The Micign D ai ly VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEIMBER 11), 1904. No. 41 CHIAMrPIONSHIP GAMElt TODAY INAUGULRAL DINNER. fricbiqan and Cbicago Fieet in Contest Which Will University of Michigan Union Scored an IUupar- Decide Western Champlionshipj at 2 p. rm. alklcd Success Last Nigbt---P~ermanent Today ---Botb learns Ready for [~raq organization ,Assured. BY CAPTA IN SPEIK. We are coming to Ann Arbor to. fight against awful odds-and wil. Half our men are more fit for the ho spital than the gridiron, but not a 0ne will give up until he has been battered into unconsciousness.. We are going to beat Michigan on the er gameness. Michigan must literal- ly beat us into the ground to win. MICHIGAN STATISTICS. I CHICAGO STATISTICS. Capt. William M. I-lston, Left By John S. Wright of the Chicago Hal, P. G. law, age 24, height 5 f't. Maroon, h 0n., weight 181. Preparetd at Sai Jose Normtal, California. ]Fre A. Sitik, caitain, '5 MX., left Adolph Schlttt, rent re, 1918 EFag-e ecd. I Weight 1 7, Iheight i ft. I i. 21, height 68ft. 2 in,nweight 23 re ttt-cst Diision IHigt School,Clt- ared at Ft. Wayne H1. S.. ttttnatat o i Charles B. Carter, right gtart, 101; E-witiiEI. Parr, '6, lft tackle. Lage 23, height (;if., ssegItt 23t.-Weiht 22, heigtt 6 ft. I it. loka- Prepared~ at Brtwn lir slose(l.) High Shiool. Henry F. Schulte, left guard t 1907. tJtitTtit, '6 ;lat, left gtar. Age 24, height 5 ft. 11.2 instweiglhtX1Vt Itt 194, height 6 ft-2ii. Cni-5114 rprda mt' cdmviiyo ersa Mlissouiri. Bulontttt CG(le .'07, enter. Weight Josephl S. Curtis, left tacke 9714 eight 5 ft. 11 in. East Atrora Ef. Age 21.leight 5 ft. 11.4 tontct-igt lit--itSctott. 218. Prepared at Pue-blo H I . Co ttrHtdcioc, '8. right guard. orado, WighX 10 c gtg. 6 Ift. inlEngle Walter Grahtamtri--ht takle. 18 twtottlH14thltSciol Chlica,oIll E. Age 19, height a t 8 i., teight Wilit iii I.lBttnes'07 L riht 220. Preptairetdat North DiisittnlH. tackle XXWight 182,lheiht6It.I S, Cliceso.IHilsdle Cole ih. Williami D.(C1atkIlcft eni, 19)7 E. Chaiies Keinety 'h6, ihted Age 19 heighlt 5aPIt7.5in., aweight \Weight 15tOheicthtt 5 ft. 7 in Enle 175. tPrepared tl 9Detrtit University9 wtttd 1Hilthicool ChIicao School. Walter IH. Ekersall '07tquater-it Harry S Hammoiintd,1right entd, 19017 tack. Weict t14411-i--t a ft ti E. Age 18, height 5af11 112 it. in. Hdtic Iaig~htItSchool Uicao weight 178 Ptreparetd at Hytdc-Parkt-Lett I-ear, 108, et hlfstactk. I. S., Chicagt. AOeiglt 174.ieigt 5 t. t0 in. Nirtt Flred S. None-os, Jr., qutarterback, Diisittn High Sholto, Chicago. 19s6 E. Age 21, height 5 ft. 7.4 it., H-utgo Bede, 11,ulack. Weight weight 150. Prepared at Menominee 176, hecigtc 5 t. 7 it. Lake High H. S. Srihool1,tChicao Thonmas 5,IHammoondrighltthall, !ltairCatiti Oh6,rihhthalt ak 1906 lL. Age 21, heightt Vift 07 in., XXWight 1180 egt 6llt. I1in West! weight 188. Preparetd at Hytdte Patk Autriora High SchoolArora111 1d" S., Chicago.IMtlt It I-ilt l,'7,sstituite ccii Frank C. Longmnan, fullack 191)8 Ic-i XWeiht.204,hihlt 5 t 9 its L". Age 20, height 6iItIft- (0 i., otth Site Acatemy Chicago weight t78. Prettaretd at Kalamtazoo Schuytirer BIT Ierry Iasustittttte 11. S. ga. 1,11 Xegltt194 height 6 t Haroltd Weeks, stibstitutilend IIaitt Sou t Salt-AcateimtChcagtt fullbiach,1907 E. Age 20, height 5 I i-- XX 9Mart-It (I'05,sblttitute ft. 1).5 in., weight 175. Ptreparedt at titarterb-ack. XX --i--lt 162,ahticgt5 Allegaon1. S5. 9in. Clyde High Shool Clyte ThteotdoielM.Stuatrt, ststitutt int l11 an nlhal, 18 I. Ae 20, hlighItt 5 Wlin .Spidtlt1 0 Mstilsti ft. 10 in., weight 1601. Ptepar ed at tutll) bck Wigt176i, e-it a DeivertUniersity. I.S it I-Englewoot High Shsotl Edwartd P. Hammndtoo, s5btitteI Iills it stt olfXWashiton gtard andl centre, 1917. Ae2 - ti-c I ILarsens '18sustiute height 5t. 9.5 in., weightt 198 Pee- albak XXWegtt14ttheight a t pared at Detroit UniersitSchol. t0 i. XWstcr1otttta High School A- Harry E. Patrick, sutbstitutet tackle rosia1. antI'hal, 11117. Age 211.hiht-tit. Xlrd XM. alker, 11, stibstittte 6i in, weight i180. Prepareduat tDefttuiltllek. Weglt 177,hiight 5ft trit Wealten H. . Isit0 -iye lakIIHigh SholotCii Past P. M~agoffi, stbstittute alf, sato 1908. Age 12, height 5 f. 0in, FrdNtl, '08 stbsitu11e1)gtard stid weight 160. Marieta College. rtk XX'Weigt '104 height 5 ft. 11 John C. Carrels sublstitutieiendin.t Henry tHight Shtol,Hetry, Il. 1907 IE. Age 19, heigh i6 It.081n, CalHtchctctti06, sustitt lsehalf- weight 182. Prelared at Detit I(ail. 'i--It165,'higt 5 ft. 7 in. Central H. S. Noth Divsion HIigi School, Chicago. Roy Beechler, sustitiitel litemian Tei Matoonsatciage 177 5-11Ili 19116 E. Ag, 2, height 5 ft. 11.61in thitids itwegt -Itnsoitheir heigts, weight t96. Preptared at Almta C ol- avetrige 5feItiI111 9-11thls ich's. leg-e. Walter Rhenchild, stibstitute. ind U'dtrte isanxiots eyes of thous- and fullback, 1908 E. Age 19, height litett19m -petesMcga 6 ft., seight 178. Prepared at1Losw it ie upl at ftis afternoon for Angeles H. S., Caiftrnia. he lst -re-t batte of the sesot. Walter C. Becer substitult- tar te tru tgge wits Cictgo, oer terhach 17 If. Age 2, htiight-5 11. shichi -veryote has pryedland 7 in. weight 150. Prepared at Hyie optsdhseretatlt.Bh Parlc 14 5., Chiago.atisieart-raiy, othsies tre op- Jamtes DePree, 197, stibstitte ent imistic. Ifser sitie the seasti open- antI half, 1907. Age 2, height 5 ft.e Cii..aelhStgg has ees training his 9.8 in., weight 157. PretparetalHot int for this ctntest. Hari work ani land H. S. eary hours ae le-i rigily en- tired sani Chicago will enter the DR. CROOKER TO SPEAK. game with the strongest teans she has eer ptlutpon the gridiron. Mich- Nexi Stnday mrning lD. Crioter igati on fise tther hant. is equally of the tUnitariani chsurch illtatlk utp strotig. Coach Yost his spaared neith- on "What Uiarians Believe." This isituniselt inir his tutn. It has een sholit e of interest to stuents. hartd,steadiy, sstemautic wotrkh every The Young Petpes meting at 6.0 ay andt now, with the eans sout to will he ed hy st. C. tM. Hohuerlian. A cordial welconue is extenieid to all. Continued on second page. ahgurl mdtintner ohfIthett I 11511 ruts :1o111buttttiese till lit mueet thes Michigan Union,- hel-d ithe nee' ds I topte smetesathsy man twill gma-talceIthi mater initandt, sd sifithe tnins 1lst ight,- asures-,Micthitgittill helpt ofIalumiic arry it t sccss. a pet man illt usiontorg--itiont.1111'tt He ghitled the aumiin hiisischar- iiii I lshwn ihe idtiuinebytth .lerlut tah-itoni anthsaidthalitle sttdeths andel uttutni1watttnlt aousetdhoteid the annual gathering would bsy a 51cc titnds--greivIttameauigna,'bhcpereteuated. He praied, In no aitdi lil- tient twhttoittpush ited ii01 t ittruhIuqtalf id trs, lte entepis talc-,51111 1thetanksltofi Xicigtan ty1wathhai dnate this udineIossie, a, llllIihsiltg talt1111,c11,111111wtichti saItingthait it Ilrelec-d-Igel-tecretit ta-its 5111111110119nttill blI'intn gtl. oi lthtt-.t tilt botht iltue It1 1111111ort of 1he1 ex- hIt Jthnttt-I'Alt- Ieigat. ecutIIill'ethommittee.It-he C.I ofI11. antd. Promtlyt -at sevtello'clohck1thei' yoliltChateaIf.Titwusenud. leers of tBarbtutr gymnium were-51'ri, Xi dwtsr111C. Hinstman. iottnedeto IIamlititt aaltug trongt ViolitSolthat-Rust- XX'litrhis. 'iT' speakers, hetaded-I hy CuPrsdethc Mr. LIatw lreeC. Htul. Anglg-l, relceia-I'llinitite 1110m11 All Mrt, R itard Htardiy troughtIt the iiartour ga masiumthtteil' T'he MSantolntiCl. ntests scattIelld, ctmltely it l 11ln ean iVietr c. Vaughan. th i asit1thteratecdIIrooms11. d I lt sslit'Mat-lis L. Illioge. tablels stru t'.scrflt-1)' Ihousand511 luItgo1'arsiteA. Lokwoodu. guttlas. 1Ih : 1G 11tchand adoiiCtuhs. 'hse large hatll taas beuttiftulyte- .Femu m' inttig Carrots. oratedlwtaili phrfusionu f Mihiganu Mli 111110Sonnuenchein. hatuners, relievetd at tone endtt by a Xli Nt-dt X. Stiots. large-usazec anthbltue s trl'ametr, eatr- lirIth-ti Iethueuc.BlHain insg the swords, "I'll' tiitesity oI Ar.Ltdarda IF. arter, MXicigant Inioniit.stlel'at 1111'))tiler______________ 'lnld taas-drliedl'a silarge1-Amteicanl SOUVENIR DAILY, lag. X'assof yelliott'hry~sathe- litig a ehiate eluci toItttie eli- T'he suvenr edition ofthe Daily orationis, whlichs atogeter, ws-e uitliits ttnisite as soonflas tosile very artistic 1a111betiutiftl. iaferthtilllitte. In5view mitte fat At lie heath table twere seated hie tatolyi a liitlieliuble' sill e spekers Ithe Regn'tls, andtae ittS ptiltedt1woaultditbecwell to orteill uimria Commuuittee. Tieee'tssailitlane, atavane orerasill ho aerecalthprsetsexceptul fou.t.lner i11111[1fis[- Ordecs muay' he eft a1 XWhiitt ofXtrquiteIndsuthe ony- ~s esstanstior tCtshing'stdrtig speuakle absuntt tias Hton. lfdwtii tormmci. Thoussumorderig cant otan Denhy. Presitest Ansgtell tresiuded eticIllst the place where order is anth .X r. Fealth F. Rectd mt etas ell. toastmuaster. Claitg t ito ititiavtid abltetdlay ini servitug, Honlu. 'hares CLASS GAME POSTPONED. If. TowntsendthIlllit-elleI his addrielss, _ ''ihigani itt C'ongress'' bfore' tt'. 'hitchss gatmet'between't'ilesu'05 diiner., Hec'spoke ' cnt httsitsticahh y 1' tgtcets adt'017 fngineers, swich othuight pro~spects o1if till' Sich- a toIshate been playedulh yesteday ig-allOioni, antI expressedthe tile 1)))ateI muItfor lt IheIo,time ittrpresent- an eif httis occatsiotntwais') 11o tnl-hin ltte Idepa tetitt l he at gani he that-fhrst itt aseries uf simuiar laun itr ttechampiioship wasptaponed Illiett hugen ucuanualy. hi-yMaa-ger XMaynardi until net awek fietthowtuect concusiavely thtuIthe oni accounutt of the pioittity of tle Uivsis ty11 f Mithiiganuis a most CliiiagoM~ichigai gamu, anduth esad iutpotrtant tacutori intehusolitihal ilet utuuutt itosrtkIreulting. ofith Iniai ttinoitingugt011instances tuf notd atumni.ttHil ematrutkls sat-u full ohfIencouuragemntuc and coh itigitu FR ESH ENGI NEE RS. jalst othls1m1le i ilttittle rwtompanlt edl andliexenuter Ilthisgretsittt of alTh'le '(S Engineers hetlst-eic oisi- Michigtaian c tilt ills. ntilonts intRons C,t'niaersity hal, RetgenttBarbouur lieu spokt~e'omute Ii ry atternoonmu. The Consmit- Michiga Unionand atdsueth thiae meniut as 0111' higly com11til'ndlablel. l-e mitt Consut111ionu hutesnted a con- Proml tAooe- till ext spelaetli t11111)1wlthithitt'rei'iutuuuenuaion 1)a1)1a0 vtiy highlTIibiulte'tIlthI auum-ththt-i it bttadoIlled. Aftr a reading, it nil she took: arii inte flil XWa,-was unliantimotusly' apphrovsed. Ihaniin andutrosIngnly mudvocatudthItecomi- feture ittit careftlly insurs tattutsontllitof uuthmoiat lluiling to bte hhie_ purit ofeleutis. fhe rsulut creltedl inithum-tnhosnoreanst the',Xhiofitheitnoitio mns was as folows: gant U-noniclb htouust. lutePresiuet- ITin speiatk)15st-ere all om nisic lu alans XWiul. cocerning- thtc-uturteemof IthUInion.i IutchehR. C. Altmadvocated'theerti nitotftta cluh CPentinugon, 1H. hotutse andul to)toubtsas enterained111h Fut iceXii'Ciesidutil: - as 10o till-posib111 ~itof uraiig funtuts BalwintN. 1D. amuouglt-e ahutisifutu'thtu pose tMunger H. lM. Plrestudnt AnigelI,upon risitngwas -' f . F guii-Itei ath p rolongeudchieessudell Sceay- enthtiusiastinIUinfSI, ytell. Tie ftl pngeC . loswingis a mreef extract fro a hisTeautuer:_ aduess: Jhnsltuon R. M I cnsder 1ths tit-Itilng a unitqtie ZisetF.XW. one D l tuiensarm- inqirintg 'wat SetgeantatArns: lusts all thlsiseaut'' Studethtts cnit Gunthitt'J. 1H. ceiveulthilt migthty3iimovlieent,-anuth Schutlt, A. . it swtll hi-esaredlott by tem.Xliie Basteball Xanger:- huessare homick'uth. They h at-c' so Ituowmuan, X. S. pla5ce-tutgum at odduhur tts to chat andh Ligitntiti C. talk Thy ar ob humdtoisecontutu TiratXlantuger:- lhy tomotetrsfit IUirsit y hal. Sone Itotwe,'F ash abouut fraternities. Their nuetus Prof. Wilson presided over the hers arc soated. Al Penntsylvana i mseeing 1'70 5cm-woSOVENIR EXTRA TONIGHTawo~