THE MICHIGAN DAILY KEEP IT ON YOUR TABLE. You will find PETER'S MILK CHOCOLATE Not only a deli- ciouo 'confoction but a nourish- ing and snstaining food. Eaily digested. Doeo not create thirot. Insittupon P[T[R'S. The iuitations are disappointing SSOLECu Tting 77 '~' Leading Clothiers, U6i/RFIAF Hatters and Fur- heColoraiiWearol j nishers. Akuely urtcd cr&frj ns e . in Athorized to rcaef'rceoifliarge,; I * any lat which is K ri ansf ctry. 109-111 East W ashington St. Z SHAVE YO0U iFOTBALs PLAYED IT? rui R F Uft B~L 1ktNTSCH-LER P A 4 m BRIGHTON SGARTER "crd"ite h irst try oroal." A "lie u" o Brghtn wares ould show fr the Brigihton.Thign'al forBrighton P'IONEERt.v "'is) I.Co., 71S MinkSretk. ns 1lii.. t1' DON D. WILLIA4Sr14S 05LAW '08 LIT ELECTION Alter osie of the mst hsosly cont- tested l ections (Isi tie year, othe Mc- Candssltoicete,withs two)excepitios, wias eiectedl by she '085 Lito yes- erday. trner, te cindidate for ibusebali smanager on5 the Btrand~t ticket, was eiecedi over Crawford bty a pluirality sit twosvotes. Miss Lewis, also of the Brasndt tictket, was etected seretary ove'r Miss Stockbridge by a small umajorit y. The etections was tsy ballot, sit tie resuttwsas indut unsitil alter ii tesioutisswoo annoiuceti. Ow- ijug to is slight ,liscreptancy inth ie Iioal court, a petitioin is already be- itg circulated callisig for a recountf on th sleectiton of biaseiboll manager. The msajorities sit the sticcessful case- didutes tollow: P'resident-McCanidless, 25. V ice Presidient-Miss Smsoot, 46. isecreary-Miss Lewvis, 04. freassirer-Magoliss, t139. 't'rack M'ianager-Randlolphl, 57. Bausebllit Manager-Turner, 2 Baosketbiall Manager-Miss Ruby, 19. NOTICE. 'there stilt he ant impiortanitsmeet- in ofl sthue Michigan Unsionsicomimit- tee suis afternoon at 4 o'clock, coonm i, Nest halt. SECRETARY. FOR RENT One nice large tront. suite, welt lighitedl, all msodersi cisvenesces; psresent occupant wishes to leave, asist sillsmake chteapi price. 612 Churcih i. Job Printing. Meyers' 2t5 Main St. south. Phone 181. tf. Oath Robes-Custting, Reyer & Co. Michiganensians $5.00 each at Sheehan's. tf. Suits pressed, 2ac; trousers, t0c. Fuller & O'Connor, 659 E William St. Latest novelties in suitings at Ful- ler & O'Connor's, 659 E. William SL. Try a visrassage at Trojy's. It is great. 22tt The "SOROSIS" Shoe, host on earth. Sold only by Gleo. H. Miller, 212 S. Main st. 29th Single room for rent; telephone, electric light, bath rosom antI all con- veniences. 908 Monroe street. if Face massage and steaming a spe- cialty. St. Trojy's. 22tf Try some of Cushing's Fine Choco- lates.tft. The folks at home would appreciate a Michiigasnensian. $1.00 each at Waher's. tf Steam and French dry cleaning and repairing at Fuller & O'Connor's, 659 E. William SL. Co to Cushing's for Hersheys & Cailler's Milk Chocolate. Cf SArkansas, Texas, Mexico + ANt) CALIFORNIA .+, Are Best Reaced via SSt. [ouis, World's [air City,:j 'ANDS THE SIron Mountain Rout~ Two Daily Trains to California 7Three Daily Trains tso--xirso ' Fsur Daily Trains to Texas Sixr Daily Trains to Litlerocks Four Daily Trains to LtHe ocpinsk The BEST of Everything 31 0. Armstrong, T. PA., 1233 Wahenaw Ave., ANN ARBOR, MICH. ~OYSTEIR BAY SPECIAL :SUNDAY DINNERI D a, nci $3.00 tniverrily Academy, 336 Sae Stretl BAILEY & EDMUNDXS Deaslers us Giuns a Fishing Tackle - Ammunition Feh Ne te rDccrating. 1211 isLierty t. Anni,,Aro,,e ll. REMOVED roI7 thes oi - .0 h, ii. te i ii ',to \s- TH AHNPRSPrinters. OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains 0. V. A. A. 4F. J. Railway huoltil,t.hfut isffro 6i.15a n. o0 tl 6:15 ivp. sIte'n,715. N:15ly8:i5. is:I45, 1(14 p. . i' O seYp i '~i iiny i , 7:4-5 . I1.5an m. nti 1 . mi.; tes s-5 dito1, ini i. Wa'inlg- Roson. 1irnSt..sist t o in. __._-TENO (i RA P HE R___ I Oii ju-:No.5.1 iiBiolig. o, i~o i,, MICH-IGAMUA ELECTION 1ics :t, is .. ~. ... -s ', > atra; 0t Miehiganuia Senisor society. at its s' . a. I...vsi5 iritsy. Phoeo715-L annuial oautun electioin this week. ltietwe5,.,:i. N. sai. '.iio'et. Evenings chose otiestew mientber forst'e organi- -____-__ ________ izationRoss H. Kidtosn. In his C ASH POSITIVELY CASHIonr _aiititoybnqet_ il_ b gisven at Oyster Bay tonight. No orders foar cahs tsr porties or entertasns!is is lie cstomiis at Browii usniver- mtents wilt he taken this season unless sity toy menbsir of she faculty to cosh accompanies the order. giv e a series of lectures onisishjects of isnterest in she varios depsart- RATES: me'tts. 'These aopilen to the lush- ii i.e u i.. 'I.o ai..,., paeti e re rater- tic, thle vibject heissg to brinig the is.. lsi si-Carisii'; i. 0mmbersosithtiltfacuitty owho are poe'- c'ulSi- - O- 00sinlg Ospecial initestigatioins into Roisos & Co. Holmes' Livery close toutch wihilie intellectul life Walker's Livery W. H. Slack of city. -r LAW STUDENTS,.t QUIZ BOOKS W DICTIONARIES CALLAGHAN & CO., Law Publishers, Chicago, 111. ANN ARBOR BRANCH: 340 State St., Opposite Law Bldg. 44IIsfI *4*'*15 -4 MEMMON Pusre Creanrv Cararnels The freshest, psurest anid fiest eatlrig caramels made only a.t I $35 Puritan Shoes $40 Pernycook's, 'the Corifectiolver: I AR[ [XCLUSIV[ IN SIYLE. Phome 26 3105s. state St. LOKO ORTK E AF. TsOwllfidHtsnevrNnarME.______You______will_______find_______it____on_____ever______y____air___ FOB SALE EXCLUSIVELY BY EG{P DEiTIES * 119 SOUTH MAIN STREET.