THE MICHIGAN 1bAIL? KEEP IT ON YOUR TABLE. You will find PETER'S MILK CHOOOLATE Not only a d1l1- ciouo confection but a nourish - ing and nutaining food. Easily digested. Does not create thirs.t Innist upon P[T[R'S. The imitationo are Iisappoinini ® + Cutting, ** 1dtM oo&a b it - ib I +Oioi :'ZQi7AL GUARANTFF IN E VERYIHA T. ihF- The Clor and Wear ofthistflat ar ' ?'ibsoltfinuranteed. 3nar dealer snAhoized toareptacefreenofcharge, f 1 ayfat which is Not Satisfactory. SOLE AGENTS. Leading Clothiers, Hatters and Fur- nishers. 109-11It East Washington St. _I, II A . Ptosgraphler. BRIGHTON CL~P GARTER "scored"at therfiststy for gol." A "lhnsrspof rig hto earesoud show nearty twocmiion en.There sno"sb" for theBrighton.The sgnl orBrighoe ply ius- "Confort-Neotiessaevc tPtONEERSTSl' NiS'i.E'so., 711 ak tnskr"reet, PtO cl11hit. DON D. WIIII1f01S9 '0S LAW ST END 0G tRA PHIS-_ OFFIsE:NoLaw Suis dn 1i41tHSil:i 3t 5 1. cI., ecet tSat'lyaista10il() l: .l. aattda ,. Phone 715-L tResidtnce301t. solNat iiistreet. lEvenins CASH POSITIVELY CASH No orders for cabs for parties or entertain mints wilt be taken this seaso unless cash accompanies she srder. RATES: tier tattle t and Civicipartic ter tat inttis - - - -tr.Ilt Excivee c C iaelsg- - 3.(0 Coupe- - - - ::.11 Rnbtson & Co. Htotmrs' Livery Watker's Livery W. H. Stark I5OR"rA[ VOlTE ONIO11-F The Students' Christian Association Wili Decide Tonight on Co- Operative Amend- ment. At the business mteeting of the S. C'. A. itnighit an impstortanat change wiilh i sictussedt which wilt provide itir co-oerativel work hy the three ('iristianiassotciationss in the unsiver- sity5. Thiietthange is mtost inaportant to upipirciasmen. The perfect harmony cvisltig between these associations it presenit is in strong contrast with. thei feating in formetr years. There seeis to tie no question as to a uitanimoutits vote for the proposed chantge-. All the mtenmbers hail it as an imiptortanit stats toward aggressive Cihrisiass work throughout. While this etianige has been brought about chiieiiy by the efforts of the officers itt the respective associations, it t! iets tie hearty approval of .lhe ad- vivory boarids. In additions, the mtemtbers of the faculty, who have teen abtitou watch the work of the associatiossn front year to year are i fato ofi tthte anmendment. Under the nit scystemtititere wilt be two men scretiaries atid one wonman secretary whocititcttdtevotte their entire time to assoctiationtswork. A FINE COURSE Ttev Y. It. C. A. Star course coin- tnitleis ptleaseit to announce that t uthe axatd Julia Heinrich concert iof the cioursecittltie given on Mon- thy, Dlecembter 5. The course opten weitth the tamsitClUeveland Ladies' trcetsra (Atred Mtazdtorf idirector), suttir tdOty several sotoists, Friday, GLEE CLUB NOTtCE Fitntl rettearsal if ihe Gtee club to- tigttat 7 o'tcsotk, room C,,CUiversity tall. THtRD HONOR Reubens G. Htunt, 'Varsity chanion lawns tennis player, has receiveit the rank of third by a contnittee at the Western Lawn 'tensnis association re- centtly appointeid tar the istrpiose of grading the extierts. Kreig Cotlins and L. H. Waidnter were awcarded Birat antI second rank, resttectivety. FORESTERS' CLUB MEETING Mr. A. Frotttinghamt will give a re-, port of the work itone this sunaner on the forestry reserve this evensing. Refreshments. SECRETARY. LOST WATCH Gold hunting ease watch, '03, en- graved on outsisde. Finider please leave at Y. M. C. A. anit receive. tiberal reward. 37-39 Job Printing. Meyers' 215 Main St. south. Phone 281. tf. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA Address L. D. Bates, manager, S0S S. Fourth avenue. Phones-Belt, 1066lJ; Home, 289 Red. 24tf Go to Cushing's for Hfersheys & Cailler's Milk Chocolate. tft Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, t0e. Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E William St. Latest novelties in suitings at Ful- ler & O'Connor's, 659 E. William St. Single room for rent; telephone, electric tight, bath room and alt con- veniences. 908 Monroe street. tft Face massage and steaming a spe- cialty. St. Trojy's. 22ff Arkansas, Texas, Mexico AND CALIFORNIA Are Best Reached via St. Louis, World's Fair City, AND THE Iron Mountain Route Two Daily Trains to California Three Daily Trains to Mexico Four Daily Trains to Texat Four Daily Trains to Hot Springs , Six Daily Trains to Little Rock The BEST of Everything WRITE ME, HI B. Armstroneg, T. P. A., 1233 Washtenaw Ave., ANN ARBOR, MICH- O0YSTER B, SSPECIAL S UNDA Y DI NNR 315 S. State St. Univerrity Aae 336 State Street BAILEY & EDMUND Guns - Fishing Tackle - Ammunition Finh Nrts for Decorating, tat cast Liberty St. Aits Artior, itcb' IREMOVED i 'onAtbShi- itsgte u NOMaintirst door tt eiacn office ItP o 41 THE ATHENS PRESS, Printers. 01110 CENTRAL LINES A+ IT.ih truehumanty of thee as s4 letion of +4.44'4'1 -4 II ~tLYI44W * SEE OVR DISCOVNTED LIST Voni Halve.Costiutia 1 -istr. ThoapeUttotstitutionalI History latlis ittrn Porlisticufon nmy Wil~us, U.S. Seelcorot io. C ie tisse 11arsal's Life C20 1aN~hai ( 8''Co., Opp. Law .Bldg WE LEAVE SooNy The folks at home would appreciate DRC SC toMiehiganensian. $1.00 each atDIETLE Wahrs. tf TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Partor Cars on all Trains Steam and French dry cleaning and . ..... earn t ulr&OCno',-1 dl~ H. William St .V A ~ . Railway Try some at Cushing's Fine Choco-Fr erotthl hulyfrm6-5a.m gp l 615 i. tiei 7_:15. vi, 8s-45.9:a5, 10:4 lates. tft . . 1.ortYpsiani onlsy, 6:4il.45s, tol15nA In. utuil t p. .; its-is9:ll asid 11:15 p. iO- Get your Gym oupplies at Cushing's. Wavttg Doomiciurni St.. west tiCfSats'-3 1 Before and After CIHOCOLA~TECHIPS MADE BY Perirycook, the Confectioner Pho.s 266 310 5. Stmt$ St. I $ 3.50 PURITAN SHOES $4.00 Itaive yoi seen oura Tan Grain and Black Elk Waterproof Shoes at $4.002 Can not tie diuplicalvted l is Ciiiforless ihan $50. IttReer see ouirtvi nte i e isiefor iitti bitt :55 wontf leitit. 119 South- [Mt TICK[TS [REE Cutestimes oouriieissma- chine,wifti vey at tii tiC vites. E GYPTIAN DEITIES Aim Ratter Turkish Cigarette can be made CORK TIPS Look fo.' Sigsatullro OR. PLAIN ..f S. ANARGYOIS' _/ Always Ahead In Styles. IL .WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring