THlE MICHIGAN DAILY ++******~oo ooo o i T ": 6AN 1DAILY. W EWOULD HAVE: o 'q;01(0 YOU TO KNOW,* ') Oi- li_ That we are doliig Ill-in1l0 :It i u aaes Orditor,. 1 SANLEY IBALEY. + *I Busiess Oager, CdAt ILA. THOI(MPSON. 2 OUR NEW STORIE # :' :)),. 311 South State Street 1 10000 0): IThlat our New' \Woolenrofor +*Brr11. Andrewso th eoiili fIl 111 ra Ic' 1110\:it + *il 4 1+n WilC '0 1 ,01 bOI < Thlat'We e 11 uerb o r- tfbs . ihr 0 - 1(isS ~i uIlelutsfor gelitlOnicll 4 0 \\instead I .1, 1nle0\00 0 x 1 I. anso E. IN.Pue 'rio uls t wet appreciat ottae \0111 11 l'+ (lbr - a111( r espectfllya' solicit a 1.1 0. 0 o 1/~i: >))W ' 0t'. (4W $2.00 ij 1) (lill * mtlu lc of1t10011' ) tie le )110l.e + ~ ~~ ~ 1,1110 1It30Ofic0Hors 12:30 to 1:33 and 6:30 to 7:30 + G. YYILD O. Oddress: CLAUD1)EA.THI 0PSIIN, Business G. H '/ILD lanaelool'331 lackard St., Telephone 4611. Z ITAILORIS- 31lSouth StateStreet. 1 vWednesday, November 9, 1904. Edior0Tolday-GEO. A. BARNES COLLEE TET-BOKS i CALENDAR. C AILDEP ARTMEN iIS *' Inllslil 3p : .\0cry . 1 - hllogl sc i letey illlioig I'O JNTJ %i PENS \Noeber 11.-M~ichiganlubGlous0101 OWaerman gyma- All guaranteed. Nov. 1 Football, Chicago vs. Mich- 1i,1l1 a' Ferry Field. '0NG%16-lbJohn iT. Metcheon, on S. L. A. cousl~e. ~1A1I1[IAIUA[ Nov. 18.-Pittsbulrg Orchetra-F'irst MATHEMATCAL l nuberof0 Choral tnion series. DRA WING INST'RUME1NTS 1111 le iningOInwetin~g 111s1.night was0 11)11 111 11/1 4 1by' conIsidlerablle en1- liI~i (101 0but,) was rather ds 1111111- 1110n -,' conl1,1'l1 w1th rhe tremenedouls ATHiLETIC60005 Ii i ill) irai IJ befo1re10the0' Wisconsin 'I'____11 llb stdentsof the111 uIi\'b ill 5HPIPHAN X (~O shouldJ ,11111and' feelO'he 1need1of,1all Come1in het,1ur pices. 11 1(11lrl a001) (11110 alto0 '0 0 . ~ 1111111 iJsi giltl)in-'before I th'I b s t,0 II'ITERES T '0 ELECTION oter in the11a, 1e11I~e mayor10and01001 110 t~l il l 110 c11'i1n0gltoer i the congresional 11fight ngress-na "Ate m1 1110 C sme n 11110 1111 1113 111113 te ms Whether1)' e'lec'('e'1 01 11(1), AIr. large crwds of 1tudentsliste11111t1 FICTION in0 for 0y000r1inspectionl. '111 list 1)rice (f 111ere publicationso 1s$.5o .ot0110price l) I (il 'f' il '11)1') 0 11111110111')'tiiit~ billiard parloosherheforoonlyrvic oing- tll o confus1011ion'. n he1 lias,1 ev 1)r , 11 1eithe 1,0111,1,;I ll) 11 , ' 1(11)113 ha11 111 l row's('1')) 10i flc away-, Th11b'st. .0111-11s fi111C1 11111 1) bly 1110 0)11 UNIVERSITY HEADQUARTERS ('1111110' l 111' ll 1)03-I05 N H aloSt. 316 5. Stole at. 1110)11 3 0l1'I'11113 11111we)11) ot. i 1111 or0)0101 1)1 1)SPECIAL I3WIG ther r 110asAmserican 1 tiens A fe10' 01)1)1011 e 0 sir1c's'( ul inof claimlinlg Ann Abor s thirI esi (1001' 00n1 0so 00,11)1bl1' ( o1 Th 9 Fiue Fal Woolens (I'l l not1 1) 00101)1)o) l" ca in the or ('o)1111n1o(1 afforhlto(go0 home unab~l10le o 01)'. Anton;111)1' n GP 01ud 1) ls the sent1)iments,.111 0 to1,,Fashionable New LOST JRO N .A black isopping ba leather)1 01on able in Y le, _,Mih.)1ds al1prr17 ooibr wn . c111 . I1'' W ihon ppl oll ar.11)0 1111etu1n114 (bI. s VaitI. (111 Miss11' 11 1111 0111' 11 1,)5))).11 11 0ow s a n{ -h c lt A gio' '11)110 0I)I01 11 domin1 a n Ilt . a sh olra- Gorll' ha iositrd n 1ep'0met srmet thsyeri tewyfpoidi Thennlya hall suad.Ihelpla, up lo face Tlae Ol J lV A Irs'ai n- (10quad 1.hasapbtha (((11111' 11101 1 m Taos haIng0Easy.gtn 11,111 01 111dathet111 11 1111 I111f W LLIA S'aTs- kaN[a]Ca lrenumber____g_________ BE~d I ssTuc aLgeRt inVCE C <4 i i Your Eyes Won't Tire 0111001.0.a '01.1)13 1)12ith 1111' pro .1)1 I 0 CS. 1100.5 0 1110 I 1101111 ' I Ia trl l ( 1't ii, -1.)1 ( Il l l' t Emil H. Arnold, Optclt 1ic 111iII) 2'. b suppo 1rt. hod lil I II ®BEST LONG DISTANCE - Ihe Students' Lecture Association1r C OFFJ 1904 - jflftvhaffWrt !Bca!Dofl - 19051 AL o 10len 1Mopr lb Russell N. Con' ell Henry Van Dyke21SalMalS. John T. Mc~ucheon ChampClark 124SuhMi t SOUSA'S BAND) 'amilton W. Mabie f 014 Uov. LaFollette Oratorical Contest Edward Bok Open Number1 SPopular Brands of Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra Ranging inp Single Admission $1.00. r , ol'So'1 Yo an s ecure ticketsofrrn sltadeatnsers or at Walr'o Statestreet book steore 1 1ololdl Next Number==John T. McCutcheon=-Nov. 16 a 'ays Fresh-Our Own Roasting 1Sc 14l'11101111, 5)er 111. 18SC 28c Alr00111all)ocha,,1per 11. 28c on &1.' o1013(t dpr lb.,20cL DEAN & Co. prc ICa ('!A Ma IL ++4 CAR Coiex L..11.'111 loniestic and Imported cigarettes e teom Sc to S0c Per Package. .110001.0111111a1i Brothers' Natura'Ils, 11031)'- 01111. 1 boila nd SIroiglhl ('1ut, Tilsho-Io I)~ll', 11111111)1 Ditios, Illal ,001101po YHE[ VARSITY' CIGAR STORE t+'.4+alG41.a+1da.aa STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHINVG LINDEN SCH1MIDT & APFEL YOUNG'S HATS.