The Michigan Daily
'Varsity Working Hard for Saturday's
Game-Yost Impressed By Chi-
tag's Strength-Big
Game Saturday.
Yestertday afternoon, behind closedj
gates, Yost oent the 'Varsity troght
their work afe fronm all prying eye.
With only three mioe Ipratiices be-!
tween them andthle Cicag gate,
the Wolverines lit in tiree hosreo
strenuous work.
All the men repiortd for pratie
except Seult, the lig enter, woe
w5snable to get out. Beecler ook
his pliace itt the lineup attd itassed
the hall for fle 'Varsty. The work
cotsisted in fastsgtal prctice and
o 'scrimoonage with toe scrsonYost
then devoted ondcr'olle t' to
perfecting a odeense to mete tte
Chicago offense The ractice lateo
till after6,ianstolhe tontoleft the
feldl with instrctons to e ray for
an evening'dil itrilt altr spl-
per, at fte training qarers
The 'Varsity. in-it 'as as fol-
lows: L. e., lok 1 t:.,ts; 1.
Shpe; c, Beecher r g,(oter; r
t" 'ToHanmmtond, r. e., Ottrty Hamt-
nond; q. Norcoss; 1. i., Heton; r.
h., lagoffio; f., Longmans.
Whens itersieted last eveting,
Coaci Yost exreseol hisef as
hardly hleased witlh te ratice.
"Theu air woo coli soot rat, adi it
had its effect ot he ote. Several
of the msen are sffering fetos the
grip. Wte couldn't iave a arot oritt-
nage, as the meon coitldo't stntd ii
Things are not so bright as last
nigti" When askedl is to te gamei
Satray beetbecamoe eenttotore
grase. 'We're tit agintsitiiSatr
day. The Mrons this year are the
bestI ever saw for a Cicago teamot.
They are faster and teir teamtortor
it better. Chicago is far better tao
Wsconsin, anti will not oly give
Alichigan a harder gane btt till
eat Wisconsin badly wtetehse tloo
meet. 'The gamoe Saturday sil e
one of te est cottess ever seeonso
ferry 'ield",,This gmte is very imt-
ponrtant0as000 it willodeied te
wesernt champioship.
The statemseots sent ot froot the
Maroon canp tat Mihigans till wino
tO a 'walk dii not have stich wiglt
here. The wily Sagg is toottt
Ondeavoing tsorotse'ito spirii of
overconfidence. Hi edteavors are
futile, howve r, as the Wolverine
players realize that the cotest Sat-
hray pronmises to e harder thnot
any they have facedi so far iis
'hat the Michigan ahlerens till
he the satisactiono of seeltg a
royal hbatte is certio.The usal
wolf" stories wich comoe fron Chi-
ego teling, of poor phyical cootdi-
tion can e taken at tiscount. This
"itch is certain, Chicago always pot
her stroongest teamtoin the fell
againt Michigan.
Philipt L. Schenk, '2, receotly re-
cveil an onor scholarship front the
nisn Theoogtal semtinary of New
York City. This is one of te best
tchoarsipsattainablio the tUnitet
States as he was te oly recitient
of One this year.
Schtentk gratitatet in 1912, teu to-
lOving year e continedd]hs study,
bcomling' esecialy proficiett in
CHrew This helped imIit to wits his
latest htonor. fHe heldithOto'Steans'
Pelo'ship for two yrst'
4 4
1iTO 2, TODAY. *
Being Erected at Ferry Field to Chicago Is Confident-Made Good 0
fAccommodate Mammoth At. Showing Against Texas-
teondatnce Epected on Swimming Reords
Saturday. Broken.
Tie salofs seats fr tit Chicago Chicago Ili. Nov. 7. 1904.
gamle sO iii get',o tiate. mounitoting "Otlt o Michigatn" is the Chicagos
toy letps aoundiios util it bids fair slogan. Alt the preittinary games1
tot tree l, l otal recooo'ds. 'lie grand-l.hate eels plaed nd the great con-t
stan andOt leachvobes at hrestiltoill ~est of the seasotn is at hand. The c
sea( teoplo e, andh of these over claimos ot Michigano anti Chicago tot
5,i10 Oiave blont-iostetiof areadly. ohi(ttweserot chanopionship are to el
liateger Baird his gientortders for odecioeui on Ferry Field next Satur-f
the rosh ('oostrictiott of totmort' iay. Mahy the etter tamn win. And
otons ltsof bleacht es olthet'soutothoinyChitcgo's 000000prove ithe etter.a
site, to snt teeSoore. Frolall over Noting hot te coming game isa
Coeroqtsonnfrom tltmti ot easots. talhedthaoutoton te catopus. Andt
'Ilseoing onotpatity ofhio' prsentit is utor evioetothat littelse ist
puss,(ans lionsit ov00 Iiadteqate, ibteiht abouoot in the cass roon.
anot o otro'.noti t to ltttotllllsdae trolmtetitteesitnowoorshown in the
troal abotyot fifty silttoo'built its gaoome, i0is -sft'to redict that thec
io[oftheo radsan-ieLop of to-tol 'illhe 'ell suportedl at Annl
o hoeprentstoootho teo tinhe sriloh Atbor. Every stdnt who can raiet
tto'railinof I te g-antaoo. Lst hxenes O f the trih, by work,z
coar soot-to' kno lie hiioiih"otsa g --tharty, or extortiot, will accompanyl
0retaladmisiton00000soldthndthis tto e oeao. Thoe feeling hprevaent at t
year te- tdeimandl sill probably'O beihoCiocag is I to he1(0gone CAN e
engeter.l-lit 'inth tCi-ownif every man ots te teano fighto
cae gilmouts rutingllh.itghothiston0he '.0-a'le is abe anthle way he1
itar o-rotse tt tw'ilt b ho' thrt thas br-cootagttoigt, anti if he
chatne-ms l o--ohrototrn tve atdhtas tnihe ecoragenent that he otghtt
to te t' netettst ootbaoth taootn o 0haecfromoChicao rooters. t
ther'cotntry init rals har0dthgamoi. Te Txas gameor'afordeo an inter-
Final iarrangeno-uo5ts o'oicas esinog cotooitarisoobet's-een thqoal-t
blot nottyo trt 0n ompltedtoo uthitytoof footbaliplayed in flhe southt
.'oi~ge-e hoot ohayitht packe0 tt[o tltnd imiddle wett. Athoughhw'elt
Vct n lotPtotn ilhetoohtad oirletont-otottcoachedto tndohfairly strong on offen-
andtol abri igr oh Cotonetlh, ree're. sito'play, Ihto' Texos showeo sow.
nesando weakines's of defene thatE
ANNUAL RACE oow lotldbesorhrisigtlin a third-cas
coolge tenm of this section. The
Good Materoah Out and Ah Indca toindiviuoa'sor: of several nmembers
bios Point to An Interesting 00 bherieteano 'sas exceent. Annual1
and HotyContested gonmts 'ith hetter odeveoped teams
Competition. fom thetlt tast or wst will do much
______too each he sotherner those prin.1
Til'eotannalfal raetot'ofobe Cos ils of tettnot:hano variety off
Counoi trycubh wilhbhot-nsoostumate- hoehonstout'ptay of which they- seem
010001it 4 oclock. Tho raroettwilto bhoet'rtely ignorant.
stri prootloty s i cantnoot hot 0001 1ht list of freshmnen, pledged by
aereool acctunst of dornesn.Allthor various fiaterities represented
to' rutintesstteto'vherslyovex- sotnte uniersity, ws-tpulished last
asoined by th. ay. Froomt all tdco 'stee. Seventy-six men wear the
intilt-rsilt bittaitclose tace anoolbltdge boot toos of fifteen fraternitie,
ther'timte till probblbe fhalst Lst nakigott average of five to each
year Kelliogg wyon the racesomoking fraternsiy. The strenuous part of
het coure int 20:3O6. Tho reormod s te rotshig season is oser for this
19:41-lbutoas ther'courseton chaged 5year osaod not moany new Pleges wl
fromo ot' yar tooantotoher andocon toiev-~idence before the winter
ohtion hosof weth betvary, comotparsons0qater.
are iiilt i to make~..Frankh Temnileton the famous Oak
'tiltesewtore'rotms fromst ite gym IPash athlete, has distinguished him-
loosEasi-eel. oiersity to Southovoser self by matkinig three new 'varsity
Soth unt siver-sity- too Tayer, lown swimmting records in the Bartett
Thoist Ito ther-pathbttooarts te ohi- gymntoasumltpool.. In the twenty-yard
ltc iteIodt, fromo other'athltb in eldouoottet' Ito'covereod the distance in
St treen beyvondthtie railroad 100 1-5 seconds, ony 1.5 second sower
irs, ndtuns to thor rigit ip a thanote word's record. He also
step0hiohatoothoroogtn orchard to swass forty yaros in 24 45 seconds,
'tain street. troomothere it pases al one hundred yaros in one minute
downAtlaiho th ie forter corner of anti 13 seconds. Arthur Badenoch,
th of littk, aeross tile ohlso a freshman, woo the holder of
inkstiig Sat street agains e- two of thse records. Templeton's
othidathoettic field, retuoroing as they stroke is one of the prettiest to be
wernto out. T'he couttse is longer tian sen isothronatatoriunm. He perfects
before,. buto lacks tt odisastrous cay te scisors stroke of the leg and,
bank of theod our totse. There is a brigs lis armtoadt shouder around
ten-fotot.owttetr jonoi on the golf sibis a quick, simoltaneous snap, thus
ikhs. This is Obe firt timoe iso years coomtbiing te aximum a ount of
that teret-halve- tern iprospuets of fine Popeinitg force with the least possl
'seathor or tte boracu.T't'syot-seen be resistance.
sit-sthatee rntredi, ant,ohie tiere JOHN S. WRIGHT.
is siouconsiciuous tar, 0tlere re
settool very gosodmnto'sho will lut MEN OF YOST
ott is hard f igttfoo t tithonors. Fie
places wil he givtn-three for the Why are tt' Men of Yost
solenstakintg thorbest timeo, anti two The' rea ting from coast to coast
hotfirst andseutcondulahcbe.T'the two The reason iso as smple
loregreonesoof ohte cuissnowo 00exAn A,IB, anti C.
hibitoonoat W'o~ios booth store 'sill They hate thiat Michigan sttff,
he awrdred toofirst ntl second htomoBolldog grit and without a bluff.
The ootecupi goes 00 first pace ost eads 'em-tha's enough;
Thurhaiast areean ollows: QE. .
Soroat-.hK.tStony, 14 LtoIH.P 1ae aoe'is ansother version for
Rfameoy; "3t seconis- - hobo' I hF.A 'sonof Yost" which seems o be
R ose,'; 0 omionote-Meninney Whcox, great fod foe he song poets.
. H. SmotthCon-r Grnmmn Hahh, -____________
Corson; 1 12 soinuen-Bahowiwn CLASS FOOTBALL TODAY
D~orris, MibnorSiangler TotheLow
enbeorg, DtllHi towa'rd Bnow Te 1905 Engineers will pay the
C'reightoon; 2 minuonten-ColePrs1007 Engineer- at 4:15 today on
ois, BhtnerdictParson Caldowell;i - 2 Northo Ferry Field. The winner of
mtinuits--Mitses1 Ltner. thi conet wil play in the final
Theofci feas ot he rae re' Ref I gain(''.
c uroe, hD. May:storter, Ot. H. Daane; - - __________
clert, A. C. Naglevoort; judoges, CGty 'oO hundred Chicago rooters,
Wit anti Chas. Haye; timer., L. 'searns. maroon caps, the emblem
Oosochotob anti Hterbr E. Coe. of the Rooters' club, wihh accompany
the tetoo to Michigan. At a mass
S Tbe Cornell Co-operative society nmeeting held in Kent theatre this
-paid a dividend on last year's stock noorning this was decided upon, and
of 5 per cent. the cape were ordered.
Senior Laws Organize New Society
--Similar to Mih igamu-WiII
Octupy Club Rooms
Next Week.
The senior laws have oganized a
ociety which wil be known as The
Barristers. It has long beets fet
that there was need of a senior so-
iety in the law department simiar
to those in other departments. It is
intended that The Barristers shall
fulfill the same function as the Mich-
gamua. The society wilh e pri)e.1-
ated in future senior a's classes,
and t is hoped to establish branches
in the nore inportant law schoos
throtghout the country.
The organization of The Brristers
was begun hst year by the jonior aw
class. The constitution was adopteod
late in the spring. The prpose of
te society is In promote class spirit
and good fellowship among its nmem-
ers. The Barristers will have cub
roomts, where frequent meetings and
social functions will be held through-
out the year. The membershipo is
limited to twenty-five, ten of whom
wil be takeon in each spring front
the junior cass at a -unique cere-
The oembers takeno in as jniors
with eect, in 'their senior year, fif-
teen others to flu out the fulh quota
at nembership. The juniors in the
society wihh e known as Solicitors,
the seniors as arristers, and the
gradeates as Sergeants in the initia-
tion of the old English method of
advancement in the legal profession.
The society is now thoroughy or-
ganized, and an ethusiastic effort
is being put forward to nmake the
venture a success. The arristers
have engagedl a sile of five rooms,
now occupied by Moran's business
cohlege. They will be in their new
qoarters the latter part of this
week, and will ttnd the Michiga
union dinner in a bdy.
The officers are: Lord chancellor,
C. E. Wilcox; vice chancelor, James
Maynard ; mtaster of the rohls, L. A.
Manchester; chancellor of exchequer,
W. Kt. Lloyd, bailiff, D. . Williams;
privy council, E. . Conter . L.
Crumpacker, R. L. Wilkins (de-
The members are Abbott, ean,
Butter, W. C. Cohe, Conder, 1. L.
Crumpacker, 0. L. Crunmpacker,
Eatoon, Goettoqato, Kerr, Mckoucas,
Manchester, Jas. Maynard, Steinert,
Thomopson, Waters, Wesh, . J.
White, Wilcox, S. L. Wilkins (de-
ceased), Williams, Lloyd, Edwards,
Miller, Cochrane, and Huckley.
Nothing Definite-Some Surmises-
Students Taking Much
Interest in the
University atudents were out to
listen to election returns the early
part of last evening, but no very
marked interest was manifested, and
there was practically no demonstra-
-ton o any kind. This was probably
-due to the fact that the students
most intrested have not yet returne
from their os where they went to
vote, and is also parially doe to the
opacty which seems to be prevalent
alt over thie country in regard to the
national ticket.
During the early part of the even-
ing, however, there seemed to 'be
considerable interested manifested by
Michigan students in the otoesn of
the gubernatorial fight lin this state.
tUl to a late hour last night, nothing
absolutely definite could be learned,
because of the closeness of the ight,
However, some surprises came early
in the evening The county of Wash-
tenaw, which had been concedef to
Ferris, was found to have returned
for Warner, althoughs Ferris arnied,
the city by some 30. Indications
point to Mecosta county, which is the
home of Mr. Ferris, going for War-
ner, while Oakland county, where
Fred M. Warner claims his home,
will, according to indications, return
a big majority for Ferris.
In Dtroit, where two Michigan
graduates are, pitted against each
(Continued on page two,)
No. 38