THE MICHIGAN DAILY THI1[ WAUK-OV[R MHOE CWIPANY / (FORMERLY PURITAN) Wil h peaedto see you 'at their store, I 1 I Sootb Main Street, where acomipletelhne of *their celebrated{ " ~WALK-OVER SHOES' In 1904 Fall Styles will be seen, at $3.50 and $4.00.+ R. J. HOFFSTETTER, Manager. The Walk-Over Shoe Co., 111 South Main St. Study wth a Good Light TrHE WEL.SBACH READING LAMP ALL. 5 1 Al ALL PRdICES The Ann Arbor Gas Company. I A D L DJARLINIG & MALLEAUX.... Iliechigan Pillows, Pennsants and lRoom Dlecorations. ..226Soueth Stale Itree Spauidinq's OfiialdInterolsleqiate Used iby All Ladig Iolleges P: oet Ball Pasts I. 'ccc frit . i 111 ca 1(e ,,I 1- A. G. SPALD~INGj & SONS, Inc. Net Yoek tCicaigs lesser Spaldings Offhicial Football Guide Fer 19054 Eitedii'c Iy 15 sier 's'ceci. P i'cc to(.,c ANN 511B1RdAGENCY, 611)IL. William at. PARISIAN S7 LA" L AUINDRY "hin c'lcci.. is ecice.rcl ccc' ced.ft a-j Cy i lrI G''S n .',1ctcceI Plestoq rapper. ANNUAL RECEPTION. ccci, Screct, the Utiersity' Y.iAl. (C. .wil;ieisannuaclcoecniig receip- 1 ccicono c1110iWren ifcthe 'Univertsiy. ert ccic ntc.c tigc'iandtchccter miembhers lfte factcyandic men't prominnc'tt its tic I'nivesi tyiiilsibe ptreect. Ant o ctra Ihasc ceciisecedi, 1an(1 It- ci ducwtis ceillicbecc'evedi. Athenti, adcw iaccciiithec'firsityearI'Imeintcare' BARGAINS. The Saturday Evening Post $1.00 -t .icec'2Ai-- C\:; c'Weccs-$1.00 Pe cr The Ladies' Home Journal 75c--iccclig Nvcembcier', 'cci,satd .July, 'cc5-75c t'c'i'yeartl, $10 llraisinOrt (iiccr Iicsceicecc. Mc i'I'7iccic11ccy, Ciiicigan'sc lagazitc :Alanit. -lit i liiimts SI. 37 ? FRENCH 9A. Frcec,I9A, givees ibyMr. Petih, open to sitidents who have ecotpleit'i Co'se'ss 1, 2, 3 sitd 4 iniFrechttis nt primacrily a rcourse' in Frenchi History. It, ti-rcsts sof French I-listorical Writig front alitcerary vire' pincti:. Tis sit- nouctemtent is mae to iexpltaini ttere fully the ntuirc'ofuthicoiirtsei'nacs- mcih as thei ciiurse is Inow5Cgienitfor ite irst lime. Notice to Freshmen. Freshmee irom aii deipartments are urged ito cosme out fir lie All-F~reh team. Can~didaes should repoerti'for iracti'e at Fcrry Fiiied tmorrcow wsithout.fiaii as te'first gamie wiiilice piaedcagainst Alion ni ext Satutrdiay. Studtents' tisoicesoild clotiing intsutr- edi atsapprocximastely 3ie ior $1001its- surance.tPhoine or ewriti'. BUTJ'LER, BthliPhlones 4111. 200(1E IIuruon. i-if I Ba th Towels Combs. Brushes, Soap, Tooth Powder. .4 A A .s Everything for your room. POSTAL STATION Register here toeyoue mail. Calkins 324 South 16 i OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS. Parlor Cars 00 all Trains. D. Y. A. A. 4. J. Railway Vol. Diiel i I mllc hourlyc from :15 a.'mtc. 1). n]i. Vocc i l ccc i ll y. :5.10:5it Il.u ti 5).ic . t en :: :14 1 :5 l.m itce Room, 11111-()11cc.ilifit..iest. o .111111 Aniseptic BARBER SHOP - * and BATS BOOM. d c'J. R. Trojanowski, 322 South State St1 £NOCH D.ILTERLLE Icicuslaser sectd Iisscrai Dire.cor Ambnlance- Calls attended day or night. '1S.ll Cc Reid ncc Sut ccl 1. :11Ii rb r Tile Ann Arbor Savings Bank 'isccicci'mtandciins fursle. Ini- ____________I Cpiitldccsh i ik e Surpluisi.-7 5. . cicc q ire' ct c31. isPacardistret. 1-if I You ieeduia Fountain Pe'nsuch ice ii 'ceis' cP~ i'ci;Qitarry sells. The P'arker Luicky A 0 eneralI Banksing Buinss TIransactled. Late stnoetiesi'i in IIsuiiings at l'iii1 Cure' .i-6 icr k Oi''Conr's, c9 E. Wiliami______St.________ t~"'tttas C as (:. fi ccci' . Ino. c IC. ii. ii rs ftc's'.r ji1' scici r('I LADI ES! I ev tr&d tC's A(.tf E, 1)C k'icnc ___________________________ 'I liiiisou iwil indt a first-class santisecir Aiii grt us. cnd i..iee'is. i'e'ers & I-liridressintg iparloit. No idacntgriof FIRST' NATIONAL BANK iii I ciie c liii.('tChosc'ts at Quar-ijI(allchitng dandiruiff or aiciiiiher scacl ryAnAbrleh -'s DrI tricei n. 1iGC tir slain idisse as c'very'itingi usedi is Of nn rboiMch.steilliitd.Softwater ficr'shampioiig. Cap ita 100o c is dpr~it,.Z.0 Joh Printing. MCeers' 2135ICain St ;atSits.I . R 'Trojanouwski, 122 Soucthi Iouh c hon 21. tf. itate treet. Phoniie 359. 2-(i. ~T T[~A I6MBA K chinen 'iass$1t00esch at leie tcintgpicitures ati Fostier's Art Di c TW:Wahr's.t1. Root s.ciistf. Wini.Ariece Iii. .i c ci dcccilra 1.It. ilyeric';:.1(I'ii O ETLPH N O P N iFsranck ccecScce BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE SDON'T BUY YOUR PEINNYCOOK, the Confectioner LA W BY OOKS is iarantee's the purity ofthis NEW or SECOND HtAND)tN i YOU GET OJ PRtCES~ csadIeCem SCA[ LAOiIHA N & COfr1P A N YWhycisecany ostler kincd 4.CH1ICAGO. Phn vielivered to any P1art of tbe cityp. Anny Arbor Branch,Siale Street, 01)1. Law Building 261 ol SaeSre ~* 10 (KNI} AJ~bY fl. Cott rinesIts Excel-' letTanService. CarryingYOU XWILL FtNI)D + FourTraius Daily l[row Toledo Caryig Prlr Crson Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains f 'U NION DEPOTS IN TOLED)O)SAND COLUMBUS. ' lFMio5.. n' n544 .4 . { . *f.f O f .f4it l4, +fi. ffiffN.55 4+ f}+f f- *M i4.4.4.4sfi414JA1 4+Nl4..l. EG.YPTIAN DEITIE No BIetter Turkish Cigarette can be made CORK TIPS Look for Signature OR PLAIN of S. ANARGYW.S Always Ahead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring