THE MIct 1sAS4 DAILY For M1en and Women $4.*00 Formerly sold in Ann Arbor under Puritan label For the rainy season get into a IPair of our Water-Proof Shoes-heavy tar tans, . double soles, Balace tongues, rawhide middle sole, thoroughly viscolized. ' ' WALK- V[R mI1O[ C9',Q1PANY, R11LE HE[AVY WINER OXFORDS. I I ISouth M'ain Street. GOODYEAR RUBhBE~RS.' 'Study with a Good Light . . > There is no be'tter light than THE VWELSBACH READING LAMP ' ~ALL SITYLES AT Al. PRICES. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. *l ---IL Spaldng's Official Inercolrtgiate FOOTBIALL Usrd hy All Leading Colletrs Foot BallPantsLaefrnt.t tsitthscttogstzsas. A. Gi. SPALDINGI & BROS. Inc. New York Chicago Denver Spalding's Official. Football Guide For 1904 Edited by Wteir ('ant1s. Price 10c.. dPiokwiosk BO WLING A[[[YS Str-lotly Vp-to-date. S. 1ROTTENST1EIN. Pronp. 707 N. VnuRv. Avre. ANN ARBOR AGENCY. 615 EWilliam St. PARISIAN SThAf LAUNDRY Shirt waist work a spoeialty. Sfet sash. including repasiring, at 40copersloz. tbwigiss E. Watkins gt. Cyril E. Marks gs. Poe71 El ). Mono, tees. llsts sso i ul, .irs. S. W.sClarisotttCsier FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mlich. Capuital, $100, 0,000. STATE SAVINGS BANK Jan.'11. Saie Et. F.,'il N..J. tyee Joinslare tJno.tsKoht . Prof.iH.S. Cssttar Franot 5P..sazite htian t Ma tins The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stck, ;510. hSrptlust. $15,0(K)t. Itesorcs, $2,000t,0(10t. A (eueralltBankinge Business Transacted. Orr'tnit ttkuChs. E. hissesh. Pres.; . 1. Hiarrimasn. Vice'Ptres.; M. J.Flet, Ca'tsh iers. Photo. 5Ci4 Lf~i 5 salttte r MEN HOME TO VOTE (1Tefattssis et thitteitisetithtst mtany 7s lMicigansiettst avstelsit. ttisseality'ssosedsge' tos ttt iteit' vote- islete-mtwhoisthsisy tink stilt stedss rthe itspeoplsei intsecpacityV I)t sit ltstsate, andscostytttcias. sills t-t1s steincitless'ae ttsittt se- twthich iavesiffersitited sts'picticalut pttrmstttofttt.p~stteers an tu-e d e t s h a vet n oc t t ~ ' 5 tlt en s tff i i s tn t i n t e r - e s i t t e c o meist c q u i nc te d Ci tt h et 1 pinl icie oti tausiescamignithttas been ttwaged.llBut ittlst M ilts iter Tliseglee tssay sioif stthe lutist hisetel ll ts its tilty to go bermeis ts vtes ins cosntise es ich are5 hop' lessly RIe'publ icans its ordlinary yeatrs. le-tsi si stu1rn5estwiltlit'e t'5rec edt i Retids, 'tReynssl'e, csntd St isls set ' salt. '08 MEDICS te ll ta105 t5tn ~ t 15 tlll lts taternosion, LOST WATCH tVoitl is hun te Ctin s'asewacs-is. '1, ens graved on55ousies. tFindsert' ilease' sevass tss'..Cl.t'. A. andslrecseive literal re'weardt.379 Job Printing. Meyers' 215 1Main St. south. Phono 281. tf. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA Asddretie L.. B ates.,tmanacge.r, 808 S. Fourssths avenuse. Phoes -Be' ell, 1-066J; lstue, 28.9 lRst. liti Go to Goshing's for Htersheys & tattler's Milk Choeolate. tf Suits Ipressed, 25e; trousers, ide. Isuer & O'Connor, 619 E William St. Latest novelties in sutings at Fusl- los' & O'Connor's, 619 Ek. CWilliam St. sellsslo1ssry Gumst anisigcltci pin 's'tills.''Oly anttise-tics' n its theCwsrlsd. All siesisrs. .1 Slingle roost for renis; telephione, electrie lighst, saths rssomssassnll conl vensiettees. 908 Monrsoe street. tf Face mtassage andist eangs a site- ciaisy. St. 'rtejy's. 22tf 'Vie folkcs at.sonme seoulsd appre'ciate a AlIichsigaisesiin. $1.00 each at Wiater' Steam anid French dry eleaning ansi repsairing at Fuller & O'Connior's, 619 E. William St. 'ITry some of Cushing's Fine Cisoco- Got your Gym supplies at Cushing's. Want bath towels and hard water soap for the gym, next week. We have reason to think that our "Rub-dry" tow- els and "Turtle Oil" soap are the best for the pur- pose. Calkins 324 Sou~th Atei BARBER SHOP' and BATH RO00.51 3. R. Trojanowuski, 322 South State It. ENOCH4 DILTtRLt Prno-lsueessassFuosralrolOector Ambulance--Calls attended day or night. :21S1h ills ;Aerlst'tsrsre5s0le OHIO CENTRAL LDINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COQ LIVMBUS Parlor Ca:seen :7,11Trass'tt ®l. Y.A. A. &,J.Railway l' 1)c . lv l Il 1lfi ii S U t 1 1.) ... c ttsie...t iii , 6 45,i: 1 :1: H1OW [T[[[PHON[ COMPWANY BEST LONG DISTANCE. BEST LOCAL SERVICE *4' * *444I AZII + . -. i y 'Thestroe humanssit tsi ftfsstlaslt tis ac .'.tts-'isst.1 s Ie 'of 5. .« a, r; i ~SEE OUVR DISCO VN!TED LIST VsonHIobee.Cosesitut isoctallistsss'. 'lissre, e.Cssnstituctionsal 11diestrv I etoser. IPol itia l Itesoint. Wilgus, I7. S. Steel C'orpora'ctions. (t'iieftJutieeMtarshlstl 's ILife Ca~lek-hekri 491 Co., Opp. Law Bldg F ~WE LEAVE SOOTY Re I I Btefore and After MADE BY Pennrycook, the Confectioner PhO.'.. 266 310 S. Sta.te St. I monoo- ROINGT~I Cotitie's Its Excel-Y A YA#bYll.let in stervice. 1EIA YOU XIJL FIND) [our Trains Daily From Toledo I Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains :1:I UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. AVn fltter Turkish Cigarette can be made S. E. CLARK,32 Campuu Martins, Detroit. Mich. 4 C R ISL~ a. 44 e+.eeen 5.l+ l'e.R'Se... OI L O.PL ARN elS. ANAR.GYO TTW R TEAlways Ahead MI ,L W R ,T E TAILOR. Th~e BestF In Styles.,o Everything in Tailoring