THS ~MICHlIGAN flAIL! .***"******THnE FMICIIIGAN DAILY.! IW EWOULD HAVE, j ttced t (0 lti attratte n *ot'e ,; '-ftt It^, E. . a aslis st t reet. i (b a t i looide utr;ise-) IIhwi~t-i- _Th1at- we rfie (l0i-Of 1044eg ot Managing Editor , J. STANLEY BALEY. -Business Manager, CLAJJPE A. TIOMPSON. OUR NEW STORE * 311 South State Street A tl i vs----_ __LvEs I1)E O I-lagu~ S .7 .. - i IY.Derr WonTn....... MiesIda M. 1Ittiat h t- or. \Ve oolen-. -far- 1A. N1, v ~. tarl-y i. Anded s * the coing. fa1L. Iade are 4S:! (t . K now ready,,, Glorge A. Osborn ArthuT.tn1Ro Pebs .JEarlc -A. IL Orisneyer Sidney It. hMi t _ HughAllan Will C. Sanored That we make S1tel a- Cam .Ambrose Loui ekney tlell4 fo eilleI~ell. Cha:{le, Wist- ad roii. east 3 :-a meotsfor ttitnien. * I TA fu That we appreci at e ourt-trade i-se AI.his td respectfully solicit a fI.ATE' S 7:per year, ow $!00 if p-aid in ' continuanre- of the same.,a dvne * Oft1eusrs: 12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 LAILORS IP. M. daily. S_ eepoe41 G. H IL CO. AdC,5$:C."AUM A. TfliorFSQN, Business MI. South State Street.__ . T i -ho:: s a I or -:::Iis who tb.-ie (. I ____ ____________________ p not:hbeen:our ptre: ve waald (--*f-ir *p 41yI: is~t: :V a Friday, Novetmier 11, 1904. I LL C DEPATE S I iOlNIPEPNS All quarcnaes'd. ~I 9rnT 1CA1. I TR~i J*1Uf'TS I ' i '2: 't8D Your LyesWon't Tire tlt.: if ui t w:0 iear -Ars:lds lses. 1i:.specially iseve's Finil H.; Amoki, S"1at itI With Wmi. Amifd.v0Jtakogc. Jes-eler Eitor Tot day-VotG s.. VOtBORN'. CALENDAR. November t..--Michigan Club Hou:se Qbanryquet at Waterman gymna- Nov. _ 12-Football, Chticago vs. Mich- :gan at Ferry Field. tNov. 16-John T. McCutcheon, on S.-L. A. course. Nov. 18.-Pittsbuarg Orehestra-Firat num:ber of Choral Union series. tlMelhigan slhou:ldlgive Ilthe Chicago- anis a, hearty welcoite tonmorrow. There will he about three hu:ndred rooters with the Maroon team, antI Iit behooves 'the Wolverines to enter- Itauit:hem: well. No better way to Ishowt a. feeling of friendship can he snrggested than to decorate, toi lete- orate elaborately the, frateamity biaits, atores and hontos wit the s i'1colors of the universities. This tea- tuvV of a big foo:tbail day can hard- 013 las overlooked. Good decorations are essential 5:: the real spirit of the ocasion, and it is hioped that Mich- igan will not allow to 5tl:plby Ibis oportit ity of uftarling together the colors: of the two instittions. Dec- anile tomtorrow aodAniake the final gamue a gala day ftr Ann Arbor. Ins this way, it will be essy to ex- ( lead In Chicago a royal -velcome, 4at(l.Is: give the teamn and rooters a g ettainti aporltstoanl'ke recetliont. ThebyCfiioago contingent will arrive loisorrow at 8 o'clock. accompanied by, the hand. It has been sitggested that the Miehigin band antI students be at the satin to- greet the visit- ors. Lt wgauls be a land ble asave and would start the day right, L et tis miayw ( the depot and show the, Qhi- cAgoans. the true. Ann Arbor bs-. pili t y,. tOSSIP OF Ot HER COLLEGES A: the tniversiy of Minnesota thvy have a schedle of inter-fra- ternity games. Fight of the frater- toies a ruggie for the _chamionhp oi the untiversity. The freshmt:an cass at Bereley leas a: least tne aggressive yong 11:13 i, i. She has tu~s early in the ye3:ar etiangleid a grave seior in the hloy lbotdsof nmatrinmony. Thte Uivaersity tf UClmnbia is at- temt:ping to organize a University chiorits of two: hunired voices. The purpose sill e tgive seletions tn::: amediaeval atd tmoder: con- pitvers from: timie to tine. _Situdents of the Cincinnati Univer- sity are desirouts of weaitg caps antigitw-ts oi the cmputts. It is pliannedithat-his college attire shall .ibe donnedltby all stuidents dutring heir entire fotr yar' corse. The ire -that occurrd in he minl buildin:g 01 the university of Minne- sota_ was costly for the Goher Board which is the Minnesota an- nital. At that fire all thi- accuntt f the- board were lost, together sitt somie 2::ooitbitks, estimlateid at $00. fhe outstanding idets are $95t. The etlorial writers for the Mn- nesoialDaily have a very unapprecia- ive Imsiness manager. He sells the spac- on which they sread their ierceditoials, for advertisenments, thu:s comipellin:g the young Horace Oreeleys to bttle upl their wrah for dlays when ii will not interfere with he lusiness vnd. A: Cornell University a new ath- leic field is in course of cointpletion, and:l tililiv- almost fully completed tiortritig pracice. The field is 40 x 500 fee iu etentt, and will e used forrgllIthi-:lrctceework it: a:thletics. Anthler fieli calle-d the 'Varsiy fild, 500: x 800 fee, iatow js be- gu. Here the baseball football and acrosse gam:es aitt be tplae. A h~and:som:e -1ub1:hose is includ:ed It: C1l:- pans, antI still the bit: tetwee: these iwo fild. The etgineers of the University of Mhinesta hay- inaugrated n atti-chatpel crrusade the conrol of whitch has itten vested in a sort of vigilanice cotmnittee. The dutty and deligh:t:of this committee is to way- lay any andi all engineers who have disobeyed the oficial mandate antI sneakedl off to chapel. Several of lie faithful were sounly whaled yesterday for their adherence to de- votions and are proposing "to vigor- oasly proet against the outrage. dove their lpersonts. As an ilustatitn of the narrow- tess of the eastern colleges, the Broawn H-erald offers a goo ese in lont.lit: the coort of Saturdays ganus, on thle following Moday, not one stestern teat: was mneitione, a- though Michigatn playedt Wisconsin, andl Chicago played Illinois, absolu- tely nnention: wasoaie of It whatever. A rmarkable contrast to ib-is can be seen in any Stnday msorninig ediion oh the Michigan Daily, where the result of all the gamets may be fouid. Your Candidate May h~av-e disappoitted you by falintg to get thte etdorse- metnt of tiII people. I Bult you nill never be dis- appointed if yott trade laere, as ev ervonetwo Ya lits n- i dotsc tt athela BETM PLAC IN TiltCITY. Get ittlite with the oinjority and see fo yoturself. WAIIR'S BOOKSTORES UNIVERSITY HEADQUARTERS 03-105N. Mato St. 316 S. State St. I SPECIALSH WN Fine Fall Woolens in the BROWNS :Nu, wotod rowvns, s e pIi Ia we'te the dominant as ortmntl SGOODSPEEDtS STailoss-110 E. Washingon. Thick Lather creamy and lasting, is the gil you need. You'll find it in the old reliable WILLPIAMS 'I $EST -LO44 DISTANCE IfrPANT BEST LOCAL SERVICE .+"" Iffif e ' ll M @o m+YN+ e~ Ni Sfe1 Oe@. 11wStdents Lectuore Association 1004 -Ji1-~o c~n 10 Rissxel?%L. oen-wal ftary Watttwrsisn " .ktiti' .. Mtcu~cfeop .SOtS A'"S BAND Qiov. LatFolletto Awar40 !aryr Van Dykse 4.ea4T. Pofwers I tU Cb CgSIark.. Qiamuiltt W. Mabie Oratorical Contest Open .'umber -i CFFEEn.. Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting Golden Rio, per lb. - - 15Sc Mariacaba, pee lb. - - 18C Pedang Java, per lit - - 2&c Arabian tchea. per lb. - 28c Dean & Co.'s Blend, ;per lb.., 20c Ia 214 Soth ita i: S D E AN d .CO. 4+ WE CARRY ALL. THE P bria &inds of IDomestic and Imported flgrcttes R anging in price from Sc to 90c Per Package. +Namelv:-Sweet ICaporal, Schanasa Brothers' Ntmrals, Egyp- - tiehine Sir- ightsCairo, Richmond Straight Cut, Turkish Tro- phis hedive, Mogul. Egy-ptaan Dietaeo, Pall Mall, Monopol j asio, Sanitos, Et. Tilt vARSITY C1a mSTof IIDT & APFEL YOUNG'S HATS. IYou ean secure tickets irom -student sellers or at Wahlrh Stuhe Street booek store Neot Numbr-- Jobhn "r. Md.Citcheon- .No v. 16 CLTHNGLINBENSOHI