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November 06, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-06

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The Michigan Daily
No. 36
IODRAK(E SCORED Yesterday's [4
i°w Aggregation a Surprise-
Burcham Kicks Goal From i
F-ied-Final Score WESTERN
36 to 4.
_- Michigan, 36; Drake, 4.
VcII-Iiithesercnd thee-tlis ear M. A. C., 39; All-Fresh, 0.
liciii liasie he cii redeilon. but tile Chicago, the Texais, 0.
titbit'I llinoise 7;t O hiic Satc. e
Iwanoilui[ thai call Drke Cii Iniel-u 36,7;lot, Q.li
to " 1, 2 i leht cnipy iciiaii s poor Nbraska, 17 i iiowa, 11.
islliiig. Thel cea-liatrophaechappii-ed
\tiilh i , l oe k0to-n ai clhe
illilli if le sieicd lf, lve ".A C 39, A[l-ESHl 0
4inz ltnicdtlo hs 3-had inetoAgriculturists Run Over the Ann
I rls ho wilsIow i.ned car in O Ai6cr Boys-tCroul Makes
c('ai ii Ifthe fldc. O tis t i,iiply, Long Run-Fine
lagoiin fuIbcedicand-iit-iwacccDfrike'iseTears Work.
iiiot gi.ii andoil(ancte/ iuted-RI l it i(Spe~ ci t i re Daily. 7-tu
ci liii t ill]] ---i-Itccwaic Draki'cibii iiiii ngi agciegtiionli cpirc': icitg the
ohta~ii it-Il ;ciii ii incc.iTi w li ne hil Ctici---ni Agricluica clege d-
lice eorii aniii hei i edi n aa ceuf,- ;sit o71 it. llu fhne- icam cc-cu-
droi e backioi theH-lid i-I, s- clinefor o hi- e tarnic-te wa tiom ch or ttthe
a rac-c-ict-h Oticicitfoe i(h uacc-ir tccicii c.acid tic-taler cm cad irste
tc i ccilIlt hu ( i ic cc-i ciu ce ccci- iIcie. A sixty-
hutit li i i ii ~t- - . t rub-cci itC.ricci1 ccac the only on-
ila rcciieplitat inilhid tii eii hec-c i t a ew s -e eauees
4'd underii lalse-ri-inc-ic-icc l
the all sailicgbewent ecicl THE COLLEGE MAN ANDCHURCH
1os1., andI i-..echuth Ci cak i's anii-
ticlon cad einricilicci Secretary Parsons' Observations lie
Howevr, thi scoe wasnotait His FaflOme to Attend
chathal,- ei~licc c, eliit orship.
Cacklc e \ No css acidltwci scel
is iy .-oliiiweccciil i ll:iicisacedil Art Ic-cii. tarsocns.eccrelry of thi
Clhigal'. goaccli.Ii ni(hieitec-ndccui (vi itreirY. 14l, G .A., mcaec-suce
hall 11 i-i g in( aitcicac s ciichii ui c ticclg iobcs i-catiocceocccineiii ail-
a cia (ilMchgn lan sv te- cita cic.cge ac-' oci o f~btn citi
ii a otiai :'liiriiYiii iil icig e tc- niii c u r -l cc-Icregularly- in a tal; at
leelrI lii Inc i cc1bc.l Ni-cc- icry hal recentcly. Hc-eaid
- I I lic throughc cliilini-reec tely ar:
rii hiciodIgails- iCh i -liitt le ciwat Ac--crdicguto rc r- sic. tilret- ae
a~il )lht ihi liii4' i llolit]Xcc-ac icere- yuncgmccciatccnigichuiltrlch o-
Rau', 0, daci due - lichalicciecc-i--bhforeyetelsisto nte--
yar lne whr CAlincihaild
cacre y a t - eec.-c i lie- w~~v fciithiat curc atecidacce
ii i i(i il. t oo edas hoghai cii olegi1 l ic a xna l
lia1< igtc ave. Icoriiic a itocih bor. it -e chrchliorc tihe ciaciat
hoitat tihelil i icc eperii notC in- iflt? lic e- a ge col~eicgc- cian ic
he Ii Ii it ii it ci ciccececi lie ecter te clii icier-
lici iii-i picir hoiwc-cin si ' Inc h ii'; p ., sci l cays Ie
sii ccc.\ii thienicil oitcolge-s ac a 'ipecideam.
kr ci icii- c -e lit e -eiiiic t icii e li-c inucg acuulicuc- itcc-l ulege life
sthbsik .1 c aliii it c ih ct reilars 01 1 eins hic c i is Iweoch-ito go
cllin iil cci i lii cci arc ch iurci. Inc ii-ciiionse t ugy i-
Cliite Ccli Iii l ciic cii loa, e i--cc.iic-i-cceclm n li o
ruit St rr ciil.1 ccg c Ias Icc cco ccbecicccl riciicui c-ii cccii- t1 o11w wh o e svrlifellw ensaid lce
cc-Ica hIpcai n cccsup idi liihe iimen haildci c citi. Cstlt pe
ii ciic ii ciici lccc Cci e l c'tudy n all ic, acd te ticicd
c attl Ii l cis(i ihad Iecuocgli eael rs duing hic
tt li ii cii ccc tilt iweekice 'll OCii-sailtliii- rlrlicas not
li liii-e ccie-ii to beitalec- ut1111 f0 attr ac tive, tiii-prate-c, cc-cc-i- Ioniccg.
lit tt .lil li dli- d cut xhibit te clii sid te miitr w r o
tack-1 le iior dii,,ti icig the 3iat-IcilpI.eimcc. fiey oeer atecdedi
go iii lci-iey w ucer cinearly i -al l it t1101C- gamle cicic icdlgeincclocil
wh1le icinyC larkcite- cc l-c wi-allnccspiriit
Ii il~ le ic c Clcic at ci I c-c. int C i cliacriis n tcdtoi ciaie nmen
ri -e ~Ii li- l ritr lcc al chciec-thie-msce e ;all nit-ccsholdI
di lle ilin t(-(rarei-fithe gaii ictic a t. ihuu ci of itChistiacscodi
las itheo icriliact worict: f Cliol.iiloiii oitocchuerch-. 'ihucacnccstcgo who
uso11ayi for co -upeoffcig r o hitas
in ws calwcacyscgoodici c aI Iorthe1 oo101 theclioimmuncit,
diiic ici cci icecl- iaIcil l lic iciiu c-tecfilch lechrcch.
1) iercceulari-, Nur c cs.Schuluta,_____________
I llter hairiraiseiavciii lie .e- H1IZPATRILK DENIES STORY.
( l gvn he l . ccI'pon onest hue 'lii(, 1-tes a e tr hihc is gio-
cci1or dcil l - ic~ Ii i liihe run isi cti he fet thai
f iii lcain forii lossc. Ioce~ te Khand - cniccica ilId-tht hee ce-]ac a trodg
ou(, cdhi cl offs werei a 11 s ' 01 ili lcliliythai t hith oli aepeit.
iii .11 h(' ii- fle i-b liover iD cit ciis e-cerdalyI-ic rit 'icepticliicsaid tha.
goli i ii iilc i -cc lnti w s cci uiciel.lhe hd
ccc c ii ccc- cc ire iive l icffer froc icc ison.
cSiic Ihe s ini dur ig ll le t cie e hoc eed
ci 111utlee-mcingctco-ficeoac-
leC hib iiiluit ecudnt islad cccpi -ie-c cacd ___here___________
lie h after time1alowcedi himlef to SHELDON SEES GAME
(illboxecdi i eclli- ClMaici cci-illicefot____
oi ll tuart1 c--iclitle letec isisan loch Shelion of Chi-
dei1 usecIl,.buiiic his ofnilviie victrkIi i
wa fail; Iago occiiuiedhcc a scc-cith eiiptres
Url"'-the- upicaciiicleevcgnicall cweanil a1ti-sterays gamcic. iHowee,
1111chc ie cii iel- ctrefuse 10to gie edt tny
licryofte- reamsicc-tcrc-el - -c sti Iatemsicciiascto hislopiico of the a-
exiel oi l cc li i end e tc i s ye11 lacr . 1cca ir r lle111an ~y peictcieinsconen -
sisa condc ii 1ii ionli wasire- ing icc-tcSatur'dy-s gacme.
51 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~A C c ikillelhu-ch ocicllihe- menc merehy ow 10
1,1 madl oncly Itccii sicbiciutii1,1t.occtie uivulecsit- ecou e hecn thet
i iis . Th y hil a Isucprising _ m lion ted.cmpcc o eo ica. also
-i oclt cl uric-i e11cc i tu cllckr, I -uioc cil isdo extression of oiuness.
Iri n 111,, loo tigoodl enugihi or_______any________
a -ift hind Jordacucio pul~t up tA cireculatinig te-atmuenut of thce
11111gamiiihncciwo uortre1c-ice-ccl 1lbcary is heing cntecmplated
hi.,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~uo atie p thelcciiI ecilih cutlii- Icirsrityof ttinnceoita. tt 10
ame as lselat poplarnovls.Thestudents
aIaecc-t.I s uha uuulwlltu egirenc a chacnce towhile
ootball S&ores
Picetonl, 17; tt ,e Point, C.
Yalii-22; hBron, C.
H-arrcd.c0; itartmcuithi. s
E Corniell, i0; Lehigh, .
P1ennccsyiac, 22; La' ayt-ic, o.
Carlislc 28; Irinucs, C.
Recommended By an Alumnus as a-
Means of Attracting Students
from Latin-American States
to Michigan.
AltIlctheinxt meetingd,clue hoard of
regentcscmayc concsider the acheisa-
cility -fciissuinucg -acat ilog in Spuanish.
ad thusi-makeuan-aci ctic-e hih for osci-
clisrnic c theuLIadOn-Anmericancon-
tries. Jamescc A. LeRot, 'i6, cas
cruhll thc cmatter tohltie attentini
of 11cc duccuniv0rst iiauhiies. 3-lu.
L~-e ccliihoisccAmeicanleciocnsulh at
urangioi, MeCitcc oicclieues that thei
isu-nc e of Spnishui catalogseoldc
resuilt in a grealytincrceasedi citieid-
aln-ci f t o udentls fti-ciSpuanci-spek-cc
hug ecuies i-. tuthlermornue, lie silts
itcci houhlibe a "covice tli in uterest
cut futurue Americanu proees-cs inall
11tirear ac-c yuiucrSpanishc-spea-kicng
sent whocucc- lic cud hieentrustedlcr1h
11hc i asic of ItracnslaticueMiehuiganucata-
huge. Inift, -sec-ercal cuthcemcuadd
greatly toIcctheir icomuues ho- cdoicig
work of his cnaturecfor Amuerieaci
meurecnile-firmoschuich ureic vdina~cg
ihe Miexieccn, Ciuhani,cacd Portoi Ricacn
iliatlice issuuace of a catcalog ini
S;,anihul woiculid he aneffective imcans
cut inter-estihng studcencis ftco Me31xco,
iCubacanh Cet-Ilral and Scouth Amcer-
icahncoiutiescaoit ht- doubutedi.
lice Massachusetts hnstitcute of Teeh-
cnologyt has more studlecnts from tht
Lcatin-Acmerii-acnstates ini icc-nintion
In its sloelthaci any Acmeriean cohiege.
This is chic-cco th- tact that the TBus-
tonuianuswcre t helice to cailer to
lihe icicles ocithlie poplioiniiiithose
uccuntrisc liy circulaiceatalogs icc
tihe cucticie tonuguet. ''heir Ic-oilhis
1wccit followed ito see xtent:c-cdcud evc-
italoh thler et-cernco clleges.
interesting Talk on "Missions" at
Newberry Hall-Qualifications
and Difficulties of Mis-
LactevcrincinkgPresident Angeclh gare
anu initeeicug talkeonlMissions"hte-
foure acigoodiz-eed acudienute cit Nesi-
--chc-uu-seemsu to lie a ge-decal mis-
unuderstandcinug,"soilhe, icc regard
toc tiu-hehardshihps and trhilswhich
null-cmissionuariesc unduergo. After all,
thi-rlcue is otu an unpleicasandt ocne.
liit I ucd- ct i -ipasitc h e nictchir-woth
us donecin iiloncelyt-olhutsts5amonog
savaes ad isled fhint ccte-cs of
cvluiat ic-cc-hre tillnospecrial siep-
ara cucion. Thceucir mai e, tuu- re ude-
votliiioIscreding htugIhic-cdtines of
Chiian ciity atmonig lt-e-neop cuto
counie likec 11c ChciiaSiangi lJllan,
dccclIhuhia, with00whomuuiecc-c- broughti
ciiiouacuI iry cise relautins huy cur
mderni e tdciii I trii sportctidclicidloni
andiiyicerccal e i-linces. It is cut
cseldnom Ilac ccc iinlucistec-s aceecalledc
upo toii c rciklhilivies.
" it. ssuciontacry munct have dt, rees-
cenil cidqualiiceadtins.lie umcusthavuce
ccc adaptabluilciyir lcguciagc cc goodi
temperu addent, adod ciihealuthc. The
dice ciii lfor iihesecreqcuiruementsudace
expiaincedc c iin ueieies.
"\\e fidchatiiitwurngrc-atuuifliculilee
aure tcceimet wlithcileh. cI ii atiy
ewe dhificult, towinciinvuuces lice-
cuseciordc-r nto eu cte hemcit
cS iicecescuhi ito li-licen i- over to ii
this cooutry. Separoationfrt fami cuuily
amti ii ihie i aipie wchuich c cwcadi-
wililing;.,topat hocrcc c-cilguucce cciii
chclii ithiieycidoncccor-ilprei-henidh. 'Then
iheretis he dii eprhcessiconcwhichi a dio-
suioary felu-uheccheIt-i is throuwnccinto
anI unironnlhli 0ii here hucee ore
scarce ey I i ii lioedipeople cwho
have, Iice came Ihou cgluic lice conic
ic ,le ith- samecolic-caccchiesowci
"Ouriibileiusca Iicicek chieicc-was
ivittr cii ayic an orintl icunitle ; it 1s
ai bookice cicli se-aksc lcrgelyitniimela-
iii i Novideulr heisit, thenu Ihad
thei Icuc-clu'ro e uanI Acric matu. u-
her ito ur fact eople, mtakelle tiatitof
is pacralecs for logic- and hicstory. It
is t his ocluiehhdcccaseoucidiheChris-
tianc chchi toci spdietch ito sic manyu far-
"Ilceuc dccc acimhe cchenu a Romcianc-
hod tried toc cmakei-ceveryonce ccIRomtiacn-
i, ad a Pur Iitan tr Icieldiit cuimake
everyone-ccaIPurilan. dluti nice we
havcceccii cc c io.se ccciiiro. C'e dcci
cirt-ic cciilihy0wccannotlililithintli
alhike. lIie im11cels comic hen cciall
fcdn uearc-uiintg icctheir effortts
Itis accuiocusfart thatl F. .J. 51cc dcto ccvrt thei hacenil toi(', htcisiIan-
icucoearkcutoflDrae's foothccll ccam, icy, ccci toc(cclholiisccc 111tduo11Pro
lierctplayied ia gamcue cudfoutl l c c ii cccnis. ccc Bilecwiilappueablido
hes li-e. 1tlloct chv I eth o Drakce routrclbthes iiin aifferentlI 00001tcacit10its,
yeairs algo as a trinucr. Eromti hue twecre ocilliig to i-ulilt-icc tintcrpret
firsel hc-ladreccucacieiisuccescs, ad cur dcliiinesasthyue-Ible -ifiit, soicing
for uth lodtthiree- y-ars Dracke has iis 0th ciii dakeithImlCidtuistiacis at
ceoni thIhocwa statec Irache cmeet,.Tor.ic-arct.
Chiiihhoir. asctrainecr, cuaturailly took -____________
curl inccotaching lice fooctbccll teamn. SINGING MEETING.
cinch bachye-arde lie ii each effecetice
wori tihatice coos mace he i-regular NexciTuceday at 57aod fhuirsdat-
icochifordice secison. at 7,Idebigcuiginug uce-euige ce-ill lie
Nath urailley hi t he eerake iecy crc-re hhldini luuler cite ihall duo prueuare foc-
l id aer-cthei-showving thcy nuache chc Chicagolcigaulle. Evieyebody-cshociuld
aigainst. Miic-higan, buti lieybihad cnoii- leeethesei chaies inccmidancd dturn
m,', cbi utpraice forctherpo-t enuuocts silltcciiihccbig huchicof enthusiasm.
ii ceacue ceancugunme,"solid 000e Chitesongitolii-e tunie of DBluehell,"
ofl lithmcuiic- cressing to the gem, rc ohcu e uuhdichul inIccthc-Daily, has
cican didntireIc-fret- fromcuccnplc-asantd icruucuucscudpoularic Iducriniglice past
feti-uries. due 11111-call itc-i that ce kcuiethat it is tprcoc-sed to oiog it
havecr iccnIcc-altc-d finec-hieree, and I fur theCc(hiceago game.It d is a catchy
mlighta ta t. cdocne oftduchedest uen cultcandc caniibdceasilyhielearnedc.
on dliir1tama rehiow ccho Is a statr h-cr thi e bec-fit sf studentisedwhi
trarck athl eeis comcing ho Annic huicot culaveitse-cc lie wocrdselbefore,
Arhor nc-rtear dci lake poct-gradu- diieverses cci-re rerinte e lo hicw:
ciii eeocrk. (Cc-itup Chuicago; cnoihope for too.
"The trcatmntlwc-i-hav-c-ccicid Ccuruc lau-leocat hgalincagainstuhIcat
hccre us cery difflerecnt fromccwhat ccc line cutlueui.
got ati Cauduscun.Thuey certaily- dlid NAbcrssc acdHestoni
dsish scucpu bhadlycthere. bil-h-eiyhd Oh linerhllI-rati
thituocwciofficiale hor Ike gcame ond lIas offChihcagkold ciiMCiuchigan.
Ilaiaus ltihepinocipal reasoci wh t hcey -~________
cciiupiisuchk a bugScrore dodd110. 3Wic- IN t"ER-SOCIETY DEBATE
conincccas iftccieun every play, and____
yt chee were ncevec Icenalizedh. Rc-np rlatushnilghtlhlicephre-sentaives of
cut CCisconsinc all thurodughutile gme, I'lice Alpdha iNuadbAdc-phihLiterart-
wouuldut didsuehaccdsc tn nutrcender's societies cmecti inc-bated-t10seet the
shuldiers anud thendijump on00 uhim- deupaructment representaivelos in Ike
clued cic sooh as he hC. passedi ticeseifia l ledin~ccg do Idle Nuurdhcsd -
dccci." cerdconti escI.liceAlpha .Nuitsociety
I' eamc retcurned to Des CMotnes- was ccpu s entei c di bly iParrty Pearce,
bashtcnighit. andulhitadt; lie Adelpiu bykgJaync-
MCandless, ccacid CGale. lue judges
A ecuomcohutinterestdtocicuhigan cer hcieeo un- ic.tid t
ccomencccih in edegue at Stanfod. Pcac-wrPofsrTneD.Hle,
dicode- aidldice ucniversihy ccomen ait- adDcr.iButts, wonce-cdecisiuon cave
iccar oci Ike camus and in the class Perrytt hutI McCandless second,
rouom unhampered hy a hot. lJayne Churhcoil Peace alternate.

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