THUR MICHIGAN DAILY fioag's Home Supply Store Corner Main and Washington Streets 1.Fishi Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses anid Pocketbooks, Kiives, Scissors, Tacks, Pictures, Ash Trays; Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soap , Towels, Strops and GPipe Racks at popular prices. This is the place. Ft E. G. HOAG. a pButch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You the inost skillful and artistic service to b, had anywhere. 4 We always v ,ar a ljtrge and eoplete line of seasonable wool- ens. We habve the agency for Beach & Newetsa Custom Shirts, and can shew youa large , heautiful and exclusive line of shirt- ings-Fperfect fitting. Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 EI. Huron e ", Fall Fashionk are Ripe Suits - Top g Rt" O L-. 40LER BROS. & ce9. 0ochester. N. Y. Illo j.ig the latest imtprove- designs i-cetano ar.- A We have eielasive sale of 11. A. fB. & Co. okoittg int this 14nlity. Mlen %,v u re more than ordin- arily particular about the style and -fit of their clotbes are es- peciallyInie to iset thee proaluceof kochester asiiioot ,up- m~t-dte clothing Manufactory. Wadhamns, Ryan & ReuleI } TMoney nther ersooal it Loaned Dnooa~onda o a pety of sVae = I uran h ign Wa t c .,eSt4t,.-/ at,cn Oice atresidernc,,3:31tE. Libety o. AnArboor. lears to 1:20 a. in. t03:30 nd :to Altl busnes , cnfidential.' 3oseph C. Wats AL L EN S F OR QUALITY" Siiaiding's OfficialIintercollegiate E.k, OOTBIALL t 'Used bvy Al-Leading Colleges Foot Bal anis-Lace front, fine -rletd Iair, and tbihtt' with cate strips. New York Chicago Denser Spaldia's Ofiicial Football iGuide For 1904 Etdited by Waltvtr Camop. Price t10c. MONSTER -MASS MEETING (Continued from pace one.) great lilt with the rooters. The lar- gest mass mteeting oncs held then closedi with "The Yellow and the Blue." The rooting wna ai~tddare- SSave the Walk Down Town t When yen esttawy :BOOK BINDING. JWOe bind boots frttmw2tceuop. Old nose- sg~eeit hystiinos'jourimis, etc:", hsoondoupneatly oatd at aureasonahle i-ot. We garentee oar work. Telephone 3Me. J. . SCU~tIU t 340 S. Slate.Street NOTICE- FRESH-MAN GIRLS: Come out to practiCe basket-ball, Saturday morning. The Freshman teanm is to be picked the last of No- venmher. /l y bty song sheets containing all, the -NTf~ ICE. ( sotiss anti yello, which were distri- N Stitetdatimotig those ptresent. -3 __ _____Reading notices, except to Univer. MOVING PICTURES OF BIG GAME sity organizations, one cent a word per issue, payable strictly in advance The first mtoving pictures of a west- to the Business Manager only.. Uni- erii rhamtpionshtip football contest vernity organizations allowed one no- thtat hove ever been takeii have been tice free. tf. arranged fotr in connection With Sat -_________ urdays liicago-Michigan struggie. Che0w Brd. Merry and Gum and 'These pictures will bare an inter- gtapn rah nyatspi est tiot restricted to Detroit and gtapn rah nyatspi Miciga, ad my poveof alu togum in the world. All dalera. S7tf the tiniversity in an ativertising way. Thieniachine is a light affair, eaaiiy Heavy Underwear, 38 cents apiece. battdletd, atnt it will be possible to See Cotting, Reyer & Co's window. ftollow the play indefinitely, the - "M j rant-rn heitng wheeled along as the Sligle room, telephone, furnace, teants ids-anie or nmove hack. The gas; all conveniences. .331 Packtard lirttres nill he planed otn exhibiition street. 3Itl / first at the Tempille theatre in De- troit, jtunt as noun as the films can John Morley, the famous English bte preptaretd. It is ptrohable that they historian, visited Chicago oniversity Pitt t ltttrrnttesrcsmmontpla e waty-sill later dtt service in Chicago, for last Monday. He was given a regular tq~shfrm cstniteLloedcljlaf~luerthe tenefit of Maroon followers, and college reception, including nine yahk ir artiittt oitiitr- will aisot be sent east, so that the peo- rubs, hand playing and compliment- thYesniglrentls h atntailt y trofs aid pe of that secft iosay e etl sa i Pa S ayle;fo n elearn, from ory speeches. It is not known mnntit i svdmlty bout tthrtm. actual photographs, that western whether President Harper was able Q lls Had-'ratsnioretotesthavt ite to-etee tht icrotmt estom hand wortk. trton, football is ptast the stone age of the to draw a donation on the strength ther inkc iar,- tt eert taiors. ptoudtof port. of the reception or not. rices tat ivetothitetproducratheir P br Te icitures include the crowd, of $10 ad $15course, and Mr. Finn has promised Try some of Cushing's Fine Choco- $0ad$5to have the test ones snapped while lates. tt,: Michigan is making touchdowns._________ Try a vibrassage at Trojy's, It is+ ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER Michiganensians $100 each at great,.2t ManSrnSheehan's. Vtf.A -._ Bewitching pictures at FostersAr Get your Gym supplies at Cushing's. Rooms,.It. Watches, Clocs and Jewelry Repaired by expert wotrkmen at reasonabe prices. All work guaranteed. 1.8. UIB1UR, Jewr, 109* lberty. DARLING & MALLEAUX.*.. ttichigaet Pillows, Pennants and koom Decogttlons. ..744 South Sht" treet IFLORIST Chiet Flowers and Chaplin Fet, ip toeen Hufo S a si- Mtlier Ave. Phone 009- -Buysa~ Parkler1Fo unta inuPen Mann's Drug Store 2311.,Main St. Hot Lixn'ch I At Tsatiol. 3 36 s. Se'o. z SCH4IOL 03DANCING Located osnSMayntird Street, one block west of tate Street Stores--Gttoond Floor. W~e have no otutside agency-- osrofilce and class rooms sineettnfited to Granger's Academy, Phone, 240 New Brunswick Tables REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Fine Cigars and Tobaceos. las. W. Reid,.l'rop., 312 S. State Street I bave just received tine urgest sod finest lice of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever brought to the city. lINE 1 UMiN TtIN CONNECTION Everything Nest sod clean Aggnits for B. B. B. Pipes. SOLS, SState at., R. Et JOLLY A WORD TO STUDLNTh-- - I - Von will always find the right thing at the right time at the SNew Clothing and Haberdashery Stores of - ~~~~WADI'A"1S e O. 21-23 3OIJT11 Pl1AIN ,STREEfTNetDototetaeBok Every article new and this season's styles." \\CH AN-jNr A J. F. SCHUII, Sanitary Plubing, Rowe& Laundry THE ANiN ARBOR RAILROAD {.1 ii 1 Elt c econtraction 'and supplies As suAsuasa LZ. "'The Niagara Falls hnute." Gas and Electric Portables, tias Thomas Rowe, Prorltor. -. TH Si~eTt~EElectric frrtnres, steam and hot 326 N. 1'Fl-I Ave. fESOR INE TMTA3LE-Tsngefteot Sept 25. 1904 CIAOwater heating. New Phone 457. BeG Phone4-O-L setw - OTS (CIAO207 F. Washnegton St. } ,Nao. SOUT~Hi~,LNt-00s Al AbOR to BUFFALOT}GRAPH[()v. No. 67:o .m.Lv," lit- 9:00 m.t NEW YORK PHOT GRAPHS 6:441 . - - 101- 90ann. Wihdrc o neWtio ORKat Cica o for Dailiyrace pt Sunday botween Ann Arbor gt irc Cull at and Toledo, Through tealino dailiy except eLi, coneasCionSat.Chiago forOffice 209 5. 4th ;Ave, Phone 98. Sunday. oiSunday only between iakeland hrest For information and THE PEi1f1 SI'JIt, Rsidence 302 5"th Ave. Phone 314. and Toiedo. Free ehair cas onCOsmNn 1 and 4. ug tickets call on or write to W. W~gy . , W iLiS, Agt,, Agent, Ann Arbor, 316 lost Main SIL Ambulance on call. .2J. XrfS, 0, P .. sSAbr ih A s ti ti WE ARE NEVER UNIJIRSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE