THR MICHIGAN DAILY Do You Know the Game? +I Y +I The go)od clothes game is a very easy one to learn, and every+ titan canl excel in, it-if lie plays it right. Drop into our store. We'll tell von alt aboueitit-ptit you next, as it were; get von on 4. the iiside-of a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit. That's all there ; is to it, except tie 1ibetl-sttall thting to took for, hig thing to finid. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. Ste onr natty tI I$ Received this week. All the late novelties of t the season are now ont isplay and sale. I...Money Loaned.. On d t atill I~.i t t- a J>i l anol Ii-, I a(it l J W. J. LOURIM. 'I'NO ( oorssut~ of>>e Y.. '. . Business Stricty Cooidenitl. H fot Lt cht At Twut1,'. 338 S. State hi , f 4 i i 1 t 4 1 G 4, 'i i 1 h l 1 j ' { { WThy under the sun t a toting tmani wants ito bother nwit gtttig clothes to mcasurete cntttis-ill i10g- + isle!X'otiyountg chaps can get all that the tailor nwill gisetyon, ini College Brand Cl1o thle s without paying iall thliaIt lie tat or wants. Miglitly differ ent fromttitlier sizetd iteni's suits or st i etchied outy outths' stilts. Tie Etglisli College Sack is ats smari si coat as ever Hutitg on a younginan's back. 'Te cloths are 'differenti." . t a - _ - ,1 ' ,-.. . . . __, - - w 's - + ,-, . s ,_ -; , -;_ -i - , -_ X f I If you lant tl'ifciiii anid wiih to no SHIAVING us h nytru a fe. L-FTYSAFRZOR N tat tute iiiir alit,, QU ARRY'S G RANGE RS bCflO9[ O1 DANCINGi ('anger's Academy, Phonee, 24, New Brunswick Tables REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Fin1e Cigars and Tobaccos. "The Niagara Fals Route." THE SHORT LtNE CHICAGO 41{I ARBOR to; BUFFALO BOSTON NEW YORK Wtk dretconnections at Chicago inr h.1DiKansas City, St. Pal and e Wet. For information ant thttigh tiekets call on or write t~o W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arhor. S Staeblor t('1 W erth. UCIIIIg9a, POSTPONED. C. E. BARTHELL'S 'le it'glingtinetiiti hichlit was to LAW BOOK BARGAINS li1't'llas i t id l no t veiity haltfStatuiiie of Itndiana. $4ii itlail iyirwas untatble 1o he presett, ractiilc Bo . ..oftIniana, i tidlln this iaccounthieliimctlhig wasci t11 i tisiti tts $(i I osi ititiluntiltututeday eveniiig. (Statutesio'i Missau', 2.vl...i4.50 COLLEGE VOTING PRIVILEGE Abridigedit ...........$2.51) Gr___ teen's .'Michigani Pract ice, 2 itasediupniia recet iecisioniha by ltle . . .pii Iie appllate divisioin of the State Htirtiaseli's .M1ic'hiigani Chtaer y$3.50 ulrem cort f Nw Yrk enyngKinnei's Itta Practice' ........ $ theirihut of newdent studetstonelrivie's Las' Dictitonary, 2 i'ots.$4.50 ;iic in ticeidistricts swhere they at- Chitty i 'sita. Lace Pldtt"2cots.$7.00i enil coil'ge, lcgal proceedinigseare JoicslFori'is Cawvcaant'is".. ":3.5 ti be isictedat the instatice of a Ohio Pr'actice Books, 2 cots...$7 ii toliticat cluti at Coliithba univrsity Keelnt 'siommentar'ics, 4 voits...$6.00i SoysEquity Itiris., 2 vols...$75.0i i tiinamuois thle hioards of regictry'Iiii alic'cip2ct i atltn'iiicpl thiemi to strike each slt- LnlyPrnrhp os....50 dlent's tiamte from tlic official list of1 arinonCiin'011racls,3 vots....$7.its volters. Andirew's' Atnericatiaw....$40 ______________ Walker's Amterican Law ... 35 NOT ICE, WESTERN MEN. Dtaniel'.s Negotianile Insis, 2rois$5.til ______ Voi lts' Canst andi Political Tlhere wiltlibe a mecetinig of the old Histnry tUtited States, a vtts. $9.0it nt~ieirs ot the Rocky Mountain club Amnericati antI English Esncy. at rioii EtLaw buidinlg, at 9:3:0 this Law, 31 voils ................ $4.00 6 .lloriig. Impjortant. PRESIDENT. C. E. BARTHELL ,t Law and Medical Books. Hecavy 'nderwe ar, 38 cents apiece. No. 326 So. State St. SeeCttiniig, Reyer & Co.'s ivindow' c. T lt. 1 FENCERS Oliiibootks taken inu exchasge. st Important metiling lit the Fencinlg NOTICE. club1 i'Monday', Nocvembler 7, 7 . in., in liheItrophiy roomt. Every membier is Reading notices, except to Univer- ci'gci to conic. Special hbtsiness. sity organizations, one cent a word K. ZOLLNER, Pres. per issue, payable strictly in advance to the Business Manager only.. Uni- Single ront, telephone. furnace, vensity organizations allowed one no. gae; all conveniences. 331 Packard tice free. kf. sireet. ' :tt __________ Michiganensians $1.00 each at An.infiiortial dinttg party 'wias Sheehan's. tf. gs' ivennrlarrgymnliiaim last Iveinciitg iy lthe happla Alpha Theta RO T KA M ZO t oroite 19. _____EW R UETOKLA ZO Bewitching pictures at Foster's Art IN IRnoms. tf. * I 16 CENTS EACH ; 2 FOR 25 tENTS CLUETT,PEtaBoDY a nO., WASIITNA W LIGHTIAND POWER CO. 200 E. WASHIINUTON ST. Correct Ciotiesjr/fhz1 lHe dresses as well, and in the same manner, as the people of sense and fashion of the place where he is -Lard ('Ilcalrj'c/d tn his soea. Follow the fashion, and fashion will fol- low you. Wear the fashionahle clothes hearing this lahel 5 F p K i 1 'BMAKER5SO NEW YORK {Q Equal to ine cuitom-made in allhbutprice. 41 The makers' guarantee, and oors, with every garment. ql We are Exclusive Agents in ti city. CUTTING., RLYLR & CO. 109.111 E. WVASHING.TON ST. + 1Y ft+.i.*i++ ''.+i+.