The !ichigan Daily No. '4 ANN ARBOR, MICH.', TUE2SDAY, NOVIIMBER" 13 1904. IRNING CONCERT. Of Choral Union Series Friday Night ''ates Fixed for May Festival- Thomas Orchestra to Assist in the Fistival Concerts. sTith musialsasn ifor Ann Aror burgs on Priilihnighithni ii litt- burg 1rchestra i ad ll nt c i tiii lO 1 nt i 1,;. iirh ips teii rals lit( h eui ni oi Thomas, Orvl~tii'i i i I sooe. F lloingi is in eiiliso Feb 14 \i ri F iotei onrato griat iiit-o ii liii Iiich i his or- th i n co etuiii w iill h li ire i'ulirsi taken m iii w lw i oiictr xlig artisticLwradfns 1 theit hhrl li.s si uc-hlvi cnustn is iiiveiiiiii-i s up rin -s, bliii ais y5 uheiiinai'ur-i hitp Q'rgardiig is nwc hr i11'we giethellow iiicin 3111 ciry of his crer Lanisi Pauris rn tCzro i'tit A ais ia hu ci(isii lb ustri.H in sgraihiaisiromii iihtrVienna5C(nsrviaoriy oi-Muicii tor Irucim,'Hletservediisteevral Y as hvIilinist. in tImnptial ol-ii e r a lug5in lii lithen mat Vitna iea- 3gthai raiain oacp l 555 ciican m in Bri, al-oiduct-or. a thug in ,lai ndPat, uliian a- tmb iitUlt imaiinitn it a huh' $lotit lt" a Atl shrntilat it, f tInitinil Itit,-hr it1hilli nil liiI, twas calledti o n)Ilit (:,ou rt heater'i - ihlnshti, whrnh li ti a5 lii is chamionshnipilof uWant tor /it.Par wan ise firit niiii- bt xactiiiiwosi'it f nT ntaibnn'- Paur beenlt Anrtiur Nitiinnsu- li iias cntorin nal t ipig uwhsni he ilf ha ittill' ein omeitiiiiih' l l lro h BosnsiuSymiihiony Oirlii-nna, nia stiang)s iiiiiigli bi'scaime iiihiltU- pssr ofNiksi nIlsrdet 1111h'condctrsnldenii liinrarli ihhtaliisiinh I h9. Atertsrnig Ii hil it s Ic1fr1 ive.ylan',utaenterm h eth minIDrnanisnecamilitn- hoier5115511 ducted l lt11thl I 'i lag- uet5 O era gililsilih i te Gau I ill buf orhs vlit aSiiss. eitig ibu t 51on in. ftthn i' cceplii ed "llniiimii clOihet ii an I T ln but g or i 'i'll of liltwi Th toloing nu bers will I ll/I (nFriday aniht: i Ilt li u I Ju lit li. ' r.itss'lit' in ci i ly In o fo st d Iu t tu e ts i E . It .clal t ii i ltoen IV (~ t i e r om uiteh i ,111 A1 rt-s led inissi-inart nliiby !i thitmy. U he lprssor sil isi l h e ar st h presntinustin lt I~ts ou5i~ sef cungrens iimore grail- ay from 1thin U. uo' I . thanifroni 1 h tthew ta'sclltges or ii'r- tecuty comind ,YE [CH1ICAGO SQUAD. Topi Row',ilftito righti-llmsrit, lRusn til, Larnon, IlaytssiBadenochlPairyHugensun, Strauss, O'Brien, 't 4 , ~Assistant trainer. Seon ' Ruoi tw, left Itoirigli-Coach Sic g'g. IHopkinn, Terry,. lhrnall,Blezde Ik, Hitchcocnk, Delray, Babin, Yates, Tobin" Calliii.- 'ird Row' iteft toi iirgii-\'usrimn, I lulimn. SMages-. Macuntil, Webb, Gale Tons O'hrieni, Assistant trainer. iii II nRo', left toi'ight-'-Bhoiiine, Cac sii, \Watsnii, Callain Spetik, Spseide I, Kenneudy, Varnell, Scherer liii ,tons Row, left ltoriglii--Assista sit 'isath Shseldon, Null, Hill. REGENTS' MEETING. [AF1OLJS CAR-IOONI'ST Thyeltig4,ais of te (isivstyh John T. McCutcheon in the S. L. A. wilt ill shsinl Fridiay aflte'rnoon andi Saliturdaymorninig. It wan adull Lectur'e Course Wednesday-Will liiitiiig wri ith tetxcei-oni ofu' Re- Illustrate His Talk with geill.XW'iie, whoin sn isahle In hi Sketches. 'tnt-ni. 'lii'Boaiidif'orm'lls' endsilmedl ihe Jolhns T.ilnCisilenwill lecture at uno iftheliphaIssosit htMeorasiial I 'iinritly allltomolr rost evening. Iiiiiiiiig Coniiiiin 'si i lt nd tlcommit- Thinswilu be- lise uof Ihrmstnyenter- teil iiiihiaii ssInilln.l Teushe'- tuiniing numbsiers of the S. L. A. hitanidiing waithat lit-huh nnscommit- tee wold nit thireffrtsproid- 11r lnCistrleos has lbecume famn- ine11wBoad wuldconentto henus an a newispaperttctrreispondent esihhtali 'set oulielich ianuionanciinartoohsni. He biegan his tareer quarersandAssmbl Hal, tc. inan an artist while ht ws y~et in ncol- thim _1 ,iiiisi1l Buildhing. ainithinslitte lt e Sisnethentishe lus rapidly ad- Boanrd exupre'sstsdiitsillfanswillisng tuoi'incrl, nso that tuday he is nie uf d tlediniig nesuti'paper artists of the It. uias v'ote'iitoi seciretthilrte ew co iuntry.litfirst camue ilto pruomi- Wien' Ili lt' \-iechncalI-Enginetrring no n c hes . il G eorgt Ade, heidi sho".speial wosrkthfortihe ChsinhagoHerald. Au approprlit ionhi ofhI$900 wtansX t nresnthe in tonnected with ihe gr'anited toiDl.tC'ieivldisewn lecturertiChlliagoTribuneih. His Bird Center onithidi'se uof hut tar, nousecnd cillhtshn.snwhich have Seen hossnidin th roat for lthe' purchast f urgis d ical 1boklfrmthase hencoue fanuous vntriiilI i1111ouighouht ithe-etmire nountry. Atin arvassi lt wl.sansiumade sith u sXa letusrerlie in first of all a Koc Bos, hecotrctrsfo1 te unmnet. Ht has msiuc torug thihigil nglBuilhdsiglithatKoth S tudu if imoderntilife; andl lausItuat Brtos. shutilt rshut1111csits of1ayIlasing facility offg'ving everything I mnt n uliintill stiltntrusattos a hlumouliinsuitu. H'islecturesa andmat tia hun n btfre inusal settle- cmaie ihcroo ok n 1 n itt f ccunti s muahe. it in salid that every linebings forth it iwas iorillered ltapprpruirate a laughufhoststteaudienict. $2,WWfor Ihut fisaliiiayuels ossthe Tfluri- art a number of good re- ,n maser, hl i i sni.ntviii seats li-It for any who wish to iilet, f conecionsbeteen ihe tendthue remsaisuder of the course. isiereii iwere tsnueoistsl n. Therear-1hittsnutsime. Thnl'imim uusuimuis isallnii-Alftr Mi'. I Cut lunon's leture i'iithluofhr iineferwic hIit hubordicosissSousna'slBanhd ossDen. 2. adjoiurnedi' to ee l7.Atr tse ______________ lieiigtelt' otigh s 'sttendetulthe MICHIGAN FOOTBALL CALENDAR Chuicango-'Michignifoothb'all gamse iii a_____ body, t.Fur several vents ichigan has had acfotball Calendlar. This year the Captain Heston Announces Names of Thirteen Who Receive Honor- New Captain Elected Today. Captain William M. Heston. Charles B. Carter. Henry F. Schulte. Joseph S. Curtis. Fred S. Norcross. Thomas S. Hammond. Frank C. Longman. William D. Clark. Harry S. Hammond. Adolph Schultz. Walter Graham. Harold Weeks. Thoeodore M. Stuart. Capit. Hiestons last night gave out the ahove list of (lie men who will receive "M" sweaters and football caps. The list includes all the men shat played in the Wisconsin game excepit Magoffin, who got in for the last few nilnutes. The official photograph of the " men will he taknen at Rentschler's to- day anid at this time She captain for next year will he elected. It is rum- oreud that there will he three candi- dlates-Fumllback Longman, Quarter. hanck Norcross anid Halfbacke Tom Hammndsi. All three will be seniors next year amid each is well qualified Iatickc and Manager Baird are plan. that there will he no hitterness who- ever is elected. The heut of feeling psrevails among the men and there for the pouition. It is safe to say have raiseid havoc with many a good football teanm,-notahly Wisconsin. The team hrokse iraining Saturday- night anidthme foothball season of 1954 is over. Coach Yost, Trainer Fitz-< are no cliqnes or factiions such as ing a little recreation after their a- duouis lablors and will attend the: Yale-Harvard game next Saturday. W Xith She msemory of the Chicago- Mhichigan basttle fresh in (heir mindx, they- will have a fine opiportumnity to compare eastern with western foot- hall. The nimber of paid admissions at Saturiday's ganme is officially given oit au 13.125. In spite of the fact that the capacity of Ferry Field was taxed So its iutmost, the crowd was. adlmirably handled. CARROW CROSS COUNTRY CUP. Br. Carrow has decided to make la chlange in the placing of She 'cop for She Cross Country race. Be intends to give several smaller cups, some of which will he awarded 'to 'the win- ners of the indoor track rates. De- fails will he given later. .i CLASS FOOTBALL. Iitreistiniih cls'l footbihlall chanml- piontshiplisin.i'apidlyt spretading; overit ilhse aiuiiputn. liTm'i'ow aftnoouni hit seioruslit cmiii juiolawsuhlan1h on _Nuu ii erryv'Fietld. 'Ihis insitie firsti thu .a lit team ha usn been'iinitSli enire hi'itenriar'v iltni htti ins tihig urge to i iun nut tsnnasse In the 11111e. lThe laws'hnitlays t uh-lnout to rootifor atiamiuepri'sntni n;; g'that tde- patmeni ts-he s inir lits iwill hold pan Oiak miaidcareliioping fur a big lit, turn'lloult lvi. itom irr '. Ascuo'iingto iiaIl uediitial in She T he inu.illsheoffic-ial da~ily iof Illinoils n~ivriu1' thliru-foulotall li-cll whichi playitd O. S. I'. rteteii'edu ivery on- cum viv ac' ,alh af.x .a -. a .wo" w s designed biy C. B. Hill, Jr., if DetroIitl anhdlpulishesd hy James Ponstr nilthis' S imui'rsmlv Art Stoire. The art.ii'orktin s iniyellow and Sluie anti piturieso01CoaicS YositiManager BacirdSet. MitiXanager Msontgomilery, 'Iranesuitashtiirim-is Presidnt Angell andeti eianit farmlsa cons icisoispart. Atte-tinius tills-i to the fact of Mic'higanu's fiouriyvtsof continuous nutcs in llouotbtall.PTiey are: 190i 1lts--iaim ii)i0lto lonents 0. 1902-M'uichsian 644 to(iopoenits 12 19041-M'ichuin 565 olpponents 6. 19011--Michig'ani565 to opphonents 22 (wranuitonul of Michimgan 2324 to op. pionieits0 1905. Senioi singing uleeting tinder Tap- pan Galk tonit aS 7 o'clock. Re- htarsal uf yells for the law game tomorrow atermoon. Turn out! nlioI'tsmnilsliln -treatmesnt Ohio router- and players. from the