s iie 1ad1th rrt seen. 'liii sit,htijuthetsesouuuiti st hs bett thin lilt- oflthisitillm suitin'- -evey pauicle ha si s'rkedsuhas ituighthis life' depiendteduosithtuurisutl -A grit- lietplay-ettni'ver uouhandlidtin pigsin thantiihis stmltils'ohuis iead aunh it us a tituretitsesuconclhusiounuthot his selIietitutusiltlhue pouuilart hut iig this studtenut buily. It is alsot tstthririahe becu'sus-sitof tue fatehualtlucxts y-ar is thtslasstuuone utuetiill hue tligible, sitte hits si-i-ice tin thus earktseant ini his freshmanss yer cutslo0asilts year againist huimu. THE PROPOSED MEMORIAL BUILDING. ITetbosardhofreteits hiss aptrnoved thu repoutiutofhts Memtorial Comit-t tee offthts--Al uumnui Associatitub 1n re- gait-tito thie-ptits fur titew m11e- tutotrial tbuilditug. Thei reprttdgives laitshu;fr ttrthe uosuidatiutut "of this :MuuemsrialBuildhing "senuthei}uu Micihi- south iuteu cut shouuse. Tihe turu- pousssof thuteisMiemial Buildig eill beu a i-iiititttuttiii'sh tutoiithin soldies of t hue tCiv'h i t ndSpanish--Amtericant Xlumnuui Associatitutuand tallt asseos- hly uoom fot tut-heuir antuuistatuundothuei utestitugs, uto furntishs uuoots for this useu sitthi s situdet s tatufactulty, ho futeuishi quateurs fuor ite Sichigon tuiion uunesuct ugulttaliuts as lbs boatrdt of rengnt'hsty piiinsriine, to fiurniut uttisos fluerssciaul usstitugs cut unduergraduaes atuto uvsra large suuuiuuuuium oituultue gronuhuuuu usietut- viuded futtds tare raiscT.- "B~uteu'ts Darter Sniakeu, a paper hb' Alu-xsuuthur Ihutluseuthuas recenttly lie-ticonstibiutedto tohei' muuseumttcol- luurctu. 'huts tutit-ewss prtmiuhted in the Bulouugcal Bulltuin ufuse Novemuber it9-h- 1~tCVTHEON, the Cartoonist, Tonight