tHoag's Home Supply StoreE Corner Main and Washington Streets Fishi Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks,i Purses and Pocketbooks, Knit-es, Scissors, Tacks, Pictures, Asht Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops aodt Pipe Racks at popular prices. This is the place.$ .' t E. G.HOAG. ,t n -B ruch field's Fn alcln" _ TaeGuarantees.,.. J Y ou the ms)ts-killfuaidrist icItoerviceto5 b-had and WlIr. WXe always carty a larg;e and e 5sillete Ilineiof seson-tale-cwool- ens. 'Wie losse'the ages-v fri"c I- wN,-e iss-tssonShirts, and can show-s oua liro e atie fliian s cls-i iie c i' - Blurchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 L. Huron 4 AN DAILY 1 t ILL 4 l r Fall Fashions a ire Ripe Suits - Top Coats= Rain Coats Froso the whales-ale tailoring house of L. ADLER BROS. & CO. Rohester, N. Y. Illustrating the latest improved (esignc, ale now- ready. We hare excus-ive sale cf L. A. 13. &, Co. elothinog ini this lccality. 'lon otto arc tore than crodin- acily particular shout the style and fit of their clothes are es- pecially invited to inspect these proisducts of Rocehester's mstat p- to-state clothing moanufactory. Wadhamns, Ryan & Reule I :oiootoh ,Sdot"Ss-55 Mwoney Loaned on WatclesDt tnoed~so of r persoa propsertynof valu.. Wat. .a ahd wWe r n05 itea, 5a5 107i....ds. - Aran Arbor. H.ors. 8toll:;oa.Ic 5fto;:30sasnut7 to'tip. in. All huie ensotoential. Joseph C. Wotts Spauldigs Ofticial Intercolirgiate L+= OOTBIALL Uined by Atl Leading Colleges Foot Ball Pants ic Iceot A. IG. SPiNULDINE & SONS. Inc. Nec tork Ciciatio tenver Spauling's Offiial Football Guide Far 1404 ltestd tay OWalte-r tiC a to. Prces1tC. THINK WE ARE CHAMPIONS " ~ + = - - :*:Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Save the Walk Down TOWN Rep~aired by expert workmeni wat resonooable prices. Alt sork - h YO U s Fsoie .ssany00guaoranteed. BOOK{ BINDING. J- S. [IBLER, Jeweler, 109 w. Liberty. "A L L E NS FOR QUALITY" OIS-~0o tias all wheln t Iihe S ir t es .t ll ifn ~nle thstwhohstoloof.ikelshctarIe ssInsdo bu0t' oi n ir5 l o hes nos-nsisis it Oh0m ssthtsscissc stfrom the ps~srs st $10 and $15 Th DstlicissDaily Newoserises to smalke tic tollowintg remiarks cotn- Is.ngte e 11-",ItI olastsi''onsio "13yall stsetlawss of lootbhall, sowlicti ai - subjt-sc too ccostatosidwootder- .]1sssgs .01da,: tis-iiganicisouoid slinthte %x -is is champstison..hits for tto'thirst ime i-. Ilsso ssot. Altlt ith omcnof0 .Ssttiosts iidicaittat tost's teatm Isth i s sts-esupisorofooaIn0yotihcr istct nt i ltheutrys-v nofsscany ito the, es-st sti lt- h argsain. "WiVs-cotsint, iin to-hissace01fia 28to It ditfeatt, cantntot listclassecdiintheit stilts rrt sit. sx sts- \Vis vitss--tss, satns Ilie mis ocresishotwitng of (ihicago to: titsi Ilintoititcd o tititncsoota it-ls Niebrskas, tuts thosetatms oa ososloraisty tosts-eIsad ito sny clis they cato toake. fcrtte first ihontors. 13y tois sysitofs-timoitnation it is i:(sosstclstatMicihigan aiid 'Ainne- suits ositt tes-tt as tieonsyotyeams00 ints -Is is Est, n o-toefetesdat tihe otd of the0 Thsanksgivintgstay folim. stos sol s bei cosnsidcredi Os i-is-st ctlaim- as-Is tot-litrst hoorisbthe tosciihs ot Mtinttt o~is, bot oitet-ailcoowing No-Its sosso scs-oretwtelovepoits titey sil tot esomsit tsteiryblitf sootkicin anitu t lss-t-e lot-sitr state. tA tosw fiteue e ansO0 tt inO s tca lId cool th0 camps at Stanord, woich so-ittlItb totmtotnsdl by- socorps iif cstu- (i tots, whio-witt h:_ traioesd in pi-acts Scat firo--figtitng. cost. t cguarantecetorswor.. Tlephosne 310. JF.SCIILEEIDII, 340 S. State Street ACCESSIONS TO LIBRARY Abiot151i) ioosslhalosecb-s--itaddeod t s o o tth geer l liary sduiting Octo- her. Thero- are ooscoo alt stohiects oratogsing,'ft-cotpiosiohysonlliteta- sore to to-eovorious scietnces.Sloe larog.esOtonomober of scietotitic worsks are th-ouse ic-s tilts vatritous phassof -Is-strieatlsoork. iThe tooks unidet lnisllite0ratusrs-s-ottlibe of ocst s-os-ssttoi studotts.t'hses-sincludte. as uisualo, it 05 Oil 1nutmbiltitoil the iso-alled postla-sr nolss. Atotong t--ct-st ill Isa solid VToe ComonssoLot. 17y b Ft11Merric-sof Chticago, which lis5-toi-cattes t che bst toveol of ishe sisi- iatitlin Galand'ts floe i t oftoe Star, slid Stewart Ed- wvarsd Whtie'-s The Silo-tt Places wischsl is of psarticuolasr into-root as Witeli is a Mlichtigan iatn. NOTICE. Reading notices, except to Univer- sity organizations, one cent a word ?er ianoe, payable strictly in advance to the Boniness Manager only..- Uni- sersity organizations allowed one no- lice free, tf. Get your Gym supplies at Cashing's. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA 1Addiress L. Di. Bales.,nmanager, 808 S. Forthtoasotnile. Phones-'Bell, DARLING & MIALLEAUX.... flichigan Pillows, Pennants and Room Decorations. .226 Souch State Screet GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice CatC Flowers ad Mllerty Ate.IPhonoeo-Sset lua Parker Fountain Pen at Mann's Drug Store a f Yoanncan s oHot Ltcwch At Tn~ntt e". 3388S. Sitg 6RANG6ER'S SCHOOL 01 DANCING LoatedtotniiMalytoard tre50et,0ne block est ostceSttsl5 Soirs- Grsound Ftlss oo .- oaen-tososts Oide ac'st y-- susitshivacasstroomrstassre'cstsotie Giranger's Academy, Phosne, 24i4 New Brunswick Tables REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Fine Cgars and Tobaccos. .tasi. W. heist. 'rop., 3i2 S.PMate Stroet Ithare jst, r-ceo ivts' arrest and fintest Otto of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever brotght to tloeity. FINE IIINCILS IN CONNECTION E-verything Ncat .entol 'eas Agetls tot 0. . I. ipeis. 308 S State St., R. E. JOLLY I __________________ I , 11 U. : o 0 Norlthweosterno girls pletodesd Bewitching poitures at Foster'"s Art, ALLENV, THE CLOJTHIER -.101o10 taISit tomte f !gp 1! oonttoeiRooms. tf. E.atislt tlcatpts 5aItright rtd. They -____ Main Street sse yit so-s oebit n toasostinttof 0101, Soiogicl- romtoIeleposine, fitnace, W41it stsey ciities -sd I- eto eo-oevral g-s; a-sll conve-oiences. 3:1 Pa~ckard st~iiionttores-spctsd frototexpustiont.street. 12ff r+v + .r ++ ~vr+ sr- i +at .#,.## ............. i #*O+ * ,******.. i#4***9..*9**. w . . 4 WORD TO STLDNI--" Y'on will alwayss find the right thiiig at Ohio right time at the New Clothing and Haberdashery Stores of 4 a Z 2 ADI1HA~Th &CO. Every article new and this season's styles. 121-123 SOUTH1 fAIN STREET' Next Door to the State Bank: -.44.4. 44 4444.444**4'**- **-*- -44-4-44-4-44-4- -4 XIC11CA N CENTI, "The Naagara Fal Roie."' THE SHORT LIKHE J. F. SCIIIJI, Sanitary Plumbing, Rowers Laundry THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Elcrccntuto n upisAD8~M11 IEGas and Electric Portables, Gas and Thomas Rowe, Propieoltor. - Electric fixtureo, steam and hot 126 N. ifif th Ave. LIME TABLE-Taking effect Sept 25, 1904 water heating. vN, ow P .. s-'43-Rol ln..457-T._________________ CHCG 207 IF. Washington St. NORTH - j~p t UFF LO !cv.Nos.6*-' 0 a o.. Jov.No. I1- 9:oN a.i " u jsuR to BUFFALOo ""sli-li I ao. Ar. *-::'.:u m.s BOSTON v p(r ll Fnrl4-83l1-45p.PH . 1i-:1p.m 1 --:oar ~NEW YORK PHOTOGRAPHi.M atn Fnrl '- s-tlti o with direc oneton tD ailyoecepor Sundoy btwaeeo Ann Arli -St. ec oneton tChicago for silOfiedsolTo~leo. Througho rains dailyexe thle L ois Kansas City, St. Paul and Cal -tOffce20'3 5. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Sutoodoy. OSundsay onoly between Loobelos throo7LFor information and SRORS TDO esidence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314.adTes-o. W.eeeol Toon NuIS.,an ..g S ickets call on or write to W.. 5. J. thIlillY, G.' V. I'. A V. L Ann Arbo ,ih '&SE, Agent, Ann Arbor. 356 Sont Hain St. Ambulance on call.Tesd.hi AnArrMb WE~ ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOOD YEAR'NS DRUG STAORE ept 2nd 1a,