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November 08, 1904 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-08

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The Michigan Daily
No. 37,
Men Put Throuqh Scrimmage and Dan Mugin, the Old MichiganI
Signal Practice-Yost Guard, Turns Out a Winning
Says Hard Game Football Team at
Saturday. Vanderbilt.
Tbe1110en 01)011 1110111 Mihigan Theyfolotittexrat 01from 1the
hPlt lher holes for victoryo0101 1 asvileAercan show's 111a1.ih-
Oago Saturday wre put Ithrough tw0ocgon1has0(a(ded1anothr to0thr a-
hourlls of 1ha1r11signl acti1101101110 - 1ready og li1st1of succssftl00o0ches
dyafternoon. Theo wor; consisted 1he,1has poduced sl ice th adet of t
the ost art of efese0a001-1C'ch olt011(1 1is '"hurry-1t1p"111011-
1000for te Chicago 01110 of 11111gol oh 0010 rewrdd 1110 (oro-
Shutt1was50010th1)signaillpracticbtBoe inte orirnigoitrot 1udl11y
was kep1))ut oftheol ito 10n1 on1 Field 'atuiday twiththItUliveisrity of
oouno the 11rl11110 he cotvds n iss'islipi. or the g1o1d1adthe11
1011 Saturdayot' "ame10 is111ac 11100) 1100 heso nt tt a 1)o1a1 of 11
t0110)byh'lPd Ha0n111110 Ca0 erwaspoins11) 1isun a g totlig, not)
tice, ado e ool tis tlace. Te dd tey ak t n'cessary 11ive
'Vrstli0-upt was1111 fo0001s10111)111rilliy, totg,swre te
Cark, 1 .;Curis 1t.; Te1 H)1 ti- usI tll111stalwart01s. They ]cpt1 right
Mon~d I g; chlz1.; 1 1Loe 1 01 -atMtl 1,11i~ls 0squad) u1ti11t1111erd.
r.,;Nor crosq;so, 0 .h.;)T1une )fool did 110t 511))) 1h10r,,0)1n1 111i1
11atnnr h;Lnmn . 1).t11)11 was decdely mor)00no10110-
Coo011Yost sidl witht refernc0t0 al11anth00fan ohe)ta
the Chicago game:0"Chicago 1100 thohthsbe v gis h oas
ho01tloffense 0an1stronIgest,0)attack11of 1)Ph 1) ovrhlming)) scor1001w1000ot)
any"ttiday t~an Ihav eer ee. eatle d 11cau1110 fIis\sisippi'
Their deOfe01100also wsas tery efetiet)' lt o ly th ae
prgiloposlOitionl ahead." 000511010. Vand) ebil contliuestlo0
UNION DINNER INFORMr'A[ totif thei1 presnt git 110111n
kveryDay Togs To Be the Thing tclimb w silt1)e checetl Surelone1111
for Big Michigan Banquet-Al- o(f tsmll levens)' w'O uil0000er )1iak0
most Every Ticet Sold- o, iter100t5111" and1 1110001100 lnly a
Special Announcements. otIetfw f the111big 'aties111in 1t111
;ouch that)111 011 m1101)it0 110. Old
l 1)l ot-f-town estsand 1f)hefooll))w011 ld01)11n11 111)hig lss
t1100e stdentsO 5111)a000not) 0100111yjh1ll11,01101)1)101)nt1wi11l blockade the)
lafori110)l 11h)1excuive com0m11it)tee0 1)1)1)00 do1the .A.ca i))I-
0101100 1110 followinlg announcements0Ol : 01111.''
l.J-The reception and dinnerw ill tre 5115 '1f10e01e 11valybtween1 501
e uifoI'Ilal. - llserbt and11)1Misiss1ipp)i, owsig t0
IITereception wsill c01m1ence1h00 fact'ta)hU toe attoor 100111i1
a01 P. 0. inl Barblour0gymnasl~ium.1l cAt ac)11eIttb}1 1111109Hor,''the
exactly 7:45, 01v00y110e stitt marh100)11 1 Chiag111) yer,'ho--t w110-('511)500M-
int WVatermoanlgynllnisitlmlan01b)1 1)0 00111 redecesor0' at. 01Veld~tlt
00000)1 '11110 will 11)1the exact11111) Mississippi's 1 1)1111ing1dlfeat is,
of taking 00010 at the tales, andldw(11) I)nothII sictoy of Yost
Ilhost511h)arc late will Iae 1totakeov11)1 SIa,
the 0000a11 0001t 011)1d1r1n1the 0)11)k1of Tt' recod 1up1to 1da1101)s5a01fol-
d cold dinner as 010070110 wit h ow1s)111 1 ) - - 11i1, Mississippi Ag,
serted t teaet11000) m111, bwhther it) rilt-tt 1 and 11)1 1) 1)1111at 1coleg1 0;
is11illed00r00. On1accountlio01teVdrito (0 11 ,)Georgto wn(111)1)10 n1.0,,
Otlmter to 10 seh e d,11tis otle tis)0;\Vatderbitt69,Midssissippti ; Va-
aboueeesa1ry 0050. doboIst)t7, K)'tntillky Cetlral 0. The
IIe,'from 71to 745 the band1). willt scor0100 1510 11a1)e1inl :7 miutesO
fit'0 011infornal contcert it) Sarah 0)1)1b1)0)1s0the)0'outhern)Ir0000011for
Caswell11Angell 11011, higt srintlg.
V-Every holder of a dinner 1301n lttugii, t Vnderb0ilt
ticket must enter through the north co1ach1,swilt1be'rmembered 0tlat 11011-
door of Barbour gymnasium. Those git)0ta te star tgtta)0)1o01t1110chau-
holing gallery tickets must enter insiplt it)1)otf 191 ad190)111)2. 13-
through Waterman gymnasium. The fo re colmilg to1Micigan he 110(
gallery mill be opened at 8:45 p. m. play')tw1)01yea110s111nte 1)0a1ie 111-
V-'1000a001abot th irty9 1ickets15vtrsiytea1r11s. Lst 0)1110le stas fit-
to the 11111000to 1be sold. lThseuitt s'ligibeto10 ))l)1y- lt ihiga, hutI
110 for sate at thehbx ofice 110a011t)he 10101te 1asssistant11 000011 tnder Yost,
west 11110r(f CUnive1rsity 11011. Tcktsa giig 1coac'hig know5ledge (f tle
t0 the gallery (25 celtst, ma11107 ho' ))))t01111111)' 11)01
110)1of Ms orda0n)01, 1B0r1)0urgy 111110
'"In. Notlites, etelr 1t)ote111'in. ..f .f.f .f *f**f*
Tier 00 to the gllry uill bItold1)1)etltef
eyclg (f the banquet BANQUET
VI...-Ther1, 000 setven sact1)11111-
11000s10o' water. Applicatiosilt1)0 * TICKETS
re01iv11 Tuesday, betseen 7 an 01)1)*
h' 0. b he 1secretar010y, 521 E. Joter- f ON SALE AT
Manager Baird Predicts Enormous E
Attenr'Ollce at Chicao Gamec
5Saturday-Demand Still
Holds Out.
".1 .(ging 100111p1)00n01indications,"
;a 1 anoager 1Bard, "there will to as
'.ger 0at0'endance0 at the UChicoI I
-am neat attrday 111011 00 any fot-o
11- "ain~e 01v0r0 p10y-0)1in0Ann Aror,
ente Minesota gmle of two
ofar there hIae lbee fortots-t
Ied of 11hese)0wer)e0sent05a09' 119-rail
10e1)1)e1110genral sale of seats be-
ga ystertday morning. There are
still abtut twenty-ive hundredonI11
1(11d.Alt of themn, woth th excep-t
1)11, of a febw in the grand s tad~, f-c
fors-lostewof te entire gridiron,
At l o'clcklyesterday mInring, I
tudnts beganlto orm n lin-in-
trout) 00 loter's news 's0)011)1At 730
shonthe sle omm0e111e0,0thIe1l'i111
eachetdte State street Not until11
smallerO'1, an1)1thent 0n119'f10 0110)11 an
and, up11to l1ast Inight- toesale cott
tinued1 swihot cessation. It i11m01010
11)111probable ttl110, uhn lbegam010
sea wil b10)e01tabken. ' e I 00101
Bright for a Successful Season-Old
Stars in the Cast-Plays Will
Be Given in Sarah, Casmell
Angell Hall.
Thtose 0-1)0h110e0enoyed te Com-I
e)19 01111 perfomanOces of tprevious1
9y0100silt to g9la Itttokowtt hat1111
preparation~s 000etundr sway' for a
product1tiont itore elaorate tian has
been1 giv-onl beftre. The com~itte
that' lutter considet)0ion1a itlay, the
10111e tf swhicht has ot01yet been made
lttbtic. It cnt~ains. howes-er, nany
"chtaracter roles" and if te rqiite
histrionic talent can e fottnt, its pro-
ductiont is assureOd One play will ht'
put1 onl shorty efore Cristmas, and
anottiher 01tIte Easter holidays. The
castuittltproably incttte !isses
Boyle, Elliot, Scuyler, and Flan-
nigan, 011)1 Mssrs. .Bird, Dicey,
Btrookbs, \Teurntacher, Duttotn, and
Seigt, wsosar011o11)1memnters. Sos'
00r1110e'wImeners wultlroahly e
Grat improvsements hoe ieen
made tinIISarall Caswel AngeltIal
tis year. 'Troe drssing roomo
have)' been ptoin, 011)1seera new
sets of scenery have een adted
'Toe most comtmnentablte addition wilt
be0 tlle'11001 curtain11. Whenotcomlpet-
etd, the sage wilt have a depth of 24
feet 01111a0widtht of 2 feet . Te Itol
has 10011 nely wiretd, anti the seats
0raise1 01)tiatitoooin the ibackoof
toeall wil get a htters-eo'.
Thte fact tiat the campufts now
potssesses5 a theatre for rlearals
anti proutlontt~s uitt enahle th' am-
ate11r players t cater to te college
uorl ore succesfully than in the
1)as1t',Tt'eox receipts are 01100 to
te mtore encoraging now' that the
Conely cbtpl1ays are to be given
on1 the camptus rather than in the dis-
reputtable)1Atens theatre.
'Te Cornell Aumpni association of
Phitladelphtia is planning a smotoer
1110 tile lundergradates of Cornell
whtttwsll attendthtie annual Cornell-
Penn. ,gttme Ttanksgivng ay at
Pladlelhia. lb willbe elt the
night) before teganme
(olmbia universy was 15) years
tiOld ntile blst of Ocoler. On that
daly, 1754, his majesty, (George I.,
createtd hy letters patent "a body
poltitickl andl cortorate, in deet, fact
01,, n100e, tte governors of te co-
egt of thtt Province of New York"
InI that same year the college build-
igs u-re erected, anti King's coleg
Everyone Should Turn Out Tonight
and Learn the.Yells and
Songs - for Next
- Saturday.
Eserrtmenter 1of thuniversity
sholttttttutrn out to the singing meet-
ttg tonight at University hal at;t
oclock. Profesor Stanley will b@
resent: to leatd the songs, and Cap-
t01i1 tird uittle on hand to lead
te yells. These nen are bothener-
etic an~d actite. There are mny
oofd new anti old songs and yells
which every itan shoulde learn.
Thte co-ets shotld come out, aso
heir ireseiice wilt cheer te tlayers
oto11 victory. Every voice capabe
f mak~ting a noise shold e heard- at
Ferr- Field Sturday. The idea of
tis mleting is to ge00 up spirit.
Whien ait atitlete beongo to oin in-
titultionI were ho feels tat every
mlaniad mati 0110s1 uih)im, he goes
10n0 totefeIldith-tllconidene cha-
acteristic tny of a tetm which is
well baced~.
'Te Cicago gane ho the best gge
whicit wiltite 1)1a1ed 0n Ferry Field
tis 9ear. Yost says that it wilt le
te Iardest game0of te seaso.
Every loyal sttdent shoul remembr
tat tts gain' means not only >a
Mihclianicto101107v0e00Chicago, btt
toe deiding of te haions1lt0hil for
Michigan has held the champin.
ship honors for three consective
years, antt it should not be lost tils
year thrtought faitre of the student
bo0)17to slow' til oer tl0sirit
'illshall soltodt be pckedl to the
oors, anti every stdenO~t should comb
titteitea of going away hoarse.
'fie 11ou10is set so tat all sttdents
cait hepen000, irrespecteof depart.
1110t11 00 ireious condition of servi-
tde. The vitm whichl the 111070r5
mtanifiest i11 Saurday's anto will be
grealty inlub~encedt by the entuusiasn
exhibited at this nmeeting. There.
fore, ste shou~ld have the greatest and
grantdes singing meeting that has
eter beeit hetd in the history of the
Yost aitt alt of the teamt wii ho
presento to add interest to the meet.
111.This is te opotlrtnity to learn
the latest sonlgsaid yells, ad go to
Ferry-FielittSatttrday confident of
makliniIg a noise. 'Tere wilt also e a
sintgintglmelting Wetneday night at
7 0010011 at University hal.
Thte folosiig is a new song which
is 10 e song tsthe te of Ik trio
of "Ment of Yost" This iy a stirring
song w1h1i011shold be memorized for
the big meeintg tonigt:
Here's to the Yost men, surdy and
loyal ;
Here's to the team's coach, "Houfy
I'l,''rah!-altI ih!
Here's to old Michigan, their alms
1-tre's to te Woverines-rah rah
Deutscher Verein to Hold Recepion
in Barhour Gym-Toasts and
Refreshments,.and Conver- -
sation to e in German.
Thte opening lbanqet of the
Deutscer Verein at arbour gymua-
sumt Wednesday nigh't- promises sf0o
ite a unique and intereting affair.
Everythingsil be in German, from
tho recetion at the dtor until the
last "11ietterhei:" Toss wil'-ble
gil-fn in Germlan by each of the sc-
ion leader, by sone of the faculty,
antI by tepresidn of the verei.
Miss Minerva Benjamin 1909., will
01c) as ttastnmaster. Tie boys' section
as prplaredt a nutmber of Germtan
studen~it and tdrinking songs. German
o -freshitents wiltie erved. The
(Continued on page three.)_
agreement1: has been reachtetdoiltile
hro~losed edulcationtal alliante ett-
tw5een Harvard luniversity andthe11)
Massachutsetts Institte (f 'fchnot-
gy> andthtte11p1111n1of 11nit57in te
univsttyO 'ant i nstitute11semed'tin
a fair wavtowttsartd succeOs. No for-
mal1 vote on te itatter, bho'ever, Itas
Yet teen taklen.
tinder0 the su~ggest ed propositiont
lethe lOof thei ns10titutes 1)woitt sac-
011100 indeptentdeince. Stepatrate fac-
Illti,5 andt -admI~inistrationssvttttlttpot'-
11- lThe patc ldiffoeee ttttutd
ethtteinduttstrial sciences wutdt
arts 0andh pure sciences0would)1remtain
at Harvard,
f 1 TO 2, TODAY. *
'iTo'e)1chancelo'r111 Syracuse tuniver-
si17tyohasabtsolutelyt forttitdaltlSsll-
dentsto hlttor101atttdtdattces. Hie
dentstdaneitng svetryinjuious 15to
1 ttbittl-. 1He 0111): ''Aly t' temnt
lt hold a tattoohereafttr, eitter as
att intiidutal Ior'0as15aIme'mber0of an
Itor )Ii01t~itot uittl 1)01taktenItas allin-
1ca1r0 to remtain lngerswilt us."

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